
A FREE magazine on and around coercive control

A FREE magazine on and around coercive control


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A number of studies point out that

negativity may lead to poor health. In

one study of nuns over their lifespan,

novices were evaluated regarding how

they saw the glass half full or empty.

The result was that the ‘half empty

individuals’ lived ten years shorter

than their counterparts. There are

many ways to be more positive in your

life, even when you’re experiencing

sadness, anger, or challenges. In his

book, Born to be Good, Dacher Keltner

writes: ‘Positive thoughts are a

biological mandate for health.’

Book: Born to Be Good: The Science

of a Meaningful Life by Dacher Keltner


Good posture keeps bones and joints

in the correct alignment so that

muscles are being used properly. It

also helps decrease the abnormal

wearing of joint surfaces, decreases the

stress on the ligaments holding the

joints of the spine together and

prevents the spine from becoming

fixed in abnormal positions. Because

muscles are being used properly, less

energy is used so there is less fatigue.

Good posture also prevents backache

and muscular pain and contributes to a

good appearance which is also good for

confidence and self esteem.


“Watch your thoughts; they become

words. Watch your words; they

become actions. Watch your actions;

they become habit. Watch your habits;

they become character. Watch your

character; it becomes your destiny.” ―

Lao Tzu


The Pilates Method was created by the

late Joseph Pilates whilst interned

during WW1 because of his German

nationality. He developed a fitness

regime for his fellow internees, in

order to maintain their health and

fitness levels whilst being held in

confinement. Pilates later set up his

first fitness studio in New York, at an

address he shared with the New York

City Ballet and he soon began to

attract leading ballet dancers because

his exercises perfected and

complemented their traditional

exercise programme. Actors and

actresses, and sportspersons were all

attracted to a workout that built

strength without adding bulk,

balancing that strength with flexibility,

and achieving the perfect harmony

between mind and muscle.

For online pilates classes go to:


Use code KEEPMOVING to enjoy a

25% discount for first 3 months after

the initial free 7 day trial.

Making The Invisible Visible

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