SHILL Issue 34

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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#<strong>SHILL</strong><br />


ISSUE #<strong>34</strong><br />

0.025 ◎<br />

KEEZerfeld<br />

Shill scores an interview<br />

with the master<br />

Degenpoet<br />

nfthrilling takes a deep<br />

dive into the legend<br />

amigus social club<br />

Gitochi gives us the<br />

lowdown on this project<br />

Alphadao<br />

linkkzzy is not just a<br />

pretty face

TheFallenSol<br />

THIS<br />

In<br />

ISSUE<br />


4<br />

8<br />

23<br />

24<br />

38<br />


So much to write. So little space.<br />

DegenPoet Interview<br />

NFThrilling gets down and deep<br />

with DegenPoet in this new series<br />

of interview (italiano)<br />


Dropping, holding and hoping<br />

AMIGUS Social Club<br />

Gitochi takes us into South<br />

American Solana projects.<br />

(espanol)<br />

AlphaDAO<br />

Keeping up the alpha with this<br />

exclusive#ALPHA.<br />


Interview with the one of the<br />

most exciting artists on the<br />

scene.<br />

68<br />

URS Crowns<br />

If you haven’t already...make<br />

it a priority! #ALPHA

the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

BOOM! <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>34</strong>, 17 weeks running. #Shill is entering week 18 with<br />

issues 35 and 36. You have so much to catch up on #anon!<br />

These last few days have been darn hectic. With the value of $Sol<br />

dropping below $100usd it seems that the public has become a little<br />

more ‘loaded’ driving demand for NFTs UP! Just remember which<br />

projects are the bluechips, have been around for months and have a<br />

strong, active community. #Justsayin<br />

Chest finance has rolled out its NFT and sold out within a minute<br />

of launching on Magic Eden. The NFT allows the holder to receive<br />

a proporational share of 12% CHEST tokens at the IDO. I am sure<br />

there are many minters who don’t know what the f*k they are doing<br />

and will dump as soon as they realise that they don’t understand the<br />

utlity behind the NFT. (The distribution will be linearly vested over 1<br />

year, with a bonus reserved for those who hold for the entire year.) I<br />

have a water spray bottle for your paperhands!<br />

On 26 and 27 January the URS launched a pressale and public sale<br />

of their ‘crown’ series. Both sold out within minutes even thought<br />

he mint price stood at 5Sol. I was thinking to myself as Bu was on a<br />

teams space run by SolBigBrain that it wasn’t necessary at all. The<br />

project can actually stand on its own. Proudly. Those that do NOT<br />

know of the URS will scramble to get on board. This NFT actually HAS<br />

utility. Each ‘crown’ is entitled to one (1) curated piece of artwork per<br />

month for the next 7 months. In essence you get a crown+7 pieces<br />

(8 in total) for 5Sol. Pieces that individually fetch 10Sol and upwards<br />

on auction spaces. Owning a crown is akin to owning the key to the<br />

treasure chest. We did give you ALPHA on this.<br />

Last issue (33) I included translations of a few pieces in the zine. In<br />

this issue (<strong>34</strong>) #Shill has onboarded 2 talented people from across<br />

the planet. NFThrilling, based in Italy, passionate about the space<br />

and one of one artists is holding 12 interviews with 12 artists (in<br />

English). NFThrilling is then producing an Italian piece AND an<br />

English piece for #Shill. I read them both and personally prefer the<br />

Italian piece!

#Shill has also onboarded Gitochi from Venezuela. He is involved in<br />

the general NFT scene and is looking at Solana projects with Spanish<br />

backgrounds. His first piece is looking at Amigus. If it wasn’t for his<br />

interview I would never have known about the project.<br />

#Shill has a 3rd writer putting together some interviews all the way from<br />

the UK. A bit snowed under with IRL work at the moment. When their<br />

piece is ready I will formally introduce them to the readers.<br />

All this while being FREE!<br />

#Shill joined the AussieDAO this week. Long time coming. I found it<br />

pretty surprising that fellow Australians had never heard of #Shill zine.<br />

#Shill is still stuck in a little bubble withing a bathtub full of bubbles!<br />

Whenever you retweet about #Shill zine it is opening the door to a new<br />

community member. Maybe @SolanaFND could give us a plug?<br />

Whatever the case may be, <strong>34</strong> issues are at your fingertips available<br />

whenever you like. Free. In essence, an archive of the Solana ecosystem<br />

history over the last 4 months.<br />

As long as the content continues, the NFTs are developed, the<br />

marketplaces keep churning and the ALPHA is real, #Shill will still be<br />

publishing this zine.<br />

Free NFT opportunity if you read the interview carefully!<br />

Finally, I had to make a last edit this issue after @superjimmer tweeted<br />

today. Want to help #Shill zine AND own a piece by an up and coming<br />

photographer? (see page44) Jim is donating 33% of the winning bid of<br />

this NFT to #Shill zine. I know right? This Solana community is KING!<br />

Enough said. You know the drill. Let’s f go!<br />

Pixeltoy<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 5



Interview with<br />

NFThrilling<br />

DegenPoet<br />

Ciao @degenpoet, questo tuo NFT mi emoziona.. qualcosa di @NFThrilling.. potresti descriverlo,<br />

per iniziare..<br />

“Dopo un paio di mesi di<br />

Solana NFTs, ero così<br />

sopraffatto che ho lasciato.<br />

Sentivo di vivere tre vite: il<br />

mio lavoro IRL, la mia vita a<br />

casa con mia moglie e fare<br />

twitter + nfts 24 ore su 24, 7<br />

giorni su 7. Durante un<br />

viaggio a casa da mia madre<br />

per il Ringraziamento<br />

(guidando da Chicago<br />

all'Arkansas), ho inveito su<br />

Twitter di come nessuno<br />

volesse comprare poesie e ho<br />

cancellato il mio account.<br />

Dopo ero completamente<br />

distrutto. Mi sentivo come se<br />

avessi appena perso qualcuno.<br />

Poi, c'è stato un sacco di<br />

incoraggiamento su Twitter,<br />

ho finito per sentirmi in colpa<br />

per aver mollato. Ho capito<br />

che dovevo tornare. Non ho<br />

mai avuto un supporto simile<br />

per la mia arte prima d’ora. Quindi volevo fare due cose: tornare con poesie più grandi di qualsiasi<br />

cosa avessi fatto prima e onorare le persone che mi hanno aiutato a risollevarmi in questo viaggio nei<br />

Solana NFTs. Allora ho realizzato un totale di 7 “Poems-in-Shapes". Il teschio rosa è stato ispirato<br />

dalla forma di Candy Skulls di @pinkskullqueen, scritta mentre ero in Arkansas. La poesia esplora<br />

l'idea che tutti noi percepiamo\processiamo la realtà in modo diverso: questo è in contrasto con<br />

l'allineamento a un linguaggio comune per descrivere oggetti che possono essere esperienze del tutto<br />

uniche da un individuo all'altro. Il mio blu è il tuo rosa. Il mio acido è il tuo dolce”.<br />

Nell'universo della crypto e dell'arte NFT, l'anonimato è di moda, cosa ne pensi e come ti avvicini<br />

al pubblico?<br />

“Non ho paura del doxing ma semplicemente non voglio far coincidere la mia identità e quella di<br />

artista. Sono qui per creare un po' di fantasia e iperbole. C'è libertà in un thug/monkee/ecc. A volte<br />

condivido pezzi vulnerabili e non posso farlo con la mia faccia IRL dritta. Voglio risiedere in uno<br />

stato di gioco eterno come quello di un bambino che dipinge, ma con la consapevolezza e la crescita<br />

che arrivano con il tempo. E comunque sono Matthew, iniziali MDS”.<br />

Ok, iniziamo davvero.. se dovessi descriverti, in poche ma essenziali parole, cosa diresti?<br />

“Poeta distratto, fanatico dei dati, malinconico, dall’onestà imbarazzante, eremita ambizioso”.<br />

8<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

Nell'arte NFT, quali sono le tecniche che ami, quelle che ti caratterizzano e quelle in cui vorresti<br />

cimentarti?<br />

Scansione dell'inchiostro della macchina da scrivere. Scansione della grafia. Cornici gif di Photoshop,<br />

realizzate cancellando le lettere. Utilizzo dei bordi di un'illustrazione per imporre un'interruzione di<br />

riga. Mi piacerebbe fare più Illustrator per il testo e i tracciati vettoriali delle scansioni, oltre a<br />

sperimentare le animazioni di After Effects.<br />

Quanto tempo dedichi all'arte. Sei stato “sempre” un artista o ti sei reinventato. Quando hai deciso<br />

di dedicarti all'arte e perché. Quali sono stati i tuoi primi passi nel mondo dell'arte. Quando hai<br />

iniziato a percepirti come Artista?<br />

1-6 ore al giorno sono state dedicate all'arte tutti i giorni dal 1 settembre 2021. Si dedica molto tempo<br />

alla preparazione per scrivere: fumare erba, ascoltare musica, aspettare di essere tranquillo, leggere<br />

altre poesie, avere un'idea, entrando nello spazio con la testa giusta... quindi scrivere. Poeta da quando<br />

ero al liceo, circa 15+ anni. Iniziato riscrivendo i testi delle canzoni Disney e scrivendo lettere d'amore<br />

alle ragazze. Alcune pessime canzoni emo rock. Ho conseguito la laurea in Scrittura Creativa: Poesia<br />

presso il College, AR. Ho conseguito una specializzazione in Poesia a Chicago. Ho lavorato come<br />

insegnante di inglese per un anno. Ho smesso di scrivere poesie (quasi zero assoluto) per 7+ anni<br />

dopo la scuola di specializzazione. Ho lavorato in Ingegneria di Database e Business Intelligence<br />

Reporting. Nel settembre del ’21 ho iniziato a scrivere "poesie gmoot"... da allora ho scritto oltre 400<br />

poesie. È come una media di 2,8 poesie al giorno. Incredibile rispetto a un paio di poesie a settimana<br />

(come cavarsi un dente) nella scuola di specializzazione. Sto uscendo dal mio sballo di Solana (forse)<br />

solo ora. Highschool: 101 cose in inglese, copia dei testi di canzoni emo\punk, giornalismo, 1 lezione<br />

di scrittura creativa. College: Tuffo profondo dentro E.E. Cummings, Octopus Books, Surrealism,<br />

forme di poesia tradizionale, Shakespeare, ho anche scritto un libro intitolato “Birdsongs”. Grad<br />

School: poeti contemporanei, ho scritto "Sad About Waves" (poi pubblicato su Solana) e "Hardhead<br />

Catfish", ho fatto letture e collaborazioni, sono editore per Columbia Poetry Review. Solana: poesie<br />

ispirate agli NFTs (gmoot, Jelly Beasts, Lotus Gang, ecc.), collaborazioni con artisti 1/1, poesie in<br />

forme, poesie animate, poesie per macchine da scrivere..<br />

Vorresti raccontare brevemente dove nasce il tuo lavoro artistico. Com'è il tuo ambiente di lavoro.<br />

Lo cambieresti e come?<br />

Nasce dall'ascolto di musica (soprattutto hiphop), dalla<br />

lettura di altri poeti, dal perdermi in un dipinto, da un'ondata<br />

di emozione cruda o semplicemente dall'iniziare con 1<br />

parola o frase per riprodurre il suono. Lavoro in casa con<br />

un MacBook Pro e finalizzo il lavoro in Photoshop. Scrivo<br />

su quaderni fisici, ma principalmente l'app Notes. Scrivo<br />

sulla macchina da scrivere nella foto sotto nella mia sala da<br />

pranzo. Mi piacerebbe uno studio più grande con una<br />

scrivania dedicata per la macchina da scrivere e uno spazio<br />

dedicato al computer. Tutto più pulito e robusto di quanto<br />

non sia ora. Un giradischi carino. Scaffali con diverse<br />

macchine da scrivere (una con carattere sans-serif). Un<br />

cavalletto in un angolo di una finestra per dipingere. Un<br />

giorno: lo studio di poesia.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 9

Come crei le tue opere. Qual è l'ispirazione per te. Cosa provi mentre crei. Qual è, se c’é, il<br />

messaggio implicito nelle tue opere/collezioni. Vuoi trasmettere qualcosa. Se si, cosa? Vorresti<br />

descrivimi, in poche parole, un tuo lavoro a tua scelta?<br />

Ho trovato alcune corone che mi sono piaciute su Google.<br />

Quindi, ho disegnato qualcosa come 10 corone su carta<br />

fino a quando non ne ho realizzata una che mi piaceva, e<br />

poi riempiendo<br />

la corona con<br />

una poesia<br />

dattiloscritta.<br />

Nel frattempo,<br />

completamente<br />

gasato dal fatto<br />

che Roddy<br />

Come vedi gli NFT in 3/5/10 anni? E tu?<br />

Ricch suonasse<br />

e cantasse<br />

insieme,<br />

mentre ero da<br />

solo a casa mia.<br />

Ho scansionato<br />

il risultato, ho<br />

dipinto<br />

l'interno di<br />

nero, ho invertito il colore del testo e boom! La poesia<br />

stessa cattura la nuvola di pensieri che è venuta fuori<br />

quando ho pensato alle corone: re, regine, i pilastri<br />

triangolari di una corona, i gioielli che li incrostano, come<br />

ci si sente ad indossare la responsabilità del governo...<br />

Skin di gioco. Biglietti per eventi. Molte esperienze mobili in-app. Si spera una rinascita per l'arte,<br />

nel senso che alcuni artisti possono guadagnarsi da vivere grazie a NFT che non avrebbero mai potuto<br />

fare prima. Questo denaro per l'arte porta più persone a diventare artisti e artisti esistenti in grado di<br />

dedicare più tempo alla loro collaborazione artigianale ++ con un gruppo di artisti altamente<br />

diversificato. Questa zuppa può generare un'esplosione di creatività e una cultura guidata dall'arte.<br />

Me? Riuscire a vivere di poesie? Ma penso che sia un brutto obiettivo a cui puntare. Semplicemente<br />

padroneggiare la mia arte..<br />

C'è qualcosa che desideri davvero e che speri di poter realizzare nei prossimi anni anche grazie<br />

alla tua arte? Qual è il tuo sogno o aspirazione più grande. E nel presente, cosa ti eccita. C'è<br />

qualcosa che vorresti e che ancora non hai (a parte una lambo ovviamente)?<br />

Voglio creare poesie che siano innegabili. Dal testo-come-immagine, al contenuto, alla musica e al<br />

processo dietro la poesia, sarebbe significativo. Vorrei raggiungere questo obiettivo con nient'altro<br />

che parole e lettere. Per me è importante padroneggiare la poesia NFT come forma tipografica e non<br />

per migliorare l'aspetto con le immagini. Ho collaborato molto con artisti visivi e lo farò ancora, ma<br />

il mio vero obiettivo è padroneggiare sempre le parole.<br />

10<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

Cosa ne pensi delle varie blockchain e delle relative NFT. Ethereum, Solana e poi.. è una<br />

competizione sportiva, una guerra fino all'ultimo colpo o un matrimonio non ancora annunciato?<br />

Cosa determina la tua preferenza tra una catena o l'altra? Cosa consiglieresti a un artista che<br />

desidera mintare il suo primo NFT?<br />

In ordine di capitalizzazione di mercato. 1. Bitcoin (lo adoro) 2. Ethereum (l'ho mintato, troppo<br />

costoso per 400 poesie, niente contro per fare arte se te lo puoi permettere) 3. Binance (scammy?) 4<br />

+ 5. (Scuderie fresche). 6. Cardano (Charles è scammy) 7. Solana (cool artist community,<br />

exchangeArt, holaplex, basi costi per imparare & sperimentare, puoi fare decenti $)… Il resto? Più<br />

bassa capitalizzazione di mercato/ potenziale più basso in questo momento... felice di muovermi se<br />

qualcosa supera Solana in capitalizzazione/funzioni. Tezos è fantastico (un sacco di artisti<br />

incredibili), ma #45 per Market Cap ... e sembra che gli artisti facciano meglio 1/1 in termini di prezzo<br />

su Solana..<br />

Quali artisti NFT (se presenti) hanno influenzato il tuo stile. Chi è il più talentuoso. Il più<br />

intelligente. Il più creativo. Uno ancora sottovalutato. Mi consiglieresti il prossimo artista 1: 1 da<br />

intervistare. Hai una domanda che vorresti fargli?<br />

Come ho scritto sopra i pezzi di Peanug (@peanug420) + Pink (@pinkskullqueen) mi hanno ispirato<br />

a provarci vedendoli fare arte NFT. Pink è stata una delle prime persone con cui ho scritto DMs e mi<br />

ha incoraggiato a scrivere. Abbiamo anche condiviso alcune poesie sul flusso di coscienza che hanno<br />

ispirato un'intera onda. Jooski (@64jooski) è stato uno dei primi altri poeti che ricordo, ora fa<br />

principalmente (incredibile) arte visiva + haiku con foto.<br />

CelestialBody (@celestialbody) è una tipografa + regina della poesia. Lei fa il tipo di lavoro per cui<br />

morirei. Le chiederei “Chi è il tuo poeta preferito? Chi è il tuo rapper preferito?”. Sarà fatto!<br />

ChîLLm◎nMD (@0xchillm0nMD) ha inventato il mio handle di Twitter e il nome OG "Degen Poets<br />

Society", anche con la serie di poesie "Pump it up Peanug”. Glitchstoke (@glitchstroke) è sempre<br />

fonte di ispirazione // twittando // nelle interruzioni di riga, e la sua arte è incredibile e abbiamo<br />

collaborato un paio di volte. Dato (@dato_art) è stato il mio ultimo partner di collaborazione.<br />

Abbiamo scritto alcune poesie insieme. Ha fatto un lavoro incredibile disegnando un poster con tratti<br />

(come il conteggio dei personaggi) sull'immagine. Ammiro davvero la sua scrittura e il suo lavoro<br />

visivo.<br />

Che consiglio daresti a qualcuno che volesse seguire la tua strada. E ai collezionisti che vogliono<br />

avvicinarsi al mondo NFT?<br />

Concentrati sulla creazione di collezioni di qualità e coerenti.<br />

Rilascia lentamente, utilizzando le aste per la scoperta dei prezzi. Per far crescere il tuo seguito,<br />

interagisci il più possibile con la community di nft su Twitter. Idealmente, trova<br />

collezionisti/amici/“balene” che ti aiuteranno a commercializzare il tuo lavoro. Suggerirei vivamente<br />

che mentalmente il tuo obiettivo non dovrebbe essere quello di fare di questo una carriera, fino a<br />

quando non sarà molto chiaro che potresti sostenerti finanziariamente a lungo termine. Andare al<br />

100% negli alti e bassi di una vita degen non è salutare. Consiglierei di ancorarlo con un vero lavoro<br />

e amici, ecc. Può consumarti. Pensalo come un modo per pubblicare, condividere e goderti l'arte, non<br />

come una carriera. Ci sono veri e propri lavori NFT/crypto con stipendi... la vendita di opere d'arte<br />

1/1 come singola persona (non come azienda con una squadra) può essere molto dispendiosa in<br />

termini di tempo e stress. Vacci piano. Divertiti.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 11

Ok, un ultimo giro! La tua miglior qualità. Il tuo peggior difetto. Il miglior libro o quello che ti ha<br />

cambiato la vita. Il miglior film di tutti i tempi. La "pittura" IRL che ti piace di più. L'ultima volta<br />

che ti sei ubriacato. Se potessi trascorrere una giornata con un artista (anche del passato), chi<br />

sceglieresti. E dove lo porteresti?<br />

Migliore: onestà. Peggiore: ego. Libro: Scary, No Scary di Zach Schomburg….Le cronache marziane<br />

di Ray Bradbury…..Harry Potter…Artemis Fowl…un diario che la mia bisnonna mi scrisse quando<br />

ero bambino. Film: direi Baseketball, ma è difficile perché non voglio mai rivedere i film. Pittura:<br />

una volta ho visto un Rothko e mi ha tormentato. Una di quelle arti che chiami stronzate finché non<br />

la vedi nella vita reale. Ubriaco: lo scorso fine settimana io e mia moglie abbiamo mangiato sushi e<br />

martini a Park Ridge. Prima volta a Park Ridge e mi è piaciuto molto, fantastiche luci di Natale.<br />

Bevuto di più quando siamo tornati a casa. Decisamente ubriaco. Ho giocato a questo gioco di carte<br />

chiamato Splendour. Sempre Martini extra dry, extra dirty, fatti con il gin. Mi ubriacherei con Walt<br />

Whitman, cercando di convincerlo a sfogarsi sugli alberi e ascoltando e basta.<br />

L’intervista è finita. Mi sono emozionato. Grazie. Un’ultima cosa. Lo faresti un NFT ispirato a<br />

questa intervista? Se si, farà parte della prima collezione intitolata “#openheARTist - self portrait”<br />

perché l’arte è nel cuore dell’artista, e non deve mai essere chiusa.<br />

To Be Continued #openheartist<br />

EventsGrape<br />

12<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

Hi degenpoet (@degenpoet) when I saw this piece of work of yours I got an emotion .. what I call<br />

@NFThrilling vibe .. could you describe this beautiful work, before starting …<br />

“A couple months into Solana NFTs, I was so overwhelmed that I quit. I felt I was living three lives:<br />

my IRL job, my life at home with<br />

my wife, and doing twitter + nfts<br />

24/7. On a trip home to my<br />

mother’s for thanksgiving (driving<br />

from Chicago to Arkansas), I<br />

ranted on twitter about how no<br />

one wanted to buy poems &<br />

deleted my account. I was totally<br />

wrecked afterwards. I felt like I had<br />

just lost someone. Then, there was<br />

tons of encouragement on twitter,<br />

I ended up feeling guilty for<br />

receiving. But I knew I was going to<br />

come back. I never had support<br />

like this for my art before. So I<br />

wanted to do two things:<br />

1. Come back with poems greater<br />

than anything I had done<br />

before,<br />

2. Honor the people who help lift<br />

me up on this Solana NFT<br />

journey.<br />

I made a total of 7 “Poems-in-Shapes.” The pink skull was inspired by the shape of Candy Skulls by<br />

pinkskullqueen, written while I was away in Arkansas. The poem explores the idea that we all<br />

perceive\process reality differently—this is at odds with aligning to 1 common language to describe<br />

objects that may be entirely unique experiences from one individual to the next. My blue is your<br />

pink. My sour is your sweet”.<br />

Let's begin .. in the crypto and NFT universe (as in traditional art, Banksy docet) anonymity is<br />

widespread, what do you think abt it and how do you approach the public?<br />

“I’m not afraid of doxxing, but I don’t want it to be my identity as an artist. I am here to create some<br />

fantasy & hyperbole. There is freedom in a thug/monkee/etc. I am sharing vulnerable pieces<br />

sometimes & can’t do that with my straight IRL face. I want to reside in an eternal state of play like<br />

a child painting, but with the awareness & growth that comes with time. Btw i’m Matthew. Initials<br />

MDS”.<br />

ok, let's really begin .. If you had to describe yourself, in a few but essential words, what would<br />

you say?<br />

“Absent-minded poet, data geek, wistful, embarrassingly honest, ambitious hermit”.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 13

In NFT art, what are the techniques you love, the ones that characterize you, and the ones you<br />

would like to try your hand at?<br />

“Scanning typewriter ink. Scanning handwriting. Photoshop gif frames, made by erasing letters.<br />

Using the borders of an illustration to enforce a line break.<br />

I’d like to do more Illustrator for text and vector tracings of scans, as well as experiment with After<br />

Effects animations”.<br />

How much time do you dedicate to art. Have you “always” been an artist or have reinvented<br />

yourself. When did you decide to devote yourself to art and why. What were your first steps in the<br />

world of art. When did you begin to perceive yourself as an Artist?<br />

“1-6 hours per day has been dedicated to Art everyday since Sept 1, 2021. A lot of time is spent<br />

preparing to write: smoking weed, listening to music, waiting until it is quiet, reading other poetry,<br />

coming up with an idea, getting in the right headspace…then writing.<br />

Been poeting since I was in high school, about 15+ years. Started by re-writing lyrics to Disney songs<br />

& writing love letters to girls. Some bad emo rock songs. Got my undergrad in Creative Writing:<br />

Poetry from College, AR. Got an MFA in Poetry in Chicago. Worked as an English teacher for a year.<br />

Quit poetry (almost 0 writing) for 7+ years after grad school. I worked in Database Engineering & BI<br />

Reporting. Started writing “gmoot poems” in Sept ’21…I’ve written over 400 poems since. That’s<br />

like 2.8 poems per day average. Mind-boggling in comparison to a couple poems a week (like pulling<br />

teeth) in grad school. I’m just coming off my solana high (maybe) now.<br />

Highschool: English 101 stuff, copying emo\punk song lyrics, journaling, 1 creative writing class.<br />

College: Deep Dive into ee cummings, Octopus Books, Surrealism, Traditional Poetry forms,<br />

Shakespeare, wrote a book called “Birdsongs”. Grad School: Contemporary poets, wrote “Sad About<br />

Waves” (later published on solana) and “Hardhead Catfish”, did readings & collabs, editor for<br />

Columbia Poetry Review. Solana: NFT-inspired poems (gmoot, jelly beasts, lotus gang, etc.), collabs<br />

with 1/1 artists, poems in shapes, animated poems, typewriter poems”.<br />

Would u like to briefly tell where your artistic work comes from. What<br />

is your work environment like. Would u change it and how?<br />

“Comes from listening to music (hiphop mostly), reading other poets,<br />

losing myself in a painting, a surge of raw emotion, or simply starting with<br />

1 word or phrase the playing off the sound.<br />

I work around my house on a MacBook Pro & finalize work in Photoshop.<br />

I write in physical notebooks, but Mostly the Notes App. I write on the<br />

typewriter pictured below in my dining room.<br />

I would love a larger office with a dedicated typewriter desk & dedicated<br />

computer space. Everything cleaner & sturdier than it is now. A nicer<br />

record player in the office. Bookshelves with multiple typewriters (one<br />

with a sans-serif font). An easel in a window nook to paint. Someday: Poetry Studio”.<br />

14<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

How you create your works. What is inspiration for you. What do you feel while you create. What<br />

is (if any) the implicit message in your works / collections. Do you want to convey something. If<br />

so, what? Would you like to describe, in a few words, one of your works of your choice?<br />

“Found some crowns I liked from google. Then, I drew<br />

like 10X crowns on paper until I made one I liked, filled<br />

in the crown with a typewritten poem. Meanwhile,<br />

totally<br />

gassed up on<br />

Roddy Ricch<br />

blasting &<br />

singing<br />

along, alone<br />

in my house.<br />

I scanned<br />

the result,<br />

painted the<br />

inside black,<br />

inverted the<br />

text color &<br />

boom!<br />

How you see the NFTs in 3/5/10 years. And yourself?<br />

The poem<br />

itself captures the cloud of thoughts that came out when<br />

I thought about crowns: kings, queens, the triangle pillars<br />

of a crown, the jewels encrusting them, what it feels like<br />

wearing the responsibility of rule…”.<br />

“Game skins. Event tickets. Many in-app mobile experiences. Hopefully a renaissance for fine art—<br />

in the sense that some artists can make a living off of NFTs that could never have before. This art<br />

money, leads to more people becoming artists & existing artists able to dedicate more time to their<br />

craft ++ collaboration with a highly diverse group of artists. This soup can breed an explosion of<br />

creativity & an art-driven culture”.<br />

“Me? Able to live off of poems? But I think that’s a bad goal to aim for. Simply mastering my craft”.<br />

Is there something that you really want and that you hope to be able to achieve in the next years<br />

also thanks to your art? What is your biggest dream or aspiration. And in the present, what excites<br />

you. Is there something you would like and still don't have (apart from lambo of course)?<br />

“I want to create poems that are undeniable. From the Text-As-Image, to the content, to the music<br />

& process behind the poem would be meaningful. I’d like to achieve this with nothing more than<br />

words & letters. It’s important to me to master the poem NFT as a typography form and not boost<br />

the appearance with images. I’ve collaborated a lot with visual artists & still will, but my real goal is<br />

to always master the words”.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 15

What do you think of the various blockchains and related NFTs. Ethereum, Solana, and then .. is it<br />

a sports competition, a war to the last blow, or a marriage not yet announced? What determines<br />

your preference between one chain or the other? What would you recommend to an artist wishing<br />

to mint their first NFT?<br />

“Coins in Market Cap Order: 1. Bitcoin (love it) 2. Ethereum (I mine it, too expensive to Try Out 400<br />

poems, nothing against it for art if u can afford) 3. Binance (scammy?) 4 + 5. Stables cool. 6. Cardano<br />

(charles is scammy) 7. Solana (cool artist community, exchangeArt, holaplex, cheap to learn &<br />

experiment, make decent $)… Rest? Lower cap Lower potential right now….happy to move if<br />

something passes solana in Cap/Function. 45. Tezos is cool (tons of incredible artists), but #45….and<br />

seems like artists do better 1/1 price-wise on Solana”.<br />

Which NFT artists (if any) have influenced your style. Who is the most talented. The most<br />

intelligent. The most creative. One still underestimated. Would you recommend the next 1: 1 artist<br />

to interview. Do you have a question you would like to ask him/her?<br />

“I wrote on top of Peanug (@peanug420) + Pinkskullqueen (@pinkskullqueen) pieces, they inspired<br />

me to try it by seeing them do NFT art. PSK was one of the first ppl I DM’d with and encouraged me<br />

to write. She also shared some stream-of-consciousness poetry that inspired a whole wave.<br />

Jooski (@64jooski) was one of the earliest other poets I remember, does mostly (incredible) visual<br />

art now + haiku w/ photos.<br />

CelestialBody (@CelestialBody) is a typography + poetry queen. She makes the kind of work I would<br />

die to make. (Who’s your favorite poet? Who’s your favorite rapper?). Will be done!<br />

ChîLLm◎nMD (@0xchillm0nMD) came up with my twitter handle & the OG name “Degen Poets<br />

Society,” also came up with the “Pump it up Peanug” poetry series.<br />

Glitchstoke (@glitchstroke) is hella inspirational always // tweeting // in line breaks & his art is<br />

amazing & we’ve collabed a couple times.<br />

Dato (@dato_art) was my last collab partner. We wrote some poems together. She did an incredible<br />

job designing a poster with traits (like character count) on the image. Really admire her writing &<br />

visual work”.<br />

What advice would you give to someone who wants to go your own way. And to collectors who<br />

want to approach the NFT world?<br />

“Focus on creating quality & cohesive collections. Release slowly, using auctions for price discovery.<br />

To grow your following, engage with the nft community on twitter as much as possible. Ideally, find<br />

collectors/friends/champions that will help you market your work. Would strongly suggest that<br />

mentally your goal should not be to make this a career, until it’s Very clear you could financially<br />

support yourself. Going 100% into the ups/down of a degen life is not healthy. I would recommend<br />

anchoring this with a real job & friends etc. It can consume you. Think of it as a way to publish, share<br />

& enjoy art—not as a career. There are proper NFT/crypto jobs with salaries….selling 1/1 art as a<br />

single person (not as a company with a team) can be very time-consuming & stressful. Tread lightly.<br />

Have fun”.<br />

16<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

Ok, one last lap! Your best value. Your worst flaw. The best book or the one that changed your<br />

life. The best movie of all time. The IRL “painting” you like best. The last time you got drunk. If you<br />

could spend a day with an artist (even from the past), who would you choose. And where would<br />

you take it?<br />

“Best: honesty. Worst: ego. Book: Scary, No Scary by Zach Schomburg….Martian Chronicles Ray<br />

Bradbury…..Harry Potter…Artemis Fowl…a journal my great grandmother wrote to me when I was<br />

a baby. Movie: I used to say Baseketball, it’s hard cause I never want to re-watch movies anymore.<br />

Painting: I saw a Rothko once & it haunted me. One of those arts that you call bullshit on until you<br />

see it in real life. Drunk: this past weekend my wife and I had sushi & martinis in Park Ridge. First<br />

time in park ridge & loved it, great Christmas lights. Drank more when we got home. Definitely<br />

drunk. Played this card game called Splendor. Martinis always extra dry, extra dirty, made with gin.<br />

I would get drunk with Walt Whitman, try to get him going on a rant about trees, and just listen”.<br />

The interview is over. I got excited. Thank you. One last thing. Would you make it an NFT inspired<br />

by this interview? If yes, it will be part of the first collection entitled "#openheARTist - self portrait"<br />

because art is in the heart of the artist, and must never be closed.<br />

To Be Continued #openheartist<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 17

axiommechs<br />


zen0m<br />






@joemccann 42.9K Followers<br />

@solana issued a patch to<br />

its network faster than<br />

@bloomberg could report<br />

on the bug.<br />

Let that sink in.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 23

AMIGUS<br />

Social Club<br />

Gitochi2<br />

Para empezar, siempre es importante hablar de los miembros del<br />

proyecto, ¿Quienes son? ¿A que se dedican? ¿Cómo llegaron al<br />

mundo de NFT y porque decidieron emprender en el? ¿Aporte de<br />

cada miembro al proyecto?<br />

Julián Medina C<br />

Soy un apasionado del diseño y la tecnología. Desde hace algunos<br />

años me dedico a la venta de bienes raíces de ultra lujo en el estado<br />

de Jalisco, México. Vendedor por excelencia; desde muy chico inicié<br />

mi camino en ventas, he vendido de todo, desde panes, comida,<br />

ropa, productos de imprenta, celulares, coches, hasta residencias.<br />

Inversionista activo de CRYPTO desde 2016, y por ahí del 2020,<br />

escuché por primera vez del mundo NFT, pero la verdad es que no<br />

me involucré mucho porque estaba muy confuso para mí todavía,<br />

pero a medida que fue pasando el tiempo, fui entendiendo más<br />

el ecosistema y sobre todo qué problema solucionaba, fue ahí<br />

cuando todo me hizo click! A partir del 2021, empecé a investigar<br />

más a fondo del tema, buscando gente involucrada, proyectos y<br />

aplicaciones innovadoras.<br />

Decidí emprender en NFTs porque estoy convencido que mis socios<br />

y yo tenemos un proyecto bien estructurado y con mucho potencial<br />

de crecimiento, y que es algo que todavía no existe en Latinoamérica.<br />

Yo soy el responsable del desarrollo visual y de marca de Amigus<br />

Social Club. En pocas palabras, yo me encargo de que todo se vea<br />

bonito.<br />

En cuanto a Amigus, ¿cómo surgió la idea de amigus social club?<br />

“La idea de amigus surgio directamente del nombre de Gus Marcos,<br />

socio fundador. Recuerdo que habíamos salido de un meet con Gus<br />

y estaba hablando por teléfono con Julián para sacar el nombre de<br />

la colección. Se nos ocurrieron otros nombres pero eran horribles:<br />

Gusitos, Gusfrens, NFT México... haha pero son horribles cierto?...<br />

24<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

De repente, Julián exploto en el teléfono diciendome: “AMIGUS!!! Ese<br />

es!!!”. Me hizo clic instantaneo. No lo pensamos más y decidimos<br />

nombrar el proyecto como AMIGUS.” Dijo Ali Pizra.<br />

¿Qué son los Amigus?<br />

AMIGUS SOCIAL CLUB es una comunidad NFT de 6,888 miembros<br />

exclusivos que viven en la blockchain de Solana. El arte de cada pieza<br />

NFT es único y esta diseñado por talentosos artistas mexicanos.<br />

Cada uno es un coleccionable digital que ofrece utilidad a los<br />

dueños y desbloquea distintos beneficios según los assets de cada<br />

coleccionable.<br />

AMIGUS SOCIAL CLUB es un proyecto community-driven que<br />

representa la sinergia entre el mundo tradicional de Real Estate<br />

y la revolución tecnológica de crypto. Al mezclar estos mundos,<br />

nuestra visión es que Amigus Social Club se convierta en la primera<br />

colección que tenga un respaldo REAL en LATAM.<br />

En qué se diferencian los Amigus Social Club, en otros proyectos de<br />

NFTs? ¿Por qué deberían comprarlo/invertir?<br />

“La respuesta corta sería: debería comprarlo porque no quiere<br />

quedarse fuera hahaha”. Menciona Ali.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 25

“Más allá de todos los beneficios que daremos a nuestros holders,<br />

la respuesta a esa pregunta es nuestra comunidad. Liberamos el<br />

servidor de Discord hace apenas 4 días y el recibimiento que hemos<br />

tenido por parte de la comunidad es asombroso. Incluso, al día<br />

siguiente de liberar la discordia, la comunidad se organizo para<br />

hacer una fiesta. ¡La pasamos muy bien esa noche! Pero eso no es<br />

todo, lo mágico de todo es que fue virtual. Además, ese día tuvimos<br />

concursos y dinámicas para ganar accesos en nuestra whitelist.”<br />

dijo Ali.<br />

“Otro motivo de porque debería unirse a Amigus Social Club es<br />

porque representa una fuente de ingresos pasivos para usted. Uno<br />

de nuestros planes en el roadmap es construir un ecommerce de<br />

Amigus, y un porcentaje de las ganacias de esa tienda será repartida<br />

hacia nuestros holders. No querra perderse eso.” Agrego Ali.<br />

26<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

En su twitter comentan, que será el primer NFT en méxico con<br />

utilidad, esto quiere decir que si existe algún residente de otro país<br />

latinoamericano, ¿no tendrá la misma utilidad fuera de este?<br />

“Actualmente en nuestra comunidad de Discord tenemos personas<br />

de todo el mundo. En mi opinión, el futuro que promete blockchain no<br />

tiene barreras ni reconoce fronteras. Nosotros también apuntamos<br />

en esa dirección.” ”La razón por la que mencionamos que nuestros<br />

NFT tendrán utilidad en México es porque vemos a México como<br />

la capital de Amigus. Una vez que hayamos completado nuestro<br />

roadmap 1, tenemos planeado expandir nuestras utilidades a todo<br />

Latinoamerica y después, USA.”<br />

¿Tienen alguna fecha u trimestre donde les gustaría lanzar su<br />

colección?<br />

“Si, lanzaremos la venta pública antes de finalizar el Q1 de este año.<br />

No se lo puede perder”.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 27

Sabiendo que la comunidad latinoamericana tiene muy bajo<br />

conocimiento en NFTs/Crypto, ¿cual es la estrategia para que estas<br />

personas con conocimientos nulos, entiendan que hay detrás de<br />

todo ecosistema e inviertan en su proyecto?<br />

“No tenemos una estratagia persé ni una hoja de ruta mágica.<br />

Nuestro plan es bastante simple: Educar a las personas que quieran<br />

comprar un Amigus. En estos días estaremos lanzando una sección<br />

de tutoriales en nuestro Discord para ayudar a las personas que<br />

recién entran al ecosistema NFT”.<br />

“Mucha de nuestro compromiso en este momento esta en<br />

evangelizar esta tecnología y cultura. Estamos comprometidos<br />

con eso. De hecho, los mismos miembros de la comunidad han<br />

entendido a la perfección nuestro mensaje y puede hacer la prueba<br />

usted mismo. Lo invito a que se una a nuestro servidor y comente<br />

en el chat #general que usted es nuevo... Verá que los amigus se<br />

pondrán a su servicio y resolverán todas sus dudas.”<br />

¿Tienen algunas metas a largo plazo de aquí a uno o dos años?<br />

¿Cuáles son? O ¿Cuáles son las que más desean lograr?<br />

“Si. Una meta a mediano-largo plazo es empezar nuestra incursión<br />

en el metaverso. Estamos comprometidos con aportar nuestro<br />

granito de arena para que el Real Estate tenga vida en el metaverso<br />

y este vinculado a la vida real”<br />

Para finalizar, gracias se aproximan momentos asombrosos para la<br />

comunidad latina y mexicana, les deseamos el mejor de los futuros<br />

en su proyecto y que les<br />

vaya como tanto desean.<br />

¿Les gustaría añadir algo<br />

que no se haya discutido<br />

anteriormente?<br />

“Gracias a ustedes por<br />

el espacio, estamos<br />

emocionados de ver a los<br />

amigus en la primera fiesta<br />

privada que tendremos para<br />

miembros exclusivos”<br />

28<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

To begin with, it is always important to talk about the members of<br />

the project. Who are they? What do you do? How did you get into the<br />

world of NFT and why did you decide to undertake it? Contribution<br />

of each member to the project?<br />

Julian Medina C.<br />

I am passionate about design and technology. For some years I have<br />

been selling ultra-luxury real estate in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.<br />

Seller par excellence; From a very young age I started my path in<br />

sales, I have sold everything, from bread, food, clothing, printing<br />

products, cell phones, cars, to residences.<br />

Active CRYPTO investor since 2016, and around 2020, I first heard<br />

about the NFT world, but the truth is that I didn't get very involved<br />

because it was still very confusing for me, but as time went by, I<br />

understood more the ecosystem and above all what problem it<br />

solved, that was when everything clicked for me! Starting in 2021, I<br />

began to investigate the subject further, looking for people involved,<br />

projects and innovative applications.<br />

I decided to undertake NFTs because I am convinced that my<br />

partners and I have a well-structured project with a lot of growth<br />

potential, and that it is something that does not yet exist in Latin<br />

America.<br />

I am responsible for the visual and brand development of Amigus<br />

Social Club. In short, I make sure everything looks pretty.<br />

Regarding Amigus, how did the idea of amigus social club come<br />

about?<br />

“The idea of amigus arose directly from the name of Gus Marcos,<br />

founding partner. I remember that we had left a meet with Gus and<br />

he was on the phone with Julián to get the name of the collection. We<br />

came up with other names but they were horrible: Gusitos, Gusfrens,<br />

NFT México... haha but they are horrible, right?... Suddenly, Julián<br />

exploded on the phone telling me: “AMIGUS!!! That is!!!". It instantly<br />

clicked for me. We thought no more and decided to name the project<br />

AMIGUS.” Ali Pizarro said.<br />

What are the Friends?<br />

AMIGUS SOCIAL CLUB is an NFT community of 6,888 exclusive<br />

members living on the Solana blockchain. The art of each NFT piece<br />

is unique and designed by talented Mexican artists. Each one is a<br />

digital collectible that offers utility to owners and unlocks different<br />

benefits depending on the assets of each collectible.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 29

AMIGUS SOCIAL CLUB is a community-driven project that represents<br />

the synergy between the traditional world of Real Estate and the<br />

technological revolution of crypto. By blending these worlds, our<br />

vision is for Amigus Social Club to become the first collection that<br />

has a REAL endorsement in LATAM.<br />

How are the Amigus Social Club different from other NFT projects?<br />

Why should they buy/invest it?<br />

"The short answer would be: you should buy it because you don't<br />

want to be left out hahaha." Ali mentions.<br />

“Beyond all the benefits that we will give to our holders, the answer<br />

to that question is our community. We released the Discord server<br />

just 4 days ago and the reception we've had from the community is<br />

amazing. Even the day after discord was released, the community<br />

organized a party. We had a great time that night! But that's not all,<br />

the magic of it all is that it was virtual. In addition, that day we had<br />

contests and dynamics to gain access to our whitelist.” Ali said.<br />

“Another reason why you should join Amigus Social Club is because<br />

it represents a source of passive income for you. One of our plans in<br />

the roadmap is to build an Amigus ecommerce, and a percentage of<br />

the profits from that store will be distributed to our holders. You don't<br />

want to miss that." Ali added.<br />

On their twitter they comment, that it will be the first NFT in Mexico<br />

with utility, this means that if there is a resident of another Latin<br />

American country, will they not have the same utility outside of this<br />

one?<br />

“Currently in our Discord community we have people from all over the<br />

world. In my opinion, the future that blockchain promises is barrierfree<br />

and borderless. We also point in that direction.” ”The reason why<br />

we mention that our NFTs will be useful in Mexico is because we<br />

see Mexico as the capital of Amigus. Once we have completed our<br />

roadmap 1, we plan to expand our utilities to all of Latin America and<br />

then the USA.”<br />

Do you have any date or quarter where you would like to launch your<br />

collection?<br />

“Yes, we will launch the public sale before the end of Q1 this year.<br />

You can not miss it".<br />

Knowing that the Latin American community has very little<br />

knowledge of NFTs/Crypto, what is the strategy for these people<br />

30<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

with zero knowledge to understand what is behind the entire<br />

ecosystem and invest in your project?<br />

“We don't have a per se strategy or a magic road map. Our plan is<br />

quite simple: Educate people who want to buy an Amigus. These<br />

days we will be launching a tutorial section on our Discord to help<br />

people who are just entering the NFT ecosystem.<br />

“A lot of our commitment right now is evangelizing this technology<br />

and culture. We are committed to that. In fact, the community<br />

members themselves have fully understood our message and you<br />

can try it yourself. I invite you to join our server and comment in the<br />

#general chat that you are new... You will see that the friends will be<br />

at your service and will answer all your questions.”<br />

Do you have any long-term goals one or two years from now? Which<br />

are? Or which ones do you most want to achieve?<br />

"Yes. A medium-long term goal is to start our foray into the metaverse.<br />

We are committed to contributing our grain of sand so that Real<br />

Estate has life in the metaverse and is linked to real life”<br />

Finally, thank you, amazing moments are approaching for the Latino<br />

and Mexican community, we wish you the best future in your project<br />

and that it goes as you wish. Is there anything you would like to add<br />

that hasn't been discussed before?<br />

“Thanks to you for the space, we are excited to see the friends at the<br />

first private party we will have for exclusive members”<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 31


NFTgfx<br />


SOLANALYSIS 7D volume<br />

<strong>34</strong><br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

Opportunities/DAO Comparison<br />

The Astronaut @thexastronaut<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>34</strong> 35


SolsWatch<br />

36<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong>

Can’t get into Photo Finish?<br />

Try a DAO.<br />

Metaverse explains the benefits of joing a DAO and the perks that<br />

can come along with it.<br />

How to get started? @ClashBarndo takes you step by step in what to consider<br />

and how to go about it. Are you ready anon? (click to view)<br />

grapeprotocol<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> Is1ue #<strong>34</strong> 37

Pixeltoy<br />

AlphaDAO<br />

an open opportunity<br />

Three weeks out after the sell out of Alpha DAO:Pocket Rockets the project<br />

has been grinding away with an active team. Tell us a little bit about the<br />

team and what they bring to the project.<br />

Yea, so it’s been a journey from building, to mint, to sell out. I can see with<br />

absolute confidence I’m blessed to have a team with such great knowledge<br />

and abilities around me. For those wondering we consist of 6 team members,<br />

board members, and intend to expand this to about 9-13 as we grow.<br />

Ansel was the co-founder alongside me and works as our main dev<br />

experienced in metaplex, rust and so on.<br />

We have myself, Linkkzyy, and Toly who works mainly as marketing advisors,<br />

shitposters, creative direction, nft analysis.<br />

Techy works in UI/UX and has delivered some of the most enjoyable user<br />

experiences on Solana alongside the brand development of the faces you<br />

see every day!<br />

Lastly we have Bryce and Lauren both of which also assist in marketing,<br />

creative direction, nft analysis, networking.<br />

Bryce is the resident boomer and thus, the crypto gigabrain.<br />

As the project was building out the team partnered with some major<br />

projects including MoonRank and Proof of Consciousness. What can<br />

AlphaDAO members look forward to seeing in 2022?<br />

We don’t want to leak too much in the public eye because we want to reward<br />

our holders for their conviction. But 2022 is shaping up to be a big year for<br />

NFT’s and we intend to pioneer this.<br />

Moonrank has always been a dear friend of mine and someone I deeply<br />

respect and admire in the space so I couldn’t NOT partner with his service.<br />

Proof of Consciousness was honestly only the start for us this year after<br />

Angomons success, recently we assisted with the dev work for Botborgs<br />

launch, partnered with SolApe Finance, and are heading towards our launch<br />

for Plush Fight League.<br />

But we all love alpha, so here it is.<br />

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Our holders can look forward to a gated website and eventually a custom<br />

system designed by us, which will lock sections of websites behind NFT<br />

ownership.<br />

Right now we’re inspecting<br />

the possibility of building<br />

the boards launchpad. But<br />

a launchpad Built for<br />

pioneering the space, the<br />

projects launched through<br />

it would be those which<br />

innovate, those which push<br />

the boundaries, create new<br />

tech, new ideas.<br />

We also intend to begin arranging private AMA’s and interviews with some of<br />

the important figures, developers, VC’s and projects in the space.<br />

But that’s all the beans I’ll spill… Sorry team.<br />

The whole concept of AlphaDAO is a novel one that you have elaborated<br />

on in your medium explainer. How will the AlphaDAO advisory differ from<br />

others in the space that are established entities?<br />

This is one of my favourite questions.<br />

As of right now we see launchpads like Magic Eden taking 5-15% of mint and<br />

royalties for simple tech work, a twitter space and some promo.<br />

We see some people advising 11 projects at once as a single entity.<br />

So what makes us different? Better? More efficient?<br />

We’re humble. Every individual on our team has an independent strength and<br />

we tap into all these in order to assist projects fulfill their true potential.<br />

Unlike most services, we don’t take whatever is offered for money, we take<br />

what is doing something NEW for the space.<br />

Angomon, the first SOL NFT to have footage of a metaverse, PRE-mint.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 39

Plush Fight League, the first and best 3D platform fighter coming to<br />

Solana with an entire game studio behind it. PRE-Mint.<br />

Proof of consciousness, The first NFT on Solana to take the plunge<br />

into IRL integration. Functioning metaverse, PRE-mint. An IRL facility to<br />

hold events. PRE-mint. A legal entity and doxxed. PRE-mint.<br />

Our goal is not to give projects a mint-out on a platter, not to DO all the<br />

dev work for them, not to run their socials, not to run their discords.<br />

But to teach them how to do the dev work, how to market, how to gain<br />

interaction and assist them by giving them access to the network<br />

our team has. We work side by side and fairly intimately with the<br />

projects as best we can in order to help them grow and help them<br />

succeed independently POST- launch.<br />

Let’s talk about roadmap.<br />

The roadmaps are always a fun part of our discussion internally.<br />

We said this in the medium article but genuinely believe in the<br />

idea that we intend to pioneer space and we want our community<br />

to have a say in how we proceed with this.<br />

That means we could plan to do something, but before we get<br />

there it’s already been done.<br />

So the vision changes and we find something else the ecosystem<br />

needs built or assistance with.<br />

In-terms of rewarding our holders, airdrops are something we<br />

want to frequent, be it a big set of some art, some free stuff we’ve<br />

gotten, whitelists, if we see value in it you can bet it’ll go to some<br />

holders.<br />

Discounted services are definitely a big part of the future, eventually<br />

I believe our community will reach a point of knowledge and<br />

demand that holders having discounted access to our services,<br />

assuming their project pass’s our standards or innovation, will be<br />

amazing.<br />

But even further than that, services that affect everyday life,<br />

collaboration with a coffee brand to get cheaper coffee or<br />

free coffee. Things like this are MY biggest goal and dream<br />

with this project.<br />

January seems to be a big focus on building the<br />

integrity of the Discord. How does the team see<br />

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the Discord working as the project begins to pick up steam?<br />

I think we’ve definitely experienced some rocky terrain as we are an<br />

EXTREMELY long-term oriented project and many may have misassumed<br />

that when they minted.<br />

However, as time has passed and more knowledge has been shared,<br />

the sentiment has swiftly shifted and many community members<br />

are constantly offering ideas for improvement, things we can build,<br />

projects with potential and THIS is our true goal.<br />

We will continue to work and we will deliver, unfortunately time<br />

can always be a gap requiring a bridge, but through thick and thin<br />

Alpha DAO will always build.<br />

We’re still awaiting the completion of our Squads set-up, but<br />

we’re excited for the future and functionality of that service.<br />

For people sitting on the fence about getting in early on Alpha<br />

DAO what would be the best way to explain the pros and cons<br />

about joining up now?<br />

It’s simple to me. SOL’s sitting at $90 USD right now and the<br />

Pocket Rocket floor is sitting at 0.4-0.7 SOL.<br />

For 45-60 dollars, or 2-3 take-away meals you can enter a<br />

project with true ambition, real goals, and dedicated team<br />

members.<br />

Even if you’re not in this for the long-term, even if you’re a<br />

flipper, I’m not asking people to put faith in the art or faith in<br />

the value of Solana or a bet on the value of the floor rising.<br />

But rather faith in a team of experienced people, a team of<br />

dedicated people and a team that won’t be leaving.<br />

A bet worth $45-60 USD that will still be paying itself back in<br />

more ways than dollar signs for years to come.<br />

Linkkzzy, thanks for your time today. I am sure the #Shill<br />

readers have something to seriously consider given this<br />

interview and what AlphaDAO is offering.<br />

Follow @TheAlphaDAO on twitter<br />

and tweet at us about how you<br />

want to change the ecosystem<br />

for a chance to win an NFT.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 41











an interview with<br />

Shill has managed to sit with such a talented artist in the Solana NFT<br />

space. Keezerfeld hails from Los Angeles and has been in the space<br />

for some time now. Grinding away.<br />

Keezerfeld, thank you for this opportunity. Can we start with<br />

‘Keezerfeld’ the monicker of your NFTs. What does it mean? WHO<br />

is Keezerfeld?<br />

Thank you for taking the time Pixeltoy, I’m a big fan of your zine and<br />

what you’ve managed to do for the culture of art on Solana.<br />

In terms of Keezerfeld the name, it’s a name that embodies my<br />

desire to continue to experiment and push the limits of my artistic<br />

expression. The name itself is sort of an amalgamation of a playful<br />

odd name and a more proper weighted sir name combined to<br />

create Keezerfeld, a balanced mix of playfulness and seriousness…<br />

although I prefer to go by Keez at times.<br />

Shill first came across your NFT series via a Twitter Spaces. I was<br />

intrigued by your story. Can you explain how you ended up in the<br />

NFT space? What led you to creating NFTs?<br />

I’ve been a large-scale thrash expressionist artist for quite some<br />

time. My art was so large though it made it challenging at times<br />

to get it out to the masses beyond small groups of collectors and<br />

spaces that would exhibit the work. When I first heard about NFTs<br />

over a year ago I was immediately intrigued and so I spent 6 months<br />

just sort of understanding them a bit more, experimenting with<br />

ETH, although I wasn’t too fond of ETH, I believe the gas fees are<br />

preventative of proper innovation and exploration as an artist and<br />

I also found it to be oppressive to collectors and fans who want to<br />

engage with the work. When I discovered Solana over the summer I<br />

knew I had to start minting my work on this blockchain …at least to<br />

start. And I haven’t quite left :)...more to come on this story below.<br />

Your artworks are physical pieces. You describe them as ‘thrash<br />

expressionist’. How long have you been developing your style and<br />

what can a collector expect from a piece?<br />

All my NFTs start as a large scale abstract physical piece. I’ll never<br />

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put out work that doesn’t start as a thrash expressionist painting.<br />

In terms of what thrash expressionism is, it’s something I’ve sort of<br />

coined as an expressionist style that goes a bit deeper in that I try<br />

to transfer energy into my work through manipulation of canvas and<br />

paint in very non-traditional ways. I never paint with paint brushes<br />

and only paint with tools, found objects, toys or thematic objects and<br />

make it a goal to apply paint through confident motion and let the<br />

chaos and mistakes continue to evolve until a piece is fully realized.<br />

I also manipulate the canvas and apply other experiments between<br />

paint and canvas to give each physical work its own style in which<br />

the viewer can truly feel the energy emanating from the work. In<br />

terms of my NFTS. I usually bring a painting into the digital space<br />

and at times will create a set of work in which I meticulously color<br />

calibrate 1 of 1’s that go into a set. The pieces are so large, have so<br />

much detail and so much latitude that I enjoy allowing folks to own<br />

alternate realities /colorways of the original.<br />

Your website, https://www.keezerfeld.com/, is a great landing page<br />

for the uninitiated. So much information. As Shill dug deeper it<br />

was apparent that you have been quite prolific in art. Looking at<br />

‘excerpts’ you have well over 9 collections/themes.<br />

Thank you I’m glad the work is resonating. My landing page is<br />

currently displaying “The legend of Keezerfeld” an 8 part drop I did<br />

from September -December of 2021. To continue the story of my<br />

foray into Solana…it was impossible to mint when I entered the<br />

space unless you had a dev team, everyone was obsessed with pfps<br />

and ‘utility’...I discovered Solsea and minted on it the first day it was<br />

available. As I was new to nfts in general I sold my 8 drops through<br />

a private email list called the ‘Keez List’ because I love the idea of<br />

taking this Discord-centric medium and putting it through the snail<br />

mail of web3…EMAIL…some people didn’t fully understand it but my<br />

collectors enjoyed the uniqueness of it all and the original collectors<br />

or #OGKEEZ as they’ve self-proclaimed … the series as a whole is<br />

an 8 part series composed of 8 original paintings, each 1 explores a<br />

different theme when I painted the originals that are tied to my life<br />

and the lives of those that collect them ( 1Time , 2Mental Models,<br />

3Physical Pain, 4 Overcoming weakness, 5 Friendship, 6 Pushing<br />

beyond, 7Love, & 8 Finality). I’m super grateful to all of my collectors<br />

that took a chance on me and this series in a time when not much<br />

art was filtering to Sol, I currently have collectors on 5 continents…<br />

which still blows my mind.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 57

Particularly striking are your TQC series of works. Confusion. Pain.<br />

A sense of feeling lost. How did these pieces evolve?<br />

Thank you for diving into these, this is a 9-part mural series I created<br />

over the first 9 weeks of the pandemic. When we were all locked<br />

down in our homes at the beginning, I had to change my painting<br />

style and what materials I could use because we were inside all the<br />

time. I found it important to sort of document every week of what<br />

was going on with our psyches during the lock down so we could<br />

look back and remember the initial couple months and how we went<br />

from normal to the new normal. I hope to display these 9 pieces IRL<br />

they are among some of my favorite works and they required me<br />

to really continue to shake up my style and push myself especially<br />

when there were shortages of materials I found myself just going to<br />

the pharmacy and working with crayons and whatever I could find at<br />

some points. There’s a larger story here to be told …. More to come<br />

on these soon!<br />

For those interested in collecting fine art NFTs where can yours be<br />

found and how can people be alerted to new pieces being listed?<br />

The best thing collectors can do is message me on twitter…interacting<br />

with my collectors is my favorite thing. My works these days can be<br />

found on Exchange.art<br />

I have a new series called “DEOS NOVOS” which is a super cool series<br />

, and really explores the rules laws and limitations that govern our<br />

lives in today’s modern society through the prism of Greek mythology<br />

…the original painting itself is a massive 5 ft piece where this eternal<br />

being really came through the imagery…the work is extremely rich.<br />

Folks can always reach out to me if they have questions on it.<br />

I look forward to putting out new work soon!<br />



Shill notes that you have been collaborating with other well-known<br />

Solana artists of late. How is this process working?<br />

It’s really amazing, some super talented artists have been hitting me<br />

up recently and so I’m super honored to find ways to collaborate.<br />

As a physical artist I never really gave much thought to collabs but<br />

digital and nfts has really democratized visual art in a whole new<br />

way so it’s super cool to where artists have taken my works - my first<br />

collab ever is with IIIso_wassup aka Ghostlord… I’m just a big fan of<br />

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his style and also his voice on twitter. I believe the voice of an artist<br />

especially in digital is also part of the essence of the work and I just<br />

find his to be really on point.<br />

Keezerfeld it has been a pleasure having interviewed you for Shill<br />

zine. I look forward to further pieces that you create and can only<br />

see great success for your art as the ecosystem expands.<br />

Thank you for exploring my work, super grateful to the community<br />

and my collectors for embracing it and I’m excited for what the<br />

future holds.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>34</strong> 59




cavpatrol<br />



















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