SHILL Issue 54

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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The project did not progress over time and he claimed not to have any responsibility for being just an

advisor, again. These projects presented websites with cool designs, fuzzy words & no real features,

multiple similar projects launched through Solaland, very suspicious.

Trying to find the needle in the haystack, his w(DyNxp) receives 6050 sol in multiple transactions from

6WTAavJk9PuheNqkjTdBegrMdCdhTribxsmhA9FdiD6H This is Solaland wallet due to the amount &

frequency of transactions from this wallet to Jaburs & Solaland partner projects.

Solaland’s wallet received 5,893 sol distributed in 538 transactions, of which 4606 sol were transferred to

Jabur’s wallet, approximately 78% of Solaland profits. Jabur claimed that he only owned 10-15% of the

company. But the blockchain says otherwise, it doesn’t lie.

Why is it important to prove that Jabur owns Solaland? Because he uses the company to launder the

money Solaland offers services for staking, airdrop tools, bots, discord verification tools, offering all-in

one ponzinomics needed for a project.

I can’t say for sure how many collections he’s released, but it’s a little strange to see SEVERAL solaland

customers with the same roadmap, over and over. My guess is that there are more projects of his than

we think of. Let’s see his next project launch I know it’s his.

There was this project @DeRug_NFT that rugged through his launchpad, he offered new art to derug

the project, but later this project died and never used the art he proposed to derug. (post is from web


Oh look @RichPanthers_ is minting soon! https://richpanthers.com

-Do you recognize the prior NFT in the post from Jabur? -What is that at the bottom of their website?

What a coincidence that @SolaLandHQ is a launching partner.

So this is how it works

Jabur creates new collections, mints and negotiates with himself the value of Solaland services.. and

receives approx. 78% of this amount in the form of profits from Solaland, based on prior historical revenue

share out of Solaland’s wallet (6WTAa). Funny how he claims to own 10% of Solaland and that’s what he

has shared with projects he rugged he was publicly associated, when the blockchain tells otherwise. He

used to personally manage all these social media accounts, so I wouldn’t trust a thing these accounts

postFunny how he claims to own 10% of Solaland and that’s what he has shared with projects he rugged

he was publicly associated, when the blockchain tells otherwise. He used to personally manage all these

social media accounts, so I wouldn’t trust a thing these accounts post.

This is how now Jabur launches NFT projects and converts the mint into profit without associating the

collection with his name.

@jaburx since then has deleted the profile to get rid of all the evidence that was in there that connects

him with all his rugs in the space.

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