CSJ August 2 - September 2 2020

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Vol. XVII No. II

August 20—September 2, 2020

N a t i o n a l


Community Business

August 1 launched the 15th annual National

Black Business Month, designed to create

economic self-sufficiency in the United States, Caribbean,

Latin America and Africa with an economic

Page 7

Garvey, Fuller and Evans

Page 17

Editorial Page 11

(Continued on page 13)

How Foreigners out

do Black Businesses:

The federal EB-5

As many wonder how foreigners were able to start

(Continued on page 15)

Feature Culture

To Rid the killing,

Rid the N Word

Donnell Robinson

Feature Writer CSJ

FBG Duck (Weekly 26) who was Murdered on the Magnificent

Mile of Chicago’s

Gold coast, in videos

of him and his sector

portraying the N word,

money, drugs, and the

killings in ninety percent

all of their songs. Upon

viewing FBG Duck

videos and his generation

of gangster rappers, ‘The N Word” carries a profound

direction to kill.

Greegia Collyns

CSJ Staff Writer

August being National Black Business Month is a

grand announcement that the term 'Food Desert' is

predicted will not to be identified for residents of

Dearborn Homes in the future. The public housing

development, one of the last of Chicago Public

Housing (CHA) has been without a food store of any

sort since Don’s Food Mart closed in 1996.

Constructed about 1949, Dearborn Homes 660

housing units with an estimated population of 2,600

residents is located in the Bronzeville community at

27th to 30th Streets on S. State Street.

Carol Wallace, president of the Local Advisory

Council of Dearborn said, “This truly is the optimal

time to reintroduce a grocery Store for Dearborn

Homes. It goes along with the many improvements

that have been developed over the past years.” From

2009–2010, CHA renovated the buildings, adding

detailing—stone quoins, triangular ball-topped ga-

(Continued on page 16)

Former residents of Dearborn Homes gathered with daughters of

the late Don Carter (photo being held) in recognition of his contribution

of Don’s Food Mart , leading support for a grocery store

for the development.

FB photo

Sen. Harris Biden’s V.P.

A Case for 2024

Gregory Thomas

CSJ Staff Writer

Calif. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris will be the first woman, the

first Asian American and the first Black Vice President, if elected

in November 2020 presidential election. Jumping into the future the

charismatic senator, former prosecutor and onetime 2020 primary

(Continued on page 4)

CSJ National

Atlanta, Ga. Page 9

(Continued on page 10)

(Continued on page 8)

Donnell Robinson

CSJ Staff Writer

Like thieves in the night, hundreds used

social media to coordinate looting

throughout Chicago. The Great Michigan

Gold Coast was hit in a matter of minutes

as coordinated break-ins occurred

throughout the city in the early hours of

Monday morning. As the Chicago Police

was aware of the organized riot looting

that was about to occur, they will handicap

to prevent its desvastaking result.

More than 100 people were arrested

following a night of looting and unrest

(Continued on page 5)

Page 2 August 20—September 2, 2020

Chicago Street Journal

Pritzker Estimates How

Long State Will Be Dealing

With Coronavirus Illinois Gov. J.B.

Pritzker said residents should prepare to continue dealing

with coronavirus for at least another six months as

he issued a plea for people to “keep social distance.”

“We don’t have to do this forever,” Pritzker said while

speaking in Quincy, Illinois, where he said positivity

rates are on the rise. “You’ve seen there’s progress on

vaccines and treatments and, you know, we’re not there

yet. We’re not there yet. And frankly, we’re not going

to be there until 2021. In my humble opinion, I’m not a

doctor, but that’s what my observation is, that we’re not

going to be able to take off the mask and go about everything

we were doing, you know, seven, eight months

ago, for a few more months, maybe six plus months. So

let’s all work together on this.”

How to Protect Yourself

From Corona virus Regular surgical

face masks are not effective. A more specialized

face mask known as N95 respirators are thicker than

surgical masks and are fitted to a person’s face to keep

out any viral particles.

Here’s what the CDC recommends: “It’s currently

flu and respiratory disease season and CDC recommends

getting a flu vaccine, taking everyday preventive

actions to help stop the spread of germs, and taking flu

antivirals if prescribed.”

The World Health Organization said protecting yourself

from coronavirus is similar to preventing other

types of infections: “Standard recommendations include

regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when

coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and

eggs,” the WHO said. “Avoid close contact with anyone

showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as

coughing and sneezing.”

The Illinois Department of Public Health reported to

“help prevent the spread of coronaviruses and protect

yourself from becoming infected”:

Wash your hands often with soap and water

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with

unwashed hands

Avoid close contact with people who are sick

“There are currently no vaccines to protect against

human coronavirus infection,” the IDPH wrote online.

There also are no specific treatments. To help relieve

symptoms, the IDPH recommends:

Take pain and fever medications

Drink plenty of liquids

Stay home and rest

Former Gov. James R.

Thompson, Dies at 84

Longest-Serving Governor in State History, Thompson

died shortly after 8 p.m. Friday at the Shirley Ryan

Ability Lab in downtown Chicago, his wife, Jayne

Thompson told the Chicago

Tribune. “The Thompson

family is mourning the loss

of a wonderful husband,

father and grandfather,” a

statement from the family

read. “Jim Thompson’s love

and devotion to his family

mirrored his lifelong dedication

to his beloved State of

Illinois. His guiding principle

in public and private life

was to help people and do

what he could so they could

have an opportunity to succeed.

In that process, he

achieved big things for Illinois that matched the life he


Thompson, a Republican, served as governor for 14

years from 1976 to 1991. Prior to being elected, he was

appointed by President Nixon as U.S. Attorney for the

Northern District of Illinois. Before then, he worked in

the Cook County state’s attorney’s office.

Illinois Atty. General Among Those

Who Received Fraudulent Unemployment

Benefits Card Tens of thousands of Illinois

residents have applied for unemployment insurance

benefits, but it’s the people who

haven’t that need to beware Illinois

Attorney General Kwame Raoul is

urging residents throughout Illinois to

be on alert for signs of identity theft

related to unemployment insurance,

including pre-paid debit cards issued

by KeyBank. Raoul’s office has received

dozens of complaints from

people throughout the state who

learned that someone applied for unemployment insurance

benefits in their name. “People should be on the

lookout for a letter approving them for unemployment

benefits they never requested, because it likely means

that an identity thief applied for benefits using their

name and Social Security number,” Raoul said.

Lawsuit Seeks $150M in

ComEd Refunds After

Bribery Scheme

A class-action lawsuit seeks $150 million in refunds

from ComEd for customer rate increases and other

benefits the utility received from Illinois as part of an

alleged bribery scheme. The lawsuit was filed Monday

in Cook County by three individuals and a Chicagobased

company that have been

ComEd customers since 2011.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot wrote

a letter to the CEO of Commonwealth

Edison Monday, calling the

utility company’s response to its

involvement in a federal bribery

scandal “inadequate.” In a letter addressed

to CEO Joseph Dominguez,

Lightfoot said she was “deeply disturbed”

by ComEd’s conduct in a

bribery scheme in which investigators

say the company admitted to arranging

jobs and payments for associates

of an elected official. A court filing

previously identified that elected official

as “Speaker of the Illinois House

and the longest serving member of the

House of Representatives,” a description that seems

only to fit Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan

The closure of Mercy Hospital and

Medical Center Illinois Legislative Black Caucus,

SEIU, Teamsters, and GAP Neighborhood Activists

Join Forces to Fight the Closure of Mercy Hospital:

The closure of Mercy Hospital and Medical Center will

disproportionately affect nearly 50,000 patients, many

from economically- challenged communities on Chicago’s

South Side. State and local elected officials, union

leaders, and community members are coming together

to combat the closure of one of Chicago’s most promi-

(Continued on page 6)


he amount Jordan will bank from The Last Dance. He’s

donating his entire share of the proceeds, which should

reach at least $3 million to $4 million, to charitable causes.

Jordan's brand donates $100 million to organizations

fighting racism against black people, will commit $100 million

(tax deductable) over the next 10 years to organizations

assisting black people (Black Lives Matter Causes Over the Next Decade)

with social justice and greater access to education. Have you notice most of

the demonstrators look more Caucasian looking lately? Now what if he used

his money to August National Black Business Month Black Business Matters.



uring August National Black Business Month.

Food for the Thought: Thank you for continuing

to bring 95 percent of what you earn to our businesses.

Thanks for buying our Hilfigers, Karans, Nikes

and all other brands you so adore. Your super-rich

athletes, entertainers, intellectuals, and business persons

(both legal and illegal) exchange most of their

money for our car, jewelry, homes, and clothing. What

a windfall they have provided for us!

Jordan is worth $2.1 billion as of May 2020.

ichele Banks (the Witch/Which Doctor, also born

on Oct. 31) her associate Jerome Hughes, Founder

of Healthy Place Botanicals, (HPB), has just

signed for a penthouse office/training site at 5252 S. Cornell

in Hyde Park!

hicago Black million of East Lake Management, Elize Higginbottom

his buddy Rev. Leon Finney Jr. of TWO stands accused of


fraud, self-dealing and mismanagement after his nonprofit, the Woodlawn

Community Development Corporation, filed for bankruptcy in last October.

Finney appeared to get irritated when Higginbottom’s

name came up and declined to

answer several questions about the arrangement.

According to the Chicago Sun Times,

which Higginbotton is an investor in the newspaper

and part owner of the Chicago Reader.

alking about the black media, the talk host chairs of

T WVON 1690-AM, continues to roll. Art Sims affectionately

know as “Chat Daddy” is gone and morning host Maze

Jackson resigned taking co-host Todd Stroger the former

Cook County Board president and producer Sonia Escobar

with him. Reports pressure from his bosses to ease off criticism

of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and to cut off any callers that

were critical of her, according Media writer Robert Feder,

Jackson said. “I could not accept the censorship, so I chose

to resign.” Jackson and Stroger are now on gospel station

WBGX 1570-AM, from 6 to 9 a.m. daily. Matt McGill and

Thomas who were co host with Jackson and could not fit

the ‘Lion Dean’ of Jackson. Melody Spann Cooper, head of

WVON, confirmed that Jackson and Stroger resigned over

editorial and content issues with management. For now the

morning show is Ernest B. Fenton, an attorney and longtime

contributor to the news/talk station.

rump supporter, Legendary former Chicago Bears

T coach Mike Ditka has revealed he doesn’t support

athletes kneeling during the national anthem. When asked

what the policy on kneeling would be for his women’s

football X-League

during an interview

with TMZ, Ditka said

athletes who choose

to kneel should “get

the hell out of the

country.” “That’s the

way I feel,” he said.

However, he did not

say anything about

police kneeling on

someone neck.

Publisher and Editor: Ron Carter

Writers: Donnell Robinson, Frank Ottman,

Gregory Thomas, Briyana Kelly (BK)

Pat DeBonnett,G.A.Cummings, TerriJo

Circulation: Roosevelt Martin, Harold Lucus

Photographers: Parthenia Luke

Chicago ‘South’ Street Journal founded in 1993

c/o BOP: 642-644 East 79th Street, Chgo, Ill.

E-mail: ChicagoStJournal@aol.com



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Columbia University South Street Journal archive:


Archived by Columbia University’s Urban

Research Workshop (URW) , back issues from

1993 to 2006 of Chicago Street Journal’s predecessor,

the South Street Journal, were donated

to provide material for URW students to

collaboratively research themes such as gentrification,

racism, political affairs, and youth


CSJ is free, except special request drop offs

and street sales where a $1 donation is requested.

Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. CSJ assumes

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may be printed without written permission,

upon credit given to CSJ and source with requested.

Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 3

Mayor, Activists Reach Deal On

Proposed Obama Presidential Center

In a broad sense, the Obama Community

Benefit Agreement (CBA) Coalition has been

seeking for a requirement that jobs be set

aside for people in the communities around

the Obama Presidential Center and the protection

of housing for working families, those with

low incomes and existing home owners, along

with creating and supporting Black businesses

and strengthening neighborhood schools.

Black Lives Matter protestors joined with

the Obama CBA Coalition to erect a 'tent city'

on a City owned vacant lot in Woodlawn that

they say should be set aside for affordable

housing. It's part of an ongoing campaign to

stop displacement around the Obama Center.

Activists are joining forces to call on the Mayor

to divest from Chicago Police Department and

invest in Black Lives including affordable

housing in Black communities. Community

leaders, Alderman Sigcho-Lopez and La Spata,

followed with a march and rally, activists occupied

a lot all day and night to get their voices

h e a r d .

A deal reached between Mayor Lori Lightfoot

and Obama CBA that would require affordable

housing in Woodlawn near the proposed

Obama Presidential Center.

The coalition’s initial goal was to sign a

CBA with the Obama Foundation and

the University of Chicago as far back as 2017.

However, after both organizations refused to

engage in negotiations with community groups,

members turned their attention to City Hall.

In July Alderwoman Jeanette Taylor and Alderwoman

Leslie Hairston introduced the CBA

Housing Ordinance in City Council to stop

displacement around the Obama Center. The

Mayor’s proposed affordable housing ordinance

is a response to this ordinance. In a non

binding ballot referendum in February last year,

in precincts around the Obama Center, over

80% of voters supported the CBA Housing

O r d i n a n c e .

Members of the Obama CBA Coalition along

with Alderwoman Jeanette Taylor announced in

August plans to move forward with the CBA

Housing Ordinance which would set affordable

housing requirements for future developments

in the Woodlawn neighborhood.

According to the Obama CBA Coalition, the

CBA Housing Ordinance will set aside 52 vacant

lots for real affordable housing. It will also

create a rehab program to preserve real affordable.

The group said although they are happy

with the progress of the current ordinance, they

will continue to push for other amendments

including an amendment that will allow recently

displaced Woodlawn residents to be

given preference for newly built affordable

units on City land in Woodlawn.

A study by the University of Illinois, Chicago,

Nathalie P. Vorhees Center for Neighborhood

and Community Improvement, found that

some community members within a two-mile

radius of the OPC, an area where 62 percent of

The $500 million (estimated) Obama Presidential Center had it delays in parts due

to the Obama Community Benefit Agreement (CBA) Coalition; which on July 23, 2019

photo, activist Jose Reuena, center in back row, holds a placard during a news

conference and rally in Chicago for affordable housing. (AP Photo / Amr Alfiky)

residents are renters, may not be able to afford

rents and property taxes that are rising faster

than the rest of the market in Chicago.

The ordinance still needs City Council app

r o v a l .

The ordinance will also provide grant money to

help working class homeowners make repairs,

and provide grant money for working class

people to access homeownership.

Black Lives Matter Chicago, Ebonee Green

of the CBA Coalition says “In Woodlawn 9,900

people, over 40% of the current residents are at

high risk of displacement due to rising rents.

These are people who make less than $50,000

per year, people who work their butts off working

full time jobs in restaurants and homecare.

We are talking about essential workers and

workers who have been laid off, people directly

impacted by the two crises of coronavirus and

systemic racism..”

The CBA Coalition is demanding: 1) 75%

of housing built on City Land be truly affordable;

2) 2-3 bedroom affordable units; 3) $5M

for homeownership for working families; 4)

Preserve rentals for incomes under $50K/yr.;

and, 5) Cover Woodlawn + 20th Ward Washington


In addition Obama and the Obama Foundation

have not taken a position on the CBA

Housing Ordinance introduced in City Council

or the Mayor’s proposed Woodlawn Affordable

Housing Ordinance.

the Coalition pointed out Obama could have

taken a fallback position and said that he would

write out a memorandum of understanding with

the community and agree to certain principles,

goals and benchmarks. Why was it ok for the

City of Chicago to have an Olympic CBA

MOU, but it is not ok for the OPL members of

the Coalition ask.

The Obama Foundation announced on

July 27, 2018 that groundbreaking for

the Center would be delayed until sometime

in 2019, and the center

would not open in 2021, as was initially


Page 4 August 20—September 2, 2020

Sen. Harris Biden’s VP

(Continued from page 1)

rival is also targeted to be President in 2024.

Joe Biden’s choice of Harris comes at a

time of racial reckoning in the country, plunging

one of the best-known women in politics

into a contest against President Donald

Trump, who has stoked racial divisions in the

White House and on the campaign trail.

Forty-eight years after Shirley Chisholm

declared “A New Era”, a Black woman is on

the national ticket. The late Chisholm ran for

president in 1972. No Black woman followed

her until Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun

32 years later.

Biden welcomed Harris to his team saying

“of all the contenders qualified to be vice

president, I need someone alongside me who

is smart, tough and ready to lead. Kamala is

that person.”

Biden 77, has hinted that he can be a one

term president. Giving his advanced age has

u n d e r s t a n d a b l y

prompted many to assign

huge importance to his

vice-presidential pick

and what it might signal

for the future of the Democratic

Party. Even if

Biden wins and serves

out his term, it’s not

clear that he’d run for a

second one. He has portrayed

himself as a transitional

candidate, describing

his campaign as

Barack Obama

a “bridge” to the next generation of Democratic

leaders, so it’s entirely possible that Harris,

who is 55, will be thought of as the future

Chicago Street Journal

of the party no

matter what.

B i d e n , i f

elected, would

be the oldest

president to hold

t h e o f f i c e ,

whereby, there

could easily be a

s c e n a r i o i n

which his VP

must finish his

term. As he stated

Harris is a

woman that is

qualified to be


Harris, the

daughter of immigrants

from Jamaica

and India,

was the wire-towire


for Biden’s No. 2

job. Her experience

as a battletested


candidate, her

efforts leading major law enforcement offices

and her political track record of three election

wins in California helped her overcome a

crowded list of contenders.

“I have the great honor to announce that

I’ve picked Harris — a fearless fighter for the

little guy, and one of the country’s finest public

servants — as my running mate,” Biden

wrote in a tweet.

In her own tweet, Harris called joining

Joe Biden welcomed Karmala Harris as his

running as one of the contenders qualified to be


...can lead to Harris

being the first woman

and African/Asian

American president of

Biden’s ticket

an honor.

Biden, she

wrote, “He can

u n i f y t h e

A m e r i c a n

people because

he spent

his life fighting

for us and

as president,

he'll build an

America that

lives up to our

ideals. I'm

honored to

join him as our

party's nominee

for Vice President,

and do

what it takes to

make him our



Biden “nailed

the decision”

for running

mate in picking

Harris. Former

P r e s i d e n t

Barack Obama

said in a statement

(in which it’s believed he influenced

Bidens’ choice), calling the selection of a vice

presidential nominee “the first important decision

a president makes.” Obama added, Biden

“has underscored his own judgment and character.

Reality shows us that these attributes

are not optional in a president.”

Harris is a child of the Civil Rights Movement;

whose parents were active in the 1960s

marches. She initially launched her

Presidential Campagne for the 2020 Presidential

run but decided to withdraw early in

the campaign. As a former line prosecutor

who got her start in Alameda County — Harris

launched her first political run in 2003, for

San Francisco District Attorney. Harris ultimately

defeated the incumbent after accusing

him of running a dysfunctional office and not

addressing rising crime rates.

While Harris cultivated the Bay Area’s

wealthy and connected, she also campaigned

with an ironing board, passing out leaflets at

transit stops and blocking out her weekends to

appear at clubs and churches in the famously

left-wing city, where politics has been compared

to blood sport. As Harris celebrated her

election to the Senate, Trump’s victory in the

race for president loomed over her victory

speech — and ushered in

the next phase of her

career, which now has

her months away from

potentially moving into

a White House office

alongside Biden, and

possibility beyond to

president in 2024.

Harris was considered

a top-tier presidential

contender when she

launched her campaign

President Donald

last year before more than 22,000 people in

her hometown of Oakland.

The Trump campaign wasted no time

knocking her as “phony Kamala” and casting

Harris as a liberal Trojan horse taking advantage

of an aging candidate on the president’s

Twitter feed shortly after the news became

public. Also, the ad says that Harris attacked

Biden “for racist policies” during her White

House bid while “rushing to the radical left”.

Despite the attacks on her character,

Harris won praise from other contenders for

the vice presidency who did not get selected

by Biden.

“Senator Harris is a tenacious and trailblazing

leader who will make a great partner on

the campaign trail. I am confident that Biden-

Harris will prove to be a winning ticket,” said

Susan Rice, who was Obama’s national security

adviser and was among Harris’ competition

to be Biden’s running mate.

And former President Bill Clinton called

(Continued on page 21)

By the Publisher

Art work for

Purchase and


Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 5

S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 2 9 , 2 0 2 0 .

Project H.O.O.D. Annual (Helping Others

Obtain Destiny) and Pastor Corey B. Brooks

will hold Seventh Annual Fundraising Event


The Regional Transportation Authority

(RTA) is seeking public comment on its new

regional Framework for Transit Capital Improvements

through Friday, August

28. Prepared by RTA staff in partnership with

the Chicago Transit Authority, Metra, and

Pace, the draft framework is intended to improve

transparency in how public transit projects

are chosen and funded in northeastern

Illinois. Comments can be submitted

to Communications@RTAChicago.org.

The U.S. Conference of Mayors and Wells

Fargo CommunityWINS (Working/Investing

in Neighborhood Stabilization) grant program

will award $1 million to local nonprofits that

are addressing the housing affordability crisis,

including transitional housing, rentals, and

homeownership projects and programs. The

deadline is Friday, October 9.

August 26, 2020 AARP, Main Street

America, the United States Hispanic

Chamber (USHCC) and the

Association of Women Business

Centers, for a roundtable conversation

on the state of small businesses

in America. This conversation is focused

on the Midwest region of the

United States, which we have

broadly defined as including the

Great Lakes and Great Plains states.

All are welcome to attend, but the

speakers and the discussion will focus

on how businesses and communities

are responding to this crisis

l o c a l l y a n d r e g i o n a l l y .

During the event, you’ll hear from

local and regional organizations and

AARP state offices on the work they

are doing to support small businesses

and communities. We look

forward to hearing from you on the

challenges and issues your business

and community are facing.

Thursday, Aug. 27 ,The Neighborhood

Opportunity Fund finances projects

in commercial corridors across

Chicago's South,

Southwest and West

S i d e s . N o n -

profit organizations

are eligible for the

NOF grant, but they

must be engaged in a

retail or commercial

activity or providing a cultural asset

that is open to the public. DPD will

host two virtual informational sessions

to assist potential applicants in

prepping for the process. NOF Info

Register on Zoom Session

( S p a n i s h )

3:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug 26

(Continued from page 1)

that left 13 officers injured and

caused widespread damage

throughout downtown Chicago.

Looters rampaged through downtown

smashing storefronts, looting

property and creating chaos in

scenes reminiscent of the rioting

that occurred on May 31 after the

police killing of George Floyd.

Chicago Police Department

Superintendent David Brown said

it “..was not an organized protest”

but instead “an incident of pure

criminality” that began following

the shooting of a person by police

the previous day in the city’s

Englewood neighborhood. At one

point early Monday, shots were

fired at police and officers returned


Well before the images of widespread

looting hit TV, police say

social media was the tool used to

get crowds organized. Chicago

Police Superintendent David

Brown said the looting was a coordinated

attack planned on social


“CPD became aware of several

social media posts encouraging

looting downtown,” Brown said.

“Once we got word of these

tforms, but it’s one tool of many.

“I think a question that Chicagoans

and people are left wondering

is, is ‘how did this happen

before police could stop it?’ The

short answer is there are so many

avenues of dissemination, what

criminals are trying to do is not be

discovered,” Schneider said.

Chicago police said they couldn’t

provide information of how

many officers are assigned to

monitoring social media.

Social media has been a tool for

police for years, not just in Chicago

but across the country. Facebook

received about 50,000 requests

for information from police

departments starting in July of last

year until December of 2019.

Sociology professor Christopher

Schneider is the author of

“Policing and Social Media: Social

Control in an Era of New


“I was quite interested in learning

more about how the Chicago

police discovered these posts

online that indicated that there

was going to be some kind of

looting to direct them there, because

we know that this has been

a controversial subject in Chicago,”

Schneider said.

The practice is so controversial

that in 2018 the American Civil

Liberties Union stepped in to request

more information from Chicago

police about what they were

doing. The ACLU eventually

called on the police department to

end the use of “spying software”

to monitor social media activity.

Among their concerns is

whether some tracking software

that is being used had algorithms

that could be racially biased.

“They have since suggested

they are not really using those…

they haven’t really confirmed

what they are using now explicitly,”

Schneider said.

Schneider says it’s not unusual

for police departments to keep a

tight guard on how they’re tracking

criminal activity on social pla

The Chicago Police Department

Bureau of Detectives has established

a looting task force and is

seeking help from businesses

and community members. Anyone

who may have videos, photos or

information regarding the recent

looting incidents, please contact

the task force at: 312-744-8263, or

email them at: 630lootingtaskforce@chicagopolice.org.


can always submit an anonymous

tip at CPDtip.com

Cook County State’s Attorney

Kim Foxx faced criticism from

downtown business owners, the

police superintendent and her

political rivals over her approach

to prosecuting people arrested

during unrest in Chicago.

“The notion that people believe

that they are somehow empowered

because people weren’t

prosecuted for looting back in the

wake of the unrest beginning is

simply not true,” Foxx said. “It

does not serve us to have dishonest

blame games, when all our

hearts are breaking by what we’re


Foxx is up for re-election in

November, and her critics are

pouncing as she faces tough questions

over how she’s handled people

who are arrested during looting

in late May.

Questioned about her response

to the looting and rioting, Foxx

said police arrested 5,000 people

that weekend but only about 1,400

on looting-related charges. She

says those cases are being prosecuted.

Brown said looters have

“learned there are no consequences,”

a clear shot at Foxx

over her handling of cases.

“It’s important to recognize

why we drop cases, we may drop

a case because the facts and evidence

don’t substantiate a charge,

we may drop a case because a

witness key to the cases has decided

to no longer cooperate,”

Foxx said.

While calling the looting Sunday

night a “blatant display of

criminal behavior,” the prosecutor

defended her bail reforms which

are being criticized as too lenient.

Former Cook County Judge Pat

O’Brien is the Republican candidate

running against Foxx in November,

and blames Foxx for

what he describes as a growing

unease as violent crime rises that

the city is up for grabs.

O’Brien said and he says the

prosecutor isn’t fighting for the

people, and is making Chicago a

“To those who engaged in this: we

are coming for you,” Mayor Lori

Lightfoot said.

“free-for-all for people who want

to steal.”

“This is a time when Kim Foxx

has to be fired,” O Brien said.

“Our town is like Dodge City. On

a second term it will become like

Tombstone. This can’t go on.”

Foxx said the cases which were

dismissed were charged with curfew

violations, disorderliness for

not dispersing in time, instead of

anything directly connected with


Additionally, Foxx said the

pandemic, the economic free-fall

and the rise in violent crime have

made 2020 unlike any year we

have seen, and she says finding

solutions to the problems that

result in looting is a complex

process that can’t be dealt with in

simple sound bites.

social media posts, 400 officers

were dispatched to our downtown


Page 6 August 20—September 2, 2020

Chicago Street Journal


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Phil V. Smith, Owner/Master

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(Continued from page 2)

tatives,” a description that seems

only to fit Illinois House Speaker

Michael Madigan

The closure of Mercy

Hospital and Medical

Center Illinois Legislative Black

Caucus, SEIU, Teamsters, and GAP

Neighborhood Activists Join Forces

Scholarship Funds Established

for Mary Louise

Zeno Carter.

T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh

We Are A

501c3 Non




Dedicated to


the Lives of


Workshop Series Locations:


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to Fight the Closure of Mercy Hospital:

The closure of Mercy Hospital

and Medical Center will disproportionately

affect nearly 50,000 patients,

many from economicallychallenged

communities on Chicago’s

South Side. State and local

elected officials, union leaders, and

community members are coming

together to combat the closure of one

of Chicago’s most prominent hospitals

to serve economically challenged

and underserved patients. The hospital’s

parent company, Michiganbased,

Trinity Health, has chosen to

close the hospital in addition to laying

off nearly 1,700 high and lowskilled

workers in one of the worst

recessions to hit the U.S.

Speakers are State Representative

Lamont J. Robinson, 5th District;

Alderman Sophia King, 4th Ward;

SEIU Healthcare Illinois and Indiana

President, Greg Kelley; several

Mercy employees; and Leonard

McGhee, President of the GAP

Neighborhood Association.


more details, contact Taryn Will

i a m s a t


oup.com or 708.476.0489

Neighborhood Housing

Services is partnering

with the City of Chicago to provide

grants and housing assistance to

those adversely impacted by the


economic fallout from the COVID-

19 pandemic.

Rep. Kelly & Brian

Mast Veteran Suicide



bipartisan Solid

Start Reporting

Act. The legislation



baselines for a

newly created

program to

support veteran

mental health during the first year

after departing military service. The

Department of Veterans Affairs

(VA) recently established its Solid





The family of social worker Mary Louise Zeno Carter (1913-2006) has

established scholarship funds in their honor to provided needed scholarships

at St. Sabina Academy.

Actor and producer T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh, who attended S.t

Sabina academy, said “I am excited about the scholarships. Anyone who

knows me knows that I was raised by my grandmother. My siblings and

other family members look forward to helping children attend the school

that helped her raise us, St. Sabina Academy...

Mary Louise Zeno Carter was a dutiful wife and mother, an intelligent,

civic-minded and hard-working woman, a meticulous homemaker, a generous

caregiver and a dedicated social worker for the Illinois Department of

Public Aid. My grandmother was an active member of St. Sabina Church,

and served as Treasurer of her neighborhood block club and Den Mother

for the Boy Scouts of America. She also welcomed into her home any

relative that needed a place to stay for a night, a weekend, or a while.

To make a donation to the Mary Louise Zeno Carter Scholarship Fund at

St. Sabina Academy, Visit: https://mlzcscholarship.weebly.com/

donate.html, or send a check to: St. Sabina Academy, 7801 S. Throop St.,

Chicago, IL 60620 with "MLZC Scholarship" in the memo.

T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh is an American actress and singer. In

addition to her status as an original cast member of the Fox sketch

comedy series In Living Color, she is also known for her roles as

Erica Lucas on the CBS sitcom Cosby, and as Tanya Baxter on the

Disney Channel sitcom That's So Raven.

S t a r t P r o g r a m . T h e p r o -

gram will proactively contact veterans,

by phone and email, several

times during the first year of their

transition to civilian life. The prog

r a m i s b a s e d

on research indicating that the

first year out of service is a high-risk

period for mental health challenges.

These statistics hold true for all veterans,

regardless of demographics.

Ford calls for Elected

Police Supertindent,

wants to give residents a say when it

comes to police leadership, and is

proposing that the Chicago Police

Superintendent role become an

elected position.

“Right now, some residents don’t

feel that the appointment of the top

cop gives them a voice in selecting

the best superintendent to head the

Chicago Police Department,” Ford


Ford was

joined by

members of

the community


want to address


with a



that targets the illegal flow of

guns into the state, the illicit drug

market and efforts to improve needed

human services.

Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 7

Featured writer

by: Pat DeBonnett

There’s yet a great opportunity for growth

and development of the So. Michigan Avenue’s

business district that was, for many

years, as popular as the downtown Loop.

The recent fire of Gately’s Peoples Store

provides an opportunity for major investment

in preserving Roseland’s historically

rich business district to become a “Gateway

to the Future of a Greater South Michigan

Avenue”. This area can be transformed

anew into a vibrant business district, able to

recover and update its four south side wards

community led strategic plan for: Sustainable

Housing, Vibrant Health, Education

parity, and Economic Development in

“Greater Roseland Communities Thriving in

the 1990’s “.

The Roseland business council reached

out to community-based organizations and

churches to support a Walmart for the community,

anticipating it would spearhead

renewed city and local political support of

revitalizing the entire community area to

provide jobs, training and development,

opportunity for improved living wage employment,

and prosperity for community

residents. The Roseland area community,

however, hasn’t received any reciprocal

benefits for the major community written

and testimonial support provided the 9 th

ward to gain approval for a Walmart in the

area. The hope was restoration of city and

local official support of Greater Roseland’s

years of neighborhood inclusive economic

development, “Revitalizing Greater Roseland

from the inside out”, from 1986 to


Now Greater Roseland has hopes and

plans for Its “Thriving Communities 2020 to

2050”! Greater Roseland has never given up

expectations of full support from the city,

local officials, institutions and banks, to

work together. Every Chicago Community

Must Matter, if Chicago is to become a

city that works for every neighborhood!

The Roseland Business Council have

stood for equality and justice for economic

development more than 50 years along with

the Chicago South Chamber of Commerce,

located 11145 S. Michigan Ave. which may

have been among the first Chambers Charter

Chicago. The Chicago Street Journal features

in its August, Black Business Months

Issue, four outstanding Black owned businesses

providing 501 combined years of

quality services to Roseland and Chicago

shoppers on “The Avenue”, called by the

community and businesses for many, many


Bass Furniture, located 11431 So.

Michigan, has been in Roseland 80 years,

the oldest of its kind. Owen by Mr. Eddie

Davis for 27 years, providing quality furniture

to rival any other like business to offer

the best service and honest prices. With the

former owner, and Mr. Davis as store Manager,

entire families would shop at Bass.

Mr. Davis said, “it was years before he let

people know he purchased the store and It

hurt me so bad when Blacks also began to

go to other businesses outside the neighborhood

to purchase their furniture”. Bass Furniture

provides the same level of highquality

furniture as other companies and

offers his customers more accommodating

and affordable financing options.

“Until the 115 th street mall was demolished,

lack of foot traffic impacted the three

long standing Black businesses in the area.

However, we maintain faithful satisfied

customers that keep our businesses alive”.

A corporate salesman encouraged Mr.

Davis many times to relocate his business to

other areas where he would do more business

and have consistent customer support of

his fine store. He decided the community

needed his services. He’s still here through

the community’s best, and worst, of times.

In the past, if grandma would buy, all family

members would also buy Bass. When

grandmas pass, families went outside the

community supporting other neighborhoods

and businesses growing wealth. If we’re

offering the same or greater quality goods

and services, we should keep our dollars in

our own community.

Many of Chicago’s well-developed business

districts don’t have the metered system

in local districts with limited off-street parking.

The city’s sale of public parking to a

private company added to more challenges

for customers and local owners. The prolonged

inequitable treatment of distressed

business areas suffers grievous loss due to

ticketing problems for customers.

Old Fashioned Donut’s, located 11248

So. Michigan Avenue, owned by Mr. Burritt

Bulloch family for more than 48 years. Mr.

Bulloch has brought more television, and

multi-media publicity and fame to The Avenue

for many years featuring Chicago’s most

beloved, Old Fashioned Donuts, established

in 1972, He’s been asked for many years to

franchise his business and relocate to other

areas for better access, including downtown

Michigan Avenue.

He got his start at Amy Joy Donuts, on

63 rd and Halsted’s

CTA elevated

train stop, hiring

and training many

young people

how to provide

quality customer

service. He was

offered an opportunity

to buy the

business and decided

to come to

Roseland instead.

His love and

faithful customer

service to the Roseland community provides

many warm memories and stories of

families, students, and celebrities that

won’t miss seeing Mr. Bulloch making

donuts in the window and coming in to buy

their most favorite, Old Fashioned Donuts

in America, on Roseland’s So. Michigan


The community came to Mr. Bulloch’s

aid with a show of love when the front window

of the store was broken during the protesting

of the brutal loss of life of George

Floyd. A local woman offered to pay for the

window. Mr. Bulloch thanked her and declined

the offer. The community, however,

demonstrated a great show of love and support

by starting a GoFundMe to show the

love and support of Old-Fashioned Donuts’

many loyal customers’ respect for Mr.

Bulloch’s faithful service to Roseland and

the City of Chicago!

Edwards Fashions. 11363 S. Michigan

Ave., founded in 1974 by John (JD) Edwards

Sr., known as the Roseland Haberdasher.

It is now run by his sons, Ledall and

John Jr. providing quality men’s ware from

head to toe.

Mr. Edwards was an active member of the

Chicago South Chamber of Commerce

which supported commerce on Chicago’s far

south side and beyond Michigan Ave. Roseland

was hard hit in the 1970’s by the shutdown

of the steel mills and white flight from

the area. After noble efforts by the Chamber

of Commerce to stay the course to maintain

the support of area commerce,

the Chamber was


To fill the void, Mr. Edwards and other

businesses started the Roseland Business

Development Council in 1979, for which

Mr. Edwards faithfully served as its president.

He provided aggressive leadership in

getting all the local businesses to stand up

for each other. His focus was on stabilization

of the Roseland area businesses, saying “the

Chamber’s gone, but we’re not gone”. It

wasn’t always easy, but he felt that without

local business, there is no community, when

residents must go elsewhere for goods and

services. The Roseland business community

was deeply saddened by his passing in 2007.

After 46 years, his sons continue to provide

high quality goods and stellar customer

service for faithful customers. John Jr. and

Ledall continue the support of the Roseland

Business Development Council to fulfill

John Edwards, Sr. dream of stabilizing economic

development of Chicago’s other

Michigan Ave. business district. Far south

of Chicago’s North Michigan Avenue’s

Gold Coast, it would be in the best interest

of the City of Chicago to support the longdeferred

reinvestment and redevelopment in

Roseland and distressed communities and

local business districts. Families would, no

longer, be forced to shop in other neighborhoods

where they are unwelcome.

Scott Enterprise located 11513 So.

Michigan, owned by Mr. Edmond Scott, has

been there for 44 years, providing income

tax, insurance and notary services. As a

child he lived in Altgeld Gardens, graduated

from George Washington Carver high

school yet was never taught Carver’s many

great contributions to America’s economy.

Mr. Scott always shopped on Michigan

Avenue, instead of going downtown, because

“The Avenue had everything you

would want or need to buy. A hardware,

grocery store and other specialty services.

One could purchase durable goods, adult

clothing, children’s clothing, sporting goods,

jewelry, furniture, and major department

store wares. Whatever you needed, you

could buy in Roseland”. Roseland had a

movie theater and

dining choices. As a

young boy Mr. Scott

said, “I wished I had a

business in Roseland”.

His wish was fulfilled

in 1976 when he

gave up his second

job to take ownership

of the business. Dun

& Bradstreet said,

“Mr. Scott you are

now in business for yourself”. He’s been the

President of The Roseland Business Development

Council since John Edwards Sr.

passing in 2007. RBDC has celebrated well

attended Annual Awards Banquets every

year since, recognizing individuals and organizations

supporting the growth of the

Greater Roseland communities.

(Continued on page 9)



Income tax,


Business Service and

Notary services.

11513 S Michigan Ave,


Page 8 August 20—September 2, 2020

“A tool of white supremacy”

Chicago Street Journal



Most Chicago aldermen are

praising Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s

decision to remove two Columbus

statues. But not all are on board for

the permanent removal of the statues.

The Grant Park monument was

removed about 3 a.m. Crews also

removed another statue of the Italian

explorer in Arrigo Park on the

Near West Side.

Ald. Anthony Napolitano (41st)

on Friday said he’s very saddened

by the removal, and he questioned

the overnight removal. He dubbed

it “not the American way.”

“It’s because a bunch of people,

a bunch of socialist cancel culture

people cried about it that we removed

it in the middle of the

night,” Napolitano said. “In America,

we do this by discussion.”

“Chicago’s Christopher Columbus

monuments have been removed

— and will stay that way — because

of the Indigenous, Black, and

Brown Chicagoans that have been

fighting for so long to make this

happen,” Aldermen Rossana Rodriguez

(33rd), Carlos Ramirez-Rosa

(35th), Daniel La Spata (1st),

Jeanette Taylor (20th), and Byron

Sigcho-Lopez (25th) said in a statement.

Writer and activist Shaun King

announced that he supports the

destruction of statues that depict a

white Jesus. King, who has been an

outspoken supporter of the Black

Lives Matter movement, tweeted

his remarks. He noted that historians

believe Jesus likely had the

appearance of people who typically

lived in the Middle

East during his

time, rather than

the white man

who is typically

depicted in Christian


He took to Twitter and wrote:

“Yes I think the statues of the white

European they claim is Jesus

should also come down. They are a

form of white supremacy. Always

have been,” King tweeted. “In the

Bible, when the family of Jesus

wanted to hide and blend in, guess







Call: David Storm Ruffin


You will never feel Better


(Continued from page 1)


ING TO ‘REDNECKS’On 4 July, Independence

Day, hundreds of armed

Black citizens marched, military

style, at a Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

stronghold in Georgia, USA. There

they issued a warning to


According to Fox News, the

“protesters”, which local police

estimated as numbering “around

200”, gathered at Stone Mountain

Park to demand that the massive

stone carving there be removed.

The carving is a memorial to general

Robert E Lee, confederate

president Jefferson Davis, and general

Thomas J “Stonewall” Jackson.

All three are confederate heroes and

revered by white supremacists.

This follows Black Lives Matter

(BLM) protests across the US and

elsewhere that saw similar demands

or direct action regarding statues of

slave owners and their Black Lives

Matter protesters gather in front of

the Confederate carving in Stone

Mountain Park on June 16, 2020 in

Stone Mountain, Georgia. The

march is to protest confederate

monuments and recent police shootings.

Stone Mountain Park features

a Confederate Memorial carving

depicting Stonewall Jackson and

Robert E. Lee, President Jefferson

Davis supporters.

The group, known as the Not

F***ing Around Coalition (NFAC)

was comprised of several hundred

people, all dressed in black.

John Jay Fitzgerald Johnson,

known as Grand Master Jay, claims

leadership of the group and has

stated that it is composed of "ex

military shooters." Johnson, who

was an independent candidate for

U.S. president in 2016, stated, "We

are a Black militia. We aren't protesters,

we aren't demonstrators. We

don't come to sing, we don't come

to chant. That's not what we do."

Furthermore, in the same interview,

Johnson expressed Black Nationalist

views, putting forth the view that

the United States should either hand

the state of Texas over to African-

Americans so that they may form

an independent country, or allow

African-Americans to depart the

Derrick A. Riley, CEO

United States to another country

that would provide land upon which

to form an independent nation.

The first public sighting of the

NFAC took place on May 12, 2020,

in Brunswick, Georgia, as a direct

response to the shooting death of

Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old

Black jogger murder by two white

males in February. Although early

reports on the NFAC linked the

organization to the Black Panther

Party, the NFAC has denied any

connection. Although African

Americans appeared to account for

the vast majority of the marchers,

protesters of various races, men and

women alike, were among the


Of all the Confederate monuments

under fire, the 1,700-foot

high outcropping of granite with

carvings of Robert E. Lee, Thomas

“Stonewall” Jackson and Jefferson

Davis is—by far—the largest.

Covering more than 17,000

square feet of mountain and 40 feet

deep in the crannies, the carving—

at nine-stories high—is the largest

flat relief

sculpture in the

Stone Mountain Ku Klux Klan rally. Supporters of the Ku

Klux Former Klan presidential march May candidate

2016, John Jay Fitzger-

Harris/Getty Images)

4, 1989, Stone Mountain, Georgia (Paul

ald Johnson, known as

Grand Master Jay, claims

leadership of the group Not

F***ing Around Coalition


world. Planning of the monument

began only in 1914. Funding for the

project came primarily from the Ku

Klux Klan, which regularly met on

the mountain to burn crosses and

the project's first directors and promoters

were KKK members. Their

original plan was to depict General

Robert E. Lee leading Confederate

soldiers and Klan members up the


The park officially opened to the

public on April 14, 1965 — the

hundredth anniversary of the assassination

of President Abraham Lincoln.

After the memorial was complete,

“a ‘neo-Confederate theme

park’ emerged around the site, including

a plantation house, a “Gone

With the Wind” museum, according

to a report from the Atlanta History

C e n t e r , T h e N e w Y o r k

Times reported.

Stacey Abrams, the former minority

leader of the Georgia House

of Representatives and the Democratic

nominee for governor in 2018,

declared during her unsuccessful

gubernatorial campaign that the

granite carving is “a blight on our

state” and called for its removal.

"We must never celebrate

those who defended slavery and

tried to destroy the union," Abrams


Removing the monument would

take a lot of dynamite and require a

change in state law. The Georgia

code says the Confederate memorial

should be “preserved and protected

for all time as a tribute to the

bravery and heroism of the citizens

of this state who suffered and died

in their cause.”

“Anytime there appears to be a

gross injustice against the Black

community, we’ve decided we’re

going to take it to the streets. We’re

going to take it to their face and

show them what Malcolm said was

true. There are no such things as a

b l o o d l e s s r e v o l u t i o n . ” -

Grandmaster Jay

Major Gang Arrest CPD Breaks Down

Number of Gangs

‘Plug’ in gang associate question

police numbers

Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 9

Chicago is considered the most ganginfested

city in the United States. There are

more than 100,000 gang members in Chicago,

the city’s top cop said hours after a shooting at

a funeral, believed to be gang retaliation, left

15 people wounded.

In total, Supt. David Brown said, there are

117,000 gang members, who are part of the

city’s 55 known gangs. Of those 55 gangs,

there are 747 factions, which also have 2,500


An alleged Chicago gang leader is among

23 individuals facing criminal charges as part

of a federal investigation into drug and gun

trafficking on the city's South Side.

The defendants were arrested July 28, after

the shooting at the funeral in the city’s Gresham


However, the federal investigation was a

multi-year investigation, according to the

Northern District of Illinois U.S. Attorney's

Office. The arrests come as federal authorities

beef up their presence in Chicago to target



"We're here to announce a big win the big win

for our team and for the people of the

Southside of Chicago," said Chicago Police

Superintendent David Brown. "The two dozen

individuals that were arrested are arrested for

serious crime. They promoted violence. They

promoted drug activity," said Emerson Buie,

Chicago FBI Special Agent in Charge.

Among those arrested is Darnell McMiller,

34, of Chicago, also known as "Murder."

McMiller is described in the charges as the

current leader of the Black Disciples street

gang in Chicago. Several other alleged highranking

members of the Black Disciples were

also charged and arrested; including Clarence

January, who allegedly leads the gang's "Dog

Pound" factions; Kenneth Browns, who allegedly

supplied the gang with drugs for distribution

in Chicago; as well as Charles Knight, an

alleged high-ranking

member of the Gangster

Disciples street

gang, who is charged

as part of the probe

with supplying narcotics

to McMiller's


Former Chicago

Police Superintendent

Garry McCarthy

blames Chicago's

gang culture for its

high rates of homicide

and other violent

crime, stating "It's

very frustrating to

know that it's like 7%

of the population

causes 80% of the

violent crime...The

gangs here are traditional

gangs that are

generational, if you

will. The grandfather

was a gang member,

the father's a gang

member, and the kid

right now is going to

be a gang member.

According to Brown, that fuels what he

described as a “cycle of violence.”

“Someone was shot, which prompts someone

else to pick up a gun,” he said.

That, they believe, was the motive behind

the shooting at a funeral in the city’s Gresham


Chicago authorities said they “had intelligence”

that the man being mourned by family

and friends was killed in a drive-by shooting

in the nearby Englewood neighborhood earlier

this month.

“We investigated further and there was a

Justice activist Jermont Montgomery who is ‘Pluged it’ into the streets

question the Police Department numbers in that many youth are stop by

the police and ‘Card’ them as gang members. “This can include traffic




and we deployed our resources accordingly,”

Brown said.

“Too many people in Chicago have been

touched by gun violence and the response too

often is picking up a gun to seek vengeance,”

Brown said. “There is no comfort in revenge.”

Chicago Police Chief of Detectives Brendan

Deenihan describes what happened when

a shootout unfolded at a Chicago funeral,

leaving 15 people wounded.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot called those responsible

for the shooting “cowardly.”

“The senseless violence, this cycle of

A federal drug and gun trafficking investigation has led to the

arrest and indictment of 23 men, including a leader of the Chicago

Black Disciples street gang, Darnell McMiller (above), 34,

of Chicago, also known as "Murder." .

retaliation, picking up a gun – many times

in petty grievances – picking up a gun

solves nothing but causes so much lifelong

pain,” she said. “I pray for you but I

also pray that we find you and that we

bring you to justice.”

The violence is most egregious in the

urban area because of the organized subculture

that historically sustains various

conditions of violence, i.e. the lifestyle of


Jemont Montgomery added that the

numbers the police report of gang members

are not all that correct. He pointed to

the ’Card” system of the CPD.

Youth since 2003 have been subject to

stop and frest tackics of the police for

traffic and pedestrian stops without an arrest,

the department provided a report known as the

contact card. Printed on white bond paper,

roughly four-by-eight inches, the card included

lines for the individual’s name, address,

birth date, race, physical features and so on. It

also included space to note alleged gang ties.

You have guys arrested that are now in the

40’s identified by the ‘Contact Card’ as gang

members. Which really is not the case.”

By 2013, Chicago cops were entering the

information from more than 700,000 contact

(Continued on page 17)

(Continued from page 7)

The Ware Ranch Steak House, located

11147 So. Michigan Ave. The “Ware Ranch

Steak House” is a first-class food service restaurant

providing hardy menu selections in a

great dining atmosphere for individuals, family

and business clientele. Truly an unparalleled

experience on So. Michigan Ave.

Open since 1969, The Ranch Steak House

has been in the Roseland community for decades.

The Wares have been local homeowners

in Roseland for more than 20 years. Mr.

______ Ware always wanted to own a restaurant

and wanted to invest in a Subway franchise.

Mr. Ware was provided an opportunity

to purchase one of Roseland’s long established

businesses on The Avenue.

They have fully renovated and invested in

new restaurant décor, including replacing all

cooking appliances to assure their customers’

enjoyment of the best quality foods and service.

The Ware Ranch Steak House was vandalized

and gutted by fire during the nation’s

protests following the tragic, witnessed death

of George Floyd.

However, they hope to have a complete

comeback and open for family and business

dinning again for the south side of Chicago!



After achieving successful housing new

development, redevelopment and numerous

supportive housing developments, the Roseland

Michigan Avenue TIF was initiated in

1997 by the successful collaboration of community-based

organizations, residents and

businesses working together to focus on The

Avenue’s long termed

differed economic


The Roseland

Michigan Ave. TIF

was approved in 2001

after years of local and

city participation in its

design. The community

continues to ask,

how have the Greater

Roseland area TIF

benefited Michigan

Avenue and its extension to 103 rd street? The

TIFs and Special Service Area instituted without

the request has doubled their taxes with no

significant benefits for the long term invested

businesses, nor attraction of other businesses.

With the vast vacant, boarded, and inadequate

business mix, adding insult to injury, the

TIF funds have been used in Pullman Park.

Local support of local city delegate agencies

was defunded in 2004, leaving a great void in

community transparency and inclusion in all

economic development activities taking place

in the area for past 16 years.



The show of Greater Roseland’s, and other

wards’, major support for an area Walmart, in

anticipation of renewed city support of its

distressed communities and their ills: food

deserts; lack of city and local inclusive economic

development; participation in sustainable

housing; quality education; healthcare

parity; overall community safety; local employment;

economic disparity; vacant houses;

blighted buildings; abandoned lots; and a

glaringly visible appearance of disregard for

the south side and, more particularly, Roseland’s

primarily African American community.


Roseland’s South Michigan Avenue, one of

Chicago’s oldest and most successful

Business Districts, has become one of

Chicago’s most distressed, disinvested

business districts, ignored and deprived of

its basic business right to enjoy economic

growth and development for far too many

years. Lacking local and city support of

economic development; suffering the loss

of quality women’s clothing stores; eyeglass

retailers; jewelry stores; and an

overall varietal mix of stores, the corridor

has languished. The off-street parking

lots that used to service the area have

been deplorable for years and are unsafe

for use. The 10 or more years of local disinvestment

and recent divestment of Neighborhood

Housing Services from Roseland, along

with a lack of community economic development;

limited housing redevelopment; and

hundreds of vacant lots and houses have all

caused Roseland to be in worse condition than

when it had the highest foreclosure rate in the

entire country, in the late 1970s and 80s.

Roseland is in worse social and economic

conditions causing a level of fear, violence

and crime that puts everyone at risk.

The non-support of Roselands east side

business districts has caused them to be far

less vibrant than they were in the past.

The RBDC remains hopeful for the Roseland

community to thrive and become a beacon

of hope for the homeowners, businesses,

and residents. The struggle in the African

American communities in Chicago is about

losing control of the land. A people that don’t

have control of its land are a people without a

home. Local long-term business owners have

not been respected for their more than 50

years of service to the Roseland Michigan

Ave. Misuse and divestment of any community

development assets and equity created to

build the wealth of distressed communities is

the root cause of socioeconomic decay.

To reverse the diminishing wealth within

Black Chicago communities requires strict

accountability, redress and economic restoration.

Since 2017 research and continued major

reports on the growing wealth gap in the African

American families, determined it will take

African Americans 228 years to bridge the

gap and 83 years for Hispanic families!

Roseland Business Development Council

invites, and encourages, all local businesses

participation. RBDC’s membership, however,

consists of all Black owned businesses in

Roseland supported by its membership and

community support of their Annual Banquet.

Page 10 August 20—September 2, 2020

Chicago Street Journal

of “the

Eddie S. Read, Chairman

Chicago Black United Communities




e must face the fact that we

have an impoverished underclass

in America. The violence is

most egregious in the urban area because

of the organized subculture that

historically sustains various conditions

of violence, i.e. the lifestyle of gangs.

In today’s urban community you have

grandchildren that come from the womb

born into the lifestyle of gangs as the

grandchildren of the King and Queen of

England are born into aristocracy. As

children are born into the life of a Muslim,

a Christian, or a catholic, being

born in the gang code for some children,

is almost as strong as being born into a

religion. Many of the children in the

family of violence experienced the

world of violence before they can spell

or pronounce it. Chicago unlike many

other urban areas the entrenchment of

the gang life and the control of the street

turf is a huge challenge for many young

children even in today’s times.

It is the young children of today that

don’t have the gang street structure in

place that their fathers and grandfathers

had in earlier times. The structure that

was enforced by the grandfathers of

these children have diminished due to a

number of contributing factors. Therefore,

the young people in Chicago are

still faced with the issues of crossing

gang geographical boundaries as well as

other challenges that cause them life

threatening situations. However, the

existence of the previously implemented

gang protocol has been seriously diminished.

There is no concrete entity that is

enforcing street law nor street justice for

violators of what was once a well established

code. Therefore, a current faction

of individuals elect to solve disputes

and grievances by using killings

as the ultimate tool of enforcement. If

you take a look at other cultures and

societies where gangs were prominent,

there was an ensuing lifestyle of violence.

Another strong contributing factor

to the interpersonal violence is the act of

anger that becomes rage. Many of the

young boys of today have not been

taught the principles of manhood that

shows them that fighting should be

avoided at all times and will take place

when all else has failed.

“Men and women of all races are

born with the same range of abilities.

But ability is not just a product of birth.

Ability is stretched or stunted by the

family you live with, and the neighborhood

you live in by the school you go to

and the poverty or the richness of your

surroundings. It is the product of a

hundred unseen forces playing upon the

little infant, the child, and finally the

man” (Lyndon B. Johnson, commencement

speech Howard University June. 4,


There is a subculture in the impoverished

underclass that children are

trapped in. They seem to be stunted by

their families, neighborhoods and other

contributing factors of destruction.

Many who are impoverished don’t shoot

and kill. Therefore, we must look at the

lifestyle, contributing factors and character

traits of those who do.

I don’t believe you will solve this

problem until you look through the eyes

shooter”. Once the shooter is caught he

is diminished as a human being, he is

classified as the scum of the earth and in

most instances, he is neither evaluated

nor does he receive proper treatment.

He is simply labeled as a criminal and


No one seems to establish a profile

of the shooter. However, when there is

another shooting, the same cycle occurs,

the community is outraged, they run to

the aid of the deceased and their family,

“As They Should”. They address

causes and effects in general terms of

poverty, lack of education, no strong

family unit, lack of moral values the

issue of guns and various police concerns

and strategies.

Certainly the great amount of attention

to the deceased and their family is

most appropriate. But we must recognize

also that in the eyes of many, the

shooter is also a victim. It is not just

enough to lock up the shooter and feel

relieved that he has been punished. Let

me strongly urge that you must start

spending a great deal of time assessing

who the shooter is and why he has become

the shooter.

I have been told that some young

people who participate in violence are

ingesting drug cocktails that will make

them temporarily psychotic. Some

young men see the gun and its incredible

impact on life as a way of showing

their manhood. The matters of mental

health, more education, lack of resources

poor or no financial support or

other debilitating issues are contributing


A huge contributing factor is the

kind of family and social network that

the person is born into and lives within.

In many instances, the behavior of the

shooter is pre-disposed because he is

born into a family and a network where

violence is pervasive.

Eddie S. Read is a protégé of activist/journalist

Lu Palmer. Read has

spent more than 30 years as an activist

in the grassroot community in Chicago,

Illinois. Contact: chicagoblackunitedcommunities@gmail.com

or 773-848-8049.


1 President Lyndon Baines Johnson

Commencement Address at University

of Michigan "The Great Society"

Speech President Lyndon B. Johnson

May 22, 1964

2 President Lyndon Baines Johnson

Commencement Address at Howard

University “To Fulfill These Rights”

June 4, 1965

(Continued from page 1)


n one of many documentaries of the street life

in Chicago, one street male in his early twenties

stated it is the high greater than any drug.

It is safe to say 95% of most gangsters’ rappers use

the word as an expression of culture identification,

as well as many Black communities across the nation.

No other ethnicity of people (youth) kill each

other in comparison to others as the African American.

And no other ethnicity of people (youth) degrade

themselves, embracing a word that has degraded

their culture, trouble history and disrespect

of their accentors as in using the N-word.

What is very clear the

N word refers to and

its origin is to degrade

since slavery to the

private homes, police,

and offices of non-

Black people.

President Barack

Obama used the N-

word to make a

point about the reality

of racism in

America during an

interview with comedian

Marc Maron.


speech was about

how racism is more

than just the N

word. However the

TV newscaster ignored

the content of

his speech and focused

on him saying

the word

Never has a word

so decidedly raw

and divisive, intentionally offensive, contemptuous

and structurally racist, been so successfully

embedded into society and accepted as

normal and mundane. It is the most offensive

word in the English language.

Upon viewing gangster rap movies, music, and

drive-by language of the youth most use the noun

word Nigger. In most cases in every paragraph

spoke by them is to degrade and to kill.

A dollar bet, any youth that have killed another,

use the N word as an hourly practice in a conversation.

Study: Rap Music Linked to Alcohol,

Violence. A study by the

Prevention Research Center of the

Pacific Institute for Research and

Evaluation in Berkeley, Calif.,

suggests young people who listen

to rap and hip-hop are more likely

to abuse alcohol and commit violent

acts and use the N-word as

fashionable than their pants off

their butts.

What is the impact of such a complex

word that has experienced

multiple transformations while

simultaneously remaining just the

same? Over the years, blacks have

attempted to take command of the

word and re-contextualize it to

remove the blight and the sting.

How can a word born of such

insidious and violent undertones

be so manipulated and bastardized by cultural reappropriation,

that on the one hand it elicits raucous

laughter, losing its sense of peril, while on the other

hand, it is shouted in anger and serves up frightening

images of unimaginable horror? Many around

the world wield the N-word. Unfortunate, however,

is that Blacks use it against each other to elicit fear

and to signify impending danger.

According to a poll published by the Pew Research

Center more than 70 percent of Americans

believed that rap had an overall negative impact on

society. Some rap and hip-hop songs do indeed

glamorize destructive behavior like substance abuse

and violence. (Apr 4, 2018). They correctly point

out that what’s referred to as “black-on-black violence”

is really a by-product of residential segregation

and concentrated poverty

However, the killing of FBG Duck on Chicago’s

Jay Z’s during a concert performing his most profound hit, “Jigga My

Nigga,” during a concert the attendees singing alone the title song lyric

‘Jigga My Nigga’, Black and White. https://www.youtube.com/


Gold Coast, the retaliation of his murder, FBG Duck

was a falborate user of the N Word.

African American children use of the word to

each other more than the generations before them.

Some youth and rappers say it’s endearment, ‘Ole

Schoolers’ just use it out of habit, but Generation X

and the Mililiiums its use has internalized racism

more they realize.

Jay Z’s most profound hit, “Jigga My Nigga,”

during a concert the attendees singing alone the title

song lyric ‘Jigga My Nigga’, Black and White.

Oprah Winfrey interviewing Jay-Z, argued

against the usage of the N-word, Jay-Z arguing for

its use as a “term of endearment” that had been

“taken back” — sent shock waves through the music

industry everywhere.

Jay-Z's argument as a logical fallacy, insists that

the disagreement on the usage of the word is not due

to a generational gap, but others feel differently.

"I know my elders, the people I know from my

community who were active in the Civil Rights

movement, people who were nearly lynched, have

also said `That word means something that y'all

don't understand, and you taking that word and

saying it's endearment has negative impacts on the

history they fought for,'"

Then there are rappers who steer clear of the N-

word, but they aren't the ones moving records at a

higher pace than those that use. More specifically

about the artist Common, in an interview ".he

(Continued on page 21)

Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 11


lack Lives don’t matter, without a Black

Business Matter. Now that the grief and anger

is about over, and the looters picked up some items

(which based on the late model cars they were driving

seen on the news seems they could have bought those

items stolen).

It is also a time again for resolve. It is a time to meet

anguish with the development of Black Wall Street of

Tulsa Oklahoma, as it was in Chicago’s Black Wall

Street in the 1930’s, Chicago once in Bronzeville.

Maybe Gil Scott-Heron's song of 1971 ‘The Revolution

will not be televised’ was correct in a way in which

the leaders of Black Lives Matter are not presenting

publicly. Its’ economics. A campaign of power and influence

to heal the divides and bring us together under

what this country is about and many of us love; Capitalism.

Over 100 other cities in the United States, held demonstrations,

supporting justice for George Floyd with

tens of millions of dollars having been donated to BLM

by America’s biggest companies on down. (The very

companies that would be confiscated if BLM had its

way). If the same amount of money and time was invested

in the month of August being National Black

Business Month, there would be no great need for BLM.

Yes, police brutality would still be present as it has been

to oppress Black people as it happened on Black Wall

Street of Tulsa. It destroyed its self-serving black business;

(But the Black people of Tulsa did pick up arms

and fought back to no avail).

The looters in no way represented the millions of

BLM supporters, many was part of their protesting. But

the looters impact was greater than all of the demonstrations.

The looting on Michigan Ave. was not just the opportunity

to loot; there was a part of letting out their frustration.

It played out very structured for destruction, and

for what this country was founded on: Greed, from

Christopher Columbus to Donald Trump. From inception

through execution, they got exactly the results they

sought, as did the Europeans to the Native Americans,

including their violent confrontation with more chaos,

and more division.

And as for BLM’s corporate contributors, they’d be

wise to remember Vladimir Lenin’s words: “The Capitalists

will sell us the rope with which we will hang

them.” Demonstrators without making steps to combat

police violence and systemic racism without business

development is like a bird with wings called a chicken

that cannot fly. It was more of a door that says pull,

while the protestors are pushing.

Each could have contributed $1 that would have created

an economic revolution.

Then there is the saying, “People are organized to be


There is a businessman in the White House, President

Trump, tweeting "Thank you to the great people of The

Villages," to the video clip he shared, a man driving a

golf cart displaying pro-Trump signs and flags displaying

'white power.’ However, the video also shows anti-

Trump protesters shouting "Nazi," "racist," and profanities

at the Trump backers. The president's decision to

highlight a video featuring a racist slogan comes amid a

national reckoning over race. Yes, there is ’A Riot going

on’ on all sides, as Sly and the Family Stone cited in


In the wake of the killing of George Floyd and the

wave of protest that has followed, there is a saying “Be

ready when the people are ready for change. If not, instead

of a revolution, you will have a riot”.

Putting money into Black-owned businesses is about

as simple as it gets. As anti-racist sentiments ring out

across the globe, never forget the power of the almighty


Claire Young wrote for INSIDE Hook, Marcus Ward,

the owner Urban Grill Chicago, adds urgency, saying,

“It’s important to support Black-owned businesses especially

right now because there’s not many Black businesses

still up and running. Between COVID and the

looting, it’s important to support the ones we have left

before there are no more of us left.” The stakes are high

for Ward, who says it’s extremely important to him for

Ron Carter Publisher and Editor

his children to see Black people as business owners, and

not just workers”.

“Chicagoans should support Black-owned businesses

right now because, more than ever, communities are in

need of stabilization. It is imperative that we invest in

our own. And when we do this we can revitalize faster,”

says Doughboy Fryison, co-founder of Doughboy’s

Chicago. He says support from the city of Chicago in

conjunction with individuals making more of a conscious

effort to support and acknowledge these businesses

can allow them to rebuild stronger than before.

Despite the city’s segregation, no matter where you

live in Chicago, there are Black-owned businesses, and

supporting them means supporting the larger movement

for equality and justice. In a post circulating social media,

poet Lindsay Young wrote “Resistance is NOT a

one lane highway. Maybe your lane is protesting, maybe

your lane is organizing, maybe your lane is counseling,

maybe your lane is art activism, maybe your lane is surviving

the day. Do NOT feel guilty for not occupying

every lane. We need all of them.”

August National Black Business Month should not

leave in August but be continued 365 days a year to

avoid another riot.

Letters to the Editor



Dear Editor


ow can an 18 month old infant baby girl just be

ripped away from her mother's arms at gunpoint

by the Chicago police department and then thrown

into a strangers home to be hidden and concealed for 20

years from her birth parents.

Till this day no one has sat down with this young lady

to help her with anything. she was diagnosed with post

traumatic stress disorder because of emotional anxiety

separation without being able to see her brothers, her

sisters and her parents for 16 years straight. She has been

beaten, raped medically neglected, educationally neglected.

till this day she has no income, no place of her

own. severe health problems that she was not born with.

no lawyer will help her get SSI from social security due

to no fault of her own.

She has two different social security numbers, two

different IDs, one says Wendy Nicholas and one says

Wendy Linton. Why no one will help her. How is all of

this ok? where is the justice for this young lady. where is

the investigation of this matter. If anyone cares to represent

this lady for violations and human rights abuse of

her life please email me back . should the Casa program

or Loyola as well as the cook county public guardian's

office be forced to bring a lawsuit against DCFS,





jerry nicholas

Page 12 August 20—September 2, 2020

“God can do anything,

but Fall”.

Leon Daniels,


821 West 69th Street

Bible Study Tuesday 7 pm, Wed 6 pm

Fri. Service 7 pm—Sun. School 9:30 am

Sunday Service 11 am




Christian Center

7400 S Michigan Ave

Chicago, IL 60619


Chicago Street Journal


here are times in life when you

must sit back and ask the question

why? Why? It seems like a crazy thought,

but asking why sometimes gives us a sense

of direction into how and when. Which

will ultimately bring us to the answer that

guides us into what to do!

Allow me to give you an example

that invokes the question being

asked that contains the word

why? For example, why do we

put up with the behavior of a

president who obviously lacks

moral standards, or any human

decency? Why does the leader

of the free world lack insight

into the senseless killing of our

children? Why are so many

unarmed black men and

woman being murdered?

Why do we as a people make

excuses for the violence that has entered

our schools? But the most important why

is the why that leads me to this next question.

Why are so many of our young adults

and children being killed?

And as I meditated on these

things, I suddenly began to have a revelation

based on certain biblical time frames

outlined from the bible and history. One of

those time frames was a reminder from the

days of Moses.

The book of Exodus chapter 1

gives an account of the king of Egypt ordering

the midwives (versus 16) to kill all

the male children and save the female children

alive. As the account goes we find

that Moses escaped sure death and later

became a leader of deliverance for his people

to be freed from bondage and slavery.

That speaks volumes to the why, and who

wanted to inflict violence and death on the

children of that generation. The enemy

wanted the young destroyed because he

knew that one would rise from that generation

as a deliverer.

That led me to the next time

frame biblically, in which involved one the

most controversial figures in human history.

That Man is Jesus the Christ! It was

then I noticed that the scripture (Matthew

chapter 2 & Matthew 2:16 most importantly)

pointed out that Herod ordered the

children 2 years and under killed. He was

trying to stop the birth of Christ. Remember

the seed was to come to save and deliver

his people. But the last time frame in

which I presently live in has increased the

pattern of attack against our children and

young adults.

That attack comes from drugs,

incarceration, school shootings, and government

policies that favor the senseless

killing and destruction of our seed. This

last time frame is recorded in the book of

romans in this one powerful scripture Romans

8:18-19, which reads the whole creation

waits for the manifestation of the sons

of God. Therefore, we must rise as men

and restore the family. We can’t not afford

to keep making excuses why our children

are killing each other, and being killed by

corrupt law enforcement and random

SCOGC to address Homelessness

Over 80,000 people are

considered homeless in Chicago,

according to the Chicago

Coalition of the Homeless.

Around 80 percent of

them “live doubled-up in the

homes of others due to hardship.”

The remainder are in

shelters or sleep outside, it


Charge to address homelessness,

Elder Kevin Anthony Ford

pastor of St. Paul Church of God in

Christ has called on members of

the community in Bronzeville to

serve on a task force to successfully

garnered compelling action.

STCOG has an establish and

now to extend its outreach for Prevention

and other housing stability

to resolving issues that contributed

to the initial housing crisis.

Bishop J.




school shootings.

This is an article written not to

just sound inspirational, it’s an article in

which our inspiration becomes a force to

move in the power of God, and operate in

wisdom we have acquired from the mistakes

made in the past. This Starts with us

realizing the time frame currently live in.

As time go on I will reveal my detailed

plan for the children of this generation.

The name of that plan is Operation Exodus.

Stay tuned!


All These


ivers running down

R the stream

Sun in the sky pouring down beams

Rain waters fallings all over the land

The Paths and Roads and Ways of


Birds flying wild in the vast blue

Flowers that settle under mornings


Hills and Mountains fine and grand

The Seas that flow up to the sand

The Trees that stand straight and tall

Snowflakes in winter that begin to


Flashes of Lighting and claps of


All these things set your mind to


Anthology of My Mind by

G.A.Cummings Copyrights

With tributes to Yolanda Adams:

“This Too Shall Pass”




s some of you know, I just

seen the doctor for my 3

month post cancer/chemo

checkup. It’s good to be in the land of the

living, since this was my second round of

wrestling with cancer.

Praise The Lord, I’m totally cancer

free and hope to be the rest of my life. I

thank all of you who encouraged, prayed

and even was just thinking of me. All of

you have given me the strength to keep

going and heal, especially God!

With all this crazy chaos going on it

seems satan is relishing

in people dividing again

over color, politics and

just nit picking. I’d just

like to say: All life matters.

The Cops matter,

the President, Governors,

Majors, Clergy, Black,

White, Brown, Red, Yellow,

Special Needs People,

Children, Middle Aged, and Senior

Citizens, even people that we don’t think

their lifestyle is appropriate behavior.

WHY? Because we are all God’s children,

no matter how old we are, what profession

we are in, what religion we observe,

what color we are, or even who we

vote for. We are individuals that God designed

to be different, look and act different.

I wouldn’t want anyone to look like or

act like me. I’m one of a kind like God

made and to have more than one of me

would be way too much for the world to


That’s why I think other people are so

fascinating: How they dress, do their hair,

their head dresses, their cultures, personalities,

their love and kindness, their anger

and reasons for it. What basically makes

each person tick? When we

continually go around judging

one another, that’s a way of us

trying to bring people

down. It gives a person a feeling

of superiority. None of us

is more superior than anyone

else on earth. We all were

born to live, eat, drink, work,

go to the bathroom and then

die someday. (See how simi-


lar we are)! Is it our plan to destroy other

people and their property while we’re

alive? Wouldn’t it be better to do a good

deed each day to someone you just can’t

stand! Show a little kindness and love,

then you’ll find out how that person ticks

and why all life matters!

*Romans 13:1-4 ESV

1 Let every person be subject to the

governing authorities. For there is no authority

except from God,

and those that exist have

been instituted by God.

2 Therefore whoever resists

the authorities resists

what God has appointed,

and those who resist will

incur judgment.

3 For rulers are not a terror

to good conduct, but

to bad. Would you have no fear of the one

who is in authority? Then do what is good,

and you will receive his approval,

4 for he is God's servant for your good.

But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does

not bear the sword in vain. For he is the

servant of God, an avenger who carries out

God's wrath on the wrongdoer.

* Romans 3:23 KJV

[23] For all have sinned, and come

short of the glory of God;

-Stay safe: The Inn Place Ministries,



For comments,

questions and or prayers


Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 13

(Continued from page 1)

reset aggregating the capital for

meeting the right of development

during the International Decade for

People of African Descent.

To mark the 26th anniversary

of National Black Business Month

in Illinois, Rep. La Shawn K. Ford,

D-Chicago, kicked off National

Black Business Month on August

1st by recognizing and

joined with local leaders and

Black business organizations

at an event at Society

Night Club, 2201 W. Walnut

St. in Chicago. In addition,

TheBlackMall.com is

hosting Weekend Black

Business Crawls highlighting

Black-Owned Enterprises

in Five Chicago Business


Both events were official

recognized by the state

of Illinois in honor of ancestor,

Dr. Webb Evans,

“We want to celebrate

the legacy of Dr. Webb

Evans and our many local

Black business organizations

and entrepreneurs who work

hard to uplift our Black community

by supporting each other,” Ford


“This year has illustrated the

importance of Black Americans

working together to build a solid

economic foundation that maximizes

shared economic interests and

invests in the people of our community.

Chicago is home to many fantastic

small business owners, and

it’s important we recognize and

support them.”

The 16 annual State of Black

Business reports give a baseline of

information to shape policy and

investment according to co-founders

Frederick E. Jordan Sr., PE and

John William Templeton to present

a plan to revive the

black population in

their home base of

San Francisco--

called BounceBank

Black SF.

The Black Business

Month, which encourages


to consider their

Rep. La Shawn K.

Ford, D-Chicago,

kicked off National

Black Business Month

purchasing decisions

and Buy

Black, Love Black,

Give Black.

The Black Business

Month, which encourages


to consider their

purchasing decisions

and Buy Black,

Love Black, Give Black.

Ford joined others honored and

recognized Craig Hodges, Mickey

Johnson, Bobby Simmons and a

number of other sports figures in


Recognized organizations included

Austin Chamber of Commerce,

TheBlackMall.com, Black

Wall Street Districts, Black Star

Project, Austin African American

Business Network Association, 79th

Street Corridor Business Association,

Sib's Breakfast Club, Global

Institute, Garfield Park Chamber of

Commerce, Entrepreneur Success

Program, BopBiz Center, the Library

and Cultural Gallery, Black

Chicago Eats and Bean Soup Times.

Ford was joined in hosting the

event by Chatham Business Association,

Bobby Simmons, COAL-

Coalition of African American

Leaders, UBAPA-United Black

American Progress Association,

Blacknificent Mile 79th Street Corridor

and Chicago Playground Legends.

Reports also show that African

American businesses grew by more

than 400% in 2018 as compared to

2017. In order to continue this

growth and to help maintain these

businesses, TBM CEO Cassiopeia

Uhuru said, “We have curate this

Black Business Crawl to make it

easy for you to find and support

Black owned business in Chicago

and South Suburbs”.

Every Saturday, beginning TBM

will visit 1 of 5 Chicagoland areas

to sip, shop and support featured

Black owned businesses. The Saturdays

will kick off at noon at a Flagship

Black owned business, complete

with DJ and libations. “We

will premier the list of businesses to

support in that area. We invite all to

join us via car, caravan, bike, by

foot or crawl for this impactful

experience in unity”.

TheBlackMall.com is a

book, brick and click platform

that Makes it EASY to

Build & Buy Black! They

will be joining forces with

Afrika Enterprises, Black

Entrepreneurship Collective,

BlackEats, Blacknificent

Mile 79th Street Corridor,

CBW Productions, Red

Level Entertainment, SMP

Creative Business and Design,

Steps Inc Consulting,

The Black Ink Group,

United Black American

Progress Association and

WDB Marketing to sip,

shop and support Black

businesses like we've

never done before declared


“2020 is a year of major change,

making it an open portal for Black

owned businesses to finally gain the

spotlight,” “August is the perfect

month to set the stage.”

The Black Business Crawl will

happen in Englewood, Hyde Park,

Frederick E. Jordan of F.E. Jordan Associates

Inc. in 2004, teamed up with John William

Templeton, (both from San Francisco

Ca.) president and executive editor of eAccess

Corp., a scholarly publishing company,

to have August recognized as National Black

Business Month. Photo Black Enterprise Mag.

Chatham, Austin, and Uptown, and

other communities between noon

and 4pm every Saturday in August

and include some of Chicago’s favorite

Black owned businesses such

as Culture Connection, The Silver

Continue on page 14

(Continued on page 14)

Page 14 August 20—September 2, 2020

Trial Lawyer


Chicago Street Journal

New Firm

Attorney Dr. Maudia Washington

has opened her second law firm in

the heart of downtown Chicago at

111 W. Jackson Suite 1146. Washington

Law Offices is a Woman

Owned, Minority litigation law

firm. Attorney Washington said the

firm is ready to serve the needs of

the community of Chicago, its residents,

and businesses.

Washington has served as lead

trial counsel and has prosecuted and

litigated against large Fortune 500

companies, governmental entities,

and individuals in a wide range of

commercial matters..

A graduate from Southern Illinois

University with a Bachelor of Arts

degree in Administration of Justice

with a minor in Sociology. She has

a Master of Business Administration

and Doctor of Business Administration

in International Business

and graduated from Michigan

State University School of Law

with a Juris Doctor in Business

Law. Washington Law Offices have

offices in Chicago and Rockford,



(Continued from page 13)

Room, Sip & Savor, Batter & Berries,

Shawn Michelle’s and many

more. Each crawl will kick off at a

flagship business complete with a

DJ, libations and a host organization

that will disseminate information on

the next businesses to visit and support

in that area. We invite all to

join us via car, caravan, bike, by

foot or crawl for this impactful experience

in unity.

To help track the impact of supporting

these businesses throughout

the month, TBM has joined forces

with Black Coin to test a new web

and mobile application that makes it

easy for users to upload their receipts,

identify Black-owned businesses

and gather important data

that can be used to improve our

business districts.

808 East 79th Street


Phone: (773) 891-5762

TheBlackMall.com kicked off National Black Business Month by hosting Weekends Black

Business Crawls highlighting Black-Owned Enterprises in Five Chicago Business Districts.

Above TBM and supporting joined Cath Jackson, owner of Deja Hue Art Studio located

10505 S. Western. (R) The Black Mall CEO Cassiopeia Uhuru is with John’s Hardware

on 73rd and Halsted.

In addition, we will be hosting a

day to give back to the community

on August 15th by distributing hot

meals in collaboration with The

Doula Part and The Culture Chicago.

“Please join us as we seize these

historical moments and continue the

movement emphasizing that Black

Lives AND Black Businesses Matter,”

Uhuru continued.

TBM an aggregator of Black

owned businesses offering product

distribution and bookable services

for entrepreneurs via multi-vendor

website, brick and mortar retail/

fulfillment center and digital marketing

solutions, Making it EASY to

Build & Buy Black!

“Since 2011, we have recycled

over $700,000 to Black owned businesses

and successfully connected

over 2000 BOBs with 2,000,000

online customers” Said Uhuru.




9 am - 8 pm


9 am - 5 pm

For details go to


The African-

American economy

is "anemic and

lacks muscle because

don't record

our transactions,"

e xp lained Dr.

Charles Moses,

dean of business at

University of San

Francisco during

the opening program

of National

Black Business


"When you see

the millions of

trades on exchanges, they're making

a record of transactions which is

intended to engender trust," said

Moses. "Because we don't track the

hundreds of thousands of economic

We Buy




Cars &



interactions between ourselves each

day, we think nothing's happening."

National Black Business Month

has been designed to create a regimen

of trust which can transform

black communities globally. Ways

31Days encourages visiting at least

one black business each day as

guided by this site. It is in dialogue

with a group of decision-makers in

Los Angeles where the black population

exceeds 1 million, but is not

sharing in the area prosperity. Each

of 18 states and 10 metropolitan

areas with more than 1 million

blacks, we’re give policy makers a

guidepost for achieving Our10Plan

by 2020.

The objective is to raise the share

of GDP received by African-

Americans from six percent to 10

percent. The strategy is to change

conditions city by city, state by state

using best practices for economic


There are over 2 million African

American owned businesses in the

U.S., according to the Census Bureau.

124,000 of them are classified

as 'employer firms' Chicago trails

only New York in the number of

black-owned businesses, according

to census data. Chicago was home

to more than 58,600 such businesses

in 2007. New York had nearly

155,000 black-owned businesses,

while Houston had roughly 33,000

and Detroit had almost 32,500.

Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 15



(Continued from page 1)

businesses so fast, during the same

time Black businesses were declining;

for one, in 1990 to benefit the

U.S. economy Congress created the

EB-5 program inciting investments

from foreign investors in underserved


Under the program, each foreigner

investor pays the U.S. $1

million and is required to demonstrate

that at least 10 new jobs (not

necessary from the community that

is undeserved) were created or

saved as a result of the EB-5 investment,

The standard minimum investment

amount has increased to

$1.8 million (from $1 million) to

account for inflation. The minimum

investment in a Targeted Employment

Areas (TEA)has increased to

$900,000 (from $500,000) to account

for inflation.

The $900,000 if the funds are

invested in certain high -

unemployment or rural areas.

USCIS reserves about 10,000

visas for EB-5 investors each fiscal

year. There was a drastic increase

in the number of EB-5 program

participants since 2011.

Who's doing business in the

neighborhood? | Black communities

are often stereotyped as consumer

wastelands, but immigrants and first

-time entrepreneurs have tapped

unmet needs in the neighborhoods.

Dr. Webb Evans is the most

prominent and long time advocate

for Black businesses. He was most

known as “Mr. Buy Black” due to

his daily efforts getting people to

“Buy Black” as a method to get

Blacks off the economic bottom. He

states that “anybody can come to

this country and within a short time

they are doing better than Black

African Americans.”

There are currently 792 USCISapproved

EB-5 Regional Centers

as of Jan. 15, 2020 in operation

across the United States, with more

being approved regularly. This is a

sharp increase from the 27 regional

centers that operated in 2008.

Along with EB– 5 the cultural

and consumer-buying patterns have

changed. Larger, mainstream companies

market products to black

consumers, are less likely to look

solely at black-owned companies

for their needs. Making it harder for

a black entrepreneur to market products

or services primarily to blacks

and achieve success.

Yes, you can buy your way into

U.S. citizenship. ... It's known as the

“million dollar green card,” a visa

program that gives wealthy people

the ability to move to the United

States by creating economic opportunities

and employment there

The revision will also change how

areas of high unemployment, known

as , are defined. Currently, each

state can designate census tracts that

qualify as TEAs to attract foreign

investment. The revision removes

that authority, leaving it solely with

the USCIS. The new rules also

make it harder to designate urban

neighborhoods—where some of the

most sought after investment opportunities

lie—as TEAs.

In return the EB-5 investors receive

a conditional visa that is valid

for two years. In order to receive a

permanent visa, these investors

must demonstrate that the legally

required economic benefits flowing

from their investments have been


the EB-5 visa program affords

foreign nationals and their spouses

and unmarried children under age

21 the ability to obtain a U.S. visa

based solely upon a minimum investment

in a for-profit enterprise

that creates or retains a specified

number of jobs.

EB-5 Remains a Viable Option

for Immigration Despite Trump

Visa Ban

Despite two Presidential Proclamations

drastically limiting the

availability of visas to the United

States, the EB-5 visa remains one of

the few categories of immigrant visa

presently available for individuals

wishing to immigrate to the United


A Presidential Proclamation on

April 22, 2019 was issued by the

White House limiting the availability

of immigrant visas and ordering

the Department of State to cease

issuing such visas for all immigrant

visa categories other than for

spouses and children of U.S. Citizens;

physicians, nurses, and other

health care professionals involved

in treating or research related to

Covid-19; members of the U.S.

Armed Forces and their spouses and

children; The EB-5 visa category is

the only broadly available employment-

based visa category to receive

a blanket exemption.

The EB-5 program is supported

by mayors and local economic development

officials who see the

value of the program first-hand. At

the same

time in the last thirty

years also have brought the wholesale

collapse of black-owned independent

businesses and financial

institutions that once anchored

black communities across the country.

Over the same period

and growth of EB-5, tens

of thousands of blackowned

retail establishments

and local service

companies also have disappeared,

having gone out of

business or been acquired by larger

companies. Reflecting these developments,

working-age black Americans

have become far less likely to

be their own boss than in the 1990s.

The per capita number of black

employers, for example, declined by

some 12 percent just between 1997

and 2014.

U.S. financial institutions made

$382.5 million in Small Business

Administration loans to blackowned

businesses in the fiscal year

ended Sept. 30, according to an

analysis of the agency's data by The

Wall Street Journal. Black borrowers

received 1.7% of the $23.09

billion in total SBA loans.

The percentage is down sharply

from 8.2% of overall SBA loan

volume in fiscal 2008. By number

of loans, black-owned small businesses

got 2.3% of the federal

agency's roughly 54,000 loans last

year, down from 11% in 2008.

The declines among black smallbusiness

owners are unusually steep

compared with other minorities.

After the crisis hit, Asians and Hispanics

also got a smaller percentage

of total SBA loan volume, the

analysis shows. But those two percentages

shrank less from their precise

peak—or have grown faster as

the crisis recedes and the U.S. economy

gains more traction.

An estimated 7% of U.S. business

owners are black, up from 6.2% in

2007, according to the SBA's Office

of Advocacy. It says the rise isn't

statistically significant. About 10%

of U.S. business owners are Hispanic.

We are pleased to introduce the

Chicago Street Journal

Partnership with your project or business


Our participation is not only business, but the

welfare of the city. Such as our work with

Dearborn Homes for a Grocery Store (Page 1).

Page 16 August 20—September 2, 2020

Chicago Street Journal

Roland Davis,


The Industrial Property at 2711 S State St, is looked upon a prime location for the store. The building

is up for sale or lease with 11,000 square feet.

(Continued from page 1)

detailing—stone quoins, triangular ball

-topped gables and metal porches to

give the original plain brick a neo-

Georgian appearance, and has installed

its first resident computer center there

(once Don’s Food Mart). Wallace also

said “We have wanted a store to serve

the tenants since Don’s Food Mart

closed. This is a golden opportunity to

raise the standard of living for the residents

which will in return for all Chicagoans.”

Dearborn Homes is

considered a ‘Food

Desert’ based on the

low-income tracts

proportion of the

population has low

access to supermarkets

or large grocery

stores. Low-income

tracts are characterized

by either a poverty

rate equal to or

greater than 20 percent.

Black Wall Street Chicago (BWSC),

revisited the residences desire after

29th street was proposed as an honorary

name for Don Carter, by outreaching

to various groups for support,

which has gain great interest from the

west and south sides of Chicago with

potential investors.

Communications to CHA, Mayor

Lori Lightfoot and Alderman Pat

Dowell (3rd) Ward has been outreached

to with no direct response.

However, Fanzine

Washington, a Commission

of CHA and

Chair of the Central

Advisor Council

(CAC) has indicated

she supports the initiative.

Ron Carter, Chair

of BWSC and publisher

of CSJ, said

Carol Wallace

Dearborn Homes

Chair LAC

Ron Carter, Chair,

Black Wall Street


Mayor Lightfoot

Chicago’s INVEST

South/West is a well

investment initiative

to support Dearborn

Homes residents as

part of her key development

plans on

the South and West

Sides of Chicago

and for what she

said to address communities

that have been left out and

underserved in Chicago.

It has been conveyed in the interest

and of CHA in light of the Dearborn

Homes community falls in the scope of

the Department of Housing and Urban

Development Section 3 funding of

business ownership. The announcement

also comes in August National Black

Business Month and the challenge

ahead to secure and increase Black

businesses as the Mayor’s INVEST

South/West goals states.

“Mayor Lightfoot IN-

VEST South/West is a

well investment initiative

to support Dearborn

Homes residents as part

of her key development

plans on the South and

West Sides of Chicago.”

An ad hoc support group has been

formed by BWSC called the Dearborn

Associates for a Grocery Store (DAGS)

consist of The Black Mall, National

Block Club University, Bronzeville

Visitors and Conventions, Ujima, Inc.,

St. Paul Church of God in Christ and

State Senator Mattie Hunter. In addition,

support from former residents of

Dearborn Homes and the Carter-

Mitchell Family of Don Carter.

Harold Lucas of Bronzeville Tourism

and Visitors Convention says this

announcement is fitting for the

BMC&TC Collaborative Proposal that

will briskly spin throughout Bronzeville

and the broader Black Metropolis

National Heritage Area” Lucas

added. “Residents of Dearborn at last

would have a major stake in the jobs

and economic stability of public housing.”

Darnell Maxie, a community resident

of Dearborn Homes said, “Why

not have a store for Dearborn Homes

like there are available for most highrise

residential buildings in the Loop


Just north of Dearborn Homes, the

former Ickes CHA will be the

Southbridge a new development at

22nd and State Street that is planned to

provide approximately 877 residential

units across income levels, with retail

and grocery store.

The Chicago Reporter reported,

despite an increase in the total number

of supermarkets in Chicago, food deserts

and food inequity persist. For

example, African Americans make up

approximately one third of Chicago’s

population, but almost 80 percent of

the population of persistently low or

volatile food access areas.

The report continued saying most

of the new supermarkets were added in

and around food oasis or areas with

plentiful supermarket

access. These high access

areas are enriched with a

variety of

stores, instead

of just one to

serve all


DAG supporter,


Norris of

Sirron. said,

“We can realize

the goal is

to rechanneling African

Americans resources of a least $.30 on

a dollar among their own communities

with such a business project.”

The proposed Dearborn homes

store can cater to a wide and specific

range of resident's continuous conveniences

said Norris. “It is expected to

hold a market share of barely any and


"Dolphn" Norris,

Sirron Inc

really no competition. “We are involved

not only because of Dearborn

Homes but a channel for all Chicago to

enhance. This includes supporting African-American

business owners and job

creation for the residents.”

Norris said, "Entrepreneurship is

important for the community and for

the youth to see what they can do as

displayed on 35th and State of the

Black Wall Street monument.”

“The solution is community-owned

Market/Educational Centers that consist

of learning and practicing the concepts

of building where you live, growing

what you eat, manufacturing what

you consume, and purchasing where

you own.”

Don’s Food Mart operated from the

early 1970’s until the late 1990’s. Don

and his brother William Carter had

established a great rapport with the

residents of the Dearborn Homes community.

Not only provided the grocery,

they served as leaders and structured

development for the youths in the community

by funding and sponsoring

three teams known as: The Unknown

Wild Bunch, Chosen Few and Hoopsquad

with uniforms, mentored and

encouraged them. Part reason why it is

proposed to give 29th Street an honorary

name of Don Carter Way (State to

Federal), initiated by his widow Gloria


The potential owner (not wanting to

be identified now) said, it is estimated

that for the identified location at 2711

S. State Street would have to raise over

$1 million for the store. With many

funding options he assured it can be

done. Stressing it to be of such a highquality

store that people from other

neighborhoods would want it in the

areas as well.

Senator Mattie Hunter, whose office

is a block away from Dearborn Homes

gave support for the store saying, “If

we are serious about combating inequities

in the wake of George Floyd, we

can fight for justice beyond just police


We can work toward fairness by

reinvesting in our communities

that need it most – and adding a

grocery store in the middle of a

food desert (Dearborn Homes) is

a clear starting point.”

She went on to say, “Any plan

that brings in revenue and justice

to our neighborhoods. Our communities

deserve access to

healthy foods and deserve the

option to shop without having to

travel miles out the way. They

deserve ‘Better’.

Let’s give them


Ms. Wallace

indicated that

there will be

meetings of some

sort virtual and in

the future meetings

with the

residents to se-

Sen. Mattie Hunter

cure what they would expect of the

grocery store.

Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 17

August National Black Business Month: Garvey, Fuller and Evans

AUGUST is National Black Business

Month its fitting during this

time pause to ask the Black

community to stop and recognize

three of many tremendous

pioneers of Black Business development;:

Marcus Garvey, SB Fuller

and Dr. Webb Evans..

Marcus Garvey

and the Universal Negro Improvement

Association form a critical

link in black America's centurieslong

struggle for freedom, justice,

and equality. As the leader of the

largest organized mass movement in

black history and progenitor of the

modern "black is beautiful" ideal,

Garvey in his own time was hailed

as a redeemer, a "Black Moses."

Though he failed to realize all his

objectives, his movement still represents

a liberation from the psychological

bondage of racial inferiority.

Garvey was born on August 17,

1887 in St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica. In

1916 he came to America at Booker

T. Washington's invitation, but

arrived just after Washington died.

When he settled in New York City,

he organized a chapter of the

U.N.I.A., which he had earlier

founded in Jamaica. Drawing on a

gift for oratory, he create a new

gospel of racial pride. "Garveyism"

eventually evolved into a religion of

success, inspiring millions of black

people worldwide who sought relief

from racism and colonialism.

The U.N.I.A. incorporated the

Black Star Line in 1919. The line's

flagship, the "S. S. Yarmouth,"

made its maiden voyage in November

and two other ships joined the

line in 1920. The Black Star Line

became a powerful recruiting tool

for the U.N.I.A., but it was ultimately

sunk by expensive repairs,

discontented crews, and top-level

mismanagement and corruption.

By 1920 the U.N.I.A. had hundreds

of chapters worldwide; it

hosted elaborate international conventions

and published The Negro

World, a widely disseminated

weekly. Over the next few years,

however, the movement began to

unravel under the strains of internal

dissension, opposition from black

critics, and government harassment.

In 1922 the federal government

indicted Garvey on mail fraud

charges stemming from Black Star

Line promotional claims and he

suspended all BSL operations. Two

years later, the U.N.I.A. created

another line, the Black Cross Navigation

and Trading Co., but it, too,

failed. Garvey was sentenced to

prison. The government later commuted

his sentence, only to deport

him back to Jamaica in November


He remained a keen observer of

world events, writing voluminously

in his own papers. His final move

was to London, in 1935. In his last

years he slid into such obscurity that

he suffered the final indignity of

reading his own obituaries a month

before his June 10, 1940 death.

Company: Fuller Products Company.

Founder/President S B Fuller.

Industry: Cosmetics.

S.B. Fuller grew

up in poverty in Louisiana and as a

young man he began working as a

door-to-door salesman. With only a

sixth grade education, he possessed

great drive and a belief in his abilities

which would helped him over

came virtually every obstacle placed

in his path by racial discrimination.

He became a sales leader in the

cosmetics field. He started his first

cosmetics company, the Fuller

Products Company, in 1935, with

$25. He eventually owned or controlled

eight other companies, including

the Courier newspaper

chain which had newspapers in

Pittsburgh, Chicago, New York and

Detroit, a department store, and a

real estate trust.

In a 1963 speech delivered to the

National Association of Manufacturers

(of which he was the first

black member), Fuller stated that

blacks would achieve success and

prosperity if they worked harder

and attained good educations, and

showed more initiative in business

enterprise. He claimed that blacks

were left behind economically because

"they have nothing to sell."

In Napoleon Hill's book,

"Success with a positive mental

attitude" he quoted from Mr. Fuller

what his mother told him as a young

man, "the reason we are poor is not

because of God. We are poor because

father never developed a desire

to become rich. No one

in our family never developed

a desire to be anything




B u y B l a c k )

On the Inaugural 14th year

Anniversary of The National

Black Business

Month from August 1st to

31st Dr. Evans.

Dr. Webb Evans is the

Founder & Past President of

the United American Progress

Association. The organization

works 365 days per year getting

people to spend their money with

the business people who live in the

Black community.

Most people know him as "Mr.

Buy Black" due to his daily efforts

getting people to "Buy Black" as a

method to get Blacks off the Economic

bottom. He states that

"anybody can come to this country

and within a short time they are

doing better than Black African


Dr Evan is recognized by Resolution

HR0608, 99th GENERAL

ASSEMBLY of the State of Illinois;

submitted by State Rep. LaShawn

K . F o r d ( 8 t h D i s t r i c t ) .

This in honor of Rev. Dr. Webb

Evans, (Nov.20, 1913-Feb.23,

2015), founder of United American

Progress Association (1961).

Rep. Ford “We are acknowledging

his work and contribution for

The National Buy Black Business

Month during the month of August.


(Continued from page 9)

arriving in 2011.

So the contact-card system was

now a street-sweeping tool, Montgomery

says. “It morphed into a


A survey of 1,200 randomly selected

Chicago residents last year.

The survey found that 38 percent of

young white males reported being

s t o p p e d b y

police in the previous 12 months, he

says. For young African-American

males, the figure was 68 percent.

Former CPD Lt. Ronald Forgue,

who left the department last summer,

became familiar with these

stops as both a cop and parent. “My

k i d s a r e b i r a c i a l —

black, Hispanic — and they’ve been

stopped many times,” says Forgue,

who lives in a diverse South Side

neighborhood. He says officers

f i l l i n g o u t a c o n t a c t

card mislabeled one of his sons a

gang member.

Most gang members brandish

illegal weapons as seen in many of

the rap and Chicago street gangs

posted videos. The Sun-Times has

counted 106 homicides throughout

Chicago in July 2020 and a total of

430 for the year through the end of

July. So far this year, murders are

up 51% compared to the period

from January through July 2019,

along with a 47% increase in shootings,

police said. Jul 31, 2020

Countdown of the Top 30 Cities

in the U.S. with the Highest

Murder Rates – 2020. The murder

capital of America isn't Chicago,

but it is in Illinois for the second

straight year. With nearly one murder

per 1,000 residents, this year's

murder capital is East St. Jan 2,


“This cycle of violence in Chicago

needs to end,” Brown said. “It

ends when someone who has been

hurt doesn’t reach for a gun. It ends

when instead someone calls our

detectives, gives them a tip that

might break a case open so we can

hold people accountable in the

criminal justice system.”

Page 18 August 20—September 2, 2020

Chicago Street Journal

Review: In Chicago, a team of Black

rowers reunites to inspire community

In the late 1990s on the West Side of Chicago,

sirens, gunshots and screams were the soundtrack

of the night. For a kid growing up there,

nobody asked, “What college are you going to

attend?” It was “what gang are you going to


The documentary “A Most Beautiful Thing,”

written and directed by Mary Mazzio ("I Am

Jane Doe"), shares the unlikely story of a

group of young men from those very streets

who joined together to form the first all-

African American high school rowing team.

When Arshay Cooper, Alvin Ross, Preston

Grandberry, Malcolm Hawkins, Ray “Pookie

G." Hawkins and several classmates at Manley

High School signed up to row — free

pizza was the incentive — they had little idea

what awaited them. Ken Alpart, a young

white man who had rowed at Penn, recruited

the group as a way of introducing the traditionally

upper-class sport of crew to inner-city

youths and provided training and equipment.

Other coaches joined the cause as the young

men, a few of whom had never been on water,

sweated in the gym and learned the finer

points of rowing — sometimes painfully.

The group formed a tight brotherhood, bonding

over the hard work and taking pride in

their accomplishments. The activity proved a

respite from the dangers in their daily lives,

several of them going home to drug-addicted

mothers and abusive — or absent — fathers.

The experiment ended after one long racing

season in which the Manley crew competed

three times — including the Chicago Sprints

Regatta — with varying outcomes. At the

time, Alpart thought the venture had failed,

but the team members remember it differently

and fondly.

They credit Alpart with introducing them to

more than just a sport. They learned leadership,

studied entrepreneurship and discovered

the value of their efforts. They saw they had

choices. Some would go on to own businesses,

and Grandberry earned his barber’s

(Continued on page 19)

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Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 19

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and the

Department of Cultural Affairs and

Special Events (DCASE) announced

today new and reimagined

Jazz and World Music events as

part of the Year of Chicago Music –

now extended into 2021.

“Music has long been our universal

language and the common

thread that ties people together

across culture, time, and now, more

than ever, physical distance,” said

Mayor Lightfoot. “These creative

renditions of this year's Jazz and

World Music events will provide

ways for people to enjoy the spirit

of a Chicago festival season while

prioritizing health and safety. As

the birthplace of Gospel and House

music, electric Blues and modern

Jazz, Chicago’s sounds and melodies

reflect the diversity and dynamism

of the people and communities

we all call home.”

Millennium Park at Home: Chicago

Jazz and the Virtual World

Music Festival are part of a robust

calendar of virtual events honoring

many of Chicago’s beloved festivals

that were canceled in response

to the coronavirus pandemic to

protect the health and safety of

residents and visitors. Additionally,

while Millennium Park remains

open and Chicago City Markets

continue this fall – permitted special

events are canceled and the

Chicago Cultural Center will remain

closed through the end of this

year as part of the City’s comprehensive

COVID-19 response plan.

The “Millennium Park at Home:

Chicago Jazz” series will offer four

days of free, virtual performances

programmed with the Jazz Institute

of Chicago over Labor Day Weekend

starting Thursday, September 3

through Sunday, September 6 from

4-8 pm. Millennium Park at Home:

Black rowers

Chicago Jazz will feature top local

and national Jazz artists and include

special performances by Chicago

artists Tito Carillo and Rempis,

Reid, Abrams (September 3), Victor

Garcia and Bobby Broom

(September 4), Reggie Thomas and

Marlene Rosenberg (September 5),

and Twin Talk and Bethany Pickens

(September 6). Each evening will

also showcase the NextGenJazz

emerging artist series, highlights

from the Chicago Jazz

Festival archives, and

performances co-presented

with local music organizations

and filmed at music

venues. This program is

made possible with support

from Millennium Park

Foundation, Chicago

Community Trust, 90.9fm

WDCB Public Radio and

Chicago Transit Authority (CTA).

For the complete lineup and details,

visit MillenniumPark.org.

The reimagined “Virtual World

Music Festival Chicago” will offer

a series of free concerts featuring

artists from across the globe each

Sunday in September from 1-3 pm.

Highlights include the annual celebration

of Indian classical music,

Ragamala: A Centennial Tribute to

Ravi Shankar (September 6) recorded

at the Chicago Cultural Center

and co-curated with People of

Rhythm; Afro-Diáspora y Folklore

(September 13) recorded and cocurated

with Segundo Ruiz Belvis

Cultural Center; the Chicago-based

traditional Irish supergroup Anam

Mór (September 20) recorded at

and co-curated with Martyrs’, and

the Chicago Immigrant Orchestra

(September 27) recorded at Epiphany

Center for the Arts and coconducted

by Fareed Haque and

Wanees Zarour. This program is

supported in part by an award from

the National Endowment for the

Arts (NEA) and is sponsored by the

Chicago Transit Authority

(CTA). For the complete lineup and

details, visit WorldMusicFestival-


Both virtual concert series will

a i r o n Y o u T u b e . c o m /

ChicagoDCASE and follow a busy

summer season of more than 150

new and reimagined DCASE events

that included many other virtual

concerts, at-home

dance parties, drive-in

movies, farmers markets,

and 21 community

meals for frontline


\“During these Years

of Chicago Music,

DCASE and our partners

are committed to

showcasing and lifting

up the incredible musicians, organizations,

and venues that comprise

our diverse and legendary music

scene,” said Mark Kelly, Commissioner

of DCASE. “While celebrating

Chicago’s rich music legacy,

we will also welcome artists from

across the globe virtually, because

music has the power to unite us.”

Additionally, a new fall series of

hybrid in-person/virtual events

showcasing Chicago musicians at

neighborhood clubs and music venues

will be announced soon.

(Continued from page 18)

license, but they still faced the challenges

of now being adults in a

tough neighborhood. They didn't

always make the right choices.

Twenty years later, one of their

coaches, Michael O’Gorman, died

of a heart attack. O’Gorman may

have been insensitive — one of the

rowers takes “the 5th” on the subject

— but he was respected, and

the team gathered for his funeral.

Later, documentary crew in tow,

Cooper convened them at

Grandberry’s shop to ask about

getting the band back together.

“I ain’t seen you guys in what, 80

pounds ago?” Cooper jokes as

memories flow and the friends

agree to get back out on the water.

For some, it’s a chance to settle

unfinished business, for others, it's

redemption. For all, it’s an opportunity

to give back to the community

and show their own kids what it’s

like to do the unthinkable.

Arshay Cooper during the filming

of the documentary "A Most Beautiful

Thing." (Richard Schultz/50

Eggs Films)

Thicker in the middle and thinner

Arshay Cooper during the filming of the documentary "A Most Beautiful

Thing." (Richard Schultz/50 Eggs Films)

on top, the men settle back into the

business of training, even traveling

to the Bay Area to work with U.S.

Olympic rower and coach Mike

Teti, who good-naturedly wonders

if they’ll all still fit in the boat.

A builder of bridges, Cooper ups

the ante, inviting a group of white

Chicago police officers to train with

them as they prepare a return to the

Chicago Sprints. Not all the Manley

alumni are pleased at first, but they

soon realize the symbolism as they

strive to positively affect the community.

Mazzio, a 1992 Olympic rower

herself, nicely captures the beauty

of rowing, including the calming

sense of peace the water gives team

members when they first go out and

then experience again two decades

later. An evocative hip-hop score,

poetic narration by Common and

crisp graphics appropriately underline

the timeliness of the film.

The documentary, based on Cooper's

self-published memoir (he

connected with Mazzio on Twitter

after she'd read it), illustrates the

differences that can be made

through the efforts of a few and

draws attention to the high levels of

trauma experienced by residents in

our poorest neighborhoods. Imagine

the systemic changes that can be

wrought if the will of the many is

used to achieve them.

Page 20 August 20—September 2, 2020

Chicago Street Journal



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Chicago Street Journal August 20—September 2, 2020 Page 21

(Continued from page 10)

[Common] said that for a minute, then he continued to say

it [the N-word] because at the end of the day, it's what

feeds the purse."

As the years go on, hip hop has become ever more omnipresent

in the music industry. With the rapid proliferation

of fans of the genre, the N-word has made its way back

into the national spotlight.

Black people have hurled the infamous word for nearly

as long as white folk have. In the past the elders would

sweep the youth to the side to explain its history. And

talked about how slave owners used the word in a derogatory

fashion, treating their property as less than human, and

how the word continued to linger for the years to come.

Many made it a conscious point to never, ever say it.

When this tale collides with reality, it shatters as a misreading

of history — the current use of the word is owed

less to white folk calling black folk “nigger” and more to

black folk who say they are niggers and said so.

This kind of indiscriminate of the word is associated

with violence that continues to occur, as Chicago has witness

is highest year of youth killing youth. As where 15

people were gunned down outside of a funeral in Chicago,

and babies being shoot, is the thought by each trigger released

is a Nigger Bullet, with no humanity for life.

African-American youth are roughly six times as likely

as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and

roughly seven times as likely to murder someone; their

victims are black 82% of the time. Homicide is the second

most important reason for the racial gap in life expectancy:

Black homicide offenders don’t kill people because they

have dark skin, like a Klan member would. This may seem

obvious, and yet the myth of black-on-black crime persists.

One youth points out, “We go where the business is and

where the man ain’t looking. Can you see me going up to

Deerfield, black as I am, trying to stick up? The man would

be on me so fast I couldn’t get a chewing gum wrapper.

Any way, he don’t care if niggers get ripped off. But you

can bet he’s watching his ‘thang’ back in his own ‘hood.’

In 2015, Washington Post contributor Michael Tesler

wrote an op-ed titled, "Using the n-word is more common

than you (or President Obama) may think." Tesler

mentions how he "asked a nationally representative sample

of 1,000 participants in the 2012 Cooperative

Congressional Election Study, or CCES, how often they

had used the n-word over the past five years." Notably,

almost one-third of whites reported using the N-word at

least "once or twice" during the time period in question.

Just as Caucasians are not white, but pink (as the native

Americans say ‘Pale Face’, and African Americans

are not really black but shades of brown.

However ‘Nigger’ is referred to as Black.

Many answers address why the use of the N Word. But

is has become a culture of acceptance, just as killing has


Ultimately, white allies look on and commit themselves to

decrying the supposedly wounding act. “Why can’t we use

it if they do?” It isn’t rocket science to understand that

words can have more than one meaning, and a sensible rule

is that blacks can use the word but whites can’t.

After years of habitual use of “nigger,” White folks indoctrinated

the music to Nigger and drugs and killings to

accepting their supposed inferiority so well they don’t have

to use it outward any more. The success of mental terrorism,

and no word conveyed the depth of this internalized

oppression more than “nigger.”

As a black person in America, having so many limits at

every turn…being able to say the N-word gives black people

just one small bit of power. And at the same time, the

sole authors of their own devastation, a racial selfimage;

even when pulling the trigger of a gun.

The uncomfortable truth must be confronted: It's one

thing to ban a word because it is a pitiless slur often used,

however the old saying my Malcolm X, “who taught you to

hate self’ to physical violence.

As children are truly powerful beings with limitless

potential. It's time that the messages they receive reinforce

that. Quite a few to point to. Why not strength in

achievements in the Culture of what they think of each


Sen. Harris Biden’s VP

(Continued from page 4)

Harris a “terrific” pick, while

Hillary Clinton, tweeted that Harris

“already proved herself to be

an incredible public servant and

leader. So, I know she’ll be a

strong partner to Joe Biden.

Please join me in having her back

and getting her elected.”

It may be too soon to say

whether Biden will win in November,

but it will be a clear path

for Harris to easily become the

nation’s 46th president.

Story in parts by POLITICO

(Continued from page 9)

and residents. The struggle in the African American

communities in Chicago is about losing control of the

land. A people that don’t have control of its land are a

people without a home. Local long-term business owners

have not been respected for their more than 50 years of

service to the Roseland Michigan Ave. Misuse and divestment

of any community development assets and

equity created to build the wealth of distressed communities

is the root cause of socioeconomic decay.

To reverse the diminishing wealth within Black Chicago

communities requires strict accountability, redress

and economic restoration. Since 2017 research and continued

major reports on the growing wealth gap in the

African American families, determined it will take African

Americans 228 years to bridge the gap and 83 years

for Hispanic families!

Roseland Business Development Council invites, and

encourages, all local businesses participation. RBDC’s

membership, however, consists of all Black owned businesses

in Roseland supported by its membership and

community support of their Annual Banquet.

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