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Chapter 41

The Shadow

ou ready for tonight?” Jay asks in my ear.

“I’ve been ready,” I answer easily as I pull up to the gentlemen’s


club, Savior’s. The Society choosing this club as the front for an

underground dungeon must be their version of a sick sense of humor.

I slip the earpiece out of my ear, stuff it in my inner suit jacket, and then

make my way up to the entrance.

The outside of the building is like any other high-priced strip club—a

marble black monstrosity that drips money and power. The security guard

standing outside of the doors gives me a once-over, before pu ng me

through the customary what’s your name and let me check your asshole.

Cough once.

Unlike Detec ve Fingers, this one actually manages to keep his hands in

the safe zone and lets me through without a hitch.

For obvious reasons, I’m not permi ed to carry firearms on me. But that

won’t be an issue.

A er Mark confessed the loca on, several of my men were able to

infiltrate the security detail hired for this club.

Powerful men and women certainly wouldn’t be showing up to kill

children if they didn’t feel protected while doing so.

Security is required to carry firearms, and I have it on good authority

that some of them might let me borrow a gun or two when the me


Just like when I was here last me, when I walk into the club, it feels like

walking through a portal to hell. It's s fling in here, the air so full of

depravity and sickness that it's a physical weight on my shoulders.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I feel like I need a goddamn gas mask.

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