Kingdom University

The Beginner's Guide to College Survival

The Beginner's Guide to College Survival


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Remora<br />

The User<br />

The Remora is a fish that attaches to other sea creatures<br />

to hitch a ride across the ocean. These creatures generally<br />

latch on to any swimmer that is larger than them, but their<br />

favorite host is the whale shark. Remoras lack swim bladders<br />

that other fish have; therefore they need a host to travel<br />

the ocean efficiently. The whale shark does not only serve<br />

as a transporter, but they also provide the Remora with an<br />

occasional meal. These fish devour the remaining scraps<br />

that the shark leaves behind when feeding. The Remora is<br />

not solely a freeloading fish; they remove small parasites<br />

from the host’s body during the travel.<br />

Not every student learns the same nor do they study<br />

the same. However, one of the basic principles of studying<br />

is taking notes, and Users will never hesitate to call you<br />

and ask for yours. These blood-sucking creatures only call<br />

when they need something. They never reciprocate or call<br />

to hangout. The first few times the User asks for your notes,<br />

you will not think anything of it, and you may be happy to<br />

help. But once you see the pattern of taking advantage, you<br />

will be ready to cut them off. Unlike the Remora, most Users<br />

do not offer anything meaningful in return. Some common<br />

signs to tell if a student is a User are low class attendance<br />

and only calls when a test is on the horizon.<br />

60. The Slackers

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