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the hallway I came from.

I bolt through the living room, then the kitchen, and towards the door

that leads into the backside of the hallway. Praying that he didn’t stay in

the hallway, I fling open the door to find it empty. At least within five feet

of me, I can’t see past the darkness beyond that.

Heading straight for the sunroom, I barrel through the door and find him

already there, leaning against the door that I need to escape out of.

I skid on my feet, hal ng my momentum before I crash right into his

wai ng arms. I back up, chest heaving and mind racing.

He tsks. “You’re very predictable, li le mouse. We're going to have to

work on that.”

I just stand there, frozen in place as I process the fact that I won’t be

able to get out of this house. He’s incredibly fast, but the scariest part is

that I didn’t hear a single fucking footstep from him. I sounded like an

elephant and he was quieter than a mouse.

“You’re not touching me,” I hiss, my voice wobbly and rife with unshed


“A deal is a deal, li le mouse.” He looks up at the night sky. “It is

beau ful in here. I think it’s only fi ng that the punishment occurs here,

don’t you think? It feels like we’ve come full circle.”

Growling, I finally force my body into ac on and run right back down the

hallway towards the stairs.

Maybe I can find a spot to hide again. Somewhere he won’t find me this

me. My mind turns over every possibility as I swing myself around the

banister and charge up the steps.

A whisper of wind brushes against the back of my thighs, and when I

glance behind me, I see him right on my heels.

I let loose another scream, quickening my steps. I make it up the stairs

and barrel down the hallway, my despera on and pure panic clouding my

head. I can’t think, I can only act.

I’m halfway down the hallway before a steel arm bands around my waist

and li s me up.

“NO!” I scream, kicking at air as I fight his hold.

“Oh yes, baby,” he growls, swinging our bodies towards the wall. I grunt

from the impact, leaning my back against the wall and using it as leverage

to kick against the bastard of a man.

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