SHILL Issue 73

Solana ecosystem magazine.

Solana ecosystem magazine.


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Value Proposition Ecosystem<br />

• Trait based perks (See whitepaper for details)<br />

• Revenue share from pre-mint platform (details TBD)<br />

• Revenue share from doxxing services (details TBD)<br />

Below is an outline of the ecosystem of value for our holders and new projects. As you can see the PengPad will be the<br />

driving force that serves both stakeholders. Although holding a Pengsol grants you access to the platform, in order to mint<br />

or pre-mint, you need ICE-T. The projects that use pre-mint will pay us in Solana and our community will pay with ICE-T<br />

(they receive ICE-T from staking). Long term, our goal is to open specific features of the platform to the public (holders will<br />

still have an advantage) and this will drive further value to ICE-T (if you want to use the platform but don’t hold a Pengsol<br />

you will need to buy ICE-T).<br />

Partnerships Strategy<br />

Our goal is to be the go to platform for all investors and projects. In order for us to do this, we will need to create long<br />

term scalable relationships with other projects and companies that are working towards innovating the nft space. Imagine,<br />

seeing “pre-mint” with Pengsol on every launchpad in the ecosystem. Imagine having a team of advisors across the ecosystem<br />

talking about Pengsol in all of their discussions with new founders. Here is an outline of the partners and advisors<br />

we have in place and a list of projects we would love to chat with about a potential partnership.<br />

Current Partners

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