Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas


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<strong>Biochemic</strong> Text Pages 10/5/07 11:36 am Page 69<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentFerr. Phos. Giddiness from rush of blood to the head, with flushing,throbbing or pressing pain.Kali Phos.Nat. Sulph.Mag. Phos.Nat. Phos.Giddiness, swimming of the head, from nervous causes,worse when rising or looking upwards.Giddiness, with bitter taste in the mouth; gastricderangement with inclination to fall on the right side.Vertigo from optical defects; dark spots floating beforethe eyes.Giddiness with gastric derangements, acidity, loss ofappetite. Creamy or golden coating of the tongue.Alternate with Nat. Sulph.MINOR WOUNDS, SPRAINS and STRAINS<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentFerr. Phos. is the first remedy for sprains, bruises, cuts, wounds, etc.It alleviates pain and congestion and should be applied,in powder form, externally wherever possible.Kali Mur.Calc. Sulph.Calc. Fluor.SilicaNat. Sulph.Calc. Phos.For the swelling in alternation with Ferr. Phos.Bruises, cuts, wounds, etc., when neglected andsuppurating.Bruises affecting the bones.Neglected wounds with festerings. Discharges of thickyellow pus.For the shock and after-effects.For fractures of the bones to help the fractures to mend.This tissue salt should be given in all cases where there isinjury or brittleness of the bones.SYMPTOMATIC TREATMENT OFMINOR AILMENTSIt is not possible, in a handbook of this size to give an exhaustive list ofailments, and their appropriate treatment with the tissue salts. Nor is itessential that such a list be presented. In biochemic therapy, it is theprominent symptoms that are studied; these are the significant pointersto the remedy or remedies needed in any given case. It should beborne in mind that these symptoms are usually associated with sometissue salt deficiency, and that they will cease to manifest as soon as thisdeficiency has been corrected.Each of the tissue salts has its own distinctive “symptom picture” as, for instancethe spasms, cramps and neuralgias of Mag. Phos. - and it is a knowledge ofthese “symptom pictures” which is the surest guide to the treatment needed.The student of biochemistry soon learns that the name given to an ailment is oflittle practical importance and he comes to think in terms of the individualtissue salts and the particualr sphere of action of each of them. Thus, one mayhear the experienced biochemic practitioner referring to a “Ferr. Phos. subject”or a “Calc. Phos. subject” or a “Kali Phos. subject”, and so on, accordingto the predominant deficiency revealed by the symptoms.Moreover, to those who adopt the biochemic system of medicine, onething soon becomes abundantly clear and it is this: If the earlysymptoms of a minor health disturbance are intelligently studied andappropriate corrective measures promptly applied, there is a very goodchance that the “disease” will never happen.The section headed “The Twelve Tissue Salts. Their Place and Functionin the Human Economy” should be read and re-read. Thus you willget to know how the remedies work and the predominantsymptoms associated with each of them. Armed with this knowledge,you will soon learn to recognise when a particular tissue salt isneeded.6667

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