
This is the World’s Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on May 2021 Vesak Edition - 31. https://mettavalokanaya.com/magazine-31/ http://www.mettavalokanaya.com/

This is the World’s Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on May 2021 Vesak Edition - 31.


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Damini is the wife of the late

professor Arthur Basnayake,

one of the first members of

the Ceylon Overseas Service.

He served for 42 years in this position

until he was appointed as Professor of

International Affairs at Nagoya Gakuin

University in Japan. They started a new

life in the Diplomatic Service. Damini

says the wife plays a very important

role in the life of an Ambassador.

She has very nostalgic memories of

Myanmar, where her younger son was

ordained as a Samanera monk and

spent two months in a monastery

there. He is now a Consultant

Nephrologist in England. She took

part in many religious activities there

including the planting of Bo saplings,

and helped building of stupas. Her


Efforts in


meditation teachers were the Ven

Mahasi Sayadaw and U Janaka. She

also played an important role in the

printing of the English translations of

the Dhammapada, the Digha Nikaya,

and the Guide to Digha Nikaya, by

Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, a Buddhist

promoting Foundation in Japan.

30,000 sets of these publications were

distributed worldwide. The Buddha


DHANAM, JINATI“, and Damini is a firm

believer that these actions would help

all Buddhists to join together and

disseminate the sublime teachings of

the Buddha, throughout this universe.

We live in a world torn by Strife and

Dissention and we need the message

of the Buddha to guide us and prevent

human beings from destroying

themselves. Those of us who have

visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki will

indeed be aware of the holocaust of

war and Nuclear weapons.

Amongst the distinguished

people they have met during their

travels abroad are Queen Elizabeth

and Prince Philip, Emperor Akihihito

and Empress Mitchiko , Prince and

Princess Mikasa, Madam Indira Gandhi,

Mr Atul Bihari Vajpayee ,Mr.Narasimha

Rao, Madam Chun Dhoo Wan, Daw

Aung San Suu Kyi, the Hon U Nu,

Prime Minister of Burma, President

Gorbachov, and Bill Gates, amongst

others .They had many connections

with Buddhist temples in Japan,

including Ven Nichidatsu Fujii of

Nipponzan Myohoji, Archbishop Zenryu

Hasuo of Zentsuji temple in Shikoku,

Rev. Shinzui Tanaka of Shigisan temple

in Nara, Kuonji temple in Minobusan ,

Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiezan,

and Kodosan Temple in Yokohama to

name a few. They also enshrined true

bone pieces of the Buddha in various

temples, including the Buddhist Stupa

in Battersea Park, England , where

the chief guest was the Archbishop

of Canterbury . While in Japan, they

founded “ONLY ONE WORLD “ , which

enables needy children to continue

their studies without dropping out

from school due to lack of funds , and

helps hospitals and homes for elders

.Its patrons include Daw Aung San Suu

Kyi, and Madam Yasuko Hata, wife of

the former prime Minister of Japan.

About Daw Suu, Damini says that

she is a remarkable lady with extraordinary

courage and determination.

She has achieved her goal by peaceful

means. We Buddhists should be proud

of her. Damini has a passion for Social

work, perhaps due to the fact that

Philanthropy is a family tradition.

Her Maternal Great Uncle Alfred

Goonetilleke rose to the high position

of being the first Attorney General

of Siam, and his daughter,Khun

Lekha Apaiwongse became a famous

womens leader. The Hon. U Nu,

presented her with the highest honour

given by the Burma Pitaka association




his speech of welcome he referred to

her as a lady who adds lustre to the

Theravada land of Sri Lanka and said

that he wished that she be able to

carry the torch of the Dhamma to the

four corners of the earth.

56 l Mettavalokanaya l May l 2021 2021 l May l Mettavalokanaya l 57

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