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November-December<br />
City of Elgin<br />
2020 Newsletter<br />
Divert Waste<br />
Simple Recycling<br />
Residents, have you tried this FREE service to<br />
recycle textiles at the curb?<br />
The Simple Recycling service collects many<br />
categories of items that aren’t recyclable through your<br />
regular curbside recycling program; things like clothing, shoes,<br />
small appliances, lamps and more. View the full list of possible<br />
(and not possible) items at<br />
Simply fill up the orange Simple Recycling bags with<br />
acceptable items and place it at your curb for pickup on your<br />
regular garbage collection day. *Note: Bags must be out by<br />
6:00 a.m. or they could be missed - Drivers get through routes<br />
very quickly since they don’t stop at every house. If your<br />
collection is missed, notify Simple Recycling online at<br /> or over the phone at 866-835-5068.<br />
Need bags? Request bags online at or<br />
call Simple Recycling at 866-835-5068.<br />
Curbside Organics Collection<br />
Compost Your Food Scraps and Yard Waste April-November<br />
Residents may purchase a subscription to participate in Elgin’s<br />
curbside organics collection program, where weekly collections<br />
run during the months of April through November, in conjunction<br />
with the yard waste service. Residents can combine acceptable<br />
organic food waste in a designated bin along with yard waste to<br />
reduce the amount of compostable waste in the landfill, and<br />
potentially save money on yard waste bags and stickers. An annual<br />
fee is billed separately through Waste Managment for this service.<br />
Residents have three cart size options at different subscription<br />
rates:<br />
96 gallon cart: $141/season<br />
64 gallon cart: $131/season<br />
35 gallon cart: $121/season<br />
Any additional containers<br />
outside of the organics cart<br />
will require a sticker to be<br />
serviced.<br />
To sign up for the Organics<br />
Collection subscription service,<br />
please contact Waste Management at 800-964-8988.<br />
At Your Door<br />
Special Collection<br />
Elgin residents have an easy way to dispose of household hazardous<br />
waste and to recycle electronics. You do not need to sign up for this<br />
program - it is offered as part of your regular household waste and<br />
recycling service. To dispose of home-generated special materials and<br />
schedule a collection at your home, you must contact Waste<br />
Management online at or by calling 800-449-7587<br />
(Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.).<br />
The materials accepted through this program include:<br />
Automotive Products<br />
Antifreeze, batteries, brake fluid,<br />
motor oil and filters, fuels, and<br />
more.<br />
Garden Chemicals<br />
Fertilizers, insect sprays, herbicides,<br />
pesticides, and weed killers.<br />
Paint Products<br />
Paint, caulk, glue, stain, stripper,<br />
thinner, and wood preservative.<br />
Household Cleaners<br />
Ammonia, heavy-duty cleaner, rust<br />
remover, tile/shower cleaner,<br />
upholstery cleaner, and more.<br />
Create Less Garbage?<br />
Reduce Your Cart Size<br />
Each home is provided a 64-gallon wheeled gray garbage cart.<br />
But that doesn’t mean each home produces enough garbage<br />
to fill that cart on a weekly basis.<br />
Residents can opt for a smaller 35-gallon cart for the same<br />
monthly rate as the 64-gallon cart. Residents who opt for this<br />
option can place one additional disposal item per week at the<br />
curb without a sticker, such as a yard waste bag or bulky item.<br />
*Note: With this option, it’s important not to remove your cart from<br />
the curb until after the additional disposal item has been collected so<br />
drivers know you are a small-cart subscriber.<br />
*Note: This differs from the Senior Cart<br />
Program, which does not include an extra<br />
disposal item.<br />
Contact Elgin 311 to pursue this option.<br />
Electronics<br />
Computers, monitors, keyboards,<br />
MP3 players, televisions (limit one<br />
per call), DVD/CD players, tape<br />
players, VCR, cell phones, desktop<br />
printers, fax machines, and<br />
microwaves.<br />
Mercury Containing Items<br />
Batteries, compact fluorescent<br />
lamps, fluorescent tubes,<br />
thermometers, and<br />
thermostats.<br />
Sharps, Needles and Lancets<br />
Must be placed in a sealed, rigid,<br />
puncture resistant container.<br />
CITYOFELGIN.ORG | 311 (OR 847-931-6001)<br />