
This is the World’s Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on May 2021 Vesak Edition - 31. https://mettavalokanaya.com/magazine-31/ http://www.mettavalokanaya.com/

This is the World’s Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on May 2021 Vesak Edition - 31.


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New Golden Age of Earth

The World’s Famous Buddha

Painting Master, Earth

Zen Person, International

Meditation Teacher, Founder

of Enlightening Earth Association,

Daksina Mani Buddha Cultural &

Bodhisattva Association in Taiwan,

Master Chi Sung Hung addressed the

United Nations Virtual NGO CSW 65

Parallel Event in Mulan Forum, Taipei,

Taiwan. Dear Sisters and Brothers, I am

very honored to be here, the United

Nations Virtual NGO CSW 65 Parallel

Event, Taiwan Mulan Forum to speak

about Open more possibilities. I wish

all of you an awakening day. Today, in

my mind, is a great and wonderful day

for all beings. First, I am going to talk

about Awakening of female power. We

will see the female power enlighten

all humans and create a perfect female

time, guiding us to a new golden age

of Earth. Through my mother’s eyes, I

saw the wonderful world in the womb.

I follow my mother’s body to breathe,

to grow, and to live. So I use the pen

name 陳 女 生 to honor my mother. This

name is a pun. 女 生 means female. My

mother’s last name is Chen. This name

also means I was born to Chen. If we

take a look at the 21st century, we

will see that it’s not only the females

that are rising, but the most important

thing is that the world needs female

energy because the male power

can not guide the Earth to a better

way. The Earth needs female energy,

wisdom, benevolence, and peace. So,

even though I am a man, I would like

to be a person who follows the female

awakening to seek people’s happiness.

Second. The movement of Female

Earth, who am I? Who are we? When I

was five, my family’s factory exploded.

I saw people die in front of me. My

father died when I was seven years

old. I started to seek if there is a way

beyond death.

When I was nine years old, my

mind was full of how the universe was

formed. And when was the beginning

of the universe. Or if there is an ending

of the universe, a beginning, ending of

lives. Is this an endless reincarnation.

Will this stop at any point. Are the

existence of our lives and the universe

real or fiction? Are all these a dream? I

have thought about Buddha’s thinking,

other religions, and philosophies such

as Confucius, Kant. So, I started to

practice meditation when I was 10.

When I observed the universe, I found

that all things depend on emptiness.

Therefore, I understood that the inside

energy is always beyond the outside

power. When we open our minds, we

know that if we want sustainable

development on Earth, we need to

use the deep mentality to learn from

nature. In the standard Lambda-

CDM model of cosmology, the total

mass–energy of the universe contains

4.9% atoms, 26.8% dark matter and

68.3% dark energy. Thus, we see the

inner energy is much bigger than the

outer power. In the Chinese classic

The I Ching (The Book of Changes),

the 11th Hexagram is Tai ( 泰 卦 ). This

hexagram has Kun ( 坤 ) on the top of

Chien( 乾 ). Kun ( 坤 ) means the earth or

female. Chien ( 乾 ) means the heaven

or male. Heaven is at the bottom, and

its energy goes up. And the Earth is

on the top. Its energy goes down.

Therefore, this Hexagram means

auspicious. The world is prosperous.

Good comes, bad leaves. On the other

hand, the 12th Hexagram is Pi ( 否 卦 ).

This Hexagram is the opposite of Tai.

It has Chien ( 乾 ) on the top of Kun (

坤 ). Heaven is on top and it’s energy

goes up. It doesn’t go down. And the

Earth is at the bottom. It’s energy goes

down. It doesn’t go up. So, heaven and

the Earth do not unite. This is the

world we have now. Men are on top

of women. We need the female energy

to lead the world to an auspicious

and prosperous state. So, we need to

do the movement of female Earth and

to brighten the world. Third. Beyond


All lives are equal. It is the

most important thought in the world.

When we see through the truth of the

universe, we find it. In my mind, it’s not

only a belief. It is a truth. Every day,

every moment, when I wake up in the

morning, when I go to bed at night, I

see all human beings are equal. When

I see the truth, it leads my mind to

be so calm, clear and happy. It leads

me to sleep in brightness. Even in my

dreams, I meet my dear heart friend,

equality. I see life, gender, race, caste,

faith, economics, class, opportunity,

rich and poor, sexual orientation, and

social status…, all are equal. This

is from our natural enlightenment.

Nāgārjuna was the most important

master of Buddha’s middle way.

“Brighten the


His Madhyamika (The Middle Way)

showed me the whole vision and

use eight negation of middle way

to reach this wonderful truth. To me,

The Middle Way taught me to respect

all beings. He said, “All dharmas that

arise from causes and effects, I called

them empty. They are also provisional

names, and also the middle Way.”

So, when I read the thirty articles

of Universal Declaration of Human

Rights, I say it is not just a belief, we

should practice this and put it into

action. For so many years, women have

not been equal to men in the world.

Simone de Beauvoir wrote The Second

Sex and declared, “One is not born but

becomes a woman”. I agree with her.

In my mind all are equal. According to

the equality, I will say that the female

is the first nature. Recently I noticed

a great lady, Emma Watson. She said,

“ If you believe in equality, you are a

feminist.” I said, “Yes!” According to

this definition, me too, I am a feminist,

too. Even though I understand The

Middle Way is equality, but when the

world is not equal for the female, I

will be a feminist. For me it is the real

teaching of Buddha’s and Nāgārjuna’s

The Middle Way. So I do agree with

her HeForShe campaign. I hope it will

succeed quickly. I hope one day we

will change the HeForShe campaign

to SheForHe. Tai ( 泰 卦 ) shows the

powerful first gender. Female will

help all human to be equal.

38 l Mettavalokanaya l May l 2021 2021 l May l Mettavalokanaya l 39

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