The DDG Palm Springs March 16 2024
In This issue for Plam Springs 02 Tool Shed Palm Spring everything bar, Casual mornings, After work wind down and at night comes alive with the hottest leather men in the vaelly 07 Gear Leather & Fetish Great Gear for the bar, street and locker room, plus the best toys, restraints,lube and playroom equipment. Palm Springs’ (soon, San Diego’s) o6 TEd Firth’s Horny & High New breathtaking comics series looking at the sex and drug culture in London cums to the US. 09 AdamsArtExpose’ March the month of the Irish rebellion, wearing green, and an Irish artist who brought gay acceptance to the green isle 12 Tech HER-STORY 24 bar food resorts and more 32 Visitors Guide Where to go and who to do! 41 out cast A play is born 42 Tech Talk
In This issue for Plam Springs
02 Tool Shed
Palm Spring everything bar, Casual mornings, After work wind down and at night comes alive with the hottest leather men in the vaelly
07 Gear Leather & Fetish
Great Gear for the bar, street and locker room, plus the best toys,
restraints,lube and playroom equipment. Palm Springs’ (soon, San Diego’s)
o6 TEd Firth’s Horny & High
New breathtaking comics series looking at the sex and drug culture in
London cums to the US.
09 AdamsArtExpose’
March the month of the Irish rebellion, wearing green, and an Irish artist who
brought gay acceptance to the green isle
24 bar food resorts and more
32 Visitors Guide
Where to go and who to do!
41 out cast
A play is born
42 Tech Talk
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P<br />
<strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
needed to be refracted from long-held beliefs and<br />
these shaped for the evolving times they lived in.<br />
Outside the village, the world moved at a different<br />
pace, diversity was its core as they fueled new<br />
ideas erupting like an eternal well spring. This<br />
often caused conflict and confusion were ideas<br />
were locked in by the levies of history. Solutions<br />
were tried too quickly, and without proper<br />
consideration, its failure lead to significant damage<br />
each time. But in the village, the pace was slow and<br />
deliberate, allowing for thoughtful reflection and<br />
wise decision-making that took way to much time.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Small Town<br />
A small story by will<br />
I grew up in a small fishing village, nestled<br />
between rugged cliffs and the vast, rolling sea,<br />
life moved at its own gentle pace. Here, everyone<br />
knew each other by name, and strangers were met<br />
with signified suspicion, their arrival reminded<br />
them of past drifters noted by whispers and<br />
curious glances. But<br />
tolerated in a way that is<br />
creepy and weird as if we<br />
had some strange power<br />
we could release.<br />
<strong>The</strong> village was a place<br />
where teachers didn’t<br />
just teach in classrooms;<br />
they were part of the<br />
fabric of the community,<br />
attending past students’<br />
weddings and offering<br />
guidance long after<br />
graduation. <strong>The</strong>se teachers were like silent hands,<br />
gently nudging people to make good choices,<br />
shaping the values and beliefs that were passed<br />
down to subsequent generations.<br />
In this close-knit community, the influence’s were<br />
not celebrities or social media stars, but everyday<br />
people who led by example, influencing others to<br />
do good through their actions and words. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
understood that goodness was not static but<br />
6<br />
<strong>The</strong> villagers saw that the world at large was<br />
like them, just moving faster. But both sides<br />
never saw the gap that was forming, and getting<br />
bigger as technology sped up so fast and so did<br />
the perception this growth was out of control<br />
and dangerous. Banks that promised to stay<br />
community size to serves made more money<br />
selling themselves to a corporate bank and then<br />
taking a nice salary with fewer headaches. It was<br />
not just the banks either, pharmacies and gas<br />
stations went the same way.<br />
Selling to CVS and others<br />
that promised them a huge<br />
payout and a 6 figure job.<br />
<strong>The</strong> villagers felt if the<br />
world could just slow down,<br />
take the time to listen and<br />
understand, then perhaps the<br />
solutions it sought would be<br />
more effective, causing less<br />
harm and creating a more<br />
harmonious existence for all.<br />
But it did not slow down and<br />
the villagers complaint were<br />
ignored.<br />
<strong>The</strong> complaints only made the gap become worse<br />
First arrival of more fast-talking city dweller<br />
stirred up a frenzy in the village. <strong>The</strong> villagers, who<br />
had lived peacefully and simply for generations,<br />
were suddenly enamored by the gadgets and<br />
technology the outsider brought with him. Phones<br />
that could connect them to the world beyond,<br />
computers that could store endless information,<br />
continued on page 13
Cellblock 13<br />
<strong>The</strong> new neoprene Battle Harness and Jock.<br />
L E AT H E R & F E T I S H<br />
G E A R L E AT H E R C O G E A R L E AT H E R G E A R S TO R E S<br />
6 5 0 E S U N N Y D U N E S PA L M S P R I N G S 7 6 0 3 2 2 3 3 6 3 G E A R L E AT H E R .C O M<br />
holiday of Easter celebrating the resurrection<br />
of Jesus Christ after his brutal crucifixion by the<br />
Noticeably the changing of seasons and holidays<br />
have an association with both religion and social<br />
celebration. <strong>The</strong> rebirth of the earth with green<br />
plants emerging from the ground and wildflower<br />
blossoms appearing along the roadsides and in<br />
parks is a signal that spring is here. Prominent<br />
artists have depicted spring in music and painting<br />
such as the painting of the peach tree by Van<br />
Gogh which reminds us of the brightness of<br />
spring. One of the most famous orchestral<br />
concert works done for the Bolshoi Ballet by the<br />
Russian composer Igor Stravinsky, <strong>The</strong> Rite of<br />
Spring has dancers performing the rituals of joy<br />
and elation for the emergence of a new season.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se are two examples of hundreds where artists<br />
have provided their impressions of spring in nonsecular<br />
basis.<br />
Spring has a close association with the Christian<br />
Roman emperor Pontius Pilate. <strong>The</strong> term Easter<br />
is believed to have derived from the pre-Christian<br />
goddess of spring Eostre a Germanic Anglo-<br />
Saxon derivation of a goddess of fertility, rebirth,<br />
and spring. <strong>The</strong> Europeans adopted the title Easter<br />
and it is now commonly used as the name of the<br />
holiday. <strong>The</strong> narrative regarding this incident<br />
of the crucifixion includes the resurrection of<br />
Jesus after he was crucified. Numerous artists<br />
over the centuries have depicted the crucifixion.<br />
One of the most dramatic was painted by the<br />
contemporary surrealist artist<br />
continued on page 23<br />
V0lume 28 Issue 10<br />
MARCH 1 ST<br />
02 TOOL SHED<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> Spring everything bar, Casual mornings, After work wind down and at<br />
night comes alive with the hottest leather men in the vaelly<br />
Great Gear for the bar, street and locker room, plus the best toys,<br />
O6<br />
restraints,lube and playroom equipment. <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>’ (soon, San Diego’s)<br />
New breathtaking comics series looking at the sex and drug culture in<br />
London cums to the US.<br />
<strong>March</strong> the month of the Irish rebellion, wearing green, and an Irish artist who<br />
brought gay acceptance to the green isle<br />
Where to go and who to do!<br />
41 OUT CAST<br />
A play is born<br />
42 TECH TALK<br />
<strong>DDG</strong> MEDIA GROUP.<br />
Team <strong>DDG</strong><br />
PUBLISHER: Will Paige<br /><br />
EDITOR IN CHIEF: AA<br /><br />
Contributing Photographers:<br />
Marko Russell, David Stanfield<br />
National Ad Representatives<br />
Rivendell Media<br />
(212) 242-6863<br />
Contributing Writers<br />
Vic Gerami<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
Art: Adams’s Art<br />
adamsart@desertdailyguide.<br />
com<br />
Advertising PO<br />
<strong>DDG</strong> media group<br />
THE<strong>DDG</strong><br />
5001 Ramon Road Building 3<br />
#1040<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92264<br />
SALES: Will Paige<br /><br />
<strong>The</strong> Magazine is delivered<br />
biweekly to select locations.<br />
Available in Print<br />
And right this second<br />
Online 2-4-7<br />
AT <strong>DDG</strong>.gay<br />
<strong>The</strong> gay bunny<br />
Page 20<br />
© <strong>2024</strong> DESERT DAIY GUIDE<br />
BY <strong>DDG</strong> MEDIA GROUP<br />
All events listed are subject to change<br />
without notice. Any omissions of<br />
events are not intentional.<br />
©<strong>2024</strong> Desert Daily Guide + <strong>DDG</strong> Media<br />
Group , All Rights Reserved.<br />
This Diamond is Forever<br />
Joey Diamond ReImagines JLO’s “Waiting for Tonight”<br />
By Shane Gallagher<br />
Pop singer Joey Diamond and<br />
producers Jace M and Toy<br />
Armada are bringing premillennial<br />
beats back to clubs<br />
this month with their reimagining<br />
of Jennifer Lopez’s<br />
“Waiting for Tonight.”<br />
“I love remaking the nineties<br />
tracks that were so inßuential<br />
to me growing up,” says<br />
Diamond. “My goal, with both<br />
my covers and original tracks,<br />
is to see people dancing and<br />
having the time of their lives<br />
on the dance ßoor.”<br />
Follow on Instagram @ jdiamondisme<br />
Queen House Music is calling up-and-coming<br />
producers to submit their remixes of Joey<br />
Diamond’s “Waiting for Tonight”. <strong>The</strong> winner will be<br />
featured on the upcoming remix package, alongside<br />
mixes from veteran producers!<br />
This <strong>March</strong> we highlight the personal<br />
experiences and insights of successful<br />
women in computer technology<br />
Early computers used vacuum<br />
tubes and were incredibly slow<br />
by today’s standards, but they<br />
represented a monumental leap<br />
forward in technology.<br />
<strong>The</strong> invention of the<br />
microprocessor in the 1970s<br />
again revolutionized the industry,<br />
making it possible to build<br />
computers that were small enough<br />
to fit on a desk yet powerful<br />
enough to fake a moon landing.<br />
This column looks at the complete<br />
history of computers, it’s clear<br />
that they have come a long way<br />
from their humble beginnings.<br />
What once seemed like science<br />
fiction is now a reality, and we are<br />
living in the world.<br />
12<br />
TECH<br />
In 1962, Evelyn Berezin designed a reservation system<br />
for United Airlines that served 60 cities throughout the<br />
United States with a one-second response time. It had no<br />
central system failures in 11 years of operation.<br />
Evelyn Berezin was a pioneering computer scientist and<br />
entrepreneur who made significant contributions to the<br />
field of computing. She is best<br />
known for designing the first<br />
computerized word processor,<br />
revolutionizing the way people<br />
work with text.<br />
Did you know?<br />
Berezin was turned<br />
down for a subsequent<br />
job at the New York<br />
Stock Exchange<br />
because she might<br />
hear language on the<br />
trading floor that was<br />
“inappropriate for<br />
women.”<br />
Born in 1925 in the Bronx, New<br />
York, Berezin showed an early<br />
aptitude for mathematics and<br />
science. She earned a degree<br />
in physics from New York<br />
University and went on to work<br />
as a research engineer at various companies, including the<br />
Teleregister Corporation and the Electronic Computer<br />
Corporation. In the late 1960s, Berezin founded her<br />
own company, Redactron Corporation, with the goal of<br />
developing a computerized word processor.<br />
cumbersome for editing and revising documents.<br />
Berezin’s word processor, was called the Data Secretary.
and watches that promised to monitor their health<br />
in ways they had never imagined.<br />
<strong>The</strong> villagers, unaware of the silent hands that had<br />
kept them healthy and safe for so long, became<br />
consumed by a desire for these new gadgets. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
didn’t understand what an EEG was, but they<br />
were captivated by the idea of having something<br />
that could check their health. When they learned<br />
that the EEG was a health check, they became<br />
angry, feeling that they had been denied something<br />
important.<br />
they risked losing everything that had made their<br />
village special in the first place.<br />
One day the villagers panicked over a boy found<br />
trapped in the well, they would learned the absence<br />
of the silent hands keenly. <strong>The</strong>y had relied on the<br />
wisdom and guidance of their elders for so long<br />
that they were lost without them. Gathered around<br />
the well, feeling helpless and afraid, they watched<br />
as the young boy was rescued, wondering how it<br />
was possible.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y demanded that the city fella sell them all the<br />
gadgets he had, believing that these devices would<br />
improve their lives and bring them closer to the<br />
outside world. <strong>The</strong>y didn’t stop to consider the<br />
consequences or the wisdom of their actions; they<br />
only wanted what they saw as the key to a better<br />
life.<br />
<strong>The</strong> silent hands watched in dismay as the villagers<br />
turned away from the values and traditions that<br />
had sustained them for so long. <strong>The</strong>y tried to<br />
remind the villagers of the importance of their<br />
way of life, of the knowledge and wisdom that<br />
had been passed down through generations. But<br />
the allure of the modern world was too strong,<br />
and the villagers refused to listen.<br />
In their quest for the latest gadgets and<br />
technology, the villagers lost sight of what was<br />
truly important. <strong>The</strong>y forgot the lessons of the<br />
past, the value of community, and the wisdom of<br />
the silent hands. And in their pursuit of the new,<br />
It was then that they noticed the young ones,<br />
who had been using the web, the very machine<br />
that the silent hands had recommended. <strong>The</strong>se<br />
young villagers had not been as captivated<br />
by the city fella’s gadgets; instead, they had<br />
embraced the technology for its ability to<br />
connect them to the world and provide them<br />
with knowledge and information.<br />
Using the web, the young villagers had learned<br />
about well rescue techniques and had quickly<br />
organized a rescue<br />
effort. <strong>The</strong>y had<br />
called for help<br />
from neighbouring<br />
villages and had<br />
used ropes and<br />
pulleys to lift the<br />
boy to safety. <strong>The</strong><br />
villagers watched<br />
in awe as the<br />
young ones worked<br />
continued on page 17<br />
Welcome!<br />
SUNDAYS AT 10 AM<br />
3601 E. Mesquite Ave, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
Demuth Community Center<br />
God’s Love &<br />
Good Works.<br />
760.327.3802<br /><br />
SUNDAYS AT 10 AM<br />
Facebook<br />
Bloom in the Desert Ministries UCC<br />
YouTube<br />
Bloom in the Desert Ministries UCC<br />
Mass over Zoom every SUNDAY at 4 PM Pacific.<br />
Call or 442-282-8389 or visit for more details.<br />
together, using the technology that had once<br />
seemed so foreign and intimidating to them.<br />
more convenient to shop online, where they could<br />
get lower prices and have their purchases delivered<br />
right to their doorsteps. As a result, many small<br />
businesses were forced to close their doors, unable<br />
to compete with the convenience and affordability<br />
of online retailers.<br />
In that moment, the villagers realized the value<br />
of embracing change and learning from the<br />
younger generation. <strong>The</strong>y saw that the web, and<br />
the technology it represented, could be a tool<br />
for good, a way to preserve their traditions and<br />
values while also adapting to the modern world.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y understood that the silent hands had not<br />
disappeared but had instead guided them towards<br />
a future where knowledge and wisdom were<br />
shared across generations, using the tools of the<br />
present to build a better tomorrow.<br />
As the villagers embraced the technology and the<br />
changes it brought, they soon found themselves<br />
facing new challenges. <strong>The</strong> rising prices of rents<br />
and the increase in cybercrime made life more<br />
difficult for everyone. Small businesses struggled<br />
to compete with larger corporations that could<br />
absorb losses and lower prices, leaving many<br />
villagers feeling cheated and betrayed.<br />
<strong>The</strong> convenience of online shopping and home<br />
delivery further contributed to the decline of small<br />
businesses in the village. People found it easier and<br />
<strong>The</strong> villagers, who had once been so eager<br />
to embrace the new technology, now found<br />
themselves longing for the simplicity and security<br />
of the past. <strong>The</strong>y realized that the changes<br />
brought about by technology had come at a cost,<br />
one that they were not sure was worth paying.<br />
Despite these challenges, the villagers remained<br />
resilient, drawing on the strength and wisdom of<br />
their community to face the future. <strong>The</strong>y knew<br />
that the silent hands were still there, guiding<br />
them towards a new tomorrow, one where they<br />
could preserve their traditions and values while<br />
also embracing the opportunities that technology<br />
brought.<br />
<strong>The</strong> villagers’ discovery about the silent hands<br />
shook them to the core. <strong>The</strong>y had trusted in the<br />
wisdom and guidance of their elders, only to find<br />
that they had been recruited by the very people<br />
who had brought about the changes that were<br />
threatening their way of life. Feeling betrayed and<br />
abandoned, the villagers realized that they were<br />
on their own, with no one to turn to for help or<br />
guidance.<br />
As they looked around their village, now filled<br />
continued on page 17<br />
Livestream the<br />
California Poetry Out<br />
Loud State Finals on<br />
Monday, <strong>March</strong> 18 at<br />
8:30 am<br />
For the first time in four years, enthusiastic<br />
high-school students return to Sacramento<br />
to showcase their recitation skills with<br />
rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration for a chance<br />
to represent California at the Poetry Out<br />
Loud National Finals in Washington, D.C.<br />
<strong>The</strong> California Poetry Out Loud<br />
competition kicks off with the first<br />
round of performances and a recitation<br />
by the winner of the Poetry Ourselves<br />
competition this Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 17, at the<br />
Jean Runyon Little <strong>The</strong>ater. <strong>The</strong> event<br />
begins at noon and is open to the public;<br />
space is limited.<br />
<strong>The</strong> second and final day of the<br />
competition will be streamed live from the<br />
Capitol Annex Swing Space. <strong>The</strong> schedule<br />
includes the second and third rounds of<br />
18<br />
recitations and the announcement of<br />
the California Poetry Out Loud winners.<br />
Virtual attendees can join the livestream by<br />
visiting,<br />
starting at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, <strong>March</strong><br />
18. You can also join us in sharing your<br />
support for the California Poetry Out Loud<br />
county champions on social media with the<br />
hashtag #POL24.<br />
An initiative of the National Endowment<br />
for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation and<br />
administered statewide by the California<br />
Arts Council, Poetry Out Loud encourages<br />
high school students to learn about poetry<br />
through memorization, performance,<br />
and competition. <strong>The</strong> Poetry Out Loud<br />
National Finals will be held in Washington,<br />
D.C. from April 30 to May 2, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
For more information about this year’s<br />
state competition and the full list of county<br />
champions visit
Jonny Be Good<br />
Jonny “<strong>The</strong> Gay Pimp” McGovern Rules the Airwaves<br />
By Steven Boyce<br />
Jonny McGovern is once again<br />
proving his status as the OG Gay<br />
Pimp on Hey Qween!, his talk<br />
show streaming now on WOW<br />
Presents Plus.<br />
Each week, Jonny sits down with<br />
the eliminated queen from the<br />
previous episode of RuPaul’s<br />
Drag Race Season <strong>16</strong> for their<br />
first TV interview. “<strong>The</strong> queens<br />
go from the main stage to my<br />
stage, and the tea is piping hot,”<br />
Jonny McGovern says.<br />
For fans craving even more dirty<br />
gay fun, Jonny McGovern is also<br />
serving new weekly episodes of<br />
his podcast show, Jonny<br />
McGovern is GAY AF, available<br />
on all podcast platforms.<br />
Follow on Tiktok @JonnyMcGovern and on<br />
Instagram @jonnymcgovernisyourdaddy<br />
with decay high-priced gourmet foods that tasted<br />
terrible and left them hungry, they wondered if<br />
this was the end. <strong>The</strong>y missed the small shops<br />
and restaurants that had once been the heart of<br />
their community, where the food was simple but<br />
satisfying, and the prices were fair.<br />
But even in their despair, the villagers knew that<br />
they could not give up. <strong>The</strong>y remembered the<br />
resilience and strength of their ancestors, who<br />
guides, but as equals, ready to work alongside<br />
them to build a better future.<br />
And as the sun set over the village, casting a<br />
warm glow over the bustling streets and busy<br />
marketplaces, the villagers knew that they had<br />
overcome their greatest challenge yet and that<br />
their story was far from over.<br />
So In this thriving village, nestled against towering<br />
mountains and the Pal Trees and<br />
murmuring streams, the villagers had<br />
learned a valuable lesson. <strong>The</strong>y had<br />
learned to accept change, but only<br />
with cautious optimism. <strong>The</strong>y had<br />
seen how embracing new ideas and<br />
technologies could bring progress<br />
and prosperity, but they also knew<br />
the importance of preserving their<br />
traditions and values.<br />
Our village has evolved, but it had<br />
done so in a way that honored its<br />
past and looked towards the future.<br />
<strong>The</strong> elders, with our centuries of<br />
wisdom, continue to guide the<br />
community, while encourage the<br />
younger generation to come here and<br />
embrace innovation and new ideas.<br />
had faced challenges far greater than those they<br />
now faced. <strong>The</strong>y knew that they had to find a way<br />
to preserve their way of life, to pass down their<br />
traditions and values to future generations.<br />
And so, the villagers came together, determined<br />
to rebuild their community. <strong>The</strong>y opened their<br />
own shops and restaurants, offering simple,<br />
delicious food at affordable prices. <strong>The</strong>y embraced<br />
technology, not as a means of replacing their way<br />
of life, but as a tool to enhance it, connecting with<br />
other communities and sharing their story with the<br />
world.<br />
Slowly but surely, the village began to thrive once<br />
again. <strong>The</strong> silent hands, seeing the resilience and<br />
determination of the villagers, returned, not as<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> has again become<br />
a beacon of hope and inspiration for other<br />
communities, showing that it was possible to<br />
adapt to a changing world without losing sight<br />
of what was truly important. And as the sun set<br />
over the village, at 5pm casting a warm glow over<br />
its bustling streets and bustling marketplaces, the<br />
villagers knew that they had found the perfect<br />
balance between tradition and progress, between<br />
the old ways and the new.<br />
In the tapestry of life, woven with threads of diverse<br />
experiences and perspectives, lies the true essence of<br />
growth. It is only through embracing diversity and living in<br />
harmony with one another that we expand our horizons,<br />
broaden our understanding, and nurture the seeds of<br />
progress.<br />
22<br />
Sign up
dramatic pieces of art in the secular world of<br />
Christianity.<br />
Salvador Dali; his depiction shows the body of<br />
Jesus in a dramatic perspective looking down<br />
from the top of the cross. Michelangelo, the<br />
Renaissance artist<br />
who is known for<br />
both painting and<br />
sculpture created<br />
the marble lifesize<br />
sculpture<br />
titled the Pieta<br />
of Mary, Jesus’<br />
mother holding<br />
his body after<br />
it was removed from the cross. This sculpture<br />
is considered to be one of the most emotionally<br />
In the United States and several European<br />
countries during the early 1900s the combination<br />
of secular and non-secular celebrations of the rites<br />
of spring and the rituals of the Christian Easter<br />
were combined with more emphasis on children<br />
and characters such<br />
as the<br />
Easter Bunny and<br />
egg hunts inserted<br />
into the celebration<br />
of Easter. In the<br />
U. S., <strong>The</strong>re is<br />
even an egg hunt<br />
sponsored at the<br />
White House every<br />
year on Easter<br />
where children<br />
are invited to<br />
find Easter baskets filled with<br />
candy and eggs. However, you celebrate the rites<br />
of spring or Easter, and enjoy the experience of<br />
a time of renewal and enlightenment at a time in<br />
history where there is too much political tension<br />
and division.<br />
Featured Listings<br />
Tool Shed LEVI/LEATHER In the Warm<br />
Sands District in central <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>.<br />
600 E Sunny Dunes Rd , PS<br />
TRIANGLE INN 760-322-7993<br />
555 E. San Lorenzo Rd <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> CA<br />
Romantic and relaxing or fun and frisky.<br />
At the Triangle Inn <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, the<br />
choice is yours. Historic <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
Resort is a feast for all your senses, with<br />
a special flair for Southern (California)<br />
hospitality.<br />
Gear Leather and Fetish 760-322-3363<br />
We carry only the finest quality leather<br />
and fetish goods, gym wear, toys and<br />
furnishings, all designed to get you off<br />
and make you look good while you’re<br />
doing it.<br />
650 E. Sunny Dunes<br />
Off Ramp Leathers 760-778-2798<br /> New and used<br />
leather and fetish/BSDM gear.<br />
Alterations and repairs handmade item<br />
by Paul. Great selection of consignment<br />
items. 650 E. Sunny Dunes Rd., Unit<br />
3,<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA<br />
24<br />
GAY/GAY FREMDLY BARS if we missed<br />
any let us know or do not. Because <strong>The</strong><br />
Dude abides.<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
Dick’s on Arenas: A popular gay bar with a<br />
friendly atmosphere and a patio. It is located<br />
at 301 E Arenas Rd, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262<br />
Rio Azul Mexican Bar & Grill: A Mexican<br />
bar and grill with a relaxing ambiance and<br />
refreshing drinks. It is located at 350 S Indian<br />
Canyon Dr, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262 2.<br />
Tool Shed: A casual levi gay bar buy day sand<br />
leather by nigh with a BACK PATIO and a<br />
jukebox. It is located at 600 E Sunny Dunes Rd,<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92264 3.<br />
Toucan’s Tiki Lounge: A popular gay bar with a<br />
Hawaiian tiki-theme and a lively atmosphere.<br />
It is located at 2100 N <strong>Palm</strong> Canyon Dr, <strong>Palm</strong><br />
<strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262 4.<br />
Streetbar: A lively gay bar with karaoke nights<br />
and drag shows. It is located at 224 E Arenas<br />
Rd, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262 5.<br />
Oscar’s: A popular gay bar with a lively<br />
atmosphere and a patio. It is located at 125 E<br />
Tahquitz Canyon Way, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262<br />
5.<br />
Chill Bar: A casual gay bar with a dance floor<br />
and a patio. It is located at 217 E Arenas Rd,<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262 5.<br />
Hunters <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>: A premier LGBTQ+ oasis<br />
in <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> that offers an unforgettable<br />
experience combining exquisite dining,<br />
vibrant nightlife, and a welcoming, inclusive<br />
atmosphere. It is located at 302 East Arenas<br />
Road, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA, 92262<br />
Stacy’s: A popular lesbian bar in Cathedral City<br />
that offers karaoke nights and drag shows. It is<br />
located at 220 E Arenas Rd, Cathedral City, CA<br />
92234<br />
continued on page 25
BlackBook: A trendy cocktail lounge in<br />
downtown <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> that offers live music<br />
and DJs on weekends. It is located at 315 E<br />
Arenas Rd #101, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262<br />
QUADZ: A casual gay bar with pool tables and<br />
karaoke nights. It is located at 200 S Indian<br />
Canyon Dr #100, <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92262<br />
Playoffs Sports Lounge: A friendly and eclectic<br />
sports oasis with 12 high-definition big screen<br />
televisions that show all the major sporting<br />
events and many of the sports packages,<br />
including the NFL Sunday Ticket. It is located at<br />
12105 <strong>Palm</strong> Dr, Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong>, CA 92240<br />
Cathedral City<br />
<strong>The</strong> Barracks: A popular gay bar with a leather<br />
theme, pool tables, and a patio. It is located<br />
at 67625 E <strong>Palm</strong> Canyon Dr, Cathedral City, CA<br />
92234<br />
Roost Lounge: A cozy bar with a vintage vibe<br />
and a patio. It is located at 68718 E <strong>Palm</strong><br />
Canyon Dr, Cathedral City, CA 92234 1.<br />
Runway: A trendy gay bar with a dance floor<br />
and a patio. It is located at 68300 Gay Resort<br />
Drive, Cathedral City, CA 92234<br />
Sunshine Cafe: A popular gay bar with a lively<br />
atmosphere and karaoke nights. It is located<br />
at 36815 Cathedral Canyon Dr, Cathedral City,<br />
CA 92234<br />
AMP Sports Lounge: A sports bar with a friendly<br />
atmosphere and a patio. It is located at 68718<br />
E <strong>Palm</strong> Canyon Dr, Cathedral City, CA 92234<br />
Studio One 11: A modern gay bar with a dance<br />
floor and karaoke nights. It is located at 67555<br />
E <strong>Palm</strong> Canyon Dr Ste A103, Cathedral City, CA<br />
92234<br />
continued on page 27<br />
While we can’t advocate gay cruising in <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
area.<strong>The</strong> following tips from our friends at gays-cruising.<br />
com might. Remember you can avoid sexually transmitted<br />
diseases, always use a condom. When finished, remember to<br />
collect everything (condom wrappers, tissues, etc.) and leave<br />
the environment clean. Leave only foot prints!<br />
Leave your valuables at home<br />
In many cruising areas there are malicious people who take<br />
the opportunity to steal valuables. <strong>The</strong>refore, when you go to<br />
practice cruising, try not to carry money, jewelry, etc., and if<br />
possible try to be accompanied.<br />
Education and respect above all else<br />
Not everyone in cruising areas is looking for the same thing<br />
as you. If they tell you NO, respect and do not disturb, just as<br />
you’d like to be respected.<br />
Don’t hook up with minors<br />
Remember that it is totally forbidden to mess with children<br />
under 18. Don t trust, Verify that the person you’re flirting<br />
with is of legal age.<br />
Report any attacks<br />
If you ever experience any form of aggression, intimidation,<br />
theft, or extortion while cruising, it’s important to report it to<br />
the local authorities. To be prepared, it’s always a good idea to<br />
gather information about your cruising partner such as their<br />
name, description, and license plate. <strong>The</strong> Desert Daily Guide<br />
(<strong>DDG</strong>) has been a strong supporter of various political and<br />
self-care issues relevant to the LGBTQ community, often<br />
presented in publication with bits of humor. However, it’s<br />
crucial to remember that our interest and support for LGBTQ<br />
issues are critical, and many local print magazines are facing<br />
closure. Losing these publications could result in losing an<br />
essential perspective on the local village vibe!<br />
In<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
News...or not<br />
Why is Woke an issue now?<br />
Or is News Journalism the new jackass?<br />
On the one hand, “Jackass” was a TV show that<br />
originally aired on MTV from 2000 to 2002,<br />
featuring a group of friends performing various<br />
dangerous, crude, and often absurd stunts and<br />
pranks. If rose above the bland TV offerings.<br />
“Jackass” was controversial for its content, which<br />
some critics argued glorified dangerous and<br />
reckless behavior. However, it also developed<br />
a dedicated fan base and became a cultural<br />
phenomenon Calling it Jackass the Talking<br />
heads of news has many positive aspects, such<br />
as connecting people, sharing information, and<br />
facilitating activism, these negative impacts have<br />
shock joke news raised concerns about its overall<br />
impact on society and individuals..<br />
I don’t consider myself a journalist my opinion<br />
is However, that it is essential for journalists to<br />
maintain ethical standards and avoid crossing<br />
the line into creating news that is misleading,<br />
sensationalized, or biased. Journalists should strive<br />
to report the news objectively, presenting facts<br />
fairly and accurately, and providing context and<br />
analysis when necessary.<br />
Ultimately, the role of a journalist is to inform<br />
the public and hold those in power accountable.<br />
Whether they are making the news or reporting it,<br />
journalists should always prioritize truth, accuracy,<br />
and integrity in their work.<br />
26<br />
When we forget we hear thing like racism is racist<br />
and woke is to sleep to the real bogey whomever<br />
they are and attacking DEI<br />
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are<br />
essential aspects of a progressive and successful<br />
organization. By fostering diversity, companies can<br />
harness a wide range of perspectives, experiences,<br />
and ideas, driving innovation and creativity. This<br />
inclusivity also leads to better decision-making<br />
processes, as diverse teams are less prone to<br />
groupthink and more likely to consider a variety<br />
of viewpoints. Moreover, DEI initiatives create<br />
environments where all employees feel valued and<br />
respected, increasing engagement, satisfaction, and<br />
retention rates.<br />
Furthermore, embracing DEI is not just a moral<br />
obligation but also a strategic business decision.<br />
Research shows that diverse teams outperform<br />
homogeneous ones in terms of productivity and<br />
performance. Additionally, organizations that<br />
prioritize DEI are better equipped to understand<br />
and meet the needs of a diverse customer base,<br />
enhancing their reputation and social responsibility.<br />
In conclusion, DEI is not only beneficial for<br />
individuals and society but also crucial for the<br />
long-term success and sustainability of businesses.<br />
Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion can lead<br />
to a more innovative, engaged, and prosperous<br />
organization.<br />
Critics argue that DEI programs can lead to<br />
reverse discrimination, where individuals from<br />
majority groups are disadvantaged in favor of<br />
minority groups.<br />
To me that can only be true when we define racism and end<br />
the bigger problem and that is the aim of DEI
Family DeAnza Desert Sun Resort<br />
Starland Community Desert retreat<br />
Sea Mountain Luxury Nude Resort and<br />
Spa Hotel DHS<br />
SOCAL Nude beaches which are also<br />
called “free beach”, or “clothingoptional”.<br />
Blacks Beach Nude Beach in San Diego<br />
is located just north of La Jolla Shores<br />
and beneath the Torrey Pines bluffs.<br />
Pirate’s Cove, Avila Beach<br />
Corona Del Mar is one of California’s<br />
best nude beaches.<br />
AMVETS Express Reservations: free round<br />
trip to Loma Linda VA clinic to<br />
760-699-8849<br />
Transgender Community Transcc.Org<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Gay<br />
Men’s Chorus 760-219-2077<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Leather Order of the Desert<br />
760 272-5553<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Pride<br />
Pspride.Org<br />
Prime Timers of the Desert<br /><br />
Lifeline Support for Affordable<br />
Communications<br /><br />
2023 Affordable Care Act Plans - Check<br />
to See if You Qualify<br />
Thursday nights VILLAGEFEST takes place<br />
in downtown <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> on <strong>Palm</strong><br />
Canyon Drive every.<br />
June through September from 7:00 p.m.<br />
until 10 p.m.<br />
Cabot’s Pueblo Museum<br />
760-329-7610<br />
McCallum Adobe 760-323-8297<br />
Visitor Guide<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Art Museum was founded in 1938<br />
as the <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Desert Museum at La Plaza in<br />
downtown <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong>. Natural science exhibits,<br />
ten-minute journey, tram cars rotate slowly,<br />
offering picturesque and spectacular vistas<br />
of the valley floor below. Once you reach the<br />
Mountain Station—elevation 8,5<strong>16</strong> feet—enjoy<br />
two restaurants, observation decks, natural history<br />
museum, two documentary theaters, gift shop and<br />
over 50 miles of hiking trails.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Indian Canyons<br />
Cahuilla Indian artifacts, and hiking excursions<br />
dominated the institution’s programming. 62+<br />
$14,00 All visitors are recommended to make a<br />
reservation Online before arriving at the Museum.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Aerial Tramway Summer<br />
Pass Ticket Adult & Seniors $85 (ages 3-10) $45<br />
<strong>The</strong> State Park<br />
charges $5.00<br />
per person<br />
for camping<br />
Valid for parking and unlimited Tram rides Chill<br />
in Cooler Temperatures April 1 Through July<br />
31, 2023.—World’s largest rotating tram car—<br />
travels over two-and-one-half miles along the<br />
breathtaking cliffs of Chino Canyon, transporting<br />
riders to the pristine wilderness of the Mt. San<br />
Jacinto State Park. During your approximately<br />
28<br />
NOTICE: On <strong>March</strong> <strong>16</strong>, the Indian Canyons<br />
will ONLY be open to participants of the<br />
Richard M. Milanovich Legacy Hike & 5k<br />
Run.<br />
Click here to sign up.<br />
Fifteen miles long, <strong>Palm</strong> Canyon<br />
is one of the areas of great beauty<br />
in Western North America.<br />
Its indigenous flora and fauna,<br />
which the Cahuilla people so<br />
expertly used, and its abundant<br />
Washingtonia filifera (California Fan <strong>Palm</strong>) are<br />
breathtaking contrasts to the stark rocky gorges<br />
and barren desert lands beyond. A moderately<br />
graded foot path winds down into the canyon for<br />
picnicking near the stream, meditation, exploring,<br />
hiking or horseback riding. Information call 760-<br />
323-6018 located at<br />
38520 S. <strong>Palm</strong> Canyon Dr. <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Uber/<br />
Lyft Drivers are required to display company<br />
stickers in their windshield hours vary by season.<br />
continued on page 31
2023 photos<br />
Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong>, February 28, <strong>2024</strong>: Desert<br />
Hot <strong>Springs</strong> Classical Concerts concludes its<br />
tenth anniversary season with concerts on<br />
<strong>March</strong> 17 at Grace Church and <strong>March</strong> 21 at<br />
Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong> High School. More details<br />
and a complete schedule can be found at:<br /><strong>2024</strong><br />
No tickets or reservations are required, but<br />
cash donations at the door are appreciated.<br />
WITH TWO<br />
MARCH<br />
30<br />
“This has been our most ambitious concert<br />
season to date, and it’s been amazing to see the<br />
outpouring of enthusiasm and support from the<br />
community for these concerts” said series Founder<br />
& Artistic Director, Danny Holt. Holt was recently<br />
honored by the City of Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong> with a<br />
Proclamation marking January 21, <strong>2024</strong> as “Danny<br />
Holt Day” in recognition of a decade of cultural<br />
enrichment to the community through Desert Hot<br />
<strong>Springs</strong> Classical Concerts.<br />
Holt continued: “On a personal note, I’m<br />
excited to perform on the next concert at Grace<br />
Church, with guest violist Molly Gebrian: we’ll be<br />
performing music from our new album, featuring<br />
rarely-heard sonatas by three trailblazing women<br />
from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. <strong>The</strong>n<br />
the final concert of the <strong>2024</strong> season features
carnations from a vintage warbird.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Air Museum is a living<br />
history museum dedicated to educating the public<br />
about the role Air Power played in preserving<br />
American liberties and way of life. <strong>The</strong> Museum<br />
preserves, exhibits, and flies aircraft from World<br />
War Two, Korean War, Vietnam War and the<br />
Global War<br />
on Terror. A<br />
good portion<br />
of the aircraft<br />
in the collection<br />
are in flyable<br />
condition.<br />
May 27, <strong>2024</strong> This is a very special day at the<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Air Museum. Our brief Memorial<br />
service is dedicated to all of our fallen comrades,<br />
who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. In<br />
their honor, we highlight the service with a flyby<br />
and flower drop of over 3,000 red and white<br />
<strong>The</strong> historic Rock House, also known as “Pil-<br />
O-Rox,” located at 66-050 Third St. in Desert<br />
Hot <strong>Springs</strong>1. It was built by Colorado mining<br />
businessman Lee Watkins between 1947 and<br />
1949 using local rocks1. <strong>The</strong> house is one of the<br />
last remaining rock structures in the city1. <strong>The</strong><br />
Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong> Historical Society purchased<br />
the Rock House five years ago and spent more<br />
than $200,000 in donations to fix it up, including<br />
$25,000 from the city last April1. <strong>The</strong> Rock House<br />
is now open to the public as a museum, visitors<br />
center, and small-events venue1. <strong>The</strong> dedication<br />
ceremony took place on January 20, <strong>2024</strong>, and it<br />
was the first time the public was allowed to visit<br />
the property.<br />
Friends of the Desert Mountains has acquired<br />
over 63,000 acres of open space, protecting our<br />
desert now and for future generations. <strong>The</strong> Living<br />
Desert Zoo and Gardens, 47900 Portola Ave, <strong>Palm</strong><br />
Desert, CA 92260<br />
<strong>The</strong> Living Desert Zoo and Gardens in PalDesert<br />
is a unique zoo and botanical garden that<br />
specializes in the deserts of the world. Open<br />
daily from 8:00am-5:00pm, with last admission at<br />
4:00pm. For the most current information, please<br />
visit<br />
continued on page PB<br />
shyness Wins in<br />
a gay bar<br />
If your perfect mate is right there looking at you<br />
across a bar, Now a great opportunity to make a<br />
connection! Here are some tips:<br />
Make eye contact: Lock eyes with them and<br />
offer a warm smile to show your interest.<br />
Approach them: Walk over confidently, but<br />
not too aggressively. A friendly, “Hi, mind if<br />
I join you?” can be a good start.<br />
Start a conversation: Ask them about<br />
themselves, their interests, or how their night<br />
is going. Be genuine and show interest in<br />
getting to know them.<br />
Be yourself: Let your personality shine<br />
through. Authenticity is attractive.<br />
Flirt subtly: Show your interest through<br />
light-hearted teasing or compliments, but be<br />
respectful of their boundaries.<br />
Exchange contact information: If the<br />
conversation goes well, consider exchanging<br />
contact information to continue the<br />
conversation or set up a date.<br />
Remember, dating is about mutual interest<br />
and respect, so be mindful of their cues and<br />
comfort level throughout the interaction.<br />
Enjoy the moment and have fun getting to<br />
know each other!<br />
Getting over shyness in a crowded gay bar can be challenging,<br />
but there are several strategies you can try<br />
• Practice self-compassion: Remind yourself that it’s okay to feel shy and that many<br />
others in the bar might be feeling the same way.<br />
• Set realistic expectations: You don’t have to be the life of the party. Just focus on<br />
being comfortable and enjoying yourself.<br />
• Start small: Begin by making brief eye contact or smiling at someone nearby.<br />
Gradually work up to saying hello or starting a conversation.<br />
• Bring a friend: Having a friend with you can provide support and make you feel<br />
more at ease in a crowded environment.<br />
• Focus on your breathing: Take deep breaths to help calm your nerves and stay<br />
grounded.<br />
• Challenge negative thoughts: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.<br />
Remind yourself of your strengths and that you deserve to have a good time.<br />
• Practice social skills: If you struggle with social interactions, practice with friends<br />
or in other social settings to build your confidence.<br />
• Set small goals: Instead of trying to meet everyone in the bar, set a goal to have one<br />
meaningful conversation or make one new acquaintance.<br />
• Reward yourself: Acknowledge your efforts, no matter how small, and celebrate<br />
your successes.<br />
Remember, it’s okay to take breaks if you feel overwhelmed, and it’s important to prioritize your comfort<br />
and well-being.<br />
34<br />
Note from Tom<br />
Swann Hernandez<br />
You must never give up hope, or give in to discrimination.<br />
My efforts are dedicated to the cause of freedom for those<br />
who come after me.<br />
SATURDAY APRIL 13, <strong>2024</strong><br />
11:30 AM AT<br />
Historic American Legion<br />
Hall<br />
400 N. Belardo Road<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> CA. 92262<br />
Peace Pole<br />
For a few months we have<br />
been trying to dedicate a Peace<br />
Pole at the Desert Holocaust<br />
Memorial in <strong>Palm</strong> Desert. <strong>The</strong><br />
Jewish Federation already gave<br />
us the green light. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Palm</strong><br />
Desert Greens Democratic Club<br />
donated $100 and endorsed the<br />
project.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Peace Pole will say “May<br />
Peace Prevail on Earth” in four<br />
languages plus a braille plate.<br />
<strong>The</strong> languages are English,<br />
Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic.<br />
Arabic is the language of the<br />
Palestinians.<br />
A Peace Pole that we dedicated<br />
is the central feature outside<br />
of the Cathedral City Library.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are two Peace Poles in<br />
Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong>. <strong>The</strong>re is<br />
one in <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> and one<br />
in both Mecca and <strong>The</strong>rmal.<br />
We dedicated the Peace Pole<br />
at Congressional Cemetery in<br />
Washington DC. <strong>The</strong>re is now a<br />
Peace Pole in Joshua Tree.<br />
Europe is involved in the first<br />
land war since World War II.<br />
Thousands of people have been<br />
killed in Ukraine. Thousands<br />
of people have died in the war<br />
between Israel and Hamas.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Hamas attack in October<br />
killed the most Jews since the<br />
Holocaust. <strong>The</strong> Palestinians lose<br />
a child in the war in Gaza every<br />
eight minutes. <strong>The</strong> Virgin Mary<br />
at her monthly apparitions at<br />
Medjugorje has been telling her<br />
children to pray for peace.<br />
This morning, I spoke with<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> Desert City Manager Jim<br />
Hileman about a Peace Pole.<br />
Jim and other city officials<br />
would like to move the location<br />
of the Peace Pole from the<br />
Desert Holocaust Memorial<br />
to the Memorial Rose Garden.<br />
That is because the city has<br />
turned down many requests<br />
to memorialize people at the<br />
Holocaust Memorial. He said the<br />
city has bricks that memorialize<br />
residents in the Memorial Rose<br />
7. Email Database Master Combine email lists<br />
unto one)<br />
8. Food and Beverage Director Food Trucks/<br />
Vendors, Bar Tent)<br />
9. Master of Festival Banners (Prepare for<br />
Printing)<br />
10. Fundraising Master Master (Oversee<br />
committee activities)<br />
Interested in making a difference<br />
locally?<br />
We’re reaching out to you to share some<br />
exciting volunteer opportunities to<br />
make an impact in our community.<br />
A major ingredient of our mission is to educate<br />
about the pride and diversity of the LGBTQ+<br />
community. We do this by producing the annual<br />
Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong> Pride Festival among other<br />
creative activities throughout the year.. We’re<br />
only able to bring these much-needed programs<br />
to our community through the support of local<br />
volunteers.<br />
Signing up to volunteer is easy! Register here by<br />
reviewing the following current opportunities and<br />
reply to this email indicating which one or ones<br />
you’d love to help work on.<br />
1. Vice President (Activities Overseer)<br />
2. Treasurer (Handle Income/ Expenses)<br />
3. Entertainment Director (Stage, DJ, Street talent)<br />
4. Website Master<br />
(Update<br />
5. Social Media Master (Maintain Updates)<br />
6. Logistics/Booth Map Manager<br />
11. Volunteer/Membership Master (Oversee<br />
committee activities)<br />
12. Sponsor Contact Researcher (Find money<br />
people, phone #s)<br />
We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month<br />
beginning at 2:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Desert<br />
Hot <strong>Springs</strong> Library. We welcome residents of<br />
Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong> as well as those throughout<br />
Coachella Valley. Know as well that we live by our<br />
name of diversity meaning you do not have to be a<br />
member of the LGBTQ+ community.<br />
Let us know if you have any questions.<br />
Thank you for learning more about volunteering<br />
with us.<br />
You are needed. Your ideas are welcome. Your<br />
presence is encouraged.<br />
Tell a friend. Share this email with a friend.<br />
Thank you.<br />
With best regards,<br />
Joey Robinson<br />
President<br />
Sam ZzeniaMessler<br />
Immediate Past President/Co-Founder<br />
DiversityDHS/Your LGBTQ+ Connection in<br />
Desert Hot <strong>Springs</strong><br /><br />
FILM<br />
AT THE<br />
MAR 1 • 7PM<br />
Hitchcock<br />
Retrospective<br />
MAR 2 • 10AM<br />
DRIFT<br />
Desert Film Society<br />
MAR 3 • 3PM<br />
Screwball Sundays<br />
MAR 5 • 7PM<br />
Movies In <strong>The</strong> Park<br />
Downtown<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
MAR <strong>16</strong> • 10AM<br />
with GANEE<br />
MAR 17 • 3PM<br />
Screwball Sundays<br />
MAR 19 • 7PM<br />
Movies In <strong>The</strong> Park<br />
Downtown<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
MAR 19 • 8PM<br />
Among Friends<br />
Interactive<br />
MAR 27 • 7PM<br />
BELLA!<br />
MAR 30 • 6PM<br />
A Bawdy Benefit For<br />
A Transformative<br />
Journey<br />
MAR 30 • 6PM<br />
HARVEY<br />
on Easter Sunday!<br />
Screwball Sundays<br />
MAR 4 • 7PM<br />
MAR 9 • 8PM<br />
MAR <strong>16</strong> • 8PM<br />
MAR 20 • 7PM<br />
THE 49TH<br />
MAR 8 - 17<br />
ELLIE<br />
36<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong><br />
Interactive<br />
MAR 30 • 6PM<br />
A Bawdy Benefit For<br />
A Transformative<br />
Journey<br />
MAR 30 • 6PM<br />
HARVEY<br />
on Easter Sunday!<br />
Screwball Sundays<br />
MAR 4 • 7PM<br />
MAR 9 • 8PM<br />
MAR <strong>16</strong> • 8PM<br />
MAR 20 • 7PM<br />
THE 49TH<br />
MAR 8 - 17<br />
ELLIE<br />
SUN • 5PM<br />
MON • 5PM<br />
SAT<br />
8AM - 1PM<br />
2300 E. BARISTO RD.<br />
SUN<br />
8AM - 1PM<br />
72559 HWY 111<br />
WED • 5PM<br />
ROCK + MORE!<br />
SUN<br />
MAR 3<br />
8AM - 1PM<br />
Cultural Center<br />
MAR 28<br />
12PM - 4PM<br />
MAR 7 • 5:30PM<br />
MAR 5• 6PM<br />
THANK YOU!<br />
MAR 14 • 5:30PM<br />
OPEN MIC<br />
MAR 28 • 5:30PM<br />
MIXER<br />
MAR 1, 15, 29<br />
7PM<br />
MAR 7 • 7:30PM<br />
MAR 10 • 10AM<br />
@, Eventbrite<br />
<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Springs</strong> Cultural Center<br />
2300 E. Baristo Road<br />
MAR 2 • 7PM<br />
TRUCE<br />
What’s For Dinner Ese?<br />
Los Angeles, CA (MARCH<br />
1, <strong>2024</strong>) – CHOLO ZOM-<br />
BIES: MONSTRO is a<br />
stand-alone all-out, balls<br />
to the wall horror film,<br />
a gore-fest with tons of<br />
zombie carnage and bloodbaths<br />
galore! In addition<br />
to horror, there is comedy,<br />
and romance, and lots of<br />
action and explosions.<br />
I say stand-alone, because<br />
it is actually the sequel<br />
which is also available on<br />
Amazon Prime. MON-<br />
STRO is the second film<br />
in a trilogy from Producer<br />
Pete Bollinger, Cedar<br />
Films Studios. CHOLA<br />
ZOMBIES, starring Loretta<br />
Vampz is currently<br />
filming in New Orleans<br />
and Los Angeles.<br />
Blood gushes as the<br />
zombies hunt for food<br />
but things get tough when<br />
laws are put in place, and<br />
they cannot eat. Monstro<br />
will do whatever it takes to<br />
keep Vampz and his family<br />
together.<br />
<strong>The</strong> film delivers savage carnage for<br />
fans of zombies and horror films,<br />
along with humor in the vein of “<strong>The</strong><br />
Munsters” and “Beetlejuice,” with<br />
twisted laugh-out-loud comedy and<br />
zombie romance.<br />
40<br />
TRUMP WATCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
Here is where each case currently stands.
What’s In Your Sign? OUT<br />
CAST<br />
“What’s In Your Sign?” Is a quirky, offbeat comedy that takes astrology to a whole new level of hilarity. Each episode<br />
details the misadventures of 12 moon people who use astrology to navigate their lives, but with a twist – their signs come<br />
to life as wacky, animated characters who constantly interfere with their plans. From the neurotic Virgo who can’t stop<br />
organizing everything to the overly dramatic Leo who always steals the spotlight, “What’s In Your Sign?” is a fresh take<br />
on the zodiac, full of humor and unexpected twists. Get ready for a cosmic comedy like no other.<br />
This week<br />
In a distant future, news reports that Earth and<br />
Mars were locked in a tense standoff. Earth, with<br />
its advanced technology, sought to control the<br />
resources of Mars, a planet rich in minerals and<br />
potential for colonization. <strong>The</strong> Spacemen of Mars,<br />
fiercely independent, resisted Earth’s attempts at<br />
domination.<br />
Tensions reached a breaking point when Earth<br />
forces landed on Mars, seeking to assert control.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Spacemen, armed with their own advanced<br />
weaponry, refused to yield. <strong>The</strong> first shots were<br />
fired near the Martian settlements of Lexington<br />
and Concord.<br />
<strong>The</strong> battle raged across the Martian landscape,<br />
with the Spacemen using their knowledge of the<br />
terrain to outmaneuver the Earth forces. Despite<br />
being outnumbered and outgunned, the Spacemen<br />
fought with courage and determination, refusing<br />
to surrender their freedom.<br />
This Battle of Lexington and Concord on Mars<br />
became a symbol of Martian resistance against<br />
Earth’s imperialism. It marked the beginning of a<br />
long and bloody conflict, as both sides fought for<br />
control of the Red Planet and its resources.<br />
As the conflict between Earth and Mars<br />
escalated, the settlers of Lexington and<br />
Concord realized that continued fighting<br />
would only lead to more destruction and loss<br />
of life. Seeking a way to end the hostilities,<br />
they agreed to meet at the Great Crater, a<br />
neutral ground between their settlements.<br />
At the Great Crater, the Earth settlers<br />
offered a compromise: they proposed a new<br />
framework for governance that would unite<br />
Earth and Mars under a single federation.<br />
This federation would expand the United<br />
States to include Martian states, adding<br />
1080 new states with new laws and rules to<br />
ensure peace and cooperation between the<br />
two planets.<br />
<strong>The</strong> settlers of Lexington and Concord,<br />
recognizing the benefits of this proposal,<br />
agreed to the terms. <strong>The</strong> Martian states<br />
became integral parts of the United States,<br />
contributing their resources and expertise<br />
to the federation. This historic agreement<br />
marked the beginning of a new era of<br />
peace and collaboration between Earth and<br />
Mars, setting an example for interplanetary<br />
cooperation and unity.<br />
With the discovery of new technologies<br />
that made previously uninhabitable planets<br />
accessible for mining and colonization,<br />
humanity’s reach expanded across the<br />
galaxy. But some one else was watching that<br />
was about to change everything.<br />
PDF is an abbreviation that<br />
stands for Portable Document<br />
Format. It’s a versatile file<br />
format created by Adobe that<br />
gives people an easy, reliable<br />
way to present and exchange<br />
documents - regardless of the<br />
software, hardware, or operating<br />
systems being used by anyone<br />
who views the document.<br />
AI has changed code<br />
development in several<br />
significant ways:<br />
Impact of AI Today,<br />
AI can generate code based<br />
on high-level requirements<br />
or examples, saving time for<br />
developers.<br />
AI tools can suggest and<br />
automatically implement<br />
refactoring to improve code<br />
quality and readability.<br />
AI-powered tools can detect<br />
bugs in code and even suggest<br />
fixes, speeding up the debugging<br />
process.<br />
AI-based code editors can<br />
provide intelligent code<br />
completion suggestions<br />
42<br />
ReportLab is an open-source Python<br />
toolkit for creating PDF documents.<br />
It offers a low-level API for generating<br />
PDFs directly from Python, as well as<br />
a higher-level template language called<br />
RML. <strong>The</strong> library can handle various<br />
elements, from text and geometric<br />
figures to graphics and illustrations.<br />
To get started with ReportLab,<br />
you can install it using pip:<br />
1. pip install reportlab<br />
After installation, you can create<br />
a basic PDF document with<br />
ReportLab like this:<br />
1. from reportlab.pdfgen<br />
import canvas<br />
2. c = canvas.Canvas(“helloworld.pdf<br />
”)<br />
3. c.drawString(50, 50,<br />
“Hello world!”)<br />
4.<br />
In this example, we import the<br />
`canvas` module from `reportlab.<br />
pdfgen`, create an instance<br />
of the `Canvas` class with the<br />
desired file name, draw a string<br />
(“Hello world!”) at coordinates<br />
(50, 50) on the canvas, and then<br />
save the document. When you<br />
open the resulting PDF file,<br />
you’ll see the text “Hello world!”<br />
in the bottom left corner of the<br />
page.<br />
<strong>The</strong> drawImage() method takes<br />
as arguments the path of an<br />
image (it supports multiple<br />
formats such as PNG, JPEG and<br />
GIF) and the (x, y) position at<br />
which you want to insert it.<br />
But here is the issue I did<br />
not write this code I told the<br />
computer to write it, whis it did<br />
then I asked it to modify older<br />
code I gave up on years ago code<br />
to include my trick and it did it.<br />
I no longer publish my code but<br />
if I did I would use it.
Breedwell<br />
Outstanding gear for the street, playroom and club.<br />
L E AT H E R & F E T I S H<br />
G E A R L E AT H E R C O G E A R L E AT H E R G E A R S TO R E S<br />
6 5 0 E S U N N Y D U N E S PA L M S P R I N G S 7 6 0 3 2 2 3 3 6 3 G E A R L E AT H E R .C O M<br />