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Everything has an inherent level of lightness or darkness independent

of the amount of illumination. For example, a dark blue

shirt will always have a darker value than tan pants no matter

how much light is flooding the scene. This is called local value.

Local value is the idea that light is dispersed everywhere evenly.

Without shadows, we’re left with the value of the object as it

is, rather than how it appears under the effect of a light source.

You can see this at work in primitive and medieval art. These

artists were concerned with capturing the object rather than

how the object appeared in a particular lighting condition.


While there is some shading in the hair and on the face, the

values on the clothing are not created by casting a light on

the subject. The man’s sleeves are darker than the rest of his

shirt, not because they are in shadow, but because the shirt

was designed that way. Similarly, the woman’s shirt has dark

stripes and she wears dark pants.

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