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<strong>ISLAMOPHOBIA</strong> IN Netherlands<br />

their faith and race. He will also receive obligatory treatment at a psychiatric hospital.<br />

Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack in Paris, he had sent letters to five<br />

mosques in Utrecht with insults, death threats and threats of arson. He also included<br />

pieces of pork in the letters.<br />

8 October<br />

Eight people were given fines between 350 and 450 Euros because of their calls to set<br />

fire to Dutch mosques after similar events in Sweden on New Years’ Eve.<br />

14 October<br />

Six people (one underage) from Zaandam are prosecuted by the police judge for posting<br />

the following text on Facebook: ‘every person engaged in the building of a mosque and<br />

Islamic centre in the neighbourhood Saendelft in Assendelft should be gassed’.<br />

Countering Islamophobia<br />

CSOs have taken initiatives to counter Islamophobia by creating hotlines and notification<br />

sites where victims can report such incidents outside the official system of<br />

anti-discrimination bureaus and the police. Organisations that collect complaints<br />

are the Facebook initiative ‘Meld Islamofobie!’; the Collective against Islamophobia<br />

based in Amsterdam; SPIOR, a platform organisation of Islamic organisations and<br />

mosques in Rotterdam; the Muslim women organisation Al Nisa; and the Turkish<br />

Forum. Other organisations that campaign against Islamophobia are Contact Orgaan<br />

Moslims en Overheid (Contact Body Muslims and Government) and EMCE-<br />

MO. The weblog Republiek Allochtonie has become an important source of information<br />

on Islamophobia in the Netherlands.<br />

The present Monitor Islamophobia project that runs until 2018 in addition to<br />

presenting data and analysis has so far had several practical publicity and policy effects.<br />

Islamophobia is on the agenda in the media, politics and civil society.<br />

The latest report on police data (POLDIS November 2015) shows that several of the<br />

recommendations made after a critical discussion of the system of categorisation and<br />

registration by the police have been implemented. Muslim discrimination is now<br />

integrated as a separate category of discrimination in the police registration system.<br />

Several MPs have raised questions in parliament.<br />

At the request of the liberal political parties D66 and VVD the proposal to integrate<br />

Muslim discrimination as a separate ground of discrimination in municipal and police<br />

categorisation systems has been accepted by the Municipality of Amsterdam. The<br />

municipality has decided to participate in contributing to the costs (50 %) of the<br />

protection of mosques under threat.<br />

For the first time the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights explicitly discusses<br />

Islamophobia and the increase of Muslim discrimination in its annual reports.<br />

islamophobiaeurope.com<br />


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