Grow Issue (January/February 2020)

How do we become more like God? We all know the answer without even blinking: read the Bible. But why don't we do it? Why do we make it so difficult? Whether you're a longtime Christian seeking to grow in her knowledge of the Scriptures or you're a new Christian that doesn't know Exodus from Luke, this issue of Oh Beloved One seeks to assist you in taking your next step in your devotions. You'll find articles on understanding the Epistles (books of the Bible that were letters by Paul), running a Bible study, choosing a verse for your current season of life, and more. Join us as we travel through the Bible and GROW by God's spoken Word.

How do we become more like God? We all know the answer without even blinking: read the Bible. But why don't we do it? Why do we make it so difficult?

Whether you're a longtime Christian seeking to grow in her knowledge of the Scriptures or you're a new Christian that doesn't know Exodus from Luke, this issue of Oh Beloved One seeks to assist you in taking your next step in your devotions.

You'll find articles on understanding the Epistles (books of the Bible that were letters by Paul), running a Bible study, choosing a verse for your current season of life, and more. Join us as we travel through the Bible and GROW by God's spoken Word.


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Is Bible reading part of your

new year resolution in 2020?

If you're anything like me,

at least once in your life —if not

every year—you have included

a spiritual goal in your new

year's resolutions list. And these

resolutions usually follow along

the lines of doing a better job

reading our Bibles, don’t they?

(Which, of course, is a good


Reading our Bibles is awfully

important and it's great that we

want to improve. But how many

times do our resolutions last

for only—well—as long as the

year feels new? I don't want to

presume to know what exactly

your Bible reading goal is. Maybe

it's to read the whole Bible this

year. Maybe it's to read for 15

minutes every day. Maybe it's to

make it through one book that

you haven't been able to finish

yet. Whatever it is, here are a few

ideas to help you get through the

year and slay this resolution.


Once upon a time, Amanda Brown, our founder

and editor-in-chief, wrote a guest post about staying

close to God during college and she said something

really wise that I still remember. She said that college can

be a really selfish time because it's all about you, and that's

why it's so important to stay close to God.

And I realized that this is true not only for college. Most of

the time we are actually focusing on OURSELVES and stuff

that's important to US. Therefore prioritizing that which is

MOST IMPORTANT is a really good idea.


I think that many times we might aim

too high. Often I hear people give advice like,

"spend time with God every day, even just five

to ten minutes," and I think, yeah, right. Rather

pathetic that we can only give that much time.

So if you can do your devotions and Bible reading

FIRST in the day, it will not only help you in

slaying your resolution, but also in your

daily life.

So then I set a very high and idealistic goal for myself

and end up doing nothing because my goal is exactly

that—too idealistic and too high. I've learned that it's

okay to start at five minutes. It does not mean that you

will forever be doing only five minutes. But because

habits are important to form, it's ok to start with five

minutes and grow from there. So even if you have

a fairly big goal that you wish to attain, it’s

okay to take it slow and steady and easy in

January, and build upwards later.


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