February 1ST

Happy Black History Month 2024. Win the Santiago Resort Getaway Giveaway! Enter to win three nights in Palm Springs at Santiago Resort, travel expenses, and more. Valentine's Day hints, Marti Gras at the Toolshed! DDG Video recommends "LIE WITH ME from writer-director Olivier Peyon." James Holjes, a Sunny Dunes Barber Shop barber, collected donations for each haircut, giving Oak Grove Sanctuary a surprise $10,000 donation. And more in Palm Springs's oldest LGBT guide.

Happy Black History Month 2024.
Win the Santiago Resort Getaway Giveaway! Enter to win three nights in Palm Springs at Santiago Resort, travel expenses, and more.
Valentine's Day hints, Marti Gras at the Toolshed! DDG Video recommends "LIE WITH ME from writer-director Olivier Peyon."
James Holjes, a Sunny Dunes Barber Shop barber, collected donations for each haircut, giving Oak Grove Sanctuary a surprise $10,000 donation.
And more in Palm Springs's oldest LGBT guide.


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GAY<br />

<strong>February</strong> 1 ST<br />


Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


2 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


Valentine’s Day<br />

dinner & fundraiser<br />

Benefits Tom of Finland foundation<br />

2/14/24<br />

MENU:<br />


(Full Rack with<br />

grilled Veggies)<br />


(Flank Steak, Garlic<br />

Shrimp, Grill Veggies,<br />

Butter Fried Rice)<br />


(Chicken Breast w/Tomato<br />

Sauce, Parmesan, w/<br />

Butter Garlic Noodles)<br />

<br />






BY /////<br />

6PM-9PM<br />

EVENT<br />


BY:<br />

600 E Sunny Dunes Rd<br />



4 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.<br />



Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


6 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Cellblock 13<br />

The new neoprene Battle Harness and Jock.<br />

L E AT H E R & F E T I S H<br />

G E A R L E AT H E R C O G E A R L E AT H E R G E A R S TO R E S<br />

6 5 0 E S U N N Y D U N E S PA L M S P R I N G S 7 6 0 3 2 2 3 3 6 3 G E A R L E AT H E R .C O M<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


welcome<br />

Febury 1, 2024<br />

V0lume 28 Issue 7<br />

I’ll be everywhere. Wherever you can look—wherever there’s a fight so hungry<br />

people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever there’s a person beatin’ up a guy cause he is<br />

gay, I’ll be there. I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad. I’ll be in the way kids<br />

laugh when they’re hungry and they know supper’s ready, and when the people are<br />

eatin’ the stuff they raise and livin’ in the houses they build, I’ll be there.<br />

Keeping a free press is an essential aspect of demorocy. We are all like a canary in<br />

the coal mine. Any reader can give reach out to the DDG and set a new direction<br />

because, for me, that is the truth of free speech.<br />

Each free press donation gets a special gift! visit square.link/u/1PrDQ9rK<br />

Out with the old,<br />

in with the new!<br />

A very Happy<br />

New Year to you!<br />

2024!<br />

908-232-2021<br />

www.rivendellmedia.com<br />

www.lgbtmarket.com<br />

info@rivendellmedia.com<br />

blog.lgbtqmarketnews.gay<br />

Keep Free Press alive.<br />

DONATE (non-tax deductble)<br />

square.link/u/1PrDQ9rK<br />

DDG Media Group creates and prints Desert Daily Guide. Opinions expressed in the DDG columns<br />

do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the DDG, its staff, or its advertisers. DDG is not<br />

responsible for claims made by its advertisers, or the products or services they offer. Listings,<br />

pictures, or advertisements in the DDG should not be construed to represent or reflect the sexual<br />

orientation of any business, its owners, or staff.<br />

All events listed are subject to change without notice. Any omissions of events are not<br />

intentional. ©2024 DDG Media Group , All Rights Reserved.<br />

Any likeness of any person living or dead is strictly PARODY!<br />

8 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.<br />

Team DDG<br />

PUBLISHER: Will Paige<br />

will@desertdailyguide.com<br />


AA@desertdailyguide.com<br />

Contributing Photographers:<br />

Marko Russell, David Stanfield<br />

National Ad Representatives<br />

Rivendell Media<br />

(212) 242-6863<br />

Contributing Writers<br />

Vic Gerami<br />

TheBluntPostWithVic.com<br />

Art: Adams’s Art<br />

adamsart@desertdailyguide.<br />

com<br />

Advertising<br />

DDG media group<br />

5001 Ramon Road Building 3<br />

#1040<br />

Palm Springs, CA 92264<br />

SALES: Will Paige<br />

will@desertdailyguide.com<br />

The Magazine is delivered<br />

biweekly to select locations.<br />

Available in Print<br />

And right this second<br />

Online 2-4-7<br />


REPORTER: Adam EMAIL: adamsartexpose@gmail.com ADAMSARTEXPOSE’<br />



At a recent political rally presidential<br />

candidate Nikki Haley made the<br />

statement “America is not a racist<br />

country”. Hundreds of police killings<br />

including the murder of George Floyd<br />

in Minneapolis, Minnesota 3 years<br />

ago provide a challenge to Haley’s<br />

statement. Artists prior to and since<br />

have provided visual images of many of<br />

these incidents including this one of an<br />

artist painting o mural of Floyd after his artists were the only means for depicting<br />

murder on a street in Minneapolis. white supremacy and the victims of<br />

slavery. This was even found in paintings<br />

Racism has been a black mark on the by European artists. Europe was not<br />

freedom for all people as espoused by immune from the tragedy of slavery and<br />

the founding fathers even when many repression of black people. A famous<br />

of them had slaves. Before photography painting by Manet titled Olympia shows<br />

continued on page 11<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


10 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

a nude Olympia which has been seen<br />

by millions of people, however few of<br />

these people have noticed the nearly<br />

invisible black person bringing flowers<br />

to Olympia. This was typical of how<br />

blacks and other people of darker skin<br />

were shown as invisible, oppressed, or<br />

conquered in most art in Europe and the<br />

U.S. until following the Civil War.<br />

and began making a living as a portrait<br />

artist. Shown here is a portrait of John<br />

Murphy Sea Captain attributed to<br />

Johnson.<br />

Contemporary artist Kara Walker a<br />

California artist who has used her<br />

creativity to depict the complex<br />

oppressive conditions of Black<br />

Americans during the Antebellum period<br />

and bringing to current times. Walker’s<br />

art consists of cut-paper silhouettes to<br />

film animations. One of the installations<br />

of her work titled “My Complement,<br />

My Enemy, My Oppressor My Love” is<br />

a representation of her work with cutpaper.<br />

This installation shows a room<br />

Very few African American artists were<br />

recognized during the Antebellum<br />

period from 1812 to the Civil War.<br />

Much of the art during this period was<br />

commissioned by wealthy people as<br />

portraits of individuals and families. One<br />

African American artist who became a<br />

portrait artist was Joshua Johnson. He<br />

was a freed slave from Baltimore who<br />

had worked as a<br />

blacksmith and a<br />

furniture painter<br />

while at the same<br />

time self-learning<br />

as an artist. He<br />

was eventually<br />

recognized for his<br />

continued on page 19<br />

size Viewing of her work presenting<br />

a chronicle of subjugation, violence,<br />

and sexuality set in the American South<br />

prior to the Civil War. She has also used<br />

painting, drawing, light projections,<br />

and animated film to bring to life her<br />

interpretations of the life of slaves<br />

during this historical period. This art also<br />

leads us to examine current racial and<br />

talent as a painter gender stereotypes.<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


12 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


Resolution Solutions<br />

Find a Cause You’re Passionate About.<br />






Palm Springs, CA, January 30, 2024<br />

The Shenanigans – Dede Ondishiko,<br />

Jason Powell, and Troy Garza invite<br />

you to join them for a lively evening<br />

of Americana music upstairs in the VIP<br />

Lounge at the Palm Springs Cultural<br />

Center select Thursdays. Enjoy special<br />

guests, toe-tapping tunes, and an<br />

open mic segment that transforms<br />

the experience from a concert into a<br />

community celebration.<br />


Buy Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.<br />

com/e/americana-guest-housetickets-714222156697<br />



DEDE ONDISHIKO (fiddle, piano, vocals,<br />

music composer): A distinguished<br />

musician with a Ph.D. from the Eastman<br />

School of Music, Dede brings a wealth<br />

of experience from Carnegie Mellon<br />

University and a dual career as a<br />

systems programmer and music teacher.<br />

Her love for composing has led to a<br />

recent world premiere in London.<br />

JASON POWELL: A true local leprechaun<br />

by day and a multi-talented artist,<br />

musician, and family man. Jason,<br />

also known as “Plastic Paddy’s Midlife<br />

O’Crisis,” weaves enchanting Irish music,<br />

showcasing the true magic of melodies<br />

that bring cultures together.<br />

Dates: <strong>February</strong> 8, March 7, April 4, April<br />

18<br />

Entry Fee: $10 per person<br />

Open Mic Pre- Registration: Eventbritelimited<br />

spots available<br />

VIP Lounge Opens: 5 pm<br />

TROY GARZA: A Broadway veteran<br />

and skilled songwriter, Troy’s fourteen<br />

years in A CHORUS LINE and a<br />

decade at SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE as<br />

a choreographer reflect his profound<br />

impact on the entertainment industry.<br />


TONY BOLIVAR (<strong>February</strong> 8): With over<br />

Open Mic Musician Mingle: 5 pm (in<br />

fifty years of experience, Tony Bolivar,<br />

person),<br />

a veteran of the United States Air<br />

Force Band, weaves musical magic,<br />

Show Starts: 5:30 pm<br />

showcasing his talents as a performer.<br />

14 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


In<br />

The<br />

News...or not<br />


$10,000 GIFT<br />

A cut above: local barbering student<br />

raises $10,000 one haircut at a time<br />

January 28, 2024, Palm Springs, CA]<br />

Oak Grove Sanctuary Palm Springs,<br />

a transitional home for LGBTQ+ foster<br />

youth received a surprise $10,000<br />

donation from Palm Springs resident,<br />

James Holjes. Holjes raised the funds<br />

over the course of a year by providing<br />

haircuts at The Barracks in Cathedral<br />

City.<br />

“We are stunned and overjoyed,” said<br />

Oak Grove Sanctuary CEO Tammy<br />

Wilson. “This unexpected gift is much<br />

needed and much appreciated. It will<br />

go a long way in helping our residents<br />

get the services they need to become<br />

healthy, productive, independent<br />

adults. We can’t thank James enough.<br />

He is living proof of how a little support<br />

goes a long way in changing someone’s<br />

life.”<br />

Holjes, a barber at Sunny Dunes Barber<br />

Shop, accepted donations for each<br />

haircut. “When I moved to Palm Springs,<br />

I was able to get the support I needed<br />

to turn my life around,” he said. “Now I<br />

want to help others do the same.”<br />

Serving LGBTQ+ young adults since 2017,<br />

Oak Grove Sanctuary Palm Springs is a<br />

part of Oak Grove Center, a nonprofit<br />

organization serving at-risk and special<br />

needs youth. The Oak Grove Sanctuary<br />

program supports LGBTQ+ foster youth<br />

transitioning from the dependency<br />

system into independent adulthood<br />

and offers safe, transitional housing and<br />

supportive resources to help them get<br />

on their feet. By providing emotional,<br />

educational, and skills support,<br />

Sanctuary seeks to interrupt the cycle<br />

of neglect and despair— including<br />

incarceration, drug and alcohol abuse,<br />

sex trafficking, homelessness, battles with<br />

depression and attempted suicide —<br />

that often befall LGBTQ+ foster youth.<br />

Funds raised by Holjes will go directly<br />

to the program helping LGBTQ+<br />

young adults with access to therapy,<br />

job training, crisis intervention,<br />

transportation, medical needs,<br />

mentoring and more. Staff work to<br />

help empower success and transform<br />

lives. To learn more about Oak<br />

Grove Sanctuary Palm Springs, visit<br />

OakGroveSanctuaryPalmSprings.org.<br />

16 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Hooray for Hollywood!<br />

Counting Down the Year’s Best Male Nude Scenes<br />

By Steven Boyce<br />

This time of year sees prestigious<br />

awards ceremonies such as the<br />

Oscars, Golden Globes, and<br />

various guild awards, honoring<br />

outstanding performances,<br />

direction, and production in the<br />

world of cinema. The team at<br />

MrMan.com is doing things a little<br />

more interesting. They're shining<br />

the spotlight on cinema's top ten<br />

male nude scenes for 2023.<br />

Winners include Amazon Prime's<br />

Red, White & Royal Blue for the<br />

scene where Zakhar Perez<br />

teaches Nicholas Galitzine the<br />

gay ropes in bed, and Galitzine<br />

proves to be a quick study; Jack<br />

Armstrong in the LGBT British<br />

series Patterns; and Taylor Byron<br />

Barr and Eric Brody in Minx.<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


The year's top three films for<br />

best male nudity are<br />

Lonesome, Fellow Travelers<br />

and at #1, Passages. In<br />

Passages, out actor Ben<br />

Whishaw exemplifies his<br />

dedication to bringing gay<br />

male sexuality to big and<br />

small screens.<br />

The full uncensored videos for<br />

all top films are viewable on<br />

MrMan.com.<br />

18 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Many present-day artists are using<br />

their art to show the racist brutality of<br />

white supremacists and their scourge<br />

on society. One artist who has gained<br />

recognition in this category is Kehinde<br />

Wiley. Wiley has a current exhibit in<br />

the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco<br />

titled “The Archaeology of Silence”<br />

This exhibition started during the Covid<br />

pandemic, the George Floyd murder,<br />

and the Black Lives Matter movement.<br />

This exhibit shows his interpretations<br />

of Black life and death and the<br />

importance of Black lives. He was<br />

selected by President Obama to paint<br />

the official presidential portrait which<br />

also gained him national recognition to<br />

paint the portrait of the most powerful<br />

man in the world as a Black man.<br />

Referring back to Nikki Haley’s comment<br />

that America is not racist, it is absurd<br />

that she would make this remark<br />

after having the Confederate flag<br />

removed from the state capital where<br />

she was governor and a person of<br />

Indian descent of which she herself has<br />

mentioned incidents of discrimination<br />

because of her heritage. The United<br />

States remains as a racist country. Artists<br />

are supporting by illustrating that fact in<br />

their art which is required as a constant<br />

rebuttal of supremacy to inspire all<br />

citizens to help create the U.S. as a<br />

sanctuary of equality.<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


Welcome!<br />


SUNDAYS AT 10 AM<br />

3601 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs<br />

Demuth Community Center<br />

God’s Love &<br />

Good Works.<br />

760.327.3802<br />

www.bloominthedesert.org<br />


SUNDAYS AT 10 AM<br />

Facebook<br />

Bloom in the Desert Ministries UCC<br />


YouTube<br />

Bloom in the Desert Ministries UCC<br />

Mass over Zoom every SUNDAY at 4 PM Pacific.<br />

Call or 442-282-8389 or visit stgilesaltadena.org for more details.<br />

20 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


1<br />

A B C D<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

A B C D<br />

22 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

E F G<br />

E F G<br />

HOTELS<br />

The Hacienda<br />

Vista Grande Resort<br />

Inndulge Palm Springs<br />

Desert Paradise Resort<br />

All Worlds Resort<br />

Twin Palms Resort<br />

El Mirasol Villas<br />

Triangle Inn<br />

Mirage 2<br />

Santiago Resort<br />

GAY BARS<br />


FOOD<br />

Townie Bagels<br />

Ristretto<br />


Sunny Dunes Barber Shop<br />

Palm Springs Tire &<br />

Automotive<br />

One Eleven Vintage Cars<br />

Kennard’s Automotive<br />

PSP AIRPORT 11 min<br />



Q Trading Co<br />

Off Ramp Leathers<br />

Gear Leather and Fetish<br />

Sunny Dunes Antique Mall<br />

Little Shop of Treasure<br />

Pink Cactus<br />

Builders Supply<br />

Antique Galleries of Palm<br />

Springs<br />

Modmart<br />

Cool Places to Visit<br />

Moorten Botanical<br />

Garden<br />

Tahquitz Canyon TRAIL<br />

Indian Canyons<br />

Prescott Preserve<br />

Revolution Stage Company<br />

continued from page 23<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />



Featured Listings<br />

Tool Shed LEVI/LEATHER In the Warm<br />

Sands District in central Palm Springs.<br />

600 E Sunny Dunes Rd , PS<br />

TRIANGLE INN 760-322-7993<br />

555 E. San Lorenzo Rd Palm Springs CA<br />

Romantic and relaxing or fun and frisky.<br />

At the Triangle Inn Palm Springs, the<br />

choice is yours. Historic Palm Springs<br />

Resort is a feast for all your senses, with<br />

a special flair for Southern (California)<br />

hospitality. triangle-inn.com<br />

Gear Leather and Fetish 760-322-3363<br />

We carry only the finest quality leather<br />

and fetish goods, gym wear, toys and<br />

furnishings, all designed to get you off<br />

and make you look good while you’re<br />

doing it. gearleather.com<br />

650 E. Sunny Dunes<br />

Off Ramp Leathers 760-778-2798<br />

offrampleathers.com New and used<br />

leather and fetish/BSDM gear.<br />

Alterations and repairs handmade item<br />

by Paul. Great selection of consignment<br />

items. 650 E. Sunny Dunes Rd., Unit<br />

3,Palm Springs, CA<br />

24 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.<br />

GAY/GAY FREMDLY BARS if we missed<br />

any let us know or do not. Because The<br />

Dude abides.<br />

Palm Springs<br />

Dick’s on Arenas: A popular gay bar with a<br />

friendly atmosphere and a patio. It is located<br />

at 301 E Arenas Rd, Palm Springs, CA 92262<br />

Rio Azul Mexican Bar & Grill: A Mexican<br />

bar and grill with a relaxing ambiance and<br />

refreshing drinks. It is located at 350 S Indian<br />

Canyon Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262 2.<br />

Tool Shed: A casual levi gay bar buy day sand<br />

leather by nigh with a BACK PATIO and a<br />

jukebox. It is located at 600 E Sunny Dunes Rd,<br />

Palm Springs, CA 92264 3.<br />

Toucan’s Tiki Lounge: A popular gay bar with a<br />

Hawaiian tiki-theme and a lively atmosphere.<br />

It is located at 2100 N Palm Canyon Dr, Palm<br />

Springs, CA 92262 4.<br />

Streetbar: A lively gay bar with karaoke nights<br />

and drag shows. It is located at 224 E Arenas<br />

Rd, Palm Springs, CA 92262 5.<br />

Oscar’s: A popular gay bar with a lively<br />

atmosphere and a patio. It is located at 125 E<br />

Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262<br />

5.<br />

Chill Bar: A casual gay bar with a dance floor<br />

and a patio. It is located at 217 E Arenas Rd,<br />

Palm Springs, CA 92262 5.<br />

Hunters Palm Springs: A premier LGBTQ+ oasis<br />

in Palm Springs that offers an unforgettable<br />

experience combining exquisite dining,<br />

vibrant nightlife, and a welcoming, inclusive<br />

atmosphere. It is located at 302 East Arenas<br />

Road, Palm Springs, CA, 92262<br />

Stacy’s: A popular lesbian bar in Cathedral<br />

City that offers karaoke nights and drag shows.<br />

It is located at 220 E Arenas Rd, Cathedral City,<br />

CA 92234<br />

continued on page 25


BlackBook: A trendy cocktail lounge in<br />

downtown Palm Springs that offers live music<br />

and DJs on weekends. It is located at 315 E<br />

Arenas Rd #101, Palm Springs, CA 92262<br />

QUADZ: A casual gay bar with pool tables and<br />

karaoke nights. It is located at 200 S Indian<br />

Canyon Dr #100, Palm Springs, CA 92262<br />


Playoffs Sports Lounge: A friendly and eclectic<br />

sports oasis with 12 high-definition big screen<br />

televisions that show all the major sporting<br />

events and many of the sports packages,<br />

including the NFL Sunday Ticket. It is located at<br />

12105 Palm Dr, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240<br />

Cathedral City<br />

The Barracks: A popular gay bar with a leather<br />

theme, pool tables, and a patio. It is located<br />

at 67625 E Palm Canyon Dr, Cathedral City,<br />

CA 92234<br />

Roost Lounge: A cozy bar with a vintage vibe<br />

and a patio. It is located at 68718 E Palm<br />

Canyon Dr, Cathedral City, CA 92234 1.<br />

Runway: A trendy gay bar with a dance floor<br />

and a patio. It is located at 68300 Gay Resort<br />

Drive, Cathedral City, CA 92234<br />

Sunshine Cafe: A popular gay bar with a lively<br />

atmosphere and karaoke nights. It is located<br />

at 36815 Cathedral Canyon Dr, Cathedral City,<br />

CA 92234<br />

AMP Sports Lounge: A sports bar with a friendly<br />

atmosphere and a patio. It is located at 68718<br />

E Palm Canyon Dr, Cathedral City, CA 92234<br />

Studio One 11: A modern gay bar with a<br />

dance floor and karaoke nights. It is located at<br />

67555 E Palm Canyon Dr Ste A103, Cathedral<br />

City, CA 92234<br />


Family DeAnza Desert Sun Resort<br />

Starland Community Desert retreat<br />

Sea Mountain Luxury Nude Resort and<br />

Spa Hotel DHS<br />

SOCAL Nude beaches which are also<br />

called “free beach”, or “clothingoptional”.<br />

Blacks Beach Nude Beach in San Diego is<br />

located just north of La Jolla Shores and<br />

beneath the Torrey Pines bluffs.<br />

Pirate’s Cove, Avila Beach<br />

Corona Del Mar is one of California’s best<br />

nude beaches.<br />


AMVETS Express Reservations: free round<br />

trip to Loma Linda VA clinic to<br />

760-699-8849<br />

Transgender Community Transcc.Org<br />

Palm Springs Gay<br />

Men’s Chorus 760-219-2077<br />

Palm Springs Leather Order of the Desert<br />

760 272-5553<br />

Palm Springs Pride<br />

Pspride.Org<br />

Prime Timers of the Desert<br />

info@ptod.us<br />

continued on page 27<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


26 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.


Lifeline Support for Affordable<br />

Communications<br />

www.fcc.gov/lifeline-consumers<br />

2023 Affordable Care Act Plans - Check<br />

to See if You Qualify<br />


Thursday nights VILLAGEFEST takes place<br />

in downtown Palm Springs on Palm<br />

Canyon Drive every. villagefest.org<br />

June through September from 7:00 p.m.<br />

until 10 p.m.<br />

Cabot’s Pueblo Museum<br />

760-329-7610<br />

McCallum Adobe 760-323-8297<br />

Indian Canyons 760-323-6018<br />

Palm Springs Aerial Tram<br />

760-325-1449<br />

Palm Springs Air Museum<br />

760-778-6262<br />

Palm Springs Art Museum<br />

760-325-7186<br />

DDG<br />

Visitors Guide<br />

Palm Springs Art Museum was founded in<br />

1938 as the Palm Springs Desert Museum at<br />

La Plaza in downtown Palm Springs. Natural<br />

science exhibits, Cahuilla Indian artifacts, and<br />

hiking excursions dominated the institution’s<br />

programming. 62+ $14,00 All visitors are<br />

recommended to make a reservation online<br />

before arriving at the Museum.<br />

The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway<br />

Summer Pass Ticket<br />

Adult & Seniors $85<br />

Child (ages 3-10) $45<br />

Valid for parking and unlimited Tram rides<br />

till July 31,2023.—the world’s largest rotating<br />

tram car—travels over two-and-one-half miles<br />

along the breathtaking cliffs of Chino Canyon,<br />

transporting riders to the pristine wilderness<br />

of the Mt. San Jacinto State Park. During<br />

your approximately ten-minute journey, tram<br />

cars rotate slowly, offering picturesque and<br />

spectacular vistas of the valley floor below.<br />

Once you reach the Mountain Station—elevation<br />

8,516 feet—enjoy two restaurants, observation<br />

decks, natural history museum, two documentary<br />

theaters, gift shop and over 50 miles of hiking<br />

trails.<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


The Indian Canyons<br />

Fifteen miles long, Palm Canyon is one of<br />

the areas of great beauty in Western North<br />

America. Its indigenous flora and fauna, which<br />

the Cahuilla people so expertly used, and its<br />

abundant Washingtonia filifera (California Fan<br />

Palm) are breathtaking contrasts to the stark<br />

rocky gorges and barren desert lands beyond.<br />

A moderately graded foot path winds down<br />

into the canyon for picnicking near the stream,<br />

meditation, exploring, hiking or horseback<br />

riding. For more information call 760-323-6018<br />

www.indian-canyons.comlocated at 38520 S.<br />

Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs<br />

Hours<br />

Oct. 1 - July 4: daily 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.<br />

(Last vehicle in at 4 p.m.)<br />

July 5 - Sept. 30: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.<br />

(open only Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Last<br />

vehicle in at 4 p.m.)<br />

No animals allowed.<br />

Uber/Lyft Drivers are required to display<br />

company stickers in their windshield for drop off<br />

and pickup.<br />

The Palm Springs Air Museum is a living<br />

history museum dedicated to educating the<br />

public about the role Air Power played in<br />

preserving American liberties and way of life.<br />

The Museum preserves, exhibits, and flies<br />

aircraft from World War Two, Korean War,<br />

Vietnam War and the Global War on Terror. A<br />

good portion of the aircraft in the collection are<br />

in flyable condition.<br />

The historic Rock House, also known as “Pil-<br />

O-Rox,” located at 66-050 Third St. in Desert<br />

Hot Springs1. It was built by Colorado mining<br />

businessman Lee Watkins between 1947 and<br />

1949 using local rocks1. The house is one of the<br />

last remaining rock structures in the city1. The<br />

28 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.<br />

Desert Hot Springs Historical Society purchased<br />

the Rock House five years ago and spent more<br />

than $200,000 in donations to fix it up, including<br />

$25,000 from the city last April1. The Rock<br />

House is now open to the public as a museum,<br />

visitors center, and small-events venue1. The<br />

dedication ceremony took place on January 20,<br />

2024, and it was the first time the public was<br />

allowed to visit the property.<br />


Discover how the desert comes alive after dark!<br />

Do you know which animals change colors when<br />

you use a blacklight? Using our blacklights, we<br />

will take a short walk along the Art Smith Trail<br />

basin looking for the many nocturnal creatures<br />

that inhabit our desert. And a week-long Summer<br />

BioBlitz.<br />

desertmountains.org<br />

The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, 47900<br />

Portola Ave, Palm Desert, CA 92260<br />

The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens in PalDesert<br />

is a unique zoo and botanical garden that<br />

specializes in the deserts of the world. Open<br />

daily from 8:00am-5:00pm, with last admission<br />

at 4:00pm. For the most current information,<br />

please visit www.livingdesert.org

continued on page 29<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


A celebrated novelist reminisces about<br />

his secret teenage romance during a<br />

nostalgic return home.<br />

Cinephobia Releasing is proud to<br />

announce the North American release<br />

of the powerful and achingly tender<br />

LGBTQ festival darling LIE WITH ME from<br />

writer-director Olivier Peyon. The film, an<br />

adaptation of author Philippe Besson’s<br />

award-winning novel Lie with Me, brings<br />

an uncommon understanding of queer<br />

sex and desire in both the spring and<br />

autumn of life. all set in the bucolic rural<br />

European countryside. Permeated with<br />

passion and wistfulness reminiscent<br />

of Call Me By Your Name, LIE WITH ME<br />

will arrive <strong>February</strong> 15, 2024 on DVD<br />

and VOD, digital platforms, including<br />

AppleTV, Amazon Prime, Google Play,<br />

VUDU, and more.<br />

“LIE WITH ME is an assured, tender,<br />

erotic, intelligent and tragic drama, and<br />

by far the best French film I’ve seen in<br />

years. To paraphrase Nicole Kidman,<br />

heartbreak never felt so good”, said<br />

Ray Murray, President of Cinephobia<br />

Releasing.<br />

Celebrated novelist Stéphane Belcourt<br />

(Guillaume de Tonquédec) travels to his<br />

hometown after over 30 years. There,<br />

he meets Lucas (Victor Belmondo,<br />

grandson of Jean-Paul Belmondo), the<br />

son of Thomas, his secret teenage love.<br />

Lucas, inquisitive for information on his<br />

now deceased father, sets off turbulent<br />

emotions in the writer as his mind is<br />

flooded with memories of Thomas and<br />

their summer of love.<br />

The film contrasts the wintry present with<br />

the sun-splashed summer past when the<br />

shy, bespectacled Stéphane (Julien De<br />

Saint Jean) meets and falls for the rough<br />

and tumble Thomas (Rémy Gillet.) LIE<br />

WITH ME is erotic, tender, romantic and<br />

heartbreaking.<br />

30 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.<br />

continued on page 31

LIE WITH ME held its North American Premiere at the American French Film Festival,<br />

and went on to have a healthy festival life with screenings at Frameline, Newfest, BFI<br />

Flare: London LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Miami OUTshine Film Festival where it took home<br />

the Audience Award for Best Feature, and ImageOut: The Rochester LGBT Film<br />

Festival where it won Best Narrative Feature. cinephobiareleasing.com<br />

The DDG highly recommends this film with a tear-jerker warning. A movement<br />

of filmmaking that involves being immersed in a community, building trust, and<br />

following characters as their lives unfold. Truly a“cinéma vérité” or “cinema of truth.<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


32 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

The Center Coachella<br />

provides a safe<br />

inclusive space<br />

*Learn more about our welcoming embrace mural by artist Venessa Becerra at thecentercv.org<br />

for the LGBTQ+<br />

Community<br />

in the East<br />

Coachella Valley<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


Win the Santiago Resort<br />

Getaway Giveaway<br />

Enter for your chance to win three nights<br />

in Palm Springs at Santiago Resort, travel<br />

expenses, and more.<br />

Palm Springs, CA – (January 08, 2024) –<br />

Santiago Resort, Palm Springs’ most exclusive desert oasis for gay<br />

men is giving away the ultimate Palm Springs getaway! One entrant<br />

will win a three-night stay at Santiago Resort; a $500 travel voucher;<br />

dinner for two at top-rated Maleza; and tickets to the Palm Springs<br />

Aerial Tramway.<br />

To enter the Getaway Giveaway, fill out the entry form at<br />

santiagoresort.com/sweepstakes or use the qr code above<br />

“We love to share Santiago with new friends, especially those who’ve<br />

never stayed at a men’s resort before,” says General Manager,<br />

34 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

Breedwell<br />

Outstanding gear for the street, playroom and club.<br />

L E AT H E R & F E T I S H<br />

G E A R L E AT H E R C O G E A R L E AT H E R G E A R S TO R E S<br />

6 5 0 E S U N N Y D U N E S PA L M S P R I N G S 7 6 0 3 2 2 3 3 6 3 G E A R L E AT H E R .C O M<br />

Now Delivering Every 2 Weeks<br />


36 DDG is always FREE ddg.gay. Available in print at select locations.

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