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<strong>ISLAMOPHOBIA</strong> IN Serbia<br />

Republic of Srpska on 11 July 1995 captured the town of Srebrenica, which was a UN<br />

protected area and that on this occasion around 25,000 ‘Bosnian’ women and children<br />

were expelled, and in the coming days 7-8,000 men of different ages were systematically<br />

murdered or executed. Here the author uses data from The Hague indictment, as well as<br />

data from the indictment and the verdict for the general of the Army of the Republic of<br />

Srpska, Radislav Krstic. However, the author fails to report data relating to the pre-history<br />

of the conflict in Srebrenica and crimes committed by members of the Muslim<br />

forces in relation to the Serb population in the area, which was practically destroyed,<br />

and which certainly had an impact on the existence of retaliatory motives at large for<br />

some members of the RS Army.” (page 225-226) Continuing on the Srebrenica case,<br />

the author wants to acknowledge the crime, but he provides a wider picture, because:<br />

“the crimes are indefensible... but it still has to be concluded that the numbers of people<br />

killed cannot be so easily stated; it is not possible to ignore that, this case, apparently,<br />

was predominantly about revenge by Serbian soldiers for previous crimes committed by<br />

members of the Muslim formations; thus, there is a great question about whether such<br />

a ‘retaliatory intent’ can easily be identified with genocidal intent.” (Page 227.) This<br />

interpretation of the Srebrenica Genocide is a textbook example of the interpretative<br />

denial in which the essence is not to deny the actual facts, but to give them a different<br />

meaning and context. The author also analyses the problematic issues in the Krstic<br />

judgment (On 2 August 2001, Krstić became the first man convicted of genocide by<br />

the ICTY, and was sentenced to 46 years in prison. He was the third person to have ever<br />

been convicted under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the<br />

Crime of Genocide), stressing that there was no evidence for the number of 8,000 killed<br />

(page 228-233) and then calls into question the concept of responsibility of General<br />

Krstic, concluding that in the Krstic case the genocidal intent of the convicted general<br />

was established in a vague and uncertain way (page 232). 11<br />

An additional problem in the field of education is school textbooks for national<br />

minorities (especially Albanians and Bosniaks), people who tend to be adherents<br />

of Islam. Although in previous years the Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia<br />

also found that the rights of Bosniak students were being violated as they were not<br />

receiving education in their mother tongue and found that the Ministry of Education,<br />

Science and Technological Development had failed to take measures in order<br />

to correct all the problems and obstacles standing in the way of organizing classes<br />

in the Bosnian language, this bad practice had not been rectified by 2015, but was<br />

even worse. 12 (Example: the Ombudsman, based on the complaint of the National<br />

11. Milan Škulić, Međunarodni krivični sud-nadležnost i postupak, (Beograd: Centar za publikacije Pravnog fakulteta<br />

u Beogradu, 2005.)<br />

12. Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia, Povređena prava učenika bošnjačke nacionalnost da se obrazuju na<br />

maternjem jeziku, (2014). Accesed November 19, 2015. http://www.pravamanjina.rs/index.php/sr/podaci/dokumenta/-/611-povreena-prava-uenika-bonjake-nacionalnost-da-se-obrazuju-na-maternjem-jeziku<br />

islamophobiaeurope.com<br />


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