
This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on September - 2020 Edition - 29. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.

This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on September - 2020 Edition - 29. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed to Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide famous Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences and Forums. “Mettavalokanaya” International Monthly Buddhist Magazine has been awarded as the “2018 - The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” from Thailand as the World’s Best and Most popular Buddhist Magazine. The Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre is a registered Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka and has received many International accolades. Our publications are absolutely free of charge to general public. The magazine comprises of special articles on Buddhism written by leading Buddhist Monks from foreign countries. “Mettavalokanaya” is currently been published in English and includes full color 60 pages.


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Over the years I have met

several people who take great

pleasure in playing jokes on

others. Their spontaneous

pranks are usually intended to make

people laugh and be happy, but

sometimes they have a way of going

very wrong. I’ve seen them destroy

meaningful relationships – and even the

lives of some unsuspecting people. One

incident that I sadly recall happened

during my years as a Buddhist chaplain

at UCLA. I had made friends with

a group of graduate students who

roomed together in an apartment off

campus. Mahen, originally from Nepal,

was very naïve. He seldom left the

university environs except to visit my

temple. He had lived for several years

in Thailand where a man can become

a monk temporarily, and Mahen did so

for five years. As a reasult he was able

to speak Thai fluently.

Raj, from India, was witty, easy

going, and was popular with the women

as he was jovial. Tuk, from Vietnam,

was studious, neat and dedicated to

keeping the cultural traditions of his

homeland. “What do you mean ‘the real

truth’? I’m telling you the real truth.

Tuk is jealous of me and he is trying to

get Thanom.” When Mahen said these

words, I knew that it was impossible

to get through to him, so I decided to

try another tactic. “Mahen, just for the

moment please try to pay attention to

me. What I’m going to tell you is very

important. I’ve been your friend for a

long time, and I have to tell you that you

are living in a world of illusion. I know

for a fact that Thanom has a boyfriend.

In fact, she brought him to the temple

several times. Besides, she is far too old

for you. Before you think of women you

must complete your studies. With your

spiritual experience and education, I’m

sure that one day you will find exactly

the right woman for you. Please be

careful not to jump into situations

that will block your progress in life.

Take my advice and leave Thanom

alone. You need to spend your energy

concentrating on your own welfare.”

Mahen turned and ran out of the

temple without paying me his usual

respects. I really didn’t know what to

make Thailand

of him. That night I was shocked

to see Tuk, who lives next door, standing


The Mind….

outside the door to my office. He was

frantic, as if he’d been chased by a

ghost. “Bhante, Mahen just called,”

he exclaimed. “He’s threatening to kill

me, saying that you helped me steal his

girlfriend. I don’t know anything about

any of this. You know as well as I do that

my goal is to finish my studies. When

Thanom told me her story, and asked

me to talk to Mahen, I spoke to him and

thought that was the end of it. I don’t

want to have any part of this craziness.”

At this moment I wondered why Mahen

was acting so strangely; maybe he had

a mental problem. There was really

no other explanation for his delusional

behavior. “Tuk, I spoke to Mahen earlier

today and he ran out of the temple like

a madman without saying a word to

me. I wonder if he’s taking drugs.” “No

Bhante, he’s clean, I’m sure. I’m afraid

he’s unbelievably innocent and gullible.

I do know that Raj has been playing with

Mahen’s mind. Do you think Mahen is

that susceptible to his bad jokes?”

“Do you think Raj is being

malicious?” I asked. “Bhante, I know

that Raj derives pleasure from the

misery of others and has a very strange

sense of humor. I’ve seen him playing

cruel jokes on others, and I truly

believe he is a sadist. This whole mess

is because of Raj, and my good friend

Mahen thinks I’m his enemy.” Tuk was

really getting worked up about Raj. “Tuk,

you shouldn’t judge people like that.

No matter what Raj’s involvement is in

this unfortunate situation, whenever

love and attraction are involved,

rational behavior goes out the window.

Who knows, this type of obsessive

infatuation may happen to you one

day.” “Oh my, I surely hope not,” he said

in desperation. I continued to explain

that when a person is infatuated, he

is oblivious to the world. No parent,

priest or friend can change a man or

woman’s deeply rooted endearments.

“Tuk, the Buddha explained in one of his

suttas that nothing persists in obsessing

the mind of a person as much as the

opposite sex – for a man’s obsession is

a woman; and a woman’s obsession is

a man – the opposite sex can become a

powerful obsession. This obsession can

cause the mind and actions of either a

man or a woman to become completely

irrational.” “I’m so sorry about Mahen;

he looks like he’s really suffering. He’s

been my friend for a long time, Bhante,

and I care about him.” “Let me remind

you of a verse from the Dhammapada,

Tuk. It goes like this: ‘From passion

and desire, Sensuousness and lust,

Arise grief and fear. Free yourself from

these attachments.’ “You see Tuk, even

the Buddha states that obsession is an

influential factor in a relationship. Over

the years I have met many people in

Mahen’s predicament, and I truly hope

that he will get past this. Tuk, don’t take

these things too seriously. Go to your

room now and attend to your studies.”

Tuk bowed and paid his respects to me

and left the temple. A few months later,

I was surprised to see Raj and a couple

of his friends at the temple. “Bhante,

I heard about the problems you had

because of Mahen and me. I feel guilty

because there are certain things that

I said and did without thinking of the

consequences they could have. Forgive

me, Bhante; my jokes have resulted in

disaster for two of my friends.” “Raj, I

feel sorry for Mahen and Tuk. Your

playful nature caused quite a bit of

trouble for your friends, as well as

for the monks. You must understand

that causing trouble for others and for

yourself is an unwholesome activity.

The Buddha states, ‘If one harms

oneself or causes trouble to others, one

accumulates bad karma.’

“Think of

Positive ways”….

“In Western psychology, these

words of the Buddha might be

describing sadistic and masochistic

behavior. It seems that many people are

unaware that they might possess these

traits. Some cultures derive pleasure

in watching bullfights, cockfights,

wrestling, etc. The spectators of these

sorts of events may be unaware of their

possible sadistic inclinations. People

who enjoy inflicting physical, mental

or emotional pain to themselves would

be called masochistic. “Right now, try

to re-organize your life in a mature

manner, and take care that you watch

your speech. Be honest with yourself,

look clearly into your mind, and try to

remove your unwholesome thoughts.

Also, don’t carry around your feelings of

guilt, and from now on think of positive

ways you can help your friends. I will give

you a quote from the Dhammapada,

‘Easy to do are things that are bad and

harmful to oneself. But exceedingly

difficult is it to do that which is good and



Most Venerable

Aggamaha Pandita Dr.

Walpola Piyananda Thero

28 l Mettavalokanaya l September l 2020 2020 l September l Mettavalokanaya l 29

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