Forest Pouques

The naughty pouques decided to visit Year 1 at Forest Primary school in Guernsey. Read all about the visit. The children could see them but the adults couldn't.

The naughty pouques decided to visit Year 1 at Forest Primary school in Guernsey. Read all about the visit. The children could see them but the adults couldn't.


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By Guernsey Gwen

Introduction<br />

<strong>Pouques</strong> are members of the fairy folk in the Channel Islands. Each<br />

island has its own colony of pouques who like to live underground.<br />

They are very tiny, about the size of toddlers and like to wear hats and<br />

green clothes.<br />

Only children can see and hear pouques. These fairy folk are quite<br />

mischievous, but they do have a kind heart. If you ask them their<br />

name, they will always say Jean Petit as they will never tell a human<br />

their real name.<br />

<strong>Pouques</strong> are shape shifters and can change into animals and rocks.<br />

Adults can see them as animals, and they are often coloured with<br />

green or orange fur or feathers which is a big clue that they have<br />

changed shape.<br />

The Guernsey pouques speak Guernsey French and you will come<br />

across then speaking this language in the book. Look at the bottom of<br />

that page for a translation.

<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Pouques</strong><br />

An adventure especially written for Year 1 at FOREST School.<br />

The <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Pouques</strong> lived underground in the area behind the sports<br />

field next to <strong>Forest</strong> School. Le Grand Colin and La Grande Mabelle<br />

pouque were not allowed any visitors because they were selfisolating<br />

due to a sickness that was spreading amongst the fairy<br />

population. These older pouques needed to avoid everyone so that<br />

they didn't catch the sickness, which was caused by a tiny germ<br />

called a virus. The virus looked like a crown and so its nickname was<br />

coronavirus. It didn't seem to harm young pouques very much, so<br />

they were very bored stuck underground not able to talk to or visit<br />

any of the older pouques.<br />

P’tite Jeanne turned to her brother, P’tit Jean, “What can we do? I<br />

want to get out and play.”<br />

“Hmm,” the young pouque thought for a minute, “shall we go and<br />

visit <strong>Forest</strong> school and play some tricks on the children?”<br />

“Yeh! That’s a great idea,” smiled P’tite Jeanne, and a mischievous<br />

grin appeared on her face.

The two pouques set off across the sports field and headed towards<br />

the school.<br />

“It’s going to be extra difficult to play a trick on the children,” said<br />

P’tit Jean, “because they can see us.”<br />

“Ah ha, but the adults can't,” replied his sister, “and that will make it<br />

more fun!”<br />

The first place they reached when they got to the back of the school<br />

was the playground.<br />

“Wheeee,” they shouted with glee as they played on all the<br />

equipment. “This is fun!”<br />

The playground was deserted as all the children were in lessons so<br />

the pouques didn't take too long to get bored.<br />

“Come on, let’s go and find some humans,” said P’tit Jean.

The young pouques enjoyed playing on the playground equipment

The two pouques cautiously opened the back door and walked along<br />

the corridor until they got to the reception. The receptionist Mrs<br />

Jones couldn’t, of course, see them. She was sat in her office when<br />

the main school front door opened slowly then slammed shut. Mrs<br />

Jones looked up puzzled. Then it happened again.<br />

“Oh dear,” she thought, “it must be the wind,” and she got up to<br />

have a look.

The reception at <strong>Forest</strong> school. Can you spot both pouques?

There in the doorway, to her great surprise, were two orange cats<br />

with green collars and a green tip on their tail and paws.<br />

“Here, kitty, kitty, come on, come to me,” she said and walked<br />

towards the cats.<br />

The two naughty pouque cats ran off towards the headteacher’s<br />

office. Mrs Jones followed them. The two cats stopped at a slightly<br />

open door just the other side of the school office and looked up.<br />

The sign said Mrs Sullivan.<br />

They tiptoed through the door. The receptionist didn’t see them do<br />

this and called out to the cats for another couple of minutes and<br />

then gave up. She went back to her office thinking that the cats must<br />

have gone back out again as the school front door was slightly open.<br />

Mrs Sullivan was working at her desk. The two cats padded very<br />

softly towards her and slipped under the desk. There was a knock at<br />

the door. It was Mrs Naftel, the Year 1 teacher, with Harry:<br />

“Come in,” said Mrs Sullivan.<br />

They both entered into the office.

The two cats entered the headteacher’s office

The pouques had, by this time, changed back into themselves,<br />

climbed on the desk and were sitting on the edge waggling their legs<br />

with their arms crossed and staring at Mrs Naftel and Harry as they<br />

walked in.<br />

“Hello Mrs Sullivan,” said Mrs Naftel, “I have brought Harry to see<br />

you because he has tried really hard with his writing this week and it<br />

is very neat.”<br />

The adults couldn’t see the pouques, but Harry could. P’tite Jeanne<br />

pulled out her tongue and P’tit Jean pulled a funny face. Harry stared<br />

and the corners of his mouth started to rise up. He coughed to stop<br />

himself laughing. P’tit Jean then did a buncho and landed on top of<br />

Mrs Sullivan’s head. P’tite Jeanne did a perfect swirl and all the

papers on the desk went flying. The two adults looked surprised, and<br />

Harry couldn’t hold on for any longer and burst out giggling. Mrs<br />

Naftel looked at Harry sternly.<br />

“That was not funny,” she said crossly. “Now come and help pick up<br />

this paper.”<br />

Well, Harry couldn't wait to get back to the Year 1 classroom so he<br />

could tell all his friends what had happened in the headteacher’s<br />

office. He rushed past the reception class and waved at his sisters<br />

Charlotte and Emma. By the time he arrived, the pouques had made<br />

it there first.<br />

“It is numeracy now,” said Mrs Naftel, and asked the children to get<br />

out their exercise books. “We are going to do a test on the number<br />

bonds of 20.”<br />

Mrs Naftel put the first question on the board. It said, What do we<br />

need to add to 5 to make 20? The pouques stood on the front table<br />

and waved at the children. They all giggled.<br />

“Children!” exclaimed Mrs Naftel, “this is a test, be quiet!”<br />

The children looked at the teacher. Then they looked at the pouques.

The pouques helped the children do their times tables with Mrs<br />


P’tit Jean had 1 finger up and P’tite Jeanne had 5 fingers up. The<br />

children grinned and wrote down 15. Mrs Naftel was very surprised<br />

that the children seemed to know the answer almost immediately<br />

after she had finished saying it - they didn't even need to think. The<br />

two pouques proceeded to give the correct answers to the children<br />

for every question in the test. The LSA adults, Vicky, and Mrs O’Hara,<br />

and the teacher and went around the class looking at the answers<br />

that the children had written. Every single child had got 100% in<br />

record time.<br />

“Well,” said Mrs Naftel most delighted. “Every single child may have<br />

a special sticker.”<br />

The pouques put their thumbs up and the children smiled and did a<br />

high five with each other.

It was soon playtime and the children<br />

loved playing with the pouques outside<br />

in the playground. They just couldn't<br />

catch the pouques when they played<br />

tag though, because both pouques kept<br />

changing into a Gros bec and flew over<br />

their heads as the children tried to tag<br />

them.<br />

Before they started next lesson, the teacher told the class that they<br />

were going to repeat some Guernsey French.<br />

“How do we say Hi?” she asked.<br />

P’tite Jeanne shouted out Warro! to the children. They all repeated it<br />

back to Mrs Naftel and she was very pleased.<br />

“Now something much harder. Would you like to ask how are you?”<br />

the teacher asked the class.<br />

This time P’tit Jean yelled out,“Coum tchi qu’l’affaire va?”

He pronounced it carefully and slowly for the children. Kawm tcheek<br />

lahhffair vahh? They copied him and pronounced it beautifully. Mrs<br />

Naftel, Vicky and Mrs O’Hara were just amazed.<br />

“That was fantastic children. You can all have another special<br />

sticker,” said the teacher.<br />

The two pouques went around the class and did a high five with each<br />

child. The adults watched the children slap the air and looked at each

other most puzzled at this strange behaviour. The next lesson was<br />

drawing.<br />

“Now we are going to draw some pouques,” said Mrs Naftel, “and I<br />

want you to use your imagination.<br />

P’tite Jeanne and P’tit Jean were delighted. They went around to<br />

each table and posed for the children in lots of different, funny<br />

positions. The children loved it and scribbled away all lesson<br />

colouring in and making their drawings look really great. At the end<br />

of the lesson Jo went and collected in all the drawings. All the adults<br />

looked at the pictures in amazement. They were all very, very similar.<br />

How could that be? The children were using their imagination.

How could they all be imagining the same things? Jo looked around<br />

the room quite suspiciously.<br />

She stopped and stared exactly where the two pouques were<br />

standing. The pouques stared back and the children gasped.<br />

“Do you think that she can see the pouques?” asked Florence to<br />

Isabella………….<br />

You will have to wait for a new instalment next week to find out<br />

when the pouques come back another day and Mrs Thomson and<br />

Mrs Lowin are in the class.<br />

Buncho - somersault<br />

Gros bec – sparrow<br />

Warro! - Hello!<br />

Coum tchi qu’l’affaire va?” - How are you?<br />

www.pouques.gg<br />


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