Travel.LovePoland December 2020

Dear Readers, As befits the winter issue of the magazine, we encourage you to get to know and visit various parts of Poland. We show you round the most famous places, such as Gdańsk or the Tatras (in Łukasz' beautiful photographs), but we also encourage you to get to know the less known ones, such as Tylicz or Ochodzita or the Herbst Museum in Łódź. As usual, we devote a lot of space to Polish nature. This time in two articles: Magda and Łukasz take you on the Biebrza, and Włodzimierz Stachoń invites you to get to know wild birds. There must be also something about Christmas traditions. As always, Kasia Skóra will tell about many of them – but she won't be the only one. Get to know some secrets of Polish Christmas cuisine, including those described by Magdalena Tomaszewska-Bolałek. And almost at the end, we have for you a beautiful, in our opinion, photo gallery by Kamila Rosińska - kept in a very festive mood. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Good New Year.

Dear Readers,
As befits the winter issue of the magazine, we encourage you to get to know and visit various parts of Poland. We show you round the most famous places, such as Gdańsk or the Tatras (in Łukasz' beautiful photographs), but we also encourage you to get to know the less known ones, such as Tylicz or Ochodzita or the Herbst Museum in Łódź. As usual, we devote a lot of space to Polish nature. This time in two articles: Magda and Łukasz take you on the Biebrza, and Włodzimierz Stachoń invites you to get to know wild birds. There must be also something about Christmas traditions. As always, Kasia Skóra will tell about many of them – but she won't be the only one. Get to know some secrets of Polish Christmas cuisine, including those described by Magdalena Tomaszewska-Bolałek. And almost at the end, we have for you a beautiful, in our opinion, photo gallery by Kamila Rosińska - kept in a very festive mood.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Good New Year.


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A long time ago, in a hut on the edge of the forest, the old

woodcutter Joseph lived with his wife, Aniela. Their

granddaughter Margaret lived with them. They were

poor, but very good people, and they loved one another.

Old Angela's health was deteriorating. The old woman's lungs

had long been in poor condition. They could not afford the

doctor's appointment and expensive medicines, Joseph, a

woodcutter, worked all days, but it didn't help, there was

barely enough money for food. Christmas was approaching,

winter was beautiful that year. The tiny windows in the

wooden hut sparkled like diamonds in the sun. Frost drew

coniferous twigs and leaves on them. Old Aniela's condition was

deteriorating, and Joseph was very worried about it, only the

smile on Margaret's face made the grandfather feel better.

Finally, it was Christmas Eve.

- Joseph, you would have to bring a Christmas tree from the

forest - old Aniela told her husband.- All right, my Angel, I will

leave tomorrow morning and bring us the most beautiful, green

tree that I can find in the forest - old Joseph replied.At dawn,

when old Aniela and little Margaret were still asleep, old Józef

put on his shabby trench coat, tied his worn shoes with straw

to keep his feet from getting cold, pulled a holy hat over his

ears and set off to the forest for a Christmas tree. The milky

mist was breaking from the fields into the forest, and the snow

was pouring down as hard as if someone in the sky was flicking

duvets, one snowflake after another. It was freezing cold that

day. The thicket of the forest did not want to let any

Christmas trees get seen. Joseph had wandering for a long

time. It became quiet in the forest, the wind stopped. Only

snowflakes were gently falling down, covering trees, fields and

roads. Between the old, large oaks, Joseph noticed a little pine

tree, its needles were green and long, and it smelled so

wonderful that he didn't want to look any longer. Joseph's cold

hands could barely hold the heavy axe when he suddenly heard

a voice. Joseph, Joseph, please don't cut me down. I am a living

pine tree and I don't want to die. If you spare my life, I will

repay you - the pine tree said. Joseph thought for a moment

and said:

- I will not cut you down, I will not kill you, but I will take you

with me, because without you the house would be empty for

Christmas and my Aniela would not forgive me.

Who knows how much longer we would live together. When

Joseph was digging a pine tree out of the ground, she asked him

to tell her about his wife's illness, so he did it. It was already

dusk, the frost was getting stronger, tired Joseph trembled

with cold, but the thought of the joy of little Margaret cheered

him up. When he reached the yard of his hut, he dug a deep hole

right by the window and planted a pine tree there.

"You will live here," he said to the tree.

- Joseph, this is the most beautiful gift I could receive this

Christmas - the tree replied.

- Please, listen carefully - the pine tree continued - every day

open the window in Aniela's bedroom, and I promise that this

time next year there will be no trace of your wife's illness. Old

Joseph listened to the tree, covered its roots with a lot of earth

and wrapped it in a slightly perforated burlap sack so that the

poor plant would not get cold. At home, he told everything that

had happened to him. Old Aniela only smiled, and little Margaret

ran to decorate her green friend with a beautiful, hand-made

chain. She was glad that she would have a Christmas tree not

only for Christmas, but for the whole year.

Time passed, seasons changed quickly, and another winter came.

As requested by Pine Tree, Aniela opened the window in her

bedroom every day. And surprisingly, she felt better and better.

It was Christmas Eve, white snow covered the earth. Old Joseph

was sweeping the snow in front of the hut entrance when he

heard the voice of the Tree.

- Joseph, is your wife feeling better?

Joseph had almost forgotten what the tree had told him a year

ago when he spared its life.

- Yes, my Aniela seems to have recovered. How did you do that?

The old man asked.

- It wasn't me. It was you who saved both of us, Joseph. Thanks

to the fact that you did not take my life, I was able to clean the

air at your farm and blow some healthy, forest air into your


- I will continue doing it for many years to come, and then my

children, sisters and brothers will do it - the pine said. Many

years have passed since that event, but the old hut of my

grandparents, Aniela and Joseph, is still standing in the pine

forest, and the smell of pine needles intensifies before

Christmas, reminding us of those who are no longer with us.


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