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I would rather just off myself than trick Addie into loving me as a good

man, just to break both of our hearts when she realizes I’m not a good man

at all.

So, my obsession with her is just… is what it is.

ME: Well, that’s pretty judgy, don’t ya think? Your greatgrandmother

loved her stalker last time I checked.

She’s going to be pissed when she sees that I snooped through her greatgrandmother’s


Smiling, I pull up the camera feed of her house on my phone and click

through un l I find Addie si ng on her bed, staring at her phone. I was

alerted when she took out the camera in her bedroom, and it wasn’t hard

to sneak in while she was out and set up my own. Though I can’t see her

face very well, it doesn’t take a telescope to see she’s glaring holes into the


She’s pre y fun when she’s angry.

Her thumbs start moving a mile a minute, and I can’t help but laugh

when she slam dunks the phone on her pillow a er she hits send.

My phone buzzes a second later.

ADDIE: He tricked her, just like what you’re trying to do to me. And

then he killed her. Just like I’m sure you’ll eventually try to do too.

I roll my eyes at her drama cs and hit the call bu on.

She picks up the phone but doesn’t speak. I hear her breathing so ly

through the receiver, and I wish I were there to lick her pulse. To feel it

drumming against my tongue.

I love that I scare her.

“You done being drama c?” I ask, le ng her hear the amusement in my


She huffs, and I can picture the scowl on her face. My cock hardens in

my jeans, swelling to the point of pain in a ma er of seconds.

“Drama c? You think Gigi being murdered by her stalker is drama c? Do

you think being stalked at all is something to take lightly?”

“Well, of course not,” I reply. “People die all the me from crazed


My honesty stuns her into silence.

“Addie, baby, you’re smart for being scared. Very smart. But why would I

want you to fall in love with something fake?”

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