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ENJO, US<br />

Nicole is offering dem onst rat ions and cleaning classes for ENJO's incredible<br />

chem ical-free, w ast e-free cleaning syst em s. Privat e appoint m ent s or group<br />

dem os can be convenient ly scheduled, w it h generous host rew ards!<br />

Pandem ic-proof business opport unit ies are also available; cleaning our hom es<br />

w ill alw ays be essent ial! Please em ail/ t ext / call Nicole w it h any quest ions!<br />

nicole.douglas@enjo.us<br />

Nicole Douglas<br />

ENJO US - California Dist ribut or<br />

760-893-6481<br />

w w w.enjo.us<br />


Nuskin and Bow enw ork<br />

Nuskin<br />

What is your biggest aging concern? Thinking about bot ox, t um m y t uck, face lift<br />

or a peel ? ? Ask m e about t he ?Wrinkle Iron? and t he Lum ispa. Did you know<br />

w e age as fast on t he inside as w e do on t he out side? Let ?s solve your healt h and<br />

beaut y needs t oget her. Nuskin has t he answ er.<br />

I am alw ays looking for business leaders t hat w ant t o t ravel and rock social<br />

m edia.<br />

Are you w aking up w it h a different pain every m orning? Have your horm ones<br />

t aken a hike?<br />

Bow enw ork<br />

Bow enw ork is an alt ernat ive w ay t o help reset t he body w it hout cracking or<br />

needles. Give m e a call t o set up your FREE consult at ion. In-office or rem ot e<br />

sessions available.<br />

Sharon Edm ist on<br />

Business Leader and Coach w it h Nuskin for over 10 years<br />

Cert ified Bow enw ork Pract it ioner and Inst ruct or<br />

916-799-7703<br />

sharon@bow enw orkforhealing.com<br />

sharon@t eam nuskin.com<br />

ht t ps:/ / feedt hechildren.m ynuskin.com

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