Travel & Hospitality Awards | Americas 2021 |
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<strong>Americas</strong><br />
Team<br />
CEO<br />
Robert Bruce<br />
Editor-In-Chief<br />
Katherine Lozell<br />
Art Director<br />
Marcs Bacera<br />
<strong>Awards</strong> Director<br />
Brian Anson<br />
Editorial Liaison Manager<br />
David Hyde<br />
Director Of Marketing<br />
Azim Aftab<br />
Social Media Manager<br />
Apple Gatus<br />
Senior Writers<br />
Tasmai Dave & Zavier Zulfqar<br />
Senior Designers<br />
Maria Fernandes & Ashwin Ramesh<br />
<strong>Awards</strong> Managers<br />
Adam Cole, Alice Smith, & Stanley Lucas<br />
Research Managers<br />
Peter Clement & Mukul<br />
Contributing Writers<br />
Joseph Malabanan, & Michael Popoola<br />
Contents<br />
4<br />
Criteria<br />
8<br />
Canada<br />
56<br />
Mexico<br />
28<br />
United<br />
States<br />
64<br />
Criteria<br />
Service<br />
Excellence in Service is an important<br />
category, as customer service can often<br />
be responsible for having guests return<br />
year after year. We look for the hotels<br />
and tour operators that go out of their<br />
way to please their guests, those that<br />
provide a personal level of service and<br />
take the time to get to know each visitor<br />
so that they might anticipate their every<br />
need. This can be something as simple<br />
as a 24-hour concierge desk, a hotel<br />
manager who offers a personal greeting<br />
or a tour guide who is happy to create<br />
bespoke private tours – but whatever<br />
it is, we are always pleased when we<br />
encounter staff that have been trained<br />
in the art of customer satisfaction.<br />
Style & Design<br />
It is no question that style and design<br />
plays a big part in selecting our awards<br />
shortlist. A guest will form an opinion<br />
about a hotel as soon as they arrive<br />
so it is important to us that all our<br />
winners make those first impressions<br />
count. We’re certainly not partial to a<br />
particular period of architecture – but<br />
whether we’re judging a gothic castle or<br />
an environmentally friendly lodge, the<br />
criteria remains the same. We consider<br />
factors such as architectural features,<br />
use of materials, creation of spaces,<br />
décor and the overall feel. We love it<br />
when we find a hotel that tells a story<br />
though its design and construction, or<br />
offers a design that is sympathetic to<br />
the natural surroundings of its location.<br />
Local Knowledge<br />
Knowledge of the local area is essential<br />
for any organization, be it a hotel or a<br />
tour operator. The quality of services<br />
takes a great hit when the quality of this<br />
element is not up to the mark. Quite a<br />
few of our winners in this category are<br />
because they have displayed excellent<br />
knowledge about the surrounding<br />
areas. The criteria for a hotel is slightly<br />
lenient <strong>com</strong>pared to a tour operator, as<br />
the latter is expected to have thorough<br />
knowledge of the area in order to<br />
provide good services.<br />
Facilities<br />
Award-winning guest rooms <strong>com</strong>e in all<br />
shapes and sizes, but they all have one<br />
thing in <strong>com</strong>mon – a home-away-fromhome<br />
feel. The <strong>com</strong>fort of the facilities<br />
on offer are of vital importance; we look<br />
for luxurious linens, stylish bathrooms<br />
and a coordinated colour scheme that<br />
work together to create a cohesive<br />
sense of relaxation. Additional touches,<br />
such as <strong>com</strong>plimentary toiletries, free<br />
wi-fi or tea and coffee making facilities<br />
are always a bonus in making us feel<br />
wel<strong>com</strong>e. We’re always impressed to find<br />
hotel rooms that embrace technology<br />
and offer amenities like tablets or smart<br />
thermostat systems, but this does not<br />
always necessarily trump the traditional<br />
– four poster beds, ornate fireplaces or<br />
antique furniture can add a touch of<br />
decadence to a hotel stay.<br />
Marketing<br />
In today’s modern age, a hotel or tour<br />
operator cannot rely on word of mouth<br />
to get their message out into the world.<br />
As social media has be<strong>com</strong>e a vital<br />
part of everyday life, we like to see<br />
<strong>com</strong>panies that go the extra mile to<br />
engage with their guests, both past<br />
and future. Attractive and informative<br />
websites and engaging and honest<br />
content are what we look for when<br />
judging a <strong>com</strong>pany’s use of marketing;<br />
how well they display their services, how<br />
up-to-date their content is, how well<br />
they get their brand message across,<br />
and, most importantly, how well their<br />
marketing can tempt us to go and see<br />
what they have to offer for ourselves.<br />
4<br />
Criteria<br />
Diversity<br />
Diversity is one important aspect that<br />
needs to be taken into consideration<br />
when in the travel and hospitality<br />
industry. It is essential to have staff<br />
that has varying diversity to ensure that<br />
the organization can properly connect<br />
with their guests. Diversity is taken into<br />
account in terms of gender, nationality<br />
as well as languages spoken among<br />
other factors. Not only do we take the<br />
diversity of the staff into account but<br />
even that of the facilities and services<br />
offered; a hotel or tour operator<br />
providing a better range of services is<br />
preferred over those that do not.<br />
Customer Reviews<br />
What better way is there to know about<br />
an organization than by getting first<br />
hand reviews? Customers are the best<br />
judges of any service as they are the<br />
ones who experience them and can<br />
assess whether they were up to the<br />
mark or not. Considering reviews from<br />
hundreds of customers gives us a fair<br />
idea about the general pros and cons<br />
of any organization and also gives us<br />
valuable inputs for the other criteria<br />
as well.<br />
Industry Knowledge<br />
It is of prime importance that an<br />
organization has thorough industry<br />
knowledge. Without knowing the nit-bits<br />
of the industry, it is difficult to flourish<br />
and provide services which are a class<br />
apart. Before any organization ventures<br />
into the industry, it is essential that<br />
they know how the industry is moving<br />
and how they should make changes to<br />
their methodologies in order to remain<br />
relevant and also be a top-performing<br />
organization.<br />
Location<br />
Location is one of the most important factors, but also one of the most subjective,<br />
as the ‘ideal’ is very much determined by the type of visitor and the type of<br />
hotel itself. However, there are a few factors we take into consideration when<br />
determining the winners of location-based awards. The first is convenience; that<br />
is, hotels that are easy to travel to. Many of our winners in this category are in<br />
convenient locations, such as adjacent to airports, close to beaches or found in<br />
the heart of easy-to-navigate cities. We are always impressed when hotels go the<br />
extra mile to take the hassle out of traveling and offer such additional services as<br />
airport shuttles or car hire services. However, we’re always excited to <strong>com</strong>e across<br />
a hotel that is, to use a familiar phrase, off-the-beaten-track. A hotel that can<br />
offer something a little different, in terms of natural surroundings, can make the<br />
difference between a good holiday and an incredible one.<br />
6<br />
Banff, Canada<br />
Canada<br />
<br />
Alberta<br />
Banff National Park<br />
Johnston Canyon Lodge &<br />
Bungalows<br />
Brian Merry Photography<br />
Jasper National Park<br />
Fitzhugh House<br />
Niagara Falls Top 5<br />
Ostrich Land<br />
8 9
Alberta<br />
The wonderful history of tourism in<br />
Alberta dates to 1885 when the<br />
first national park in Canada, the Banff<br />
National Park, was founded. Attracting<br />
a small number of adventurous visitors<br />
from around the country.<br />
Then in the 1920s a series of roads<br />
were built, hotels began to open,<br />
and in the annual Calgary Exhibition<br />
and Stampede event was founded.<br />
This ultimately laid the foundation for<br />
tourism to Alberta. Ever since, many<br />
more historic landmarks have been<br />
established and visitor numbers have<br />
continually grown. Calgary, the biggest<br />
city in the state, played to host to the<br />
1988 winter Olympics, which enhanced<br />
Alberta’s standing on the international<br />
tourism scene. To date tourism has<br />
contributed more than $8.5 billion to the<br />
economy of Alberta.<br />
Why is Alberta so special?<br />
Simply put Alberta has a lot to offer.<br />
The natural beauty of the area is<br />
the obvious attraction, visitors can<br />
expect serene lakes, snow topped<br />
mountains, lush forests, diverse<br />
wildlife, and unique rock formations.<br />
The ruggedness of the area offers<br />
ample opportunity to take part in<br />
several outdoor activities such as<br />
hiking, climbing, skiing, camping,<br />
hunting, fishing, and watersports, on<br />
the lakes.<br />
Alberta also has an interesting past<br />
from the indigenous cultures that<br />
settled there for thousands of years<br />
to the colonial frontier history from<br />
the 17th to the 19th centuries.<br />
The other lesser-known benefit of<br />
visiting Alberta is the lack of sales tax<br />
meaning you’ll pay less out of pocket<br />
here than you would in other parts of<br />
Canada.<br />
10 11
Our Re<strong>com</strong>mendation for Alberta<br />
Calgary<br />
Drumheller<br />
Banff National Park<br />
Jasper National Park<br />
The largest city in the state and known for hosting the<br />
1988 Winter Olympics as well as the annual Calgary<br />
stampede. The city is pleasant and offers much in the<br />
way of good quality restaurants, bars, and shopping<br />
venues. Considered a good base to explore the<br />
surrounding areas.<br />
A dinosaur lovers dream, Drumheller is a seasonal<br />
destination that draws visitors interested in paleontology.<br />
The rich deposit of fossils found in the area means the city’s<br />
museum of Paleontology is one of the best in the world.<br />
Without a doubt the most popular destination, not just in<br />
Alberta but all of Canada, and a UNESCO World Heritage<br />
Site. Much of what people associate with Alberta in terms<br />
of its ruggedness, wilderness, and natural beauty, can be<br />
traced back to the Banff National Park.<br />
The Park shares its name with the main resort town, one<br />
of two populated areas in the park, which is often the first<br />
stop for many adventurers.<br />
The northern neighbor of the Banff National Park, it gets<br />
fewer visitors due to accessibility and weather conditions,<br />
however it’s no less stunning. Jasper is much bigger in size<br />
than Banff, is less populated, and less <strong>com</strong>mercialised.<br />
Making it a preferred choice for those looking for a more<br />
solitary experience.<br />
12 13
Banff<br />
National Park<br />
Canada’s famous Banff National Park is quite simply<br />
an area of outstanding natural beauty. It is one of<br />
the 7 wonderous parks in the country that make up the<br />
UNESCO World Heritage Site “Canadian Rocky Mountain<br />
Parks”. Of the 7 it’s the first national park to be opened in<br />
Canada, arguably it’s the most picturesque.<br />
The park is made up of 90% untouched wilderness, there<br />
are two populated towns called Banff & Lake Louise as well<br />
as three ski areas. This means there are very few routes to<br />
getting in, there are essentially six routes by road. Train is<br />
another option, there is a daily service from Vancouver as<br />
well as several leisurely “train cruises”. Ultimately the trains<br />
and buses only take you so far and to efficiently move<br />
around you’ll need your own vehicle or a hire private driver.<br />
As you’d expect the park is jam packed with nature<br />
trails, hiking opportunities, wildlife, and beautiful<br />
natural scenery. In terms of places to see you won’t<br />
want to miss Lake Louise or Peyto Lake, both glacial<br />
lakes set amongst a stunning mountain backdrop<br />
ideal for a boat cruise or gondola ride. Sulphur<br />
Mountain is certainly worth a hike to the top to take<br />
in the panoramic views of the Canadian Rockies.<br />
Sunshine meadows on the other hand offer a great<br />
opportunity to appreciate the greenery and flora that<br />
the Banff National Park offers.<br />
For hiking however nothing beats the Johnston<br />
Canyon. A breath-taking attraction carved into<br />
the limestone bedrock by years of erosion, expect<br />
waterfalls, deep pools, overhanging canyon walls,<br />
and lush forests.<br />
For ac<strong>com</strong>modation camping is a truly memorable<br />
option but is only allowed in designated spots.<br />
For creature <strong>com</strong>forts you’ll want to base yourself<br />
in either of the populated towns or one of many<br />
ac<strong>com</strong>modation options scattered around the park.<br />
Our pick of the bunch is the award winning Johnston<br />
Canyon Lodge & Bungalows profiled on the next page.<br />
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16<br />
Johnston Canyon<br />
Lodge & Bungalows<br />
Canada | Boutique Resort<br />
Nearing almost a hundred years in operation and still going strong. Johnston Canyon<br />
Lodge & Bungalows is the epitome of rustic, traditional lodging with a unique charm.<br />
The location of this boutique resort makes it the ideal basecamp to explore the<br />
surrounding natural beauty of the Banff National Park, enjoy outdoor pursuits, or<br />
simply unwind & de-stress from the pressures of modern life.<br />
Ac<strong>com</strong>modation options are plentiful, the resort is home to 42 cabins and<br />
bungalows that <strong>com</strong>e in a variety of options. The studio rooms are cosy, and<br />
perfect just to have a foot in nature and explore the surroundings. Cottages<br />
and small bungalows are ideal for individuals or couples a request for a<br />
hide-a-bed can be done with the latter.<br />
Bigger groups may want to opt for either a family cottage; ideal for<br />
two adults, two children, or a two-bedroom bungalow; which<br />
allows for more privacy, houses up to 6 people, and offers a<br />
fully-equipped kitchen.<br />
Our pick of the bunch is the carriage house, a unique open<br />
space bungalow that carries all the allure and tradition of<br />
the area, perfect for a romantic getaway.<br />
All rooms <strong>com</strong>e with a private entrance, high quality toiletries,<br />
tea & coffee makers, dining table, fridge, and TV, DVD player<br />
and HDMI cables.<br />
On-location you’ll find much to do. The bistro serves delicious<br />
locally sourced dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The<br />
Market Café is the perfect place to collect some souvenirs<br />
and gifts, and to treat yourself to excellent coffee, authentic<br />
milkshakes, soft serves, snacks and baked goods. You’ll find<br />
an outdoor patio with a barbecue area, a tennis court, and<br />
several nearby hiking & cycling trails. The lodge is located on<br />
the trailhead of the historic Johnston Canyon which boasts<br />
over 7 cascading glacial waterfalls experienced from a series<br />
of suspended canyon catwalks, bridges, and caves.<br />
On a final note, it’s very much worth mentioning that the<br />
resort is pet-friendly, and of course, there are a few house<br />
rules to follow. Your pets especially dogs will be in for a<br />
wonderful experience<br />
Additional Info : family / dog-friendly / 45min to upper falls /<br />
trail heading to the Ink Pots<br />
Bow Valley Parkway<br />
Hwy 1a, Banff National Park, Canada<br />
Tel + 1-888-378-1720<br />
18<br />
Brian Merry<br />
Photography<br />
Canada | Learning Experience<br />
Banff is a picturesque resort town enveloped within the Banff National<br />
Park; the town’s skyline is adorned by the peaks of the majestic<br />
Canadian Rockies. The spectacular landscape and rich wildlife of<br />
Banff is a feast for the eyes. One of the best ways to explore this<br />
wonderous town and region is by going on a photography tour for<br />
this we re<strong>com</strong>mend Brian Merry Photography.<br />
Owned and operated by experienced landscape and<br />
wildlife photographer, Brian Merry and his wife Kazue,<br />
Brian Merry Photography is an opportunity for a<br />
unique learning experience. Brian has been a<br />
professional photographer for over two decades<br />
whereas Kazue worked as a nurse in Japan<br />
before moving to Canada in 2005. As a team,<br />
they curate and organize photography<br />
tours taking guest to some excellent<br />
photogenic sites and improving their<br />
photography skills.<br />
Having lived in Banff for more than 20 years, Brian is<br />
familiar with places that a regular tourist guide won’t<br />
know of. He uses this experience to lead extraordinary<br />
photography tours that let you explore Banff like a local.<br />
Brian is accredited with the Professional Photographers<br />
of Canada (PPOC). Along with his wife, he has been<br />
organizing group and private photography tours since<br />
2010.<br />
You can choose among the sunrise/sunset, half-day, and<br />
full-day photography tours. The prices start at $125 per<br />
person (based on a minimum of two participants). Brian<br />
and Kazue will take you off the beaten track and let you<br />
explore and capture the hidden gems of Banff. Lunch is<br />
included in the full-day tours.<br />
However, if you want to make the most out of your<br />
experience, request for a customized private tour. You can<br />
opt for a day tour of Banff National Park or a return trip to<br />
Jasper. For overnight trips, ac<strong>com</strong>modation is arranged in<br />
<strong>com</strong>fortable hotels. The duo also organizes photography<br />
tours in Japan, Kazue’s home country, and Nova Scotia,<br />
where Brian grew up.<br />
100 Owl Street. Unit 21, Banff<br />
Alberta, Canada<br />
Tel +1 403-763-1114<br />
Jasper<br />
National Park<br />
Less renowned and often overlooked for its more popular<br />
southern neighbour Banff, the Jaspar National Park is<br />
equally as impressive and twice as big. Beautiful valleys,<br />
rugged mountains, glacial lakes, rich forests, grassy meadows,<br />
a dark sky preserve, and untamed rivers await all those who<br />
venture in.<br />
Getting in and getting around by car is by far the easiest and<br />
most efficient way. There is a train service from Vancouver and<br />
Edmonton to Jaspar, as well as a scenic tourist train operating<br />
throughout the year.<br />
As is the case with many other national parks, entry into Jaspar<br />
does require a permit, you can choose from a day pass to an<br />
annual licence. Should you plan on moving between parks<br />
then the pass allows for entry into the surrounding parks in<br />
Alberta and British Columbia.<br />
The most famous attraction with Jaspar is Whistlers Mountain,<br />
famed for the spectacular views at the top and relative ease<br />
of access given that a tram can transport you about half the<br />
way to the top. The walk thereafter is relatively short but steep.<br />
Maligne Lake is another well-known attraction, it’s a<br />
stunning sight that’s best explored via a boat cruise. In<br />
the middle there’s the iconic Spirit Island, a culturally<br />
significant photo opportunity and one of the places<br />
where the water on the lake is actually coloured<br />
emerald as opposed to the blue at the docks.<br />
Jasper is home to an extensive range of<br />
fascinating wildlife species, so we’d advise<br />
going on a nature tour to get the most out of<br />
your trip. Popular sightseeing animals include<br />
Bighorn Sheep, Mule Deer, Mountain Goats,<br />
Grizzly Bears, Bald Eagles, and Grey Wolves.<br />
The town of Jaspar is the National Parks main<br />
<strong>com</strong>mercial and tourist centre. It’s usually the base<br />
for exploring the region and offers a few shops,<br />
restaurants, and hotels. We re<strong>com</strong>mend <strong>Travel</strong> and<br />
<strong>Hospitality</strong> Award winner Fitzhugh House for all<br />
your ac<strong>com</strong>modation needs, profiled extensively<br />
on the next page.<br />
20 21
Fitzhugh House<br />
Canada | Modern Guest House<br />
For a cosy, warm, and homely experience in the heart of Jasper we<br />
re<strong>com</strong>mend none other than the delightful Fitzhugh House. Nestled in<br />
the heart of Jasper, Fitzhugh house presents the ideal location for exploring<br />
the serene natural beauty of the surrounding area while maintaining easy<br />
access to local restaurants, bars, and attractions.<br />
While property has a rustic and traditional façade the interior<br />
is designed with modernity and contemporary elements in<br />
mind. The décor is elegant and functional while the lighting<br />
enhances an already warm and wel<strong>com</strong>ing atmosphere.<br />
On offer are two charming guest rooms, both finished to<br />
a high standard.<br />
Guests can expect plush queen-sized beds, an<br />
en-suite bathroom, a private entrance, free wi-fi,<br />
de-luxe toiletries, and kitchen amenities such as a<br />
microwave, fridge, electric kettle, dining table, and<br />
toaster. The front patio is perfectly set up to enjoy a<br />
lovely warm beverage and watch over the majestic<br />
mountain scenery the area is renowned for.<br />
Hosts Stephen and Patricia Pavlov are on hand<br />
should you need anything. Their knowledge of the<br />
area and experience in the art of hospitality means<br />
they are well suited to offer advice and arrange<br />
activities, transfers, tours, and much more.<br />
Popular local activities include hiking, cycling, white<br />
water rafting, nature and wildlife tours, and scenic<br />
drives.<br />
119 Patricia St. Box 2614<br />
Jasper, Alberta, Canada<br />
Tel +1 (780) 852-4622<br />
22<br />
Niagara Falls<br />
Fabulous Five<br />
Niagara Falls is a small Canadian city home to the<br />
world-famous waterfall of the same name. Though<br />
the city’s population is less than 100,000, Niagara Falls is<br />
nothing short of an urban centre with plenty of trails, parks,<br />
shopping centres, restaurants, and attractions on offer. If<br />
you’re planning to visit Niagara, here are the top five places<br />
you don’t want to miss out on.<br />
1. Niagara Falls<br />
Top on the list is of course the waterfall from which the city<br />
gets its name. Niagara Falls is divided into two main parts;<br />
the Horseshoe Falls (located along the Canadian bank) and<br />
the American Falls (along the US border). A guided ferry<br />
tour is the best way to get up close and personal with the<br />
falls.<br />
2. Skylon Towers<br />
Skylon Towers is a high-rise observation tower offering panoramic<br />
views over Niagara Falls and beyond. The tower also features<br />
two restaurants; the Revolving Dining Room, which rotates once<br />
an hour to give a magnificent view, and the Summit Suite Buffet<br />
perfect for family outings or group meals. There is a gift shop and<br />
an amusement arcade located at the base of the tower.<br />
3. Niagara Skywheel<br />
Best described as a ginormous ferris wheel, the Skywheel features<br />
enclosed cars offering stunning views. The unique built-in<br />
conditioning system means the wheel is set up to operate all year<br />
round keeping you warm in winter or cool in the summer.<br />
4. Fallsview Casino<br />
Built on a cliff overlooking the Horseshoe<br />
falls, the Fallsview Casino and resort is one of<br />
Canada’s largest and most popular gambling<br />
resorts. Boasting several restaurants, casino<br />
games, a spa, luxurious rooms, and a theatre, the<br />
casino also hosts several international events<br />
throughout the year.<br />
5. OstrichLand<br />
Something a little different and located a short trip<br />
outside of Niagara. OstrichLand is an ever popular<br />
Ostrish farm providing an up close, informative,<br />
and personal experience with Ostriches. Check<br />
out the next page to find out more.<br />
24 25
Ostrich Land<br />
Canada | Unique Experience<br />
While Ontario may offer much in the way of grand spectacular<br />
attractions, the state is home to niche and unique sites as well.<br />
One such attraction is famed Ostrich Land farm located in the rural<br />
stretch land between Hamilton and Niagara Falls.<br />
At Ostrich Land you can expect a fully immersive and<br />
educational experience centred around these majestic birds,<br />
a rarity in North <strong>Americas</strong> as Ostrich originate from the<br />
African Savannah. There are three Ostrich species at the<br />
farm: Black, Blue, and Red, each with their own distinct<br />
quirks and uniqueness. As well as seeing fully grown<br />
Ostrich visitors also get the opportunity to visit<br />
chicks in the nursery, purchase good to take<br />
home as a memento, and take part in regular<br />
special events staged throughout the year.<br />
Tours<br />
Tours of Ostrich Land, led by<br />
expert guides, are fun, engaging,<br />
educational, and suitable for<br />
all ages. Guest can learn all<br />
about the history of these birds,<br />
their anatomy, social structure,<br />
diverse personalities, the benefit<br />
of having a farm like this nearby,<br />
and can feed the chicks.<br />
Tours last roughly an hour and<br />
a half, there is no need to prebook,<br />
and at the end guests are<br />
wel<strong>com</strong>e to enjoy the farm.<br />
Store<br />
The store at Ostrich Land<br />
certainly adds to the uniqueness<br />
of the site. For one, visitors can<br />
purchase livestock, Ostrich<br />
chicks are available from a<br />
fertilised egg and one-day old<br />
right up to a breeding pair. If<br />
you’re more interested in the<br />
nutritional benefits then you can<br />
reserve Ostrich eggs in seasons,<br />
these are extremely popular, and<br />
the waiting time can be up to 10<br />
weeks. Ostrich meat can also be<br />
bought.<br />
Ostrich oil is another popular<br />
product, it is famed for its skin<br />
healing, anti-aging properties,<br />
anti-fungal properties, and was<br />
a key part of ancient Egyptian<br />
queen Cleopatras daily skincare<br />
routine.<br />
People have to buy a ticket<br />
first, before to <strong>com</strong>e (Covid 19<br />
requirement) at our website<br />
<strong>www</strong>.OstrichLandOntario.<strong>com</strong>.<br />
8299 Concession 2 Road,<br />
West Lincoln, Ontario, L0R 1E0<br />
Tel +647 988-0841<br />
26<br />
Banff, Canada<br />
United States<br />
<br />
The 2022 <strong>Travel</strong> Rush<br />
New York The Empire City<br />
Brooklyn The Place to be<br />
Wyndham Garden Brooklyn<br />
Omar Bouchaar<br />
Newport <strong>Americas</strong> Hidden Gem<br />
Howland House Inn<br />
The Chicago Style<br />
The Seattle Super Six<br />
The Best of Vegas<br />
Las Vegas Walking Tours<br />
28 29
The 2022<br />
<strong>Travel</strong> Rush<br />
During the Covid pandemic the USA, the third most<br />
visited country in the world, shut its borders for<br />
non-citizens from over 30 countries including those in<br />
the EU, United Kingdom, South Africa, China, and Brazil.<br />
The lack of visitors from key markets in Europe meant that<br />
tourism industry in the US suffered. Thousands of hotels<br />
and tour <strong>com</strong>panies were forced to shut down, hundreds<br />
of thousands of jobs in the hospitality industry were lost,<br />
and millions in expected revenue wiped away.<br />
However, on November 8th there was some good news<br />
as the border to the USA finally re-opened to visitors from<br />
over 30 countries including the UK and large parts of<br />
Europe. This is as long as travellers a fully vaccinated and<br />
can provide a negative Covid result within 3 days before<br />
departure. As a result, many international airlines began<br />
restarting services to the USA or those that continued to<br />
provide a service found bookings up by more than 50%.<br />
This so called “travel rush” of<br />
course <strong>com</strong>es as no surprise<br />
given how appealing the USA<br />
is to international travellers.<br />
The country is one of the most<br />
diverse in terms of attractions,<br />
things to do, places to eat,<br />
natural beauty, and culture.<br />
With so many major cities and<br />
destinations to visit America is<br />
a country many have to keep<br />
re-visiting just to take it all in.<br />
In fact, 5 of the top 50 most<br />
visited cities in the world are in<br />
the USA, more than any other<br />
country.<br />
So, for our chapter on the USA,<br />
we’ve decided to cover 5 cities<br />
you need to visit on your next<br />
trip to the USA. These are New<br />
York, Chicago, Seattle, Las<br />
Vegas, and our hidden gem<br />
Newport on Rhode Island.<br />
30 31
New York<br />
The Empire City<br />
Always a Good Idea<br />
New York is one of the world’s most famous cities, renowned for its many<br />
historic landmarks, museums, attractions, restaurants, and finance<br />
<strong>com</strong>panies as well as being the home of several famous personalities. New<br />
York is America’s most populous city, and its people are vibrant, wel<strong>com</strong>ing,<br />
passionate, and most of all proud of their city!<br />
Getting In & Around<br />
You can fly into New York from almost any part of the world. The John F Kennedy<br />
and Newark International Airports are the major entry points for foreign travelers<br />
whereas LaGuardia airport offers domestic flights daily.<br />
If you’re feeling adventurous, you can take the three-hour drive from New Jersey<br />
to New York or relax as the bus or train service from several major surrounding<br />
areas connects you to the Big Apple.<br />
To navigate New York, we re<strong>com</strong>mend using the subway for fast, efficient, and<br />
easy <strong>com</strong>mutes. Bus rides, Ubers, and Taxis also provide an avenue for getting<br />
around, but you do have the risk of getting caught in traffic.<br />
Things To Do & See<br />
There is so much to see<br />
and do in the city that<br />
we can’t cover it all so<br />
this is selection of some<br />
of our favorites.<br />
Of course, you’d want<br />
to start with the city’s<br />
most iconic sites the<br />
Statue of Liberty and the<br />
Empire State Building.<br />
From here you’ll want to<br />
hit up Wall Street, catch<br />
a show in the Theater<br />
District, watch a ball<br />
game at the Yankee<br />
Stadium, or a concert at<br />
Madison Square Garden.<br />
Other fun activities to<br />
do include boat cruises,<br />
food tours, picnic at<br />
central park, and of<br />
course, shop at fifth<br />
avenue.<br />
Dining<br />
New York has no shortage<br />
of food options and is the<br />
perfect destination for all<br />
sorts of palates. The New<br />
York gastronomic scene<br />
has it all, from street<br />
bagels and hotdogs to<br />
fine dining Italian and<br />
high-grade steak. In New<br />
York we guarantee you’ll<br />
find a dish to suit your<br />
tastes!<br />
Ac<strong>com</strong>modation<br />
The Wyndham Garden<br />
Brooklyn Sunset Park<br />
is where we would<br />
re<strong>com</strong>mend checking in.<br />
A <strong>Travel</strong> and <strong>Hospitality</strong><br />
Award winner, profiled on<br />
page 36.<br />
32 33
Brooklyn,<br />
The Place to be<br />
Brooklyn is one of New York’s famous five boroughs,<br />
one which many consider to be the best of all. It is<br />
the second-largest district in the state, with a population<br />
that exceeds two million people and is from Manhattan by<br />
the East River.<br />
On the first visit to Brooklyn, you’ll likely have several places<br />
on your list to visit. However, it doesn’t get much better<br />
than the Williamsburg and Dumbo areas. Both offer plenty<br />
in the way of attractions, things to do, places to eat, and<br />
shop.<br />
The Dumbo area lies on the waterfront and is home to some<br />
of the best views in all of Brooklyn. If you’re a food lover, we<br />
re<strong>com</strong>mend a visit to the open-air market in Smorgasburg.<br />
It is one of the largest weekly open-air food markets in<br />
the United States and attracts more than 20,000 visitors<br />
during the summer.<br />
One of the most famous attractions in the borough is the Brooklyn<br />
Bridge which runs through Manhattan directly into Brooklyn and<br />
present an iconic view. It is one of the most recognizable attractions<br />
in all of Brooklyn be<strong>com</strong>ing especially popular at night.<br />
After a long day of exploring dinner at Cecconi’s is a must, it’s a<br />
Brooklyn landmark located on Water St offering up traditional<br />
Italian dishes in full view of the Manhattan skyline and the Brooklyn<br />
Bridge.<br />
However, if you want something different then why not tacos? The<br />
place to go is the Bushwick Taco Company on 1081 Fulton Street,<br />
a taco lovers dreams serving up fresh food and a wide variety, at<br />
affordable prices.<br />
Movie lovers are in for a treat. There are several places in Brooklyn<br />
to watch outdoor movies for free, we suggest checking out the<br />
excellent Harbor view lawn.<br />
Like the rest of New York Brooklyn is a shopaholic’s haven. The<br />
district boasts a number of shopping centres, but the top of our list<br />
is Bedford Avenue. A collection of excellent high street boutiques<br />
and Jewelry stores.<br />
If this has piqued your interest in Brooklyn and you’re planning a<br />
trip then be sure to visit the district during the autumn and spring<br />
months when the weather is still ok but the area isn’t too crowded.<br />
34 35
Wyndham Garden<br />
Brooklyn<br />
USA | Hotel & Restaurant<br />
Contemporary architecture, unique décor, world class service,<br />
value for money, and a great location await all guests checking<br />
into the wonderful Wyndham Garden Brooklyn Sunset Park.<br />
This award-winning property, set on a bustling Brooklyn<br />
Street, is easily accessible and well connected to the<br />
rest of the city with a subway station, bus stop, and<br />
a plethora of taxis nearby. As well an onsite parking<br />
and transfer service should you choose to navigate<br />
in a more private manner.<br />
Guest rooms are colourful, artistic, and designed with the ultimate<br />
guest experience in mind. Rooms <strong>com</strong>e with luxury amenities, a<br />
mini fridge, coffee machine, workstation, a water purification system,<br />
flat screen satellite TV, and free high speed wi-fi. Options range<br />
from Deluxe, Superior, Executive and Premium King rooms. If any<br />
we re<strong>com</strong>mend the executive as it includes stunning city views of<br />
Manhattan.<br />
Guests can expect a daily continental breakfast made using the<br />
best local produce and ingredients, as well as access to a modern<br />
business centre, safety deposit box, early check-in, late check-out,<br />
free newspapers, state-of-the-art disability access, and pet-friendly<br />
entry. Express check-in and check-out are a popular service.<br />
The Constantine Restaurant and Bar, located within the property, is a<br />
treat. On offer are a range of dishes, light snacks, cocktails, and coffee.<br />
There are so many things to see and do just a stone’s throw away from<br />
the property. Why not take in a show, cheer on a local sports team, or<br />
enjoy a spot shopping at one of the many boutiques located nearby.<br />
457 39th St, Brooklyn, NY 11232, United States<br />
Tel +1 718-972-0900<br />
Fax#+1-718-972-1400<br />
Toll Free#+1-855-579-8333<br />
<strong>www</strong>.wyndhambrooklyn.<strong>com</strong><br />
36<br />
38<br />
Omar<br />
Bouchaar<br />
USA | <strong>Hospitality</strong> Manager<br />
For his stellar handling of the Wyndham Garden Brooklyn<br />
through the tough phase of the COVID-19 pandemic while<br />
maintaining the best safety standards, Omar Bouchaar has<br />
been awarded the <strong>Hospitality</strong> Manager of the Year Award.<br />
We sat down with him to talk about his experience during the<br />
pandemic and more. Find out what he has to say below.<br />
1. How was your experience in guiding the hotel through<br />
the tough COVID-19 situation? What challenges did you<br />
face?<br />
1. Low Occupancy<br />
Most operators require a minimum occupancy of 50% to simply<br />
break-even. We were at 70% due to some contract business we<br />
had, so we never shot down we were one of the few hotels kept<br />
the business open in New York City.<br />
2. Pricing Elasticity<br />
Lower prices, a lack of significant demand and low occupancy<br />
rates do not bode well for revenues and profitability for the<br />
next 36 months.<br />
3. Renewed Lockdowns<br />
We are already witnessing spikes in COVID-19 cases in countries<br />
and cities that have re-opened too quickly and people that are<br />
not observing proper social distancing protocols, vaccination<br />
denials and travel bans.<br />
2. What changes did you implement to adapt to the new<br />
normal while maintaining the same quality of hotel<br />
experiences?<br />
Managed & controlled well fixed, variable expenses, cash flow,<br />
cost per room, cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing challenges.<br />
In addition, we did implement Count on Us Covid-19 Wyndham<br />
protocols, guest safety first, staffing and payroll post furlough,<br />
and redundancies are another major focus.<br />
3. How did you manage the massive hotel team during the<br />
COVID-19 period and keep their morale high?<br />
We created a task force team staying in the hotel by building<br />
a healthy and safe work environment, helped them manage<br />
schedules, gave in-room hotel ac<strong>com</strong>modation, training on<br />
Count on Us COVID-19 protocols and incentive bonus.<br />
4. Are there any new trends in the travel industry that<br />
you’ve noticed post the pandemic?<br />
Yes, I did notice that the recovery continues under storm<br />
clouds, the economy will fuel a rebound, labor markets<br />
present major challenge and finally the recovery will <strong>com</strong>e in<br />
stages by 2025.<br />
5. Tell us a little about your working experience in the<br />
hospitality industry<br />
Success-driven, astute, and results-oriented professional,<br />
offering extensive experience in hotel management and<br />
administrative functions for the past 20 years. Armed with<br />
expertise in developing business plans and strategies,<br />
implementing policies and procedures, and improving<br />
processes to meet or exceed corporate objectives and<br />
sales goals.<br />
6. Which cuisine do you enjoy, and which is your favorite<br />
restaurant in NYC?<br />
Japanese cuisine from our FUSHIMI Group Restaurants in<br />
New York City.<br />
Certifications<br />
<strong>Awards</strong> and Recognitions<br />
Certification in Antiterrorism Awareness—<br />
<strong>Hospitality</strong> Industry, 2015<br />
Certification in Cyber Security — <strong>Hospitality</strong> Industry, 2016 & 2018<br />
Professional in <strong>Hospitality</strong> Industry — Executive Leader—<br />
Wyndham Worldwide University, 2014<br />
Task Force Certification Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Operations 2010<br />
Hotel and Restaurant Management Certification —<br />
New York Food & Hotel Management Institute, 2001<br />
Proclamation <strong>2021</strong> from Eric Adams new mayor winner for in NYC <strong>2021</strong><br />
Selected one of TOP 50 leading GM’s is US <strong>2021</strong> by American Hotel &<br />
Lodging Association/AHLA<br />
<strong>Travel</strong> & <strong>Hospitality</strong> Award Winner for Award for Excellence in<br />
Leadership and General Management 2020<br />
Gold Stella Award winner <strong>2021</strong> Best Boutique Hotel Northeast USA<br />
Citations received in 2016 & 2018 from Brooklyn Borough President<br />
New YorK<br />
Selected as Ambassador for Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce <strong>2021</strong><br />
40<br />
Newport<br />
<strong>Americas</strong> Hidden Gem<br />
Newport is one of Rhode Island’s best kept secrets,<br />
offering a perfect blend of waterfront locales, great food,<br />
beaches, and year-round events. The city is culturally rich,<br />
housing several, intact, structures that date back to the colonial<br />
era as well as stunning 19th-century waterfront mansions.<br />
Getting In & Getting Around<br />
Boston’s Logan Airport is about 90 minutes away and offers the<br />
best entry for international travelers unless you are flying from<br />
another part of the United States which would mean landing<br />
at Warwick’s T.F Green Airport which is only 45 minutes away.<br />
Newport’s proximity to several water bodies makes it perfectly<br />
accessible by ferries and yachts from Block Island, Jamestown,<br />
and Providence.<br />
Moving within Newport is best done on a bike or simply walking.<br />
Although you can self-drive or hire a drive, an influx of tourists<br />
in the summer means you may experience traffic and difficulty<br />
finding parking spaces. The city has an efficient transportation<br />
system with pedicabs, and trolleys that make navigation simple<br />
and a little adventurous.<br />
Things To Do & See<br />
Newport is a popular surfing and sailing destination which has<br />
been hosting America’s Cup sailing <strong>com</strong>petition for 53 years.<br />
We re<strong>com</strong>mend visiting iconic Newport Mansions, including The<br />
Breakers and Elms structures, to view the city’s architectural<br />
history. Other sites you won’t want to miss is the Famous Cliff Walk<br />
and the Museum of Yachting located in the amazing Fort Adams.<br />
Dining<br />
Newport’s restaurant scene boasts a wide<br />
selection of establishment serving mouthwatering<br />
food from all over the world but given its coastal<br />
location we’d always go with the seafood.<br />
Ac<strong>com</strong>modation<br />
We re<strong>com</strong>mend staying at the Howland House<br />
Inn, a <strong>Travel</strong> and <strong>Hospitality</strong> Award Winner,<br />
offering fantastic amenities and proximity to the<br />
best food, tourist attractions, and local shopping<br />
experiences.<br />
42 43
Howland House Inn<br />
United States | Eco Friendly Guest House<br />
In a city famed for its history you’ll be forgiven for insisting on your<br />
ac<strong>com</strong>modation offer some of this in some form and in the great colonial<br />
city of Newport we have just the place, the Howland House Inn. A charming<br />
all-suite boutique hotel offering a unique look into the past.<br />
The house itself is one of Newport’s oldest homes, originally built<br />
in 1765 the house actually pre-dates the revolution and has the<br />
classic white New England look giving it an antique feel. It’s<br />
original proprietor Benjamin Howland came over on the<br />
Mayflower and during its renovation an effort was made<br />
to include as many as the original beams and floors.<br />
The inside reflects much of the elegance<br />
found on the exterior. The suites are finished<br />
to a high standard, offer much in the way<br />
modern amenities, and are spacious. Each<br />
suite includes a separate living area, work<br />
desk, coffee table, refrigerator, coffee<br />
maker, superb amenities, and a luxurious<br />
spa inspired en-suite. The stay includes a<br />
scrumptious daily breakfast that is locally<br />
sourced, organic, made using only the<br />
freshest produce and best ingredients.<br />
With only four suites you’re guaranteed<br />
a brilliant private experience with the<br />
wonderful hosts ready to wel<strong>com</strong>e all guests<br />
as they would do family. To this end expect<br />
expert advice on where to go, what to do, the<br />
best times to go out, shopping, restaurants,<br />
and for anything else you may need during<br />
your stay.<br />
205 Spring St, Newport<br />
Rhode Island, United States<br />
02840<br />
Tel +1 401239.7741<br />
44<br />
The Chicago Style<br />
Chicago is the third most populous metropolis in<br />
America, home to over 2.7 million residents. The<br />
city’s population density and diversity mean it’s rich in<br />
culture, art, and history, with a vibrant culinary scene to<br />
match.<br />
Cultural experiences <strong>com</strong>e in many forms in Chicago.<br />
For one you have several ethnic heritage neighborhoods<br />
that are worth exploring such as little Italy, Chinatown,<br />
Mount Greenwood (Irish), and Pilsen, which was originally<br />
inhabited by Czech immigrants but later became the<br />
centre of Chicago’s Latin American immigrant <strong>com</strong>munity.<br />
All these neighborhoods offer much in the way of food,<br />
shopping, culture, and art.<br />
Another cultural gem in Chicago is the Chicago blues, a form<br />
of blues music focused on the sound of an electric guitar<br />
and harmonica. You’ll find tons of clubs and performance<br />
venues if you fancy a listen, our personal favorite spot is<br />
Buddy Guys Legends on 700 Wabash Avenue.<br />
For food lovers there’s one<br />
dish that stands out and<br />
that is none other than the<br />
Chicago style pizza. A staple<br />
of the city, it’s basically a thick<br />
pizza-pie filled with cheese<br />
and rich tomato sauce.<br />
There is nothing quite like it<br />
anywhere else in America.<br />
For history lovers the first<br />
stop for sure is a tour of the<br />
city’s gangster heritage.<br />
Being the home of one of<br />
<strong>Americas</strong> most notorious and<br />
biggest mobsters, Al Capone,<br />
Chicago is littered with mob<br />
related sites. Another lesserknown<br />
historical fact about<br />
Chicago is that is the home of<br />
baseball, it’s where the sport<br />
was invented, and Wrigley<br />
field is the place to go for a<br />
tour and if you’re lucky catch<br />
a cub’s game.<br />
46 47
The Seattle<br />
Super Six<br />
Seattle as a tourist city can best be described<br />
as that song you always skip in an album<br />
only to find out it’s the best on the track list. If<br />
you’re not sure where to start in this underrated<br />
city, then worry not as we’ve put together a list of<br />
our top 6 attractions.<br />
First stop you’ll be surprised to<br />
learn is the Pike Place Market,<br />
especially if you’re a foodie. Here<br />
you can experience a one-of-akind<br />
culinary tasting tour with a<br />
professional Chef or attempt to<br />
navigate it yourself. Breakfast<br />
normally starts at 7 am, while farm<br />
tables open a few hours later. A<br />
morning spent here is a morning<br />
fulfilled.<br />
The city’s most recognizable<br />
landmark, the space needle will give<br />
you exactly what you expect which<br />
is breathtaking 360-degree views<br />
of Seattle. Whilst there you should<br />
try a cocktail or two at the delightful<br />
Loupe Lounge.<br />
MUSEUM<br />
Located next to the space needle<br />
and showcasing glassworks of the<br />
charismatic Dale Chihuly. This one<br />
is certainly a hidden gem, and you’ll<br />
find plenty of awe-inspiring works<br />
particularly the 10ft long sculpture<br />
hanging from the ceiling.<br />
48 49
No trip to the city is <strong>com</strong>plete<br />
without a ride on the Washing State<br />
Ferry that <strong>com</strong>e <strong>com</strong>plete with an<br />
in-depth historical narration from a<br />
guide on board. Learn all about the<br />
city, its history, key individuals, and<br />
generally what makes it tick.<br />
A visit to the Woodland Park Zoo<br />
is a fantastic experience. The Park<br />
houses a staggering 300 animal<br />
species, including a rare Snow<br />
Leopard and an exotic African<br />
Giraffe.<br />
A fabulous day trip away from the<br />
city, where there is much to do<br />
and photograph. You can opt for<br />
a simple camp picnic, maybe hike<br />
on a budget, or go all-out with a<br />
luxurious restaurant dinner. The<br />
best time to enjoy this park is during<br />
the week when it’s less crowded.<br />
Seattle, United States<br />
50 51
The Best<br />
of Vegas<br />
The Adventuredome<br />
An indoor amusement park that presenting something<br />
a little different from the usual thrills of Vegas.<br />
Air conditioned and boasting over 20 rides the<br />
Adventuredome is a great day out for all the family.<br />
From the moment you set eyes on the big<br />
Wel<strong>com</strong>e to Fabulous Las Vegas sign, you<br />
know you’re in for a ride. Every moment in the city<br />
that never sleeps is a moment you’ll never forget.<br />
The strip is a casino haven housing multiple<br />
large gaming hotels, resorts, restaurants, and<br />
tourist attractions built to ensure value for your<br />
money. If you’re considering a trip to Vegas,<br />
then we re<strong>com</strong>mend the following sites to add<br />
to your “must-visit” list.<br />
The Bellagio Hotel and Casino<br />
Two miles from the McCarran International Airport is the<br />
world-famous Bellagio Hotel and Casino. Try your luck at<br />
slots or in engage in all-night poker game, maybe you’d<br />
prefer to relax at the world-class spa, or enjoy the thrills<br />
of an extravagant live show.<br />
Fremont Street<br />
The most famous street in downtown Vegas is a hub for<br />
party lovers. Fremont is the place to be, especially during<br />
the festive season. You can zipline, attend a New Year’s<br />
Eve party, go bar crawling, and much more. Instead of<br />
a family thanksgiving, Fremont Street is famed for its<br />
“Drinksgiving”.<br />
The Grand Canyon<br />
Although not strictly in Vegas the Grand Canyon is only<br />
about 2 and half hours away. Its certainly a site worth<br />
exploring especially while in Vegas!<br />
52 53
54<br />
Las Vegas Walking Tours<br />
USA | Tour Company<br />
There is much to see and do in Las Vegas, why not consider a walking tour? Las Vegas<br />
Walking Tours are fun, affordable, informative and quite possibly the best travel activity!<br />
Walking tours ac<strong>com</strong>modate families, couples and even the single adventurous traveler<br />
while offering the opportunity to meet other travelers from around the world and<br />
possibly even make new friends.<br />
Home to legendary casinos, hotels, wedding chapels, top restaurants, and even<br />
reality TV stars, Downtown Las Vegas is again a vibrant, top attraction in the<br />
country today.<br />
See, explore and discover Downtown Las Vegas’ famous Fremont Street<br />
on a 2-Hour guided walking tour as your experienced local guide takes<br />
you on a ‘Walk through time’ from humble outpost to infamous<br />
‘Glitter Gulch’, to gem of urban renewal and revitalization. Stories,<br />
facts & photos peel back layers of neon exposing the rich<br />
history underneath. Use of wireless audio headsets ensure<br />
a personal experience with your guide while hearing<br />
every fascinating story along the way. Tips, tricks and<br />
re<strong>com</strong>mendations throughout will also have you<br />
feeling like a ‘Vegas Insider’.<br />
Tour by day or night! Walk past the new Circa<br />
Resort & Casino, and legendary Plaza, Golden Gate,<br />
Golden Nugget, Binions & El Cortez. Photograph the<br />
infamous Vegas Vic as thrill seekers whiz by, 100-feet<br />
above on the Slotzilla zip line.<br />
Tour into the newly revitalized Fremont East where<br />
you’ll find unique restaurants, shops, clubs and<br />
entertainment venues while learning how one man’s<br />
vision and <strong>com</strong>mitment to <strong>com</strong>munity has sparked<br />
perhaps the greatest downtown revitalization project<br />
in the United States.<br />
are offered daily, Mon-Sat. Morning tours are preferred<br />
by those looking for a more relaxed environment as<br />
Fremont Street be<strong>com</strong>es busier throughout the day.<br />
FREMONT AFTER DARK Tours are available 2 evenings<br />
per week for those who prefer their tour amongst<br />
the twinkling bulbs, colorful neon tubes, live music<br />
stages, party atmosphere, and other adult-minded<br />
fun befitting a city known as ‘Sin City’.<br />
1 1/2 S Main St, Las Vegas,<br />
NV 89101, USA<br />
Tel +888 571-6587 toll-free<br />
<strong>www</strong><br />
Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico<br />
Mexico<br />
<br />
A Foodies Dream<br />
Beautiful Beaches<br />
56 57
A Foodies<br />
Dream<br />
When it <strong>com</strong>es to food tourism very few<br />
places can <strong>com</strong>pete with Mexico. This North<br />
American state is world-famous for its incredible<br />
food, unique produce, flavorsome ingredients,<br />
inventive dishes, and heritage delicacies. Mexican<br />
cuisine is so highly regarded in fact that it earned<br />
a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity<br />
status in 2010.<br />
For a foodie, participating in Mexican food culture<br />
is an unmissable experience, and for the most part<br />
we re<strong>com</strong>mend going with the street food. To this<br />
end we’ve put together our list of four of the best:<br />
Chiles en Nogada: The Chiles en Nogada is one<br />
of Mexico’s oldest dishes and one of royal heritage.<br />
Made from pomegranate seeds, picadillo (spiced<br />
beef and fruits) and walnut cream, this tasty dish<br />
was first served to Don Agustin de Iturbide - the<br />
country’s first Emperor.<br />
Enchilada: Arguably one of Mexico’s<br />
favorite foods. The dish features<br />
nutritious ingredients from tortilla<br />
flour to vegetables, beans, cheese,<br />
and seafood (or any other protein).<br />
Enchiladas can be found on just<br />
about every street corner in Mexico,<br />
particularly in Iztapalapa, home of the<br />
annual Enchilada festival.<br />
Pozole: Pozole is traditional<br />
dish with roots in Mexican Aztec<br />
culture. This delicious soup is<br />
made from corn, herbs and<br />
tomatoes that are boiled for<br />
hours. Pozole recipes vary from<br />
town to town, with locals adding<br />
cabbage, onions, lettuce, and lime<br />
to servings. Cheap, flavorsome,<br />
and easy to produce, you can see<br />
why its popular among working<br />
locals.<br />
58 59
Tacos: What better place to<br />
try Tacos than in its ancestral<br />
home? Probably Mexico’s<br />
most famous culinary export,<br />
tacos are made from steamed<br />
wheat tortillas stuffed with<br />
vegetables, pork, diced<br />
tomatoes, and cheese. As<br />
a national staple, tacos are<br />
available all over the country<br />
with each region offering their<br />
own unique twist.<br />
Street vendors in Mexico<br />
Special mentions go out to<br />
Tamales, Mole, Quesadillasm<br />
and Tlayudas. These four haven’t<br />
quite made the list but are<br />
definitely worth trying.<br />
60 61
Beautiful Beaches<br />
Mexico’s beautiful beaches are one of the main<br />
reasons why tourists pour into the country every<br />
year. From fun and happening beach spots to more<br />
relaxed environments, Mexico’s sandy beaches are a fit<br />
for everyone. The variety of options can make it hard to<br />
choose from, so we’ve decided given you a rundown of the<br />
country’s best.<br />
Tulum<br />
Located off the Riviera Maya, Tulum is one of Mexico’s<br />
most famous beach towns. The town has a handful of<br />
white-sand beach fronts and turquoise-colored waters.<br />
In addition to its relaxing allure, Tulum houses Mayan<br />
relics from the 13th century and an immersive jungle for<br />
adventure seekers and party ravers. Tulum’s beaches are<br />
accessible all year round with yoga, watersports, beach<br />
football, and food stalls just a few of the popular activities<br />
on offer.<br />
Cozumel<br />
Cozumel is Mexico’s top destination for tourists look to<br />
partake in beach activities and watersports. Located off<br />
the Yucatan Peninsula, the beach town boasts several<br />
beachfront bars, restaurants, tour operators, boat clubs,<br />
and sea view resorts. Cozumel is an absolute crowd<br />
favorite during the summer months so it’s good to book<br />
ahead.<br />
Playa Chac Mool<br />
If you’re keen on a quieter beach front experience, then<br />
Playa Chac Mool is perfect for you. The white sand beach<br />
is one of the finest in Cancun, offering tourists a peaceful<br />
getaway from the popular party beaches. Located in<br />
the heart of Mexico’s beach haven (Cancun), the Playa<br />
Chac Mool is ideal if you want something different or are<br />
recovering from a hangover.<br />
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Lima, Peru<br />
Peru<br />
<br />
Peru Let Your Adventure Begin<br />
Peru Sustainable Tourism<br />
Evolution Treks Peru<br />
64 65
Peru<br />
Let Your<br />
Adventure Begin<br />
Peru, the third-largest country in South<br />
America, is one of the continent’s most<br />
charming. This fascinating nation is home to<br />
several UNESCO World Heritage sites and draws<br />
many tourists annually, primarily to the iconic<br />
Inca site of Machu Pichu, it’s what Peru is most<br />
famous for. However, once there, many tourists<br />
learn to appreciate that it’s a beautiful multicultural<br />
land, offering much in the way of history, culture,<br />
adventure, nature, and food.<br />
Getting In & Around<br />
You can fly into the country<br />
to Jorge Chavez International<br />
Airport located in Lima via<br />
several international airlines, or<br />
cross over, by car or bus, from<br />
neighboring South American<br />
nations like Ecuador, Bolivia,<br />
Columbia, and Chile, which offers<br />
the only international train.<br />
Moving around you can take<br />
advantage of the country’s bus<br />
system which is well connected<br />
but does mean travelling on badly<br />
paved roads, making the journey<br />
arduous. The train system in Peru<br />
is surprisingly good and journeys<br />
can be scenic, so this is something<br />
to consider. However, you’ll<br />
likely be flying as Peru is a large<br />
country, and with limited time this<br />
presents the most efficient way to<br />
get around.<br />
Things To Do And See<br />
Sightseeing is one of Peru’s biggest selling points. The country is the home of<br />
Machu Picchu, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Moving away from this,<br />
for a more rounded experience we re<strong>com</strong>mend the Colca Canyon, Lake 69, the<br />
Sand Dunes of Huacachina, a stroll around Cusco, an Amazon River tour, hike<br />
up Rainbow Mountain and handicrafts shopping at local markets.<br />
If you need help with this or anything else within the country we re<strong>com</strong>mend<br />
the services of Evolution Treks Peru, a <strong>Travel</strong> and <strong>Hospitality</strong> Award Winner<br />
profiled on page 70.<br />
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Dining<br />
Peruvian food is quite varied which shouldn’t <strong>com</strong>e as too much of a<br />
surprise when you consider the diversity in its landmass. Fish on the coast<br />
is fantastic, in mountain areas you’ll find more hearty food based around<br />
potato & meat, whereas in the Amazon you can find jungle delicacies<br />
such as fried plantain, smoked pork, leaf wrapped rice, chicken, eggs,<br />
and olives.<br />
A guinea pig is a local favorite, and a tasty treat if you’re brave enough<br />
to try one.<br />
Ac<strong>com</strong>modation<br />
For a unique hospitality experience we<br />
suggest checking in to Llanganuco Lodge,<br />
a <strong>Travel</strong> and <strong>Hospitality</strong> Award winner.<br />
Paracas, Peru<br />
68 69
Peru Sustainable<br />
Tourism<br />
In the past decade, Peru has launched itself to the centre of<br />
sustainable tourism, ensuring that future generations can<br />
continue to benefit from touristic experiences without irreversible<br />
damage to nature or the <strong>com</strong>munity. Sustainable tourism<br />
focuses on bridging the socio-economic benefits of tourism with<br />
the conservation of biodiversity.<br />
Peru’s effort has not gone unnoticed as it was rated as<br />
having some of the highest levels of human development and<br />
ecologically sustainable practices of resource consumption by<br />
the Worldwatch Institute in 2019.<br />
Peru bases its ecotourism system on the three values of<br />
sustainable and eco-friendly tourism, these are<br />
– to be a positive force for conservation by emphasizing the<br />
protection and perpetuation of naturalistic scenarios and<br />
attractive local peculiarities,<br />
– to bring economic benefit to host <strong>com</strong>munities, and<br />
– to increase the benefits brought about by tourism to host<br />
countries.<br />
Peru has lived up to the expectations<br />
of an eco-friendly and sustainable<br />
tourist centre by achieving a Human<br />
Development Index score of 0.086<br />
and an impressive ecological<br />
footprint of 1.5 hectares, according<br />
to the WWF Global statistics (2007).<br />
Peru has continued to maintain<br />
sustainability by enacting laws<br />
against deforestation and regulations<br />
to protect natural resources, wildlife,<br />
and other tourist attractions. Thereby<br />
maintaining “green” travel and a<br />
healthy ecosystem for tourism.<br />
The Inkaterra Machu Pucchu Pueblo Hotel in Peru is a worthy example (one<br />
of many) of a tourist attraction that is sustainable and eco-friendly. The<br />
hotel’s policy encourages the preservation of native cultures and a green<br />
environment, to ensure positive tourism for many more years to <strong>com</strong>e.<br />
Another example is TH Award winner Evolution Treks Peru which has focused<br />
its sustainability model built around empowering women. Find out more on<br />
the next page.<br />
70 71
Evolution Treks Peru<br />
Peru | Adventure Tour Company<br />
Founded on the ancient Andean notion of Ainy, Evolution Treks Peru is an<br />
organisation unlike any other. Ainy means reciprocity, relating mainly to<br />
the ability of people re<strong>com</strong>pensating each other for the betterment of the<br />
<strong>com</strong>munity. At Evolution Treks the <strong>com</strong>munity is made up of clients and<br />
workers.<br />
Being a local worker-owned organisation means Evolution Treks<br />
places special emphasis on good working conditions, positive<br />
sustainability practices, outstanding client experiences, and<br />
high-quality equipment.<br />
Machu Picchu Tours<br />
Machu Picchu is without a doubt the big draw of<br />
Peru and at Evolution Treks there are several tour<br />
possibilities to see this magnificent wonder. The<br />
private tour is a good option as is the sacred valley<br />
and train <strong>com</strong>bination. If you prefer however you<br />
can choose to travel in luxury with this option<br />
of course costing a little bit more. For that<br />
added layer of safety for women, Evolution<br />
Treks offers a specialised women only<br />
tour led by female guides.<br />
72<br />
Inca Trail Treks<br />
For a more adventure filled journey to Machu Picchu we<br />
re<strong>com</strong>mend going via the ancient Inca Trails. At Evolution<br />
Treks you can do this over a four- or five-day route with luxury<br />
and female only options available. If you’re limited on time,<br />
then we re<strong>com</strong>mend the short trail which starts with a train<br />
journey for the first leg and then a 7-mile hike over two days<br />
to the top.<br />
Alternative Treks & City Tours<br />
Although the famed Inca Trail is the most popular route to<br />
Machu Pichu, there are alternative less explored trails that<br />
are worth exploring. The Lares Trek allows for a more cultural<br />
experience whereas the Salktantay Trek is more varied than<br />
the others. The Huchuy Qosqo Trek takes you through “little<br />
cusco” a true hidden gem within Peru and a great opportunity<br />
to give back to the <strong>com</strong>munity.<br />
If you have a day or two to spend in Cusco, then why not take<br />
a city tour? Evolution Treks offer a nice selection of immersive<br />
and adventure tours in and around Cusco.<br />
Tel +1 (510) 943 7453<br />
Tel +51 084265523<br />
<strong>2021</strong><br />
Evolution Treks Peru<br />
74<br />