2011-2012 Catalogue - PeproTech, Inc.

2011-2012 Catalogue - PeproTech, Inc.

2011-2012 Catalogue - PeproTech, Inc.


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PEPROTECH ®www.peprotech.comFGF FamilyFibroblast Growth Factor familyFibroblast Growth FactorsMW-Secretedform (murine)EstimatedpITarget Cells(Partial List)ReceptorsFunctions(Partial list)FGF1 (Acidic FGF) 15.8 7.99 mesenchymal, all FGF Angiogenic in vivo,Heparin-binding growth factor-1 (HBGF-1) (15.7kDa) (7.88) neuroectodermal receptors Mitogenic in vitro,Beta-endothelial cell growth factor endothelial cells wound healingECGF-beta (endothelial cell growth factor-beta)FGF2 (Basic FGF) 17.2 10.03 mesenchymal, 1b,1c, Vasculogenesis, woundHeparin-binding growth factor-2 (HBGF-2) (17.1kDa) (9.59) neuroectodermal 2c, 3c,4 healing, angiogensis,Prostatropin endothelial cells hematopoiesis,neuron survivalFGF3 24.9 10.98 epithelial cells 2b Mesoderm induction,int-2 (25.2kDa) (10.84) that express FGF angiogenesis, inner earreceptor 2bdevelopmentFGF4 19.7 10.22 cells that express 1c, Angiogenesis,Heparin secretory transforming protein (HST-1) (18.9kDa) (10.24) FGF receptors 2c, 3c,4 vertabrate limbTransforming protein KS3development andHeparin-binding growth factor-4 (HBGF-4)development ofstomach cancerFGF5 27.5 11.1 cells that express 1c,2c Hair growth andHeparin-binding growth factor-5 (HBGF-5) (27.1kDa) (10.50) FGF receptors developmentSmag-82FGF6 18.7 10.09 cells that express 1c,2c,4 Skeletal muscleHeparin-binding growth factor-6 (HBGF-6) (18.9kDa) (9.80) FGF receptors developmentHST-2FGF7/KGF (Kerotinocyte Growth Factor) 18.9 9.55 keratinocytes and 2b Keratinocyte growthHeparin-binding growth factor-7 (HBGF-7) (18.8kDa) (9.22) epithelial cells factor, kidney and lungthat express FGFdevelopment,receptor 2bangiogenesis andwound healingFGF8 22.4 10.95 mammary 2c,3c,4 Limb, centralAndrogen-induced growth factor (AIGF) (28.0kDa) (10.46) carcinoma cells (possibly 1c) nervous system,Heparin-binding growth factor-8 (HBGF-8) and other cells cardiac outflow tractthat expressdevelopmentFGF receptorsFGF9 23.4 7.44 glial cells, 1c,2c, Glia-activating factor,Glia activating factor (GAF) (23.3kDa) (7.44) astrocytes cells 3b,3c,4 motoneuron survival,Heparin-binding growth factor-9 (HBGF-9) and other cells lung and testesthat express FGFdevelopmentreceptorsINFORMATION & TECHNICAL SUPPORTFGF10 19.3 10.49 epithelial cells 2b Wound healing,FGFA (19.5kDa) (9.76) that express FGF multi-organKeratinocyte growth factor 2 receptor 2b development includinglimb and lungFGF11 25.0 9.92 none Appears to be involvedFGFB (25.1kDa) (10.06) in nervous systemFibroblast Growth factor homologousdevelopmentfactor-3 (FHF-3)and functionFGF12 27.4kDa 9.98 none Appears to be involvedFGFCin nervous systemFibroblast Growth factor homologousdevelopmentfactor-1 (FHF-1)and functionContinued…Bestellungen: Deutschland: Tel: 0800 436 99 10 • email: info@peprotech.dePour commander: France: Tel: +33 (0)1 46 24 58 20 • email: info@peprotechfr.comTo Order: NORDIC: Tel: +46 (0)8 640 41 07 • email: info@peprotech.se143

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