Hans Siepel OPEN UP ENG

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He stops again and asks everyone if they notice anything<br />

about the picture of the poppy that he’s put up on the<br />

screen. This time, there are no hands in the air, and the<br />

magician continues.<br />

The outer shape of the flower bud looks very different than<br />

the flower it will eventually become. The visible reality of the<br />

poppy has been radically transformed, and after opening, it<br />

looks unrecognizable. Imagine what will happen when I arrive<br />

at a similar point with my evolutionary plans. Then the visible<br />

reality, just like the opening from bud to flower, will suddenly<br />

become very different.<br />

He again lets a brief silence fall to give his advisors<br />

a moment to let it all sink into their own minds, then<br />

continues.<br />

But there’s a major difference. The poppy, in its evolutionary<br />

growth, only has to deal with material energy laws. For my<br />

own evolutionary development, I also have to take into account<br />

the energy laws of the spirit. That makes it all a bit more<br />

complicated. My ‘poppy moment’ is exactly that moment when<br />

the laws of material and spiritual energy come together in such<br />


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