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Village Voice February/March 2021

Surgery are excited to be in the process of

creating a long overdue new website which will

allow patients to better access our services

online.We are working with a specialist primary

care web developer to meet latest NHS digital

accessibility standards in a website that will be

easy to navigate, fully smart-phone and device

compatible and aesthetically appealing.

As part of this transformation, we will be

introducing a new website tool (called Klinik)

which will allow patients to submit their

symptoms, appointment requests, fit note

requests etc. to their GPs 24/7 via the website

- replacing the need to wait in queues on the

phone. The same system is being introduced to

all practices locally and from the feedback we

have seen, it promises to make accessing GPs a

lot easier for our patients. It also ensures

enquiries are dealt with quicker and by the right

member of the clinical team.’

Finally, should any patients of the Simpson

Centre or Penn Surgery wish to join the Patient

Participation Group, we would welcome new

members. Please feel free to get in touch to find

out more about what we do. Emma McPhee at

emmamcphee@aol.com. Emma McPhee (Simpson

Centre & Penn PPG)

Ashwells & Gomm Valley

Ashwells: In our last issue we reported on the

finds in the archaeological trenches dug in

November. The County’s Senior Archaeology

Officer has since confirmed that he has advised

the archaeological firm involved that, as a result

of their reported discoveries, further

investigation will be required. He promises to

keep us informed.

Meanwhile, the project has been delayed by a

combination of the loss of planning officers

familiar with the project, Covid 19, and a

change in the architects working on the

masterplan. Some changes have been made to

the masterplan, but the revised version has not

yet seen the light of day and so there has not

been an opportunity for any substantive

consultation with interested local residents.

There is as yet no detailed design code and

there are still unresolved questions about the

layout and type of houses and roads, and some

uncertainty about exactly where the new lower

access road will run. The arrangements for safe

parking for parents dropping and collecting at

the Middle School have not been agreed, and so

on. We are pressing for a (virtual) meeting of

our full Ashwells Forum as soon as possible to

ensure full local consultation.

Gomm Valley: The Team Leader of the

Wycombe planners reviewing Human+Nature’s

application estimates that they would be ready

to report this case to the County’s new Strategic

Planning Committee in late Spring/Summer.

County elections in May could affect the

calendar of committee meetings. Miles Green

P&TG Village Show 2021

We currently plan to hold the Penn & Tylers

Green Village Show on Saturday September

10th at the Tylers Green Village Hall. We have

decided to keep the Schedule virtually the same

as planned in 2020, and are checking if the

vegetables, fruit and flowers are relevant to the

time of year. We will have updated schedules on

our web site, the Village Voice web site and

their web site in the next few weeks.

If you want to help us and use your skills to

improve our web site, by adding content and are

able to give some time, please contact us by

mail, ptgvsc@gmail.com

Continue to nurture your succulents, cacti and

a container of alpine plants. The fresh egg

entries created a buzz, so have the entry this

year, keep pampering your hens and have 3

fresh eggs to enter.

For novices and new entrants, why not have a

go at growing your own vegetables from seeds,

radish, carrots, potatoes, or salad leaves, or at

growing your own chillies and squashes, March

is the mont to start sowing your seeds, so start

planning ahead now. A new entry this year is

homegrown vegetables displayed in a trug to

show the fruits of your success.

Moving on to those that prefer to cook start

6 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

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