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clockwise from top left Make your chickens work for their<br />

food with a seed-coated pine cone; Logs can be moved to<br />

reveal tasty bugs; Introduce your chickens to other pets –<br />

though avoid aggressive ones!; A human relationship that<br />

starts young will make chickens cuddlier later; Exciting<br />

perches come in many different forms; Time spent with<br />

your chicken is beneficial to both parties.<br />

comfort in a child-safe mirror. Small children’s<br />

playground pieces can provide stimulation,<br />

especially with a few treats dotted around them.<br />

And don’t forget the plethora of toys available<br />

for parrots that could provide fun in the hen<br />

house too.<br />

Liven it up<br />

Sometimes all it takes to change things is simply<br />

something a bit different. A new pine branch,<br />

leaves, compost or a pile of straw can provide<br />

hours of entertainment. If you are doing a bit of<br />

weeding, throw any safe weeds into the chicken<br />

run. They’ll pick them over for bugs you had no<br />

idea were there. The same goes for pulling out old<br />

plants; let them pick over the dirt and roots.<br />

If there is bedding or straw about, create a game<br />

of hide and seek by sprinkling it with sprouts,<br />

grains, berries, and other small treats so that they<br />

have to scratch around a bit for food.<br />

If you have a suitable flat area like a patio, get<br />

your girls chasing after rolling peas or grapes. Stale<br />

buns will roll too, providing a fun game of fetch –<br />

just don’t expect them to bring anything back!<br />

Even a cut-open watermelon gives variety and<br />

fun, especially since it rocks while they pick out<br />

the flesh. Or watch your girls go to town on a fresh<br />

fish carcass or the remnant meat off last night’s<br />

roast bone.<br />

Another simple idea is to provide their scratch<br />

feed (pellets, corn, wheat) in a treat shaker. Put<br />

holes in a plastic bottle, fill with feed, and replace<br />

the lid. Once they figure out that rolling the bottle<br />

releases food then they will never look back.<br />

Spending time<br />

Don’t forget that a wonderful way of entertaining<br />

your chickens and yourself is to hang out with<br />

them. Chickens handled when young will be more<br />

comfortable with being touched or cuddled, but<br />

even the shiest chicken can follow you around<br />

the garden.<br />

Other pets and animals can also provide<br />

company and interest, although perhaps not the<br />

neighbour’s boisterous dog.<br />

Whatever way you choose to spice up your<br />

chicken’s day, just think how much happier<br />

and healthier they will be. Just like us,<br />

variety and fun can make life worthwhile and<br />

enjoyable. Oh, and peanut butter, too. Let’s<br />

face it, peanut butter makes the world go<br />

around, whether you are a child or a chicken.<br />

gardener.kiwi<br />

kiwigardener 81

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