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No one on the other side of the house, either.

There could easily be someone watching me in the woods, but I have no

way of knowing with it being so dark. Not unless I go out there and search


And as much as I love horror films, I have no interest in starring in one.

Greyson joins me on the porch, his own eyes scanning the trees.

There’s someone watching me. I can feel it. I’m as sure of it as I am

about the existence of gravity.

Chills run down my spine, accompanied by a burst of adrenaline. It’s the

same feeling I get when I watch a scary movie. It begins with the beat of

my heart, then a heavy weight se les deep in my stomach, eventually

sinking to my core. I shi , not en rely comfortable with the feeling right


Huffing, I rush back into the house and up the steps. Greyson trails

behind me. I don’t no ce he’s in the middle of undressing as he walks

down the hallway un l he steps into my room a er me. When I turn, he’s

stark naked.

“Seriously?” I bite out. What a fucking idiot. Someone just banged on my

door like the wood personally put a splinter in their ass, and he’s

immediately ready to pick up where he le off. Slurping on my neck like

one would slurp jello out of a container.

“What?” he asks incredulously, splaying his arms out to his sides.

“Did you not just hear what I heard? Someone was banging on my door,

and it was kind of scary. I’m not in the mood to have sex right now.”

What happened to chivalry? I would think a normal man would ask if I’m

okay. Feel out how I’m feeling. Maybe try to make sure I’m nice and relaxed

before s cking their dick inside me.

You know, read the fucking room.

“You serious?” he ques ons, anger sparking in his brown eyes. They’re a

shi y color, just like his shi y personality and even shi er stroke game.

The dude gives fish a run for their money, the way he flops when he fucks.

Might as well lay out naked in the fish market—he’d have a be er chance

of finding someone to take him home. That person is not going to be me.

“Yes, I’m serious,” I say with exaspera on.

“Goddammit, Addie,” he snaps, angrily swiping up a sock and pu ng it

on. He looks like an idiot—completely naked save for a single sock because

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