Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas


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Repertory Text Pages 10/5/07 11:49 am Page 3Headache:aggravated by mental work: Calc. Phos., Kali Phos.in evening: Kali Sulph.heated rooms: Kali Sulph.from loss of sleep: Kali Phos.from mental work: Kali Phos.in nervous subjects: Kali Phos.neuralgic: Kali Phos., Mag. Phos.with humming in the ears: Kali Phos., Ferr. Phos.of girls at puberty: Nat. Mur., Calc. Phos.nervous character, with illusions of light: Mag. Phos.on awakening in the morning: Nat. Phos.crown of head: Nat. Phos.top of head, with pressure: Nat. Phos.with heat: Nat. Phos.Headache relieved by cheerful excitement: Kali Phos.cool air: Kali Sulph.rheumatic, evening aggravations: Kali Sulph.sick, from sluggish action of liver: Kali Mur.with bitter taste in mouth: Nat. Sulph.Heaviness of the head in the morning after waking, with giddinessand dullness: Nat. Mur.Inflammatory condition of the scalp: Ferr. Phos.Mouth, bitter taste in: Nat. Sulph.Neck, sharp pain in nape of: Mag. Phos.Neuralgia of head, when pain is sharp: Mag. Phos.Neuralgic headache, with humming in the ears, better under cheerfulexcitement, worse alone, tearful mood: Kali Phos.Noises in head when falling asleep: Kali Phos.Pain in the nape of the neck of a sharp character: Mag. Phos.Pain and weight in the back part of the head, with weariness andexhaustion: Kali Phos.Pain, aggravated by cold: Mag. Phos.relieved by cheerful excitement: Kali Phos.gentle motion: Kali Phos.heat: Mag. Phos.Scalp, eruption on: Silicainflammatory conditions of: Ferr. Phos.nodules on: Silicapainful, pustules on: Silicasensitive: Silicasore to touch: Silica, Ferr. Phos.suppurations of, discharge yellow and purulent: Calc. Sulph.Scalp, tight sensations of: Calc. Phos.white scales on: Nat. Mur., Kali Mur., Kali Sulph.sick headache arising from sluggish action of the liver, want to bilefrequently accompanied by constipation: Kali Mur.when the material vomited is undigested food: Ferr. Phos.with bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting of bile or biliousdiarrhoea: Nat. Sulph.vomiting of sour fluids: Nat. Phos.Skull, thin and soft: Calc. Phos.Sleeplessness: Kali Phos.Stiches in the head: Nat. Mur.Trembling and involuntary shaking of the head: Mag. Phos.Vertigo: Calc. Phos.giddiness from excessive secretions of bile, tongue has a dirtygreenish or greenish-brown coating at the back part, bitter taste inthe mouth: Nat. Sulph.from exhaustion and weakness: Kali Phos.Violent pains at the base of the brain: Nat. Sulph.8283

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