Grow Issue (January/February 2020)

How do we become more like God? We all know the answer without even blinking: read the Bible. But why don't we do it? Why do we make it so difficult? Whether you're a longtime Christian seeking to grow in her knowledge of the Scriptures or you're a new Christian that doesn't know Exodus from Luke, this issue of Oh Beloved One seeks to assist you in taking your next step in your devotions. You'll find articles on understanding the Epistles (books of the Bible that were letters by Paul), running a Bible study, choosing a verse for your current season of life, and more. Join us as we travel through the Bible and GROW by God's spoken Word.

How do we become more like God? We all know the answer without even blinking: read the Bible. But why don't we do it? Why do we make it so difficult?

Whether you're a longtime Christian seeking to grow in her knowledge of the Scriptures or you're a new Christian that doesn't know Exodus from Luke, this issue of Oh Beloved One seeks to assist you in taking your next step in your devotions.

You'll find articles on understanding the Epistles (books of the Bible that were letters by Paul), running a Bible study, choosing a verse for your current season of life, and more. Join us as we travel through the Bible and GROW by God's spoken Word.


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Amanda Brown


When we were little, our Sunday School teachers asked us how

we become more like Jesus. The answer, of course, is "read our

Bible." So then why don't we?

That answer isn't enough for us anymore. We want to become

better people, to get over our anxiety and anger and fear and

irritability, but when we just hear "read your Bible" we get mad

that there's no practical five-step-program.

I am not the same person I was two years ago. I'm not the same

person I was three months ago, thank goodness. The reason? I

have discovered how important reading my Bible is. I seldom

start my weekdays without a solid 25 minutes or more in God's

Holy Book, journaling my thoughts and coming away with

applications I'd never thought of before.

If I don't read my Bible, I feel it now. God's presence doesn't

seem as noticeable; His love doesn't seem to flow through me

as much. In my conversation, it isn't natural to bring Him up.

I feel guilty (even though I don't need to) but my soul knows

it's missing something. It's like forgetting to open the blinds

in your bedroom in the morning, letting the light pour in and

wake you up make the bedroom warm for your return.

If you want to become more like Jesus, read. Your. Bible. We

get upset when people whittle it down to this, but it really is

this simple. In this issue, we're going to take those three words

a step farther, but God has made it simple on purpose. So: read.

Your. Bible. It'll change you unlike any program or printable.

amanda brown + team

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