Grow Issue (January/February 2020)

How do we become more like God? We all know the answer without even blinking: read the Bible. But why don't we do it? Why do we make it so difficult? Whether you're a longtime Christian seeking to grow in her knowledge of the Scriptures or you're a new Christian that doesn't know Exodus from Luke, this issue of Oh Beloved One seeks to assist you in taking your next step in your devotions. You'll find articles on understanding the Epistles (books of the Bible that were letters by Paul), running a Bible study, choosing a verse for your current season of life, and more. Join us as we travel through the Bible and GROW by God's spoken Word.

How do we become more like God? We all know the answer without even blinking: read the Bible. But why don't we do it? Why do we make it so difficult?

Whether you're a longtime Christian seeking to grow in her knowledge of the Scriptures or you're a new Christian that doesn't know Exodus from Luke, this issue of Oh Beloved One seeks to assist you in taking your next step in your devotions.

You'll find articles on understanding the Epistles (books of the Bible that were letters by Paul), running a Bible study, choosing a verse for your current season of life, and more. Join us as we travel through the Bible and GROW by God's spoken Word.


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k i n g d o m

c r e a t i v e s

meet whitney lowe

behind the scenes of


Whitney Lowe runs @scribbledevos,

an inspiring, art-based daily

devotional on Instagram.

I basically wake up and do my

own devotional (Bible + prayer),

which I then continue to process

through writing. That writing

forms the caption for the post,

and then I make a design to go

with it. I probably should figure

out how to plan it out more than

I do! I like that it feels really

dependent on where God leads

me though.


for fellow believers

My husband is a college pastor

and I also do a lot of work with

high school ministry, so I meet

with a lot of young women who

are struggling with their faith.

They don't know why they aren't

hearing from God, why He isn't

showing Himself to them.

Then I ask if they are spending

time in prayer and in Scripture,

and the answer is almost always



My creative outlets are sort of

all over the place, and they've

shifted in the last few years. I

used to be really into fashion

as a creative outlet, and then it

shifted to Instagram, and now

I think my primary outlet is

writing. That's where I feel the

most connected to God.


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