Animals Are Us: Anthropomorphism in Children’s Literature; Celebrating the Peter J. Solomon Collection
Why do we tell stories to children through and about animals? Are there reasons why we shouldn’t? Animals Are Us invites explores these questions and more through influential historic examples of anthropomorphism in dialogue with contemporary books drawn from the collection of Peter J. Solomon (Harvard College Class of 1960, MBA 1963) and the holdings of Houghton Library. The exhibition invites you to engage critically with animal anthropomorphism, and delight in the artfulness of this enduring literary genre. Catalog of an exhibition on view at Houghton Library, Harvard University, September 1, 2021 - January 7, 2022.
Why do we tell stories to children through and about animals? Are there reasons why we shouldn’t? Animals Are Us invites explores these questions and more through influential historic examples of anthropomorphism in dialogue with contemporary books drawn from the collection of Peter J. Solomon (Harvard College Class of 1960, MBA 1963) and the holdings of Houghton Library. The exhibition invites you to engage critically with animal anthropomorphism, and delight in the artfulness of this enduring literary genre.
Catalog of an exhibition on view at Houghton Library, Harvard University, September 1, 2021 - January 7, 2022.
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Oudry, Jean-Baptiste, 41<br />
outsider status, 69<br />
Ovid, 32<br />
p<br />
Paddle-to-<strong>the</strong>-Sea (Holl<strong>in</strong>g), 3<br />
Pancho Rabbit and <strong>the</strong> Coyote: A Migrant’s<br />
Tale (Tonatiuh), 21<br />
Parrish, Maxfield, 54<br />
people of color, 22–23, 25<br />
Perrault, Charles, 3, 8, 35<br />
<strong>Peter</strong> Pan <strong>in</strong> Kens<strong>in</strong>gton Gardens (Barrie), 3<br />
<strong>Peter</strong> Parley to Penrod (Blanck), 2<br />
<strong>Peter</strong>s, Gustav Sigismund, 38<br />
picture books (children’s books, format of ),<br />
4, 8, 18, 20–21, 26, 53, 109, 115<br />
P<strong>in</strong>kney, Jerry, 13, 14 fig. 5, 19, 24–25, 25 figs.<br />
3–4, 39, 47, 72–73<br />
pocket watch, 4, 88<br />
Pogány, Willy, 57<br />
pop-up books (children’s books, format of ),<br />
105<br />
Potter, Beatrix, viii, 3–4, 8, 10, 20, 55–56,<br />
78–80, 99, 101–102<br />
pourquoi tales (children’s literature, subgenre<br />
of ), 18<br />
power, 20–21, 24–26, 35, 42<br />
powwow, 21, 26–27, 113<br />
prizes <strong>in</strong> children’s literature: Caldecott<br />
Honor, 18; Caldecott Medal, 11; Newbery<br />
Honor, 11. See also Newbery, John;<br />
Caldecott, Randolph<br />
Puss <strong>in</strong> Boots. See Le Chat Botté<br />
Pyle, Howard, 7<br />
r<br />
race <strong>the</strong>ory, 20<br />
racial <strong>in</strong>sensitivity, 12. See also racism; racist<br />
imagery; stereotypes<br />
racism, 21, 25, 69. See also Baum, L. Frank;<br />
Harris, Joel Chandler; Dahl, Roald; racist<br />
imagery; stereotypes<br />
racist imagery, 12, 20, 76. See also Alligators<br />
All Around; Cat <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hat, The; Little<br />
Black Sambo; Song of <strong>the</strong> South; Travels of<br />
Babar, The; Uncle Remus<br />
Read<strong>in</strong>g Is Fun-damental (draw<strong>in</strong>g for<br />
poster), 4, 9–10, 104<br />
reclaim<strong>in</strong>g, viii, 25, 73<br />
Reese, Debbie, 19, 22, 111<br />
religious proselytization, 69<br />
representation, 18, 20–21, 62, 69, 107, 112<br />
“Revenge of <strong>the</strong> Little Hippopotamus, The”<br />
(Park, Jr.), 100<br />
rhyme, 23, 38, 49–59, 63<br />
Robert and Harold or The Young Marooners<br />
on <strong>the</strong> Florida Coast (Gould<strong>in</strong>g), 2<br />
Roma, 67<br />
Robertson, W. Graham, 81<br />
Royal Game of <strong>the</strong> Dolph<strong>in</strong>, The: An Elegant,<br />
Instructive, and Amus<strong>in</strong>g Pastime, 107–108<br />
s<br />
Sabuda, Robert, 99, 105<br />
Saeed, Aisha, 23<br />
Salomon, Bernard, 32<br />
Sam and <strong>the</strong> Tigers: A New Tell<strong>in</strong>g of Little<br />
Black Sambo (Lester and P<strong>in</strong>kney), viii, 13,<br />
14 fig. 5, 19, 73<br />
Santat, Dan, 23, 24 fig. 2, 59<br />
Scarry, Richard, viii<br />
Schiller, Just<strong>in</strong>, ix, 2–3, 7–9<br />
Sendak, Maurice, 4, 8, 10, 14, 19, 104, 112<br />
Sewell, Anna, 8, 97<br />
sexism, 21, 25<br />
Shepard, E. H. (Ernest Howard), 7, 81, 93<br />
Simeoni, Gabriele, 32<br />
sketch, 8, 64–65<br />
Slonenok (The Elephant’s Child) (Kipl<strong>in</strong>g,<br />
Chukovskiĭ, and Lebedev), 46<br />
social activism, 68<br />
social awareness, 12<br />
social dialogue, 21<br />
<strong>Solomon</strong>, <strong>Peter</strong> J., vii–ix, 1, 3–4, 7, 14, 29, 33,<br />
35, 37–38, 40, 45, 50–52, 54–57, 62, 64, 67,<br />
71, 74–75, 78–80, 82, 85–86, 88, 90–91,<br />
94, 97, 101–102, 104, 115<br />
<strong>Solomon</strong>, Susan, viii, 1, 7, 14, 29, 50, 62, 64,<br />
78, 101–102<br />
Song of <strong>the</strong> South (film), 13<br />
SPOT (Wiesner), 106<br />
St. Nicholas Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, 100<br />
Steig, William, 67<br />
stereotypes, 13, 18–19, 25, 27, 65, 73, 76. See<br />
also racism; racist imagery<br />
Stieglitz, Alfred, 11<br />
Story of Ferd<strong>in</strong>and, The (Leaf and Lawson), 3,<br />
10, 10 fig. 2, 94<br />
Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit, The (Potter), 3,<br />
8, 8 fig. 1, 101<br />
storytell<strong>in</strong>g, 18, 29, 39–40<br />
Stuart Little (White and Williams), viii, 3, 11,<br />
12 fig. 4, 74<br />
“suppressed” Alice, viii, 4, 91. See also Carroll,<br />
Lewis; Tenniel, John<br />
t<br />
Tale of <strong>Peter</strong> Rabbit, The (Potter), 8, 10, 79<br />
Tales of Uncle Remus, The: The Adventures of<br />
Brer Rabbit (Lester and P<strong>in</strong>kney), 13, 72<br />
tales (children’s literature, subgenre of ), viii,<br />