College Algebra 9th txtbk

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Linear models, construction of, 149–151

Linear regression

examples of, 152–154

explanation of, 151

Linear systems. See Systems of linear equations

Line graph, 57


equations of, 132, 133, 137–140, 158

graphs of, 132–133

horizontal, 139, 140

parallel, 141–142

perpendicular, 141–142

regression, 153

slope-intercept form of, 137–138

slope of, 134–136

vertical, 139, 140, 166

Line segment

length of, 66

midpoint of, 124–126

Location theorem, 280–281

Logarithmic equations

explanation of, 372, 380

method to solve, 375–376

Logarithmic-exponential conversions, 356–357

Logarithmic-exponential relationships, 360–361

Logarithmic functions

change-of-base formula and, 361–362

conversions of, 356–357

explanation of, 329, 354, 379–380

graphs of, 354–356

properties of, 358–359, 380

Logarithmic models

applications of, 380

data analysis and regression, 369

logarithmic scales, 365–369

Logarithmic scales, 365–369


common, 359, 360

on graphing calculator, 359–361, 370

natural, 359, 360

Logistic growth, 350

Logistic models, 349

Long division

explanation of, 5

polynomial, 266–267

Lower triangular matrix, 571

Lowest terms, 32–33

Magnitude, 367

Mathematical induction

examples of, 513–517

explanation of, 512–513, 564

extended principle of, 517

principle of, 512

Mathematical models

applications of, 230–231, 242–243

explanation of, 147–148

exponential, 340–350

polynomial, 271–273, 285

quadratic, 210–211, 214–215


addition of, 457–458

applications of, 460–462, 464–465

augmented, 443–445, 447

column, 461–462

decoding, 482

explanation of, 442–443, 497

Gauss-Jordan elimination and, 447–451, 475

on graphing calculators, 442, 458, 473, 488

identity, 470–471

inverse methods to solve linear systems, 498

inverse of square, 471–473

lower triangular, 571

multiplication of, 459–466

negative of, 458

principal diagonal of, 442

properties of, 477

reduced, 444–447

row, 442, 461–462

row-equivalent, 444, 474

singular, 472

size of, 442

square, 442

subtraction of, 458–459

upper triangular, 495, 571

zero, 458

Matrix equations

explanation of, 477

method to solve, 477–478

systems of linear equations and, 478–480

Midpoint, of line segment, 124–126

Midpoint formula

explanation of, 124

use of, 125–126

Minor of element, in third-order determinant, 489

Mixture problems, 52–53

Models. See Mathematical models

Monomials, 22. See also Polynomials


associative property of, 4, 6

commutative property of, 4, 6

of complex numbers, 76–78

identity matrix for, 470–471

of matrices, 459–466

of polynomials, 24

of rational expressions, 33–34

of real numbers, 3–7

Multiplication principle

application of, 533–534

explanation of, 532–533, 565

Multiplication properties

of equality, 45

of matrices, 477

of real numbers, 6

Multiplicative identity, 4, 78

Multiplicative inverse, 4, 6, 11, 471–472


from graphs, 292

of zero, 289, 291, 292

Multiplier doctrine, 527

Napierian logarithms. See Natural logarithms

Nappes, of cone, 386n

Natural logarithms, 359, 360

Natural numbers, 2, 79

Negative growth, 342

Negative real numbers

explanation of, 3

principal square root of, 80

properties of, 7, 8

n factorial, 534–535

Nonrepeating linear factors, 587–588

Nonrigid transformations, 193


absolute value, 65

composition of function, 226, 228

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