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It’s hard not to, though. These assholes bring out the worst in me.

“Overrode the cameras. You have one hour before the system resets,

and I’m kicked out,” Jay informs.

I only need ten minutes.

Keeping to the shadows, I make my way through the hallway and peek

around the corner. There are thin cots sca ered across about a thousand

square feet of space. Each cot is accompanied by a metal pole installed

from the ground up. Each girl is chained to the poles by a metal collar that

prevents them from moving only a couple of feet from their cots.

I flex my fists, ghtening them un l my hands go numb.

I pull my gun out of the back of my jeans.

Once they no ce the first man is down, the rest will open fire, which is

why I need to be careful and quick.

Whether they’re going to be careless about the girls is impossible to say.

The men know the risk if their leaders find out a virgin girl was killed. That

means money taken out of someone’s pockets and their head on a stake to

set an example.

But some of these men care more about their own lives, even if it means

they’re walking around with a hit on their head.

Just as Jay said, three men stand guard in front of me, completely

unaware of my presence.

Stupid fucks.

I’ll never understand how people can’t sense danger when it’s right up

their assholes.

Shit boggles me.

In one quick succession, I take out all three men. Their bodies drop, and

a few of the girls jump. Some cry and hunker down, while others stay

deathly silent. A normal reac on for a li le girl would be to scream, but

these girls have already been desensi zed to murder.

The five men in the pit of girls turn their heads in tandem, their faces

morphing from surprise to alarm to anger in a ma er of seconds.

Immediately, they scramble for their guns.

My body is s ll concealed by the wall I’m hiding behind. Two of them

open fire, forcing me to back away. One bullet skids across the corner of

the wall, right past my face. Chunks of concrete fly into my eyes as more

bullets ping around me. I grunt, rubbing at my lids to clear my vision.

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