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Cracking my neck, I take another deep, calming breath. My temper got

the best of me. I’m not usually a reac ve person, but I’ve already accepted

the fact that my li le mouse brings out new feelings in me, too.

“How many women have you hurt, Archie?” I ask, licking my lips and

circling his body un l I disappear from view.

It’s an in mida on tac c for the weak-minded. Makes them nervous

when I vanish behind them for that brief moment. Their minds get away

from them as they an cipate what I’m going to do. And then they get a

li le relief when they see me again.

Just to repeat the process.

It’s torture in itself. Not knowing if I’m going to strike. Or when.

“Do not call me Archie,” he snaps, seething as I stand behind him. He’s


I circle back to the front and his shoulders loosen, just an inch.

“You’re evading the ques on, Archie,” I point out, deliberately using the

name. He snarls at my defiance but doesn’t reply.

His mother always called him Archie. Up un l she died of breast cancer

when he was ten years old. That’s when his father lost it and started

dealing drugs to make money to pay off all the medical bills and funeral


He raised his children to be cold and ruthless, and Archie here never let

anyone call him by his mother’s nickname without stabbing them.

He’s stabbed a lot of people for calling him that name, including his best

friend Max. His buddy complained about it a me or two in a bar Jay


“Don’t make me ask again,” I warn, my voice lowering to convey just how

serious I am.

“I don’t know,” he shouts, frustrated. “A couple, I guess. The fuck does it

ma er?”

“I read up on your ex-wife,” I say, ignoring the stupid fucking ques on.

“You beat her so badly, she was barely recognizable when she was taken to

the hospital. Evidence indicated that you broke a tequila bo le against her

face and then stabbed her with it. Not to men on the countless broken

bones and bruises. You nearly killed her.”

Archie sniffs, not the slightest bit of remorse reflec ng in his cold eyes.

The narcissis c assholes never are. Somehow, they twist it in their head

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