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I am so proud of all of you as t his has been a t ough t im e for everyone, but you<br />

have used t his t im e t o do t hings for you and your business t hat you never had<br />

t im e t o do before, you have been able t o spend m ore t im e w it h fam ily and had<br />

t im e t o reflect as t o w hat your passion really is. I w ant t o t hank all t hose t hat<br />

have also m ade t im e t o show up on Zoom , all of t he direct ors appreciat e it , and<br />

also t hose t hat have been paying t heir dues w hen t hey are due, helps us alot as<br />

w e are a non profit and no one is paid so t hose dues help us pay our bills for<br />

w ebsit e and ot her t hings as w ell as do som e t raining's for our m em bers. So<br />

t hank you from t he bot t om of m y heart , each of you m ean alot t o m e and<br />

helping you w it h our m ission w hich is t o em pow er, inspire, educat e, m ent or and<br />

connect you t o ot her collaborat ions is w hat <strong>GSFE</strong> is all about .<br />

Thank you Deborah Thorne The Inform at ion Diva, w ho is a m em ber of West<br />

Hollyw ood <strong>GSFE</strong> for m aking <strong>GSFE</strong> one of t he non profit s your "Leverage"<br />

conference as one of t he charit ies your event w ill give a donat ion from .I have<br />

added t he flyer of t hat event in our new slet t er and ask you all t o support it as I<br />

w ent last year and it s an am azing event . She is looking for speakers, sponsors<br />

and m ore so check out t he flyer, t he act ual event flyer w ill com e out in t he fall.<br />

Also t hank you Carl Wilson w ho has m ade <strong>GSFE</strong> one of t he charit ies for his<br />

March 12t h 2021 w om en's golf t ournam ent at t he Links at Sum m erly so if you<br />

are a golfer put your t eam t oget her and SHOW UP. Every event Carl does he<br />

gives a port ion of t he proceeds t o a charit y. I also w ant t o t hank him for<br />

select ing m e as one of t he 13 w ho got t heir Red Jacket aw ard, m ost of t he ot her<br />

12 are also <strong>GSFE</strong> m em bers and everyone w as t hrilled t o be recognized for w ork<br />

w e love doing.<br />

We are including all t he updat ed flyers at t he end of t his new slet t er of t he CD<br />

Wilson 2021 event s and our t w o <strong>GSFE</strong> 2021 event s so you have t he lat est<br />

inform at ion.<br />


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