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Village Voice February/March 2021



As Carols on the common could not take

place in the usual way (due to you know

what!), Santa decided to make a special

visit to the village in the days before

Christmas to spread some much-needed

seasonal cheer...

Thank you Santa and your team! Our younger

residents were certainly uplifted by the

opportunity to see Santa and his Sleigh

Santa is pleased to report that nearly £700

was raised for the “Christmas tree” charity

which was Carers Bucks. The Scouts were

pleased to help Santa by loaning their trailer and

helping to decorate the sleigh. Thanks too, to all

the volunteers who accompanied Santa in the

pouring rain!

Santa wrote to VV after touring P&TG, and

we are pleased to print his letter below. We hope

that Santa might be able to visit us again at

Christmas this year!

Dear P&TG Residents,

I’m back home now

and its blooming

freezin, I think Rudolph

was very tired after his

extra excursion down

Manor Road however,

enroute back to the

North Pole, he managed

to salvage a full bag of

carrots from a truck in

Dover. He ate the lot for

breakfast this morning

and has perked up a

treat, ready for tonight.

I would like to

applaud the efforts of

all my Elves and

collectors, what a fantastic achievement,

delighting those families and little folk along

the way, plus bagging £650+ for Bucks Carers

to boot!

My Land Sleigh this year had been

meticulously put together by Team Cooper,

(formerly F1) . Following many hours of toiling

in their pit garage, they produced the beautifully

spacious and fabulous TC1. Rudolph told me it

was a joy to pull but did suffer from a little

understeer and overheating brakes!

Big Big thanks to Harry, Olli and Thomas for

their Sleigh management work on and off site,

and to Heather for finding that extra carrot for


Special thanks to our intrepid guide who now

has honed his skills at reversing Reindeer.

Bravo, no punters flattened! Santa


Top Photograph: Chris Sadler

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