5.43 Food enabling Brussels: From ‘Broekzele’ to the Horizontal Metropolis
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<strong>Food</strong><br />
disabling<br />
<strong>enabling</strong><br />
<strong>Brussels</strong><br />
<strong>From</strong> <strong>‘Broekzele’</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>Horizontal</strong> <strong>Metropolis</strong><br />
Presentation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Brussels</strong> case — September workshop — WTC <strong>Brussels</strong>, September 18, 2018 — www.urbanisinginplace.org
where are we?<br />
<strong>the</strong> Earth (NASA)
where are we?<br />
Europe (NASA)
where are we?<br />
Urban Fabric vs. Open Space in Western Europe (Corine Land Cover)
where are we?<br />
Urban Fabric vs. Open Space in Belgium (Corine Land Cover)
Flanders<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong><br />
Wallonia<br />
where are we?<br />
Urban Fabric vs. Open Space in Belgian Counties (Corine Land Cover)
City Region<br />
Urbanised Intermediate Area<br />
Corridors<br />
Rural Intermediate Area<br />
Rural Area<br />
where are we?<br />
Reading of <strong>the</strong> spatial context of Flanders on <strong>the</strong> basis of morphology,<br />
urbanization pressure and migration dynamics (‘Visionary Housing’, AWB, 2012)
where are we?<br />
Average farm size / municipality — 34,5 hectares as mean (Statistics Belgium)
where are we?<br />
Evolution of amount of farms in <strong>the</strong> last 10 years — -30,58% as mean (Statistics Belgium)
where are we?<br />
The Horziontal <strong>Metropolis</strong>. What about Farming? (Jeroen De Waegemaeker, 2018)
where are we?<br />
Hooghof Zellik (Wim Robberechts)
where are we?<br />
The Horziontal <strong>Metropolis</strong>. What about Farming? (Jeroen De Waegemaeker, 2018)
where are we?<br />
(Agiv Flanders, UrbIs <strong>Brussels</strong>, Portail de Wallonie)
where are we?<br />
(Agiv Flanders, UrbIs <strong>Brussels</strong>, Portail de Wallonie)
where are we?<br />
(Agiv Flanders, UrbIs <strong>Brussels</strong>, Portail de Wallonie)
where are we?<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong> 2040 Study (Studio012 Bernardo Secchi & Paola Viganò, 2012)
agroecological urbanism in <strong>Brussels</strong><br />
?<br />
practices that<br />
might fit<br />
spatial societal<br />
challenges<br />
horizontal<br />
1<br />
Metropolitan <strong>Food</strong> Landscapes<br />
2<br />
Changing <strong>the</strong> <strong>Food</strong> Chain<br />
3<br />
Claiming Development
1<br />
Metropolitan<br />
<strong>Food</strong> Landscapes
food metropolitan landscapes<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong> <strong>to</strong>pography map and sections (based on Vanempten, 2014)
°10th Century<br />
Bruocsella (<strong>Brussels</strong>)<br />
bruoc (marsh)<br />
sella (dwelling)<br />
Braina (River Senne)<br />
braka (brakish)<br />
-> Braine-le-Comte<br />
senna (slow-moving waters)<br />
-> forest des Soignes<br />
food metropolitan landscapes<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong> and surroundings (Jacob van Deventer, ca. 1550)
food metropolitan landscapes<br />
Drawing based on Deventer’s 1550 map (Christian Dessouroux, 2008)
food hub<br />
Drawing based on Deventer’s 1550 map (Christian Dessouroux, 2008)
food hub<br />
Ukkel Kalevoet (1850s)
food hub<br />
Abbey Ganshoren (Pieter Breughel <strong>the</strong> Elder, 1650s)
food hub<br />
Abbey Ter Park, Leuven (1726)
food hub<br />
Abbey Ter Park, Leuven (1726) -> Public Centre for Social Welfare and o<strong>the</strong>r public institutions selling off land
food hub<br />
Neerpede and Vogelzang Valley
food hub<br />
Terre-en-Vue & BoerenBruxselPaysans
food hub<br />
food hub<br />
BoerenBruxselPaysans - Ferme du Chaudron (51N4E)
food hub<br />
Drawing based on Deventer’s 1550 map (Christian Dessouroux, 2008)
Boerkoos<br />
(gardener/horticulturist)<br />
bruoc (marsh)<br />
-oys (inhabitant of)<br />
-> Broekois/Boerkoos<br />
-> Bruxellois<br />
Maraîcher<br />
(gardener/horticulturist)<br />
marais / moeras (marsh)<br />
food hub<br />
Carte de Ferraris during Austrian Empire rule (Count de Ferraris, 1771-1778)
food hub<br />
Porte de Schaerbeek (Paul Vitzhumb, 1825)
food hub<br />
‘Charette Maraichers’, 1900 (Terres des Villes, ULB, 2018)
food hub<br />
‘des Colons’ (<strong>the</strong> ‘colonies’) in <strong>Brussels</strong>, 1917 and 1905 (Terres des Villes, ULB, 2018)
food hub<br />
Bruxelles (Guillaume de Wautier, 1819)
food hub<br />
Plan de la Ville de Bruxelles et ses environs (Philippe Vandermaelen, 1838)
“We s<strong>to</strong>nden vaak voor<br />
de keuze: ophouden<br />
met boerkoos zijn of ons<br />
verder vestigen”<br />
“We were often faced<br />
with <strong>the</strong> choice:<br />
ei<strong>the</strong>r s<strong>to</strong>p as a<br />
‘boerkoos’ or settle down<br />
away from <strong>the</strong> city”<br />
food hub<br />
Boerkoos (Erfgoedcel Pajottenland Zennevallei)
food hub<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong> 2040 Study (Studio012 Paola Vigano, 2012)
food hub<br />
Plan-Guide de Bruxelles et de ses Faubourgs (Eigenbrodt, 1869)
food hub<br />
Plan-Guide de Bruxelles et de ses Faubourgs (Eigenbrodt, 1869)
food hub<br />
‘Strongly Mixed’ (Sterk Gemengd, Greet Kerkhove, Wageningen/UGent, 1994)
“Ik ben onlangs naar een spreekbeurt geweest van de<br />
Boerenbond, en daar hoorde ik diezelfde voorlichter die vijf jaar<br />
geleden ‘je moet specialiseren’ s<strong>to</strong>nd te preken, nu de boeren<br />
aanpraten dat ze èn grove groenten èn akkerbouw èn varkens<br />
èn aardappelen en nog een hectare fruit moeten bijnemen.<br />
Het landbouwbeleid en de voorlichters zijn stuurloos geworden”<br />
“I recently attended a lecture by <strong>the</strong> Boerenbond, and <strong>the</strong>re I<br />
heard that same advisor that preached "you have <strong>to</strong><br />
specialize” five years ago, now advised farmers <strong>to</strong> grow raw<br />
vegetables and arable farming and pigs and pota<strong>to</strong>es and<br />
foresee more hectares of fruit […] The agricultural policy and<br />
<strong>the</strong> information officers have become rudderless.”<br />
food hub<br />
a farmer in Bierbeek, quoted in ‘Strongly Mixed’ (Sterk Gemengd, Greet Kerkhove, Wageningen/UGent, 1994)
food hub<br />
Reconfirmed versus unconfirmed agricultural land (Flemish policy)
food hub<br />
agricultural land in flood prone areas
nature inclusive<br />
Ecological measures (EU goals) on agricultural land
food hub<br />
non productive agricultural land
food hub<br />
non productive agricultural land
food hub<br />
<strong>to</strong>tal amount of contested agricultural land
food hub<br />
Zuun Valley
food hub<br />
Boerenmarkt Gaasbeek
food hub<br />
De Groentelaar, Pajottenland
food hub<br />
The death and <strong>the</strong> rebirth of <strong>the</strong> ‘Boerkoos’
food hub<br />
The death and <strong>the</strong> rebirth of <strong>the</strong> Flemish link
food hub<br />
Val des Beguines
food hub<br />
Val des Beguines, Challenging <strong>the</strong> Boxes, Interfaces in Landscape and Land Use (Dewaelheyns, Leinfelder, Gulinck, eds, 2018)
food hub<br />
Ferme nos Pilifs
food hub<br />
Le début des haricots asbl
food hub<br />
Neerpede & Vogelzang Valley, Zuun Valley, Zennebeemden, Geleytsbeek-Molenbeek Valley and Val des Beguines
food (?) hub<br />
Climate-Proof through Design (Jeroen De Waegemaeker, 2017)
nature inclusive<br />
pedology map and section of <strong>the</strong> Senne Valley (Vanempten, 2014)
nature inclusive<br />
Drawing based on Deventer’s 1550 map (Christian Dessouroux, 2008)
nature inclusive<br />
Green Pearls
nature inclusive<br />
Neerstalle Ukkel (Hans Collaert 1550)
nature inclusive<br />
Map of major castles and country houses up <strong>to</strong> 1920 (Christian Dessouroux, 2008)
nature inclusive<br />
Major ‘continuous’ forested areas (Rémi Van Durme)
nature inclusive<br />
Agricultural Hills
common valley<br />
Drawing based on Deventer’s 1550 map (Christian Dessouroux, 2008)
common valley<br />
Maalbeek valley
common valley<br />
Abbey of Ter Cameren (Figurative map, 1752)
Water as Preservative (‘Savoren’) Water as Energy Source (Mills) Water as Productive Resource (‘Putsels' and Breweries)<br />
common valley<br />
Maelbeek (‘Grinding Stream’) tributary (Deligne 2005, Mitchel 1994, Quintens 1995, Van de Velde 2018)
Water as Buffer<br />
Water as Productive Resource (‘Putsels' and Breweries)<br />
common valley<br />
Maelbeek (‘Grinding Stream’) tributary (Deligne 2005, Mitchel 1994, Quintens 1995, Van de Velde 2018)
common valley<br />
Water vs. Urban Scape (Marco Ranza<strong>to</strong>, ULB and Latitude, 2017-2018)
common valley<br />
Water vs. Urban Scape (Marco Ranza<strong>to</strong>, ULB and Latitude, 2017-2018)
common valley<br />
common valley<br />
Molenbeek Valley (unpublished proposal for BULB, Bureau Bas Smets, 2018)
common valley<br />
Molenbeek Valley (unpublished proposal for BULB, Bureau Bas Smets, 2018)
common valley<br />
Molenbeek Valley (unpublished proposal for BULB, Bureau Bas Smets, 2018)
common valley<br />
Park potential (unpublished proposal for BULB, Taktyk, 2018)
common valley<br />
Molenbeek valley
common valley<br />
Molenbeek Valley (unpublished proposal for BULB, Bureau Bas Smets, 2018)
common valley<br />
Molenbeek Valley (unpublished proposal for BULB, Bureau Bas Smets, 2018)
common valley<br />
Mathieu Berger from ULB/Metrolab (interviewed for YOU ARE HERE, S<strong>to</strong>ryrunner, AWB, 2018)
common valley<br />
common valley<br />
Zennebeemden (Rond de Zennebeemden, 1010au and D+A, 2018) — paludiculture and <strong>the</strong> Schaarbeekse Krieke
common valley<br />
Geuze producers in <strong>Brussels</strong>
2<br />
Changing <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Food</strong> Chain
new and old crops<br />
3 fonteinen brewery
new and old crops<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong> sprouts, chicorei, malines cuckoos, cheese, black pudding (In Brussel Gesmaakt?)
new and old crops<br />
Les Jardins de Pomone
new and old crops<br />
‘The Fight Between Carnival and Lent’ (Pieter Breughel <strong>the</strong> Elder, 1650s)
nutrient recupera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
nutrient recupera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
La prévoyance agricole, non daté (Programme de la société. La ville assainie et les campagnes fertilisées. <strong>Brussels</strong>: E. Guyot)
nutrient recupera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
Drainage basin and canalization for using Paris sewage water for irrigating <strong>the</strong> fields (Journal Universel, No 1773, Volume LXIX, February 17, 1877)
nutrient recupera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
La prévoyance agricole, non daté (Programme de la société. La ville assainie et les campagnes fertilisées. <strong>Brussels</strong>: E. Guyot)
nutrient recupera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
nutrient recupera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />
game and fowl<br />
wholesale<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
Central Halls, 1874-1958
central markets and short chain<br />
Abat<strong>to</strong>ir (Slaughterhouse) de Cureghem (Anderlecht, <strong>Brussels</strong>)
central markets and short chain<br />
Abat<strong>to</strong>ir (Slaughterhouse) de Cureghem (Anderlecht, <strong>Brussels</strong>)
central markets and short chain<br />
Early morning market (‘vroegmarkt’) MaBru
central markets and short chain<br />
Abat<strong>to</strong>ir (Slaughterhouse) de Cureghem (Anderlecht, <strong>Brussels</strong>)
central markets and short chain<br />
Abat<strong>to</strong>ir (Slaughterhouse) de Cureghem (ORG, Filip Dujardin, 2016)
central markets and short chain<br />
Abat<strong>to</strong>ir (Slaughterhouse) de Cureghem (ORG, Filip Dujardin, 2016)
central markets and short chain<br />
Champignons de Bruxelles, Abat<strong>to</strong>ir (Slaughterhouse) de Cureghem
central markets and short chain<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
La Ruche Qui Dit Oui
central markets and short chain<br />
La Ruche Qui Dit Oui
central markets and short chain<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
central markets and short chain<br />
3<br />
Claiming<br />
<strong>the</strong> garden city ideal<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong> 2040 Study (Studio012 Paola Vigano, 2012)
<strong>the</strong> garden city ideal<br />
The 25 Garden Cities of <strong>Brussels</strong> (Vanempten, 2014)
<strong>the</strong> garden city ideal<br />
The Garden Cities of Logis and Floreal, Watermael-Bosvoorde
<strong>the</strong> garden city ideal<br />
The orchard at <strong>the</strong> Garden Cities of Logis and Floreal, Watermael-Bosvoorde
<strong>the</strong> garden city ideal<br />
The Garden Cities of Logis and Floreal, Watermael-Bosvoorde
<strong>the</strong> garden city ideal<br />
The Garden Cities of Logis and Floreal, Watermael-Bosvoorde
(Public Centre for<br />
Social Welfare)<br />
<strong>the</strong> garden city ideal<br />
The Garden Cities of Logis and Floreal, Watermael-Bosvoorde
appropriated development<br />
Val des Beguines, Challenging <strong>the</strong> Boxes, Interfaces in Landscape and Land Use (Dewaelheyns, Leinfelder, Gulinck, eds, 2018)
appropriated development<br />
Parck Farm (Taktyk/Alive Architecture)
appropriated development<br />
(Terres des Villes, ULB, 2018)
appropriated development<br />
Commons Josaphat
appropriated development<br />
Keelbeek Haren
appropriated development —> homegrown<br />
terres des villes (2018)
homegrown<br />
Water vs. Urban Scape (Marco Ranza<strong>to</strong>, ULB and Latitude, 2017)
homegrown<br />
Water vs. Urban Scape (Marco Ranza<strong>to</strong>, ULB and Latitude, 2017)
homegrown<br />
Peas & Love, Paris
homegrown<br />
Peas & Love, <strong>Brussels</strong>
homegrown<br />
World Trade Center Complex (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
World Trade Center Complex (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
World Trade Center Complex (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong>’ Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Quarter (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
<strong>Brussels</strong> Centre (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
Flanders Region (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
<strong>the</strong> Eurodelta of Rhine, Meus and Scheldt rivers (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
<strong>the</strong> Earth (Google Maps)
homegrown<br />
<strong>the</strong> Earth (Google Maps)
RIGA<br />
LONDON<br />
homegrown<br />
<strong>the</strong> Earth (Google Maps)
<strong>Food</strong><br />
disabling<br />
<strong>enabling</strong><br />
<strong>Brussels</strong><br />
Presentation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Brussels</strong> case — September workshop — WTC <strong>Brussels</strong>, September 18, 2018 — www.urbanisinginplace.org