Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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GINNY: Oh no.

PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: Then let’s turn this school upside down. Craig, we’ve work to do . . .

GINNY and HARRY stay, looking at the bed.

GINNY: Haven’t we been here before?

HARRY: Something feels even worse this time.

GINNY looks at her husband, full of fear.

GINNY: You spoke to him earlier?


GINNY: You came to his dorm and talked to him?

HARRY: You know I did.

GINNY: What did you say to our son, Harry?

HARRY can hear the accusation in her voice.

HARRY: I tried to be honest like you said — I didn’t say anything.

GINNY: And you controlled yourself? How heated did it get?

HARRY: . . . I don’t think I . . . You think I’ve scared him away again?

GINNY: I can forgive you for one mistake, Harry, maybe even two, but the more mistakes you

make, the harder to forgive you it becomes.

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