
A FREE magazine on and around coercive control

A FREE magazine on and around coercive control


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that young man off and just say he’s a

nasty bad person and have him sitting

in a room with die hard, nasty

controlling blokes who have been

doing it for years, it would have done

his head in.

Min: There would be no commonality,

he wouldn’t be able to properly engage

and he would just feel shamed.

removed from the house and put on

bail. We thought he was going to go on

a Perpetrators Programme with some

really hard core perpetrators. When

she told me about her partner’s

childhood, where his mum was a sex

worker and drug user. He had seen

possibly, even suffered abuse as a

child. I couldn’t believe he had

managed to make a relationship with

someone who wasn’t damaged.

Somehow his resilience was that he

had made a relationship with a person

who was whole and the fact that he

had made this relationship with this

whole person indicated that he was

amazing, but also, under stress, he just

reverted to his default position. He’d

been beaten up as a kid and when he

was stressed, he didn’t know what to

do and didn’t have the verbal ability to

say, so he thumped and what he did

was wrong.

What he did was very, very wrong. He

could have hit that baby and it could

have been dreadful but we can’t write

Sue: He would be so shamed to think

that the world thought he was like that

and I think that someone like that

deserves an opportunity to be educated

about how you can be different. And to

be educated on how you can manage

that emotional regulation in a different

way, so that he can make that work

and he wasn’t getting that. I never

forgot that couple and I think that

Inspiring Families was written partly

because of them. So that’s my stuff.

I think there are a core of mainly men

out there who, through toxic

masculinity, through developmental

trauma, because of the rubbish they

have been through as children, need

some help as adult males to

understand that they can have

relationships that are not about

violence. It won’t work if there is

control and coercion, I’m not

suggesting that, I think that some of

that is so embedded for some men that

it’s not going to change, but I think

that we can at least think of some of

them being treated differently.

We worked with this Polish couple. He

had punched her at a wedding

reception, pissed, and police were

called, he was arrested, bail conditions,

but she would sit in a group and she

was clearly saying ‘I’m not frightened

of him, he doesn’t control my money I

do what I want. His issue is alcohol.’

Making The Invisible Visible

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