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Village Voice February/March 2021



Tylers Green Middle School

As I am writing this to you, we are currently in

Lockdown 3 nationally and the school

importantly remains open to those children in

our community who are of most need. This

includes those children who the DFE classes as

most vulnerable as well as those children whose

parents play a critical role to the coronavirus

(COVI-19) and EU transition response. What is

markedly different in this lockdown, as

compared to the one that began in March 2020,

is the vast increase in the number of children

coming into school. We estimated the need to be

between 7 and 13 children in total in school in

2020 whilst this year, the demand is between 30

to 50 children in school each day.

With 256 pupils on role what does this mean

for the children who are not coming into

school? The offer for remote education is one

that we have adapted and evolved since its

inception in March 2020 and the use of the

google classroom has been the platform that

replicates, as far as it is able, the interface of

teaching staff, teaching input, pupil classwork,

resources and interaction through a live stream.

We firmly believe that the successful teaching

in school should be available to all pupils

whether they are learning at home, or in school.

That said, it poses challenges when trying to

replicate in a remote way and requires a very

different approach. We have lent some families

our school laptops, and computers, so all

children can access the google classroom and

nobody is disadvantaged. We are also linking up

on zoom calls within a safe platform so children

can spend some time with their teacher in a

small group environment. The partnership with

parents is incredibly important and it is widely

recognised that juggling work, home and

parenting is a highly challenging environment.

Many of our staff also have school age children

at home and so do appreciate some of the

situations that are parents and pupils face.

One of the main challenges we all face during

these periods of lockdown is lack of motivation.

To ensure that our pupils’ efforts are being

recognised, we have continued issuing the

famous green cards that lead to achievements

badges. These are awarded during whole school

assemblies that take place on Fridays and in

addition, the star of the awards are continuing

through this lockdown period. The main issue

was how do we issue these rewards to the

children learning at home? I decided that the

children would be so pleased to receive a letter

from school through the post. So these awards

are making their way through the village and


In the previous edition, I wrote about the

recover, rejuvenate and relearn strategy to

ensure that our staff were able to put wellbeing

at the heart and make up any gaps in

knowledge. This approach was highly

successful and because the children had an

entire term in school by the time we finished for

Christmas, I was delighted to compare

assessment results that indicated the children

were achieving in line with the previous cohorts

at the same time. This was especially evident in

maths and reading and shows how effective the

approach had been. This gives us hope that the

current lockdown will not impact too harshly on

our pupils’ learning. We are all hoping that the

lockdown will not be with us for longer than

needed and wish that all children can return to

school very soon. Perhaps when you are reading

this, we may find this is the case! Vanessa Pinkney,


Tylers Green First School

Going into another strict lockdown one day into

the school term was certainly a challenge. In

times of crisis, the strength of our community is

tested. I can honestly say that I feel lucky and

privileged to be supported by such an amazing,

thoughtful and caring group of staff, governors,

22 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

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