REDSTAR Hangzhou October 2020

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LIFESTYLE 告 生 活 方 式




All Souls Day is a religious affair in

Italy, called Festa dei morti, where

people remember their late loved

ones, but people on the island of

Sardinia called it Is Animeddas,

Su mortu mortu, Su Prugadoriu

or Is Panixeddas depending on

the area. This festival is an ancient

tradition that has many similarities

with the ancient rituals of

Shamain. The children go around

the houses of the villages to ask

for a small offer and adults, on the

other hand, remember their dead

with a dinner, then gather around

the fireplace to tell facts of the past

or legends of the area. They then

leave the table set for the dead all

night and in some countries even

the beliefs remain open for them

to feed. Pumpkin is also not a

Halloween prerogative. In Sardinia

they were carved to represent

ghostly beings, to entertain and

scare children.


Originated from the Chinese Ghost Festival,

the Japanese Buddhist Obon ( お 盆 ) is

a festivity to honour the spirits of one's

ancestors. It has been celebrated in Japan

for more than 500 years and today this

Buddhist–Confucian custom has evolved

into a family reunion holiday. During

three days of celebration people return to

ancestral family places and visit and clean

their ancestors' graves when the spirits

of ancestors are supposed to revisit the

household altars. Traditionally the festival

includes a dance, known as Bon Odori (Bon

dance) which differs from region to region.



Halloween lasts one day in western countries

but in Asia ghost and spirits are the leading

actor of a whole month: the seventh month or

the so called Ghost Month. The Hungry Ghost

Festival -Zhongyuan Jie ( 中 元 節 ), Gui Jie ( 鬼

節 ) or Yulan Festival ( 盂 兰 盆 节 ) in Chinese -

can be defined as the Chinese Halloween and

is celebrated starting on the 15th night of the

seventh month for a whole month. During this

month people honour the spirits including

deceased ancestors, which come out from

the lower realm. Festivities include parades,

operas, burning incense, food for the dead and

operatic performances to entertain the spirits.


Gai Jatra is a festival of dancing, singing,

mirth and laughter. The festival (also called

the festival of cow), is celebrated in the

Kathmandu Valley to commemorate the

death of loved ones. As part of the festival

family members of the deceased of the

past year send people mostly children,

dressed as cows to parade on the streets.



Fête Gede or "Festival

of the Ancestors," is the

Haiti's 'Day Of The Dead'

Celebration. It is one of the

most important voodoo

festivals celebrated in Haiti

and many other Voodoo

communities around the

world. In Haiti the event,

which is commemorated

yearly on the first and

second days of November,

is marked by converging

on cemeteries to honour

Haitian ancestors with

rituals and sacrifices.

People take part by lighting

candles, journeying to their

ancestors' burial places

and drinking rum infused

with chilies. Singing,

dancing, and drinking are

accompanied by animal

sacrifices, various other

offerings, and “actual”

possessions by the spirits.

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