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Ask The Expert Scott Svenheim, ACE

Springtime Pests, Truly Nolen

& The Yellow Standard

As our customers are swinging their doors and windows wide open to welcome the fresh spring air, they’re also rolling out

the red carpet for commonly known pests such as cockroaches, rodents, and house lies – to name a few. Not only are these

pests a nuisance, but do your customers know they pose a threat to their health? In addition to possibly biting and stinging,

these common pests also spread irritating allergies, bacteria, and disease. Education plays a big part of Truly Nolen’s ‘Yellow

Standard,’ allowing us to provide the best in pest control service for our customers. Identifying and controlling pests,

educating ourselves and our customers on the various health and safety concerns associated with these pests will help

improve everyone’s health and wellbeing.


In recent years, several studies have surfaced, pointing out the distinct

connection between cockroaches and asthma. The National Institute of

Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) reported that 1-in-5 children in

the United States have severe sensitivities to cockroach allergens, which

can cause or increase the severity of asthma symptoms. These allergens

are commonly exposed in homes through fecal droppings, saliva, shed

skins, and decomposing bodies of cockroaches. This has a direct negative

impact on our customer’s home interior air quality.

Commonly found in the kitchen or bathroom areas, cockroaches naturally

carry up to 33 various kinds of bacteria on the spines of their legs and

body, which can contaminate food, cooking equipment, and food surfaces.

Educate your customers on the importance of keeping foods

properly sealed and stored, cleaning their kitchens daily,

maintaining dry and well-ventilated basements and crawlspaces, if

the home has them, and disposing of garbage regularly, helping

prevent or control an infestation of these germ spreading pests.

Ask the Expert


Regular inspections and monitoring for signs of rodent activity are

paramount to effective rodent control. Part of that inspection is always

being on the lookout for rodent droppings, urine stains, and gnaw marks.

Mice and rats pose a signiicant threat, given their capacity to produce more

than 25,000 fecal pellets annually in addition to irritating allergies. They

are known to spread many diseases, including Hantavirus, Pulmonary

Syndrome, which is a respiratory illness with lu-like symptoms.


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