Oct 26 to nov 1, 2016! THIS WEEK! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years

LET THE HIGH SEASON BEGIN!!! Halloween Leather Pride and More. Gay Palm Springs info this week every day, hour by hour. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside!

LET THE HIGH SEASON BEGIN!!! Halloween Leather Pride
and More. Gay Palm Springs info this week every day, hour by hour. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside!


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