Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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HARRY (trying desperately to still sound like VOLDEMORT): Your plan is a good one. The fight is

off. You have served me well, now come here into the light so I may examine you.

DELPHI sees a door slightly sway open and then be pulled shut. She frowns at it, thinking

rapidly, her suspicion growing.

DELPHI: Father . . .

She tries to get a glimpse of his face again — there is almost a dance happening here.

You are not Lord Voldemort.

DELPHI unleashes a bolt from her hand. HARRY matches her.


HARRY: Incendio!

The bolts meet in a beautiful explosion in the middle of the room.

And with her other hand DELPHI sends bolts to both doors as they try to open them.

DELPHI: Potter. Colloportus!

HARRY looks at the doors, dismayed.

GINNY (from off): She’s sealed the doors from your side.

DELPHI: What? Thought your friends were going to join you, did you?

HERMIONE (from off): Harry . . . Harry . . .

HARRY: Fine. I’ll deal with you alone.

He moves to attack her again. But she is far stronger. HARRY’s wand ascends towards her.

He is disarmed. He is helpless.

How did you . . . ? What are you?

DELPHI: I’ve watched you for a long time, Harry Potter. I know you better than my father did.

HARRY: You think you’ve learnt my weaknesses?

DELPHI: I’ve studied to be worthy of him! Yes, even though he is the supreme wizard of all time,

he will be proud of me. Expulso!

HARRY rolls away as the floor explodes behind him. He crawls frantically under a church

pew, trying to work out how he can fight her.

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