SHILL Issue 10

Solana zine issue 10 - BUMPER Issue 30pp. Free!

Solana zine issue 10 - BUMPER Issue 30pp. Free!


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in terms of the viewer, without trying to bring any of my context to it really. I can

give suggestions and some titles, but it’s just about allowing people to meditate

for a moment and find their meanings.

Omnisol @OMNIS0L

Thanks for sharing.

glitchstroke @GlitchStroke

Absolutely. Digital manipulation of an image. Even though it’s entirely digital, just

because the experience of it is so much creating the form in that abstract sense,

and so a lot of times I will take a piece that has an image that has some meaning

to me and use that as sort of the spiritual center of a piece.

But the image itself is entirely unrecognizable by the time you finish glitching it,

because active glitching is just re manipulating that form until it’s just the composition

that brings that feel that I found from that symbol or that image.

My expression of that feeling.

Underground Royalty Society @The_URS_

You were talking about oil painting, something that people always talk about

when they’re looking at painting is that you can really see the hand there. You

can really see where he placed that stroke, or how his hand, possibly, you know,

danced across this canvas and I feel like with some of them you can really see

your hand in them. As if you had painted them.

glitchstroke @GlitchStroke

There’s a lot of a lot of other art that I that I do and have done over the years. But

this was just kind of the only art that I do that I’ve never seen any other art like it.

I just have been exploring it and I love it for that.

Omnisol @OMNIS0L

Thanks for sharing man yeah.

glitchstroke @GlitchStroke

Thank you so much. Yeah, I’m excited to hear about the next, the next pieces. So,

thank you. Appreciate it.

SHILL Issue #10 23

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