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Chapter 32

The Shadow

ibby took the fall for the murders.

A er chopping the bodies into pieces and loading them in the trunk,


we sat on the hood of my Mustang, where I was once again reminded

just how broken this doll actually is. Sounds like her father was a piece of


Can’t help but muse over the fact that she has a reason to end up the

way she did and I… don’t.

Just as I was ge ng into my car, the cops pulled up. Sibby refused to get

in, insis ng that she needed to stay with her henchmen. Men who don’t

actually fucking exist.

And I didn’t have me to stay and argue. I had chopped up pieces of

body parts in my trunk and needed to not only get away from the police

but dispose of the evidence without ge ng caught.

So, I le . The police chased me for five miles before I lost them. I have

backup license plates on hand, so once I got to a safe area, I changed my

plates and clothing, burnt the evidence, and drove home.

There are one hundred and sixty-two people in Sea le with the same

make and model, but they’ll never be able to pin anything on me even if

they magically narrowed it down to me.

In the end, the police pinned the murders on a mentally unstable girl

and an unknown accomplice. I figured the Society would look into the

crime and find an unknown accomplice suspicious. Enough to up and


But a er looking into Sibby myself, I found that she was born into a

fucked-up cult and wanted for the murder of her father.

Her father rivaled Jim Jones, spou ng about being God’s disciple and

tricking hundreds of people into believing in his word.

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