Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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HARRY: Yes, I can do this.

DRACO: No, there’s too many what-ifs — too many things that can go wrong — the

Transfiguration could not hold, she could see through it — if she escapes us now there’s no

telling the damage she can do — we need time to properly plan, to —

ALBUS: Draco, trust my dad. He won’t let us down.

HARRY looks at ALBUS — moved.


Everyone withdraws their wands. HARRY clasps his.

There’s a light that builds — that overwhelms . . .

The Transfiguration is slow and monstrous.

And the form of VOLDEMORT emerges from HARRY.

And it’s horrendous.

He turns.

He looks around at his friends and family.

They look back — aghast.

RON: Bloody hell.

HARRY/VOLDEMORT: It worked, then?

GINNY (gravely): Yes. It worked.

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