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practising cooking ginger biscuits, decorated

cupcakes and a Bakewell tart so they are

perfection on the day. Home baked goodies

have been a real hit as we all live, work and

school at home. For the men’s cooking, your

skills at savoury scones or even a mocha

roulade, (the recipe will be on our web site,

Facebook page and the Village Voice web page

too), will give you a great chance to win the

men’s cooking trophy. Young designers can

make a tin can lantern, hints will be on our

website, for Young Cooks a savoury quiche.

For the under 10’s the entries they can make

in advance of the show are; a bug “hotel”, a key

rung and a greetings card made using

thumbprints of animals. You could also practice

your pizza making skills as well.

Printed schedules will be placed in the usual

places in the village for people, unless things

worsen. We will let you know when they are

available. Put Saturday 19th September Village

Show in your diary and look forward seeing you

on the day. Keep looking out for more news in

Village Voice, follow us on our Facebook page

and look out for our new website.

• pennandtylersgreenvillageshow.com

• facebook.com/pennandtylersgreenvillageshow

Buckinghamshire Council Update

Buckinghamshire Council has now been live for

nearly 10 months, and what a 10 months it has

been. No one expected that on 1st April 2020

when we were pulling all 5 councils together to

begin as one, we would be thrown into the most

serious pandemic of our lifetimes. We were

immediately in lockdown and having to arrange

for around 3000 staff to work from home, which

is where many of them still are. This involved

ensuring computer equipment was enabled and

provided, chairs where necessary and also

phones. Around 172 members of staff were

asked to change their roles and work in critical

areas such as food support hubs, food

distributions, prescription collections, transport

to medical appointments. We worked with

partners to keep our residents and particularly


Village Voice February/March 2021

the vulnerable safe, and staff even undertook

regular phone calls to check on those shielding.

All this as well as dealing with over 200

councillors becoming members of the new

council because the elections were cancelled.

This meant new email addresses for all, transfer

of old inboxes, new equipment provided where

necessary, putting all meetings on Teams and

training everyone to use Teams The latter in the

initial days being a complete nightmare, “you’re

on mute” becoming the most used phrase!

We also co ordinated offers of support of PPE

production, organised PPE procurement for

those in Bucks who needed it, distributed over

£85m in grants to businesses, offered business

rate relief and worked with Bucks Business first

to offer advice and other support to businesses.

We provided support to care homes and their

staff as well as stepping up support to schools

who were providing care to the children of key

workers, and virtually eliminated rough sleeping

during the pandemic.

All of this whilst standing up a major new

council with all that that involved and carried on

our “business as usual” such as planning

applications, housing, social care, waste

collection and disposal to name only a tiny

proportion of what your Council does. Granted

some of these services suffered either from staff

sickness or delays as it is not easy to do all of

this from home but in general staff have been

amazing in the way they adapted so quickly.

Now here we are again, Lockdown no 3 and

the Council is stepping all these things up again.

However in addition we are now providing

support to the NHS to help them with the

vaccine rollout which is a huge organisational

challenge, setting up some lateral flow testing,

undertaking contact tracing and set up the

Councils Helping Hand service to help anyone

worried about food or warmth during the winter

season and dealing with food vouchers for

schools. We have also started our transformation

reviews in each department where we still have

to review everything to fully bring all the

councils together. In some areas each


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